00:30h Clashes in Tripoli airport, Zentan refused to hand it over.
***NATO can’t fight without US:
Virtually all of 7,700 bombs and missiles dropped or fired on #Libya were American.
The report, completed in late February by NATO’s Joint Analysis and Lessons Learned Center, stays silent on the controversies of the bombing campaign, including
numerous civilian deaths in NATO attacks and alleged failures to assist refugee boats in distress.
Fred Abrahams, a special adviser for Human Rights Watch, said the report was consistent with the alliance’s refusal to acknowledge clear mistakes and revealed a “
willful decision not to look at civilian casualties.”
The report also overlooks some tactical details. For example, it states that NATO had no “boots on the ground,” in line with the
UN Security Council resolution which explicitly forbid the alliance carrying out a ground operation in Libya.[ Even if they do not admit, we have plenty evidence of foreign boots on the ground...] But the document did not disclose
who provided forward air control, helping to guide air strikes from the ground. Source
Hmm...I wonder who those might be? |
NATO mercenaries taking souvenir photos of themselves in Libya |
***UN's twisted logic- approve the bombing of Libya, cause refugee problem and then employ UNHCR to address it...
Sirte destroyed by NATO bombing |
Sirte- Some 20,000 residents remain displaced, unable to return to their homes in a city that probably suffered more material damage than any other in Libya last year.
Almost 75,000 people remain internally displaced within Libya, mostly from Misrata and Sirte as well as the town of Tawergha and the Nafousa Mountains.
NATO mercenaries from Misurata played football while NATO bombed Sirte |
***Luis Moreno-Ocampo arrived in Tripoli on Wednesday as part of an investigation into charges against Muammar Qaddafi’s detained son, Seif Al-Islam, sought for trial by ICC
Human rights activists urge Tripoli to probe torture of black Libyans. They opened the Pandora's Box last year, who's going to close it?
***Libyan security forces clear highway after protests over prices.
Internal security forces cleared the highway leading into northern Tripoli of concrete blocks on Thursday morning.
The efforts followed a rally by 100 people protesting the soaring prices of fuel and basic commodities. The highway of Beddawi was blocked early in the morning, which stopped traffic in the area, media reports say.
Protesters demanded the government provide them with decent living conditions. Two strikes were scheduled this week
by the public transportation sector and the bakeries’ union against rising prices of fuel. The strikes were canceled following talks with the government.
***Announcement: PROTEST AGAINST NATO IN CHICAGO ON 20 MAY https://www.facebook.com/ProtestNATO
Tunisia's state news agency reported yesterday that 150 Tunisians working for an oil company in Libya are being held by gunmen. The report quoted the head of the Tunisian League for Human Rights, Lassaad Jamoussi, as saying the men were taken in the town of Zawiya following the arrest of four Libyans for drug possession by Tunisian authorities in the border town of Ben Guerdane.