Dear friends from today News will be posted like article [ no like usual on this page News].
Here will be news form Paper. li and
Thanks for understanding >
Libya S.O.S. resistance news: 06.07. November 2012.!media
= Hague prosecutor urges Libya not to grant amnesty for war crimes
Libya should not grant amnesty for war crimes committed during last year's uprising against former Libyan leader Muammar Gaddafi, regardless of who committed them, the chief prosecutor of the International Criminal Court said on Wednesday.
= BENGHAZI, Libya — A Libyan military court on Wednesday ordered prosecutors to interrogate former transitional leader Mustafa Abdel Jalil over the murder of a general who had commanded rebel forces last year.
= SABHA: Another picture from today's demonstration in Sabha it says: " Fezzan Embraces Federalism " #Libya
= BENGHAZI : Clashes after car blast in Libya's Benghazi wound 2: police - A car exploded near a police station in Libya's eastern city of Benghazi late Tuesday, a police officer told AFP, adding that two of his colleagues were injured in subsequent clashes.
The vehicle belonged to a police officer who was posted in the area of Ras Obeida, the same source said on condition of anonymity.
There were no casualties or major material damage from the blast, which was believed to have been sparked by a hand grenade or fishing explosives.
But two policemen were later injured in a gunfight with the key suspect.
"One of them is in a critical condition and the other was hit on his foot," said the police officer, adding that the suspect had escaped.
The explosion ripped off the nose of the vehicle which had been parked outside the officer's home #libya
= TRIPOLI: Fuel shipments arrived in Tripoli from Misrata today to alleviate the shortages caused by the Zawiya refinery protes
= SUDANESE BORDER" A Tobou smuggler was arrested by forces from Kufra near the Sudanese border two days ago
= MURDER IN BENGHAZI : A retired brigadier general was found shot dead in Benghazi yesterday.
Eight militiamen were arrested by SSC after the clashes in Khums yesterday.
= BANI WALID: Red crescent in #BaniWalid. There are reports that many corpse from #Libya Shield have been found. I can't confirm it
= Pple want militia to leave #baniwalid. "Nobody is on the street after the sunset, like a curfew. We are afraid of the militias." a citizen
= "The town to be soon handed over to the local police(v authorities)" Lol this made me laugh. Local police, in #Baniwalid ? Dont ask #Libya
= TAWARGHA: When will they be allowed to return to their home? #Tawergha refugees in Garyounis Camps in #Benghazi
= GANGS: Gambian killed in Libyan militia raid on migrant hiding place on 28 October: …
= KHUMS: Eight militiamen were arrested by SSC after the clashes in Khums yesterday.
= TARHUNA: Former NTC rep for Tarhuna had relocated his family to Tripoli because of instability in the town:
= SABHA: Widespread power outages persist in Sabha and across the southern region.
Libya S.O.S. resistance news: 05. November 2012.!media
International Coalition to Ensure NATO Accountability (ICENA)
Non-Profit Organization
ICENA seek accountability for war crimes and crimes against humanity and are committed to the prosecution of those who violate the human rights of civilians.
= Gaddafi Tribute - Sukant Chandan Excerpts
A meeting was held in memory of Gaddafi. And this is excerpts from Sukant Chandan's introduction. Stating that Gaddafi championed every anti imperialist cause, even wanting a SATO to counteract NATO. And how Africom never got a foothold while Gaddafi was around.
It is almost Guy Fawkes night in Britain which is when fireworks are let off. So if you hear explosions they are just fireworks.
= Muammar Gaddafi Memorial, Conway Hall, London, 3rd November 2012
= SALUTE FOR A BRAVE !!! Today a courageous man interrupted OBAMA's speech with a photo of murdered childs of LIBYA ! the police arrested the man and people didn't even look ........ ????????? via Sylvia Habib
= A terrible accident of the Supreme Security Committee after robbing bank in Bani Walid
BEFORE 2 day we reported :
MISRATA CRIMINALS : Dardanelles TV reports 11 million Libyan dinars stolen from the Republic Bank in Bani Walid by Misrata militias.
= ICC: On Wednesday 7 November 2012, in New York, USA /NATO [unofficial ]weapon International Criminal Court (ICC) Prosecutor Fatou Bensouda will brief the United Nations Security Council on the situation in Libya.
= NTC has paid USD 3.5 million to the criminals who took command in the attacks on Bani Walid (BW was attacked from 4 sides). [Diana_82_]
= SABHA: A Gaddafa tribesman was shot dead by militiamen in front of his home in Sabha.
= BENGHAZI : Hamed Alhassi, Barqa's Military Council's commander escapes a serious assassination attempt in Benghazi! His driver was killed Libya
= The British Government has closed its local consular office “for security reasons”.
=TARHUNA: Commander of the Military Council for Tarhuna has been killed and reports tensions & reports of clashes in the city Libya
= TRIPOLI : Tripoli police report that a 19yrold officer critically injured himself inside Abu Salim police station after cleaning his gun
= BENGHAZI: Egyptian Consulate decided to suspend their mission in Libya due to frequent attacks
Egyptian officials announced they have suspended ops at their consulate after protest erupted outside facility on 4 Nov
Officials say a group of Libyans, who were attempting to express their outrage at Egyptian visa regs, attacked Consulate
= ZAWIA : Protests continue for 2nd day, today, at Zawiya Oil Refining Company
Wounded mercenaries from 2011 uprising began protesting at Zawiya refinery on 4 Nov, over injury treatment, lack of pay
Protesters reportedly stopped staff entering site, prevented tankers leaving. Refinery officials & Zawiya elders plan to intervene
Zawiya refinery provides 40% of western Libya oil needs. Blockade has led to long lines at Tripoli petrol stations, rise in taxi fare
= GHAT : US drone have allegedly been seen flying around Awbari, Murzuq and Ghat within the past week.
= TRIPOLI : At least eleven people were reported killed and injured by sources in the GNC Interior Ministry in fighting today in central Tripoli’s Sidi Khalifa district when forces moved to arrest a renegade commander of the Supreme Security Committee (SSC), suspected of planning an armed attack in the city.
Some reports claim that as many as 18 people were killed, including local residents. One local man said that four local people had been killed. There has been no conformation, however, of any deaths and a local doctor was reported saying only a few have been injured.
The fighting in the district’s Shara Al-Zawia, near the central Tripoli hospital, led to the area being locked down throughout much of the day, with roads blocked and schools closed. It was not till 4 pm that the GNC Interior Ministry said that the clashes were over and that the situation was "under control." [ I am not so sure] Libya Herald
Libya S.O.S. resistance news: 04. November 2012.!media
This weekend, Bani Walid was a quiet town slowly picking itself up. GNC gangs set up check points. Electrical workers stood on cranes fixing dropped lines and residents said power and water had returned to the city of 70,000.
The Bani Walid General Hospital was eerily quiet with no patients and very few doctors walked the hallways.
Hospital director Ahmad al-Jidik said the hospital had officially re-opened a week ago but staff were slow to return.
"Parts of the hospital were damaged due to the chaos of the fighting and the looting," he said. "They even stole medicine. The situation is just really bad."
Drug cabinets in the emergency rooms stood gapingly empty, surrounded by broken chairs and a broken television.
Some residents returned to homes they did not recognise any more.
Mtayra Mabrouk entered her home gingerly for the first time since fleeing Bani Walid last month to escape the shelling.
Her living room and bedrooms were turned upside down: the couches, cushions and chairs were toppled over. Cupboards were opened and emptied hurriedly, their contents strewn across the floors. Food from a walk-in pantry was smeared on the floor next to smashed jars of tomatoes and olives.
"I escaped the shelling and went to sleep in the open in a nearby valley before I fled to Tripoli," the 48-year-old widow said.
"If I had known this was going to happen to my house I would never have left. I would have stayed and kept these people from doing this."
Nearby, 64-year-old businessman Hussein Abdel-Rahman said he came back to Bani Walid a week ago to find his house completely burned down.
Walking through the multi-roomed villa, the faint smell of smoke lingered throughout. The walls and ceilings were completely blacked out, the windows had no glass and doors had melted off their hinges.
"What did we do to deserve this?" he asked, shaking his head.
Abdel-Rahman said he thought he was being punished for speaking out when his son had been kidnapped by militias earlier this year.
"They want to take their revenge on us in this city and won't rest until they feel like they have."
The town and its now-displaced inhabitants.
Outside the hospital, vans of the Red Crescent stood handing out food to employees of the hospital. But Crescent worker Malek Omar said one of their main duties in Bani Walid was to look for dead bodies that were left to rot around the city.
= Fox: British intel sources-"drones fly over Benghazi every night. And armed drones fly ovr nearby chemical sites"
= latest PressTV Rockets hit Libyan Supreme Security Committee building
At least five people have been injured after several rocket-propelled grenades targeted the Libyan intelligence Headquarter in the oil-rich country’s capital, Tripoli.
Intelligence HQ in Libyan capital under grenade attack, militias clash outside
At least five people have been injured, while the building has been partially destroyed, RT's Paula Slier reports.
According to Al Jazeera the two militia groups clashed as one gang was trying to rescue one of its members, who had been captured by the other gang.
The Central Tripoli Hospital also came under fire as militiamen attacked one another.
= Libyan militiamen set Tripoli security HQ on fire, loot shops
(Reuters) - Libyan militiamen set a security headquarters building on fire on Sunday in central Tripoli and looted it as fighting raged with a rival armed militia.
Government-aligned fighters also looted shops in the Zawiya Street area which was strewn with goods and debris.
The fight started just after midnight when two militias authorised by the official Supreme Security Committee (SSC) argued over a detained member of one of the armed groups, residents in the southern district of Sidi Khalifa said.
(v) REASON FOR LIBYAN REBELION - THIEVERY 1. Stealing golden ring from a dead man 2. Stealing from the pockets of dead libyans before burrying them in a mass grave (videos) ->
= TRIPOLI, DAHRA: Gunfire still very close to our office in Dahra Tripoli Now intensifying again.
My staff were to afraid to stay..Our office is 300 meters away from shooting. Army on standby waiting till a winner emerges before intervening. @tripolitano
What happened in Benghazi is related to the rape case [few days before]. Main suspect held in the police station!
One of SSC & his friends raped a girl in Benghazi UNIVERSITY.
= BENGHAZI: Police station bombed in Benghazi, 3 officers injured
A car stuffed with explosives and parked by a police station in Benghazi went off on Sunday.
Because the blast occurred just before dawn the streets were empty and only three law enforcement officers have been reportedly lightly injured. The police station building has sustained considerable damage.
The act of terror in Libya’s second-largest city comes as the central government tries to curb countless militias that are tearing the country apart after[???] the Libyan civil war.
= ZAWIA: After almost one week of march protest , protesters occupy Zawiya refinery and close it down. Protest of frustrated injured ex-rebels who were either been ignored by GNC bosses or stopped from continuing their treatment abroad.
A serious fuel crisis already in the 350,000 people city, yet no government response. Zawiya refinery closed down
= BEN ASHOUR: Just reached my office in Ben Ashour - the gunfire is very strong and close - Al Jala and Zawiya street blocked [@StefanMugitsch]
= Message of page “Great Werfalla”, one of official pages of Bani Walid in Facebook
3rd November 2012
Peace to all of You.
First, honour to all our faithful martyrs who fell meanwhile defending Bani Walid and we ask God that they may rest in peace.
We apologize to all members of Great Werfalla page (Facebook) for the long absence and assure You that admin № 1 and admin № 3 are fine, that their condition is better now - they are receiving treatment.
Bani Walid had not fall on knees and will not fall on knees, except to God. Even if we lose this battle, we will not lose the war!
We do not consider defeat!
= Three dead after boat with illegal immigrants capsizes in Mediterranean
A vessel carrying an unknown number of illegal immigrants capsized in the Mediterranean Sea on Saturday, killing three. The incident happened roughly 56km off Libyan shores and about 224km south of Italy’s Lampedusa Island, according to Italy’s leading wire service ANSA. Rescuers at the scene have managed to pull 70 survivors out of the water; however the rescue mission is still ongoing to assess whether there are any further survivors.
= BENGHAZI: Illegal migrants with malaria sent to Hawari Hospital,Benghazi.
Benghazi's Hawari General Hospital: Intensive Care Unit now closed because of repeated power cuts.
= BREAKING NEWS!!! Obama a Hitman or Terrorist Arms Dealer?
Libya S.O.S. resistance news: 03. November 2012.!media
= MISRATA CRIMINALS : Dardanelles TV reports 11 million Libyan dinars stolen from the Republic Bank in Bani Walid by Misrata militias.
= Pentagon: Secret U.S. military commandos deployed to Libya
Classified United States military units are operating in the region near Libya since the Sept. 11 attack on the U.S. diplomatic compound in Benghazi, according to the director of operations for the Pentagon’s Joint Staff.
Tidd said that after the attack in Benghazi, the U.S. European Command sent a Fleet Antiterrorism Security Team (FAST) platoon to reinforce security at the U.S. Embassy in Tripoli.
= The renaissance of a colonial army
The United States, after having directed operation Unified Protector, is currently taking charge of the protection of the "New Libya" by providing it with a new army. The Pentagon and the State Department are already busy forming a Libyan "elite force" of 500 men, intended to be the central core around which the new army can be constructed. Initial financing is 8 million dollars, recuperated from the reduction of aid to Pakistan for its "anti-terrorist operations."
The official mission of this "elite force", whose formation has already been approved by Congress, will be to "confront and destroy terrorist and violent extremist organisations." The selection of members of this "elite force" is already under way by functionaries from the Pentagon, the State Department and the CIA, through a screening process which will evaluate physical capacities, mindset and especially the attitude towards the United States.
= Libyan Leaks: Obama’s Gift to Al-Qaeda – Libya itself
This explains why the drafts of two letters on September 11th expressing worry that the U.S. Consulate in Benghazi was under ‘troubling’ surveillance and that the Libyan government failed to fulfill requests for additional security.
“It wasn’t failure,” these pro-U.S. agents said, “but the Libyan government’s mafia-like system, subordinate to Al-Qaeda and installed with the blessings of the Obama administration that is responsible for the deaths of 4 Americans in Benghazi, [and thousands LIBYANS IN LIBYA!!! ]
” they said.
= What Was That Drone Doing in Benghazi?
It is vitally important that the American people know all of the facts surrounding the attack in Benghazi last month ..[ but no important that the American people know fatcs about all USA/NATO wars? such hypocrisy of "journalists"]
= FOX NEWS:Exclusive: Security officials on the ground in Libya challenge CIA account
Despite a carefully narrated version of events rolled out late this week by the CIA claiming agents jumped into action as soon as they were notified of calls for help in Benghazi, security officials on the ground say calls for help went out considerably earlier -- and signs of an attack were mounting even before that.
= REUTERS: CIA officials in Libya made key decisions during Benghazi attacks
Intelligence and other administration officials expressed particular dismay about a report on Fox News last week that alleged that armed CIA operatives near the U.S. compound in Benghazi were repeatedly told to "stand down" after asking for permission to assist on the night of September 11 and were also refused military backup by the CIA chain of command.
= Benghazi Attack on Largest CIA Regional Operation, Ambassador Steven’s Death “Collateral”
[Global Research, October 15, 2012]
What really happened in Benghazi was the result of long running US meddling in the affairs of sovereign nations and in particular in the Muslim world. An area they have shown time and time they have no clear understanding about and even less respect for.
The attack in Benghazi was an attack on one of the CIA’s largest operations in the region. This is clear from the fact that Steven’s death was a secondary event in the attack on the compound. They attackers were after what was in the compound, not Stevens.
= Ambassador Stevens in Libya: Just Wrong (CIA) Place, Wrong Time?
[September 26, 2012]
A blind man in the dark with ear muffs on knows that something happened in Benghazi, Libya more than a spontaneous angry mob pissed off over a Grade Z video attacked an American Consulate and killed the US Ambassador to Libya.
= Libya: Ratocracy Failure As Misrata Rats Continually Invade Congress
The rat militia from Misurata, who returned from weeks of besieging and terrorising Bani Walid, are now since many days invading the so-called 'General National Congress' also known as the Rat Congress in Tripoli on a daily basis.
The heavy armed security at the Congress is no match for the determined rats who enter freely each day at will, leading now to a suspension of all meetings of the so-called 'government' also known as 'ratverment' and its attempt at 'ratocracy' in lieu of democracy.
In spite of the obvious elephant in the room, namely the ongoing total absence of any functioning democracy in the Libyan Jourdaniya, the racist imperialist reactionary zionist crusader fascist elite regimes of France, England, and their stooge organization the so-called "United Nations" have praised the 'new government' in Libya.
Everyone else is aware that there is no government in Libya but only attempts of rats to meet which are always broken up by other rats as all rats are divided and found the holes in the cheese offered them by NATO actually much bigger than the cheese itself, which they are unable to get their fangs into.
Jamahiriya means occupying the work place and seizing control to become partners and not wage slaves, exactly what the masses are attempting to do at some locations, contrary to the wishes of the ratverment.
= BENGHAZI PROTESTS : Hundreds of Libyan protesters have poured into the streets in the Libyan city of Benghazi, in a move to demand autonomy for the African country’s oil-rich east.
Over 1000 demonstrators assembled in front of the Tibesti Hotel after the Friday prayers in order to demand greater autonomy for the Cyrenaica region and carried banners which read “Ignoring our demands for federalism has dire consequences on the future of Libya.”
The protesters also distributed a statement calling for a return to the 1951 constitution. From 1951 to 1963Libya was a federal union, divided into three administrative states -- Cyrenaica, Tripolitania and Fezzan.
"We declare our full support for the elected government [of Prime Minister Ali Zeidan], which won the confidence of the General National Congress, in order to draft a constitution on the basis of the legitimate constitution of 1951,” the statement said.
Running from the Mediterranean coast south to Chad, Cyrenaica accounts for almost half of the country's territory and is home to roughly three-quarters of Libya's oil reserves.
Back in March 2012, Tribal and political leaders in the oil-rich region of Cyrenaica declared autonomy during a conference in Benghazi and called for the establishment of a federal system in the post-revolution nation.
"A federal system is the choice of the region," Cyrenaica’s leaders said in a joint statement posted on the internet.
= Libya: US and UK Government International Actions Since 1945 [Intervention and Exploitation]
Source: US UK
End of the Italian colonization of Libya, when the Sanussiys give in. [1]
With the fall of the Axis powers in the World War 2, Britain and France divides Libya: Tripolitania and Cyrenaica comes ulnder British control. Fezzan comes under French control. [1]
= The Sons of Libya now and in future generations will never forget the genocide and destruction committed by NATO
1 – All forcibly displaced families need access to return to Bani Walid, in their home town and to prevent bandits infiltrated the city made the looting and burning of houses in Bani Walid …
2 – The whole family Warfalla rejects the claims of the “government” to move them to a field in the Tahwerga, first because we will not abandon our city and second by Tahwerga has its own inhabitants who were cruelly forced out of their city ...
Libya S.O.S. resistance news: 02. November 2012.!media
= Siege of Bani Walid: Foreign fighters, phosphorus bombs and nerve gas – RT sources
New Libyan government is “a major step” in creating a stable Libya says Italy.
= Russia has urged the International Criminal Court to probe all war crimes in Libya.
The Russian Foreign Ministry spokesman Alexander Lukashevich has stressed that such a probe should focus, among others, on crimes committed following the military campaign in Libya in October last year.
The diplomat said that the UN Security Council adopted a resolution in February last year, whereby all crimes in Libya were to be investigated by the International Criminal Court.
But though more than two years have passed since the end of mass-scale combat action, those guilty of killing civilians and breaking international humanitarian law have never been called to account.
Voice of Russia, TASS
= Benghazi consulate attack was a CIA operation – report
The US consulate attack in Benghazi, which claimed the life of Ambassador Chris Stevens on September 11th, was predominantly an intelligence operation, according to a report in the Wall Street Journal. Sources claim that two out of the four people killed in the attack, and 23 out of the 30 evacuated, were under CIA command. The US administration has been repeatedly challenged about the apparent lack of security at the site, and the report claims that a mix-up between the CIA and State Department branch of the consulate enabled militants to attain easy access to the consulate.
= CIA Agents Confirm Obama Told Them Not To Aid Ambassador Chris Stevens – The White House Disinformation Campaign on Libya
A secret document obtained by former Muslim Brotherhood member Walid Shoebat suggests the Obama administration approved assigning a member of al-Qaida to handle security at the U.S. Embassy in Tripoli.
= Both Russia and China have welcomed "the new Libyan government". “This marks a new step in the political transition of Libya, and China welcomes it,” said Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesman Hong Lei in Beijing on Friday.
New Libyan government is “a major step” in creating a stable Libya says Italy.
= EX-REBELS now only CRIMINALS : A planned mass demonstration by ex-rebels outside the Congress buildings in Tripoli was called off at the last minute after Prime Minister Ali Zeidan reportedly offered to announce changes to his cabinet on Sunday.
= SIRTE : A large armed convoy was seen arriving in Sirte from the outside today
= SIRTE: 20 African migrants arrested in Sirte yesterday:
= BENGHAZI : Reports of another assassination outside #Benghazi mosque today Unconfirmed reports that a a Muslim cleric named Abdalla Zine Alfasi was killed outside the Abu Ayyub Ansari mosque in #Benghazi
= Libya’s General National Congress (GNC) was forced to suspend its Thursday sessions due to repeated incursions by the thuwar (militias) earlier today.
The demonstrators had continued their overnight to protest in opposition to some members of Prime Minister Zeidan’s newly approved government. At some stages Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday those charged with securing the GNC building seemed to lose control.
= Same criminals who shelled&looted #BaniWalid are strutting around #GNC in 'armed protest' & BEATING journalists
Militia guarding Rixos told me 2 unarmed protesters shot/injured last night by gov security. Partly why militias forced security out
= Ten SSC armed vehicles from Kufra deployed to Bani Walid
= Outgoing GNC's Defence Minister Osama Juwaili accused Chief of Staff General Yousef Mangoush of having lost control of armed units inside Bani Walid which, he said, were harassing civilians there and preventing refugees from returning to the town.
‘Helping the state is one thing but looting is another,’ declared Adel Mohammed, a GNC police officer from Tripoli, blaming armed groups from Misrata and ‘false revolutionaries’ for the destruction.
In every corner you can see damage which make NATO backed exrebels — including militias from Misrata — and common criminals.
Torkiya Al Kasi, who found the furniture in her children’s room shattered to pieces, has no doubt about the identity of the guilty parties: ‘The people who did this are apostates, not Muslims.’
= Bani Walid Dr Who Stated Gas Attack Symptoms Reported Killed
= NATO's "right hand" UN Special Representative Welcomes Formation of New Libyan Western Puppets
= SRSG Mitri congratulates the General National Congress, the legitimately elected [ without half of Libyan population!] body chosen to represent the will of the Libyan people for moving forward in the process of their democratic transition [ or slavery and tribal war] .
= Bani Walid pays price for refusing to accept the mark of the beast
The images emerging from the current siege of Bani Walid are gruesome. NATO’s henchmen are attacking their own people with bombs and chemical weapons, injuring and killing scores of civilians.
Where is the African Union?
Ethnic cleansing of people with black skin is being carried out by Arab supremacists – and where is the African Union? The answer is that its troops, drawn from neo-colonial African countries, are mired down in Somalia and the Democratic Republic of Congo, fighting imperialism’s battles under the command of AFRICOM.
Since Qaddafi’s murder, all but three African countries have accepted U.S. military occupation in the form of AFRICOM. And what about the Eurocentric left in the U.S., Europe, Canada and elsewhere – it seems they are so confused over Libya and the Arab Spring thing that they are unable to put up any effective opposition to the murder and mayhem that their governments are perpetrating.
It is so much more comfortable and easier all ‘round to join the frenzy over Pussy Riot, while the siege of Libya and Bani Walid, which can easily be compared to the “killing fields” of Cambodia, is unfolding before their eyes. There is no question that the Islamist militias that have surrounded Bani Walid are certainly on a par with the Khmer Rouge.
REPORT [31.10.2012.] @LibyanReality
= Another armed "protest" in front of the GNC in Tripoli
= News circulating about the death of Colonel Habashi (whose arrest resulted in the Tarhuna raid on Tripoli airport) under torture in Misrata.
= Two RPGs were fired at Red Crescent offices in the Gorda area of Sabha last night
= A former "Revolutionary Committee" leader was assassinated in Derna last night
= Looting and burning by Misrata militias targeted hospital, a bank and shops in Bani Walid
= Two refugees attempting to return to Bani Walid were killed in a vehicle accident near the town [31.10.2012.]
= Medical equipment stolen from the Bani Walid General Hospital and a clinic in Dahra were allegedly moved to Misrata by militias yesterday.
= Weeklong power cuts in the south led to disruption of water supply in Sabha via Press Solidarity.
Meanwhile Qatrun FB page reports that power has been out in the town for most of the last month.
= Nerve Gas and Phosphorous Bombs Reportedly Used in USNATO-sponsored Destruction of Bani Walid: War Crimes Continue
Reports have also surfaced that many of the militiamen were not from Libya. RT quoted one man whose family remained in the city during the siege as saying that “They use foreign snipers, I think from Qatar and Turkey, with Qatar covering all the costs.” (, October 28)
This same source alleged that a ship carrying guns and other military equipment had docked in the port city of Misrata. “There is no government in Libya. Groups of militia control everything,” the source revealed, claiming that the majority of the rebels have dual citizenships and passports from other nations.
US Imperialist Intervention Leaves Trail of Death and Destruction
The current situation in Bani Walid and throughout Libya is the direct result of the intervention of the Pentagon, the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) and NATO during 2011. For ten months during last year, rebels and their backers in the West laid waste to the country and the state.
----Here will be news form Paper. li and
Thanks for understanding >
Libya S.O.S. resistance news: 06.07. November 2012.
=Daily video LibyaSOS & friends
= Hague prosecutor urges Libya not to grant amnesty for war crimes
Libya should not grant amnesty for war crimes committed during last year's uprising against former Libyan leader Muammar Gaddafi, regardless of who committed them, the chief prosecutor of the International Criminal Court said on Wednesday.
= BENGHAZI, Libya — A Libyan military court on Wednesday ordered prosecutors to interrogate former transitional leader Mustafa Abdel Jalil over the murder of a general who had commanded rebel forces last year.
The court in the eastern city of Benghazi ordered that the ex-chairman of the National Transitional Council, a political body representing rebels in the 2011 conflict, be questioned over the killing of General Abdel Fatah Yunes.
Report 06. Nov. 2012 via LibyanReality= SABHA: Another picture from today's demonstration in Sabha it says: " Fezzan Embraces Federalism " #Libya
= BENGHAZI : Clashes after car blast in Libya's Benghazi wound 2: police - A car exploded near a police station in Libya's eastern city of Benghazi late Tuesday, a police officer told AFP, adding that two of his colleagues were injured in subsequent clashes.
The vehicle belonged to a police officer who was posted in the area of Ras Obeida, the same source said on condition of anonymity.
There were no casualties or major material damage from the blast, which was believed to have been sparked by a hand grenade or fishing explosives.
But two policemen were later injured in a gunfight with the key suspect.
"One of them is in a critical condition and the other was hit on his foot," said the police officer, adding that the suspect had escaped.
The explosion ripped off the nose of the vehicle which had been parked outside the officer's home #libya
= TRIPOLI: Fuel shipments arrived in Tripoli from Misrata today to alleviate the shortages caused by the Zawiya refinery protes
= SUDANESE BORDER" A Tobou smuggler was arrested by forces from Kufra near the Sudanese border two days ago
= MURDER IN BENGHAZI : A retired brigadier general was found shot dead in Benghazi yesterday.
Eight militiamen were arrested by SSC after the clashes in Khums yesterday.
= Ansar al-Sharia leader: Libya is controlled by "agents of NATO" : …
= Pple want militia to leave #baniwalid. "Nobody is on the street after the sunset, like a curfew. We are afraid of the militias." a citizen
= "The town to be soon handed over to the local police(v authorities)" Lol this made me laugh. Local police, in #Baniwalid ? Dont ask #Libya
= TAWARGHA: When will they be allowed to return to their home? #Tawergha refugees in Garyounis Camps in #Benghazi
= GANGS: Gambian killed in Libyan militia raid on migrant hiding place on 28 October: …
= KHUMS: Eight militiamen were arrested by SSC after the clashes in Khums yesterday.
= TARHUNA: Former NTC rep for Tarhuna had relocated his family to Tripoli because of instability in the town:
= SABHA: Widespread power outages persist in Sabha and across the southern region.
Libya S.O.S. resistance news: 05. November 2012.
=Daily video LibyaSOS & friends
International Coalition to Ensure NATO Accountability (ICENA)
Non-Profit Organization
ICENA seek accountability for war crimes and crimes against humanity and are committed to the prosecution of those who violate the human rights of civilians.
= Gaddafi Tribute - Sukant Chandan Excerpts
A meeting was held in memory of Gaddafi. And this is excerpts from Sukant Chandan's introduction. Stating that Gaddafi championed every anti imperialist cause, even wanting a SATO to counteract NATO. And how Africom never got a foothold while Gaddafi was around.
It is almost Guy Fawkes night in Britain which is when fireworks are let off. So if you hear explosions they are just fireworks.
= SALUTE FOR A BRAVE !!! Today a courageous man interrupted OBAMA's speech with a photo of murdered childs of LIBYA ! the police arrested the man and people didn't even look ........ ????????? via Sylvia Habib
= A terrible accident of the Supreme Security Committee after robbing bank in Bani Walid
BEFORE 2 day we reported :
MISRATA CRIMINALS : Dardanelles TV reports 11 million Libyan dinars stolen from the Republic Bank in Bani Walid by Misrata militias.
= ICC: On Wednesday 7 November 2012, in New York, USA /NATO [unofficial ]weapon International Criminal Court (ICC) Prosecutor Fatou Bensouda will brief the United Nations Security Council on the situation in Libya.
= NTC has paid USD 3.5 million to the criminals who took command in the attacks on Bani Walid (BW was attacked from 4 sides). [Diana_82_]
= SABHA: A Gaddafa tribesman was shot dead by militiamen in front of his home in Sabha.
= BENGHAZI : Hamed Alhassi, Barqa's Military Council's commander escapes a serious assassination attempt in Benghazi! His driver was killed Libya
= The British Government has closed its local consular office “for security reasons”.
=TARHUNA: Commander of the Military Council for Tarhuna has been killed and reports tensions & reports of clashes in the city Libya
= TRIPOLI : Tripoli police report that a 19yrold officer critically injured himself inside Abu Salim police station after cleaning his gun
= BENGHAZI: Egyptian Consulate decided to suspend their mission in Libya due to frequent attacks
Egyptian officials announced they have suspended ops at their consulate after protest erupted outside facility on 4 Nov
Officials say a group of Libyans, who were attempting to express their outrage at Egyptian visa regs, attacked Consulate
= ZAWIA : Protests continue for 2nd day, today, at Zawiya Oil Refining Company
Wounded mercenaries from 2011 uprising began protesting at Zawiya refinery on 4 Nov, over injury treatment, lack of pay
Protesters reportedly stopped staff entering site, prevented tankers leaving. Refinery officials & Zawiya elders plan to intervene
Zawiya refinery provides 40% of western Libya oil needs. Blockade has led to long lines at Tripoli petrol stations, rise in taxi fare
= GHAT : US drone have allegedly been seen flying around Awbari, Murzuq and Ghat within the past week.
= TRIPOLI : At least eleven people were reported killed and injured by sources in the GNC Interior Ministry in fighting today in central Tripoli’s Sidi Khalifa district when forces moved to arrest a renegade commander of the Supreme Security Committee (SSC), suspected of planning an armed attack in the city.
Some reports claim that as many as 18 people were killed, including local residents. One local man said that four local people had been killed. There has been no conformation, however, of any deaths and a local doctor was reported saying only a few have been injured.
The fighting in the district’s Shara Al-Zawia, near the central Tripoli hospital, led to the area being locked down throughout much of the day, with roads blocked and schools closed. It was not till 4 pm that the GNC Interior Ministry said that the clashes were over and that the situation was "under control." [ I am not so sure] Libya Herald
Libya S.O.S. resistance news: 04. November 2012.
=Daily video LibyaSOS & friends
This weekend, Bani Walid was a quiet town slowly picking itself up. GNC gangs set up check points. Electrical workers stood on cranes fixing dropped lines and residents said power and water had returned to the city of 70,000.
The Bani Walid General Hospital was eerily quiet with no patients and very few doctors walked the hallways.
Hospital director Ahmad al-Jidik said the hospital had officially re-opened a week ago but staff were slow to return.
"Parts of the hospital were damaged due to the chaos of the fighting and the looting," he said. "They even stole medicine. The situation is just really bad."
Drug cabinets in the emergency rooms stood gapingly empty, surrounded by broken chairs and a broken television.
Some residents returned to homes they did not recognise any more.
Mtayra Mabrouk entered her home gingerly for the first time since fleeing Bani Walid last month to escape the shelling.
Her living room and bedrooms were turned upside down: the couches, cushions and chairs were toppled over. Cupboards were opened and emptied hurriedly, their contents strewn across the floors. Food from a walk-in pantry was smeared on the floor next to smashed jars of tomatoes and olives.
"I escaped the shelling and went to sleep in the open in a nearby valley before I fled to Tripoli," the 48-year-old widow said.
"If I had known this was going to happen to my house I would never have left. I would have stayed and kept these people from doing this."
Nearby, 64-year-old businessman Hussein Abdel-Rahman said he came back to Bani Walid a week ago to find his house completely burned down.
Walking through the multi-roomed villa, the faint smell of smoke lingered throughout. The walls and ceilings were completely blacked out, the windows had no glass and doors had melted off their hinges.
"What did we do to deserve this?" he asked, shaking his head.
Abdel-Rahman said he thought he was being punished for speaking out when his son had been kidnapped by militias earlier this year.
"They want to take their revenge on us in this city and won't rest until they feel like they have."
The town and its now-displaced inhabitants.
Outside the hospital, vans of the Red Crescent stood handing out food to employees of the hospital. But Crescent worker Malek Omar said one of their main duties in Bani Walid was to look for dead bodies that were left to rot around the city.
= Fox: British intel sources-"drones fly over Benghazi every night. And armed drones fly ovr nearby chemical sites"
= latest PressTV Rockets hit Libyan Supreme Security Committee building
At least five people have been injured after several rocket-propelled grenades targeted the Libyan intelligence Headquarter in the oil-rich country’s capital, Tripoli.
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Photo by Press TV |
Intelligence HQ in Libyan capital under grenade attack, militias clash outside
At least five people have been injured, while the building has been partially destroyed, RT's Paula Slier reports.
According to Al Jazeera the two militia groups clashed as one gang was trying to rescue one of its members, who had been captured by the other gang.
The Central Tripoli Hospital also came under fire as militiamen attacked one another.
= Libyan militiamen set Tripoli security HQ on fire, loot shops
(Reuters) - Libyan militiamen set a security headquarters building on fire on Sunday in central Tripoli and looted it as fighting raged with a rival armed militia.
Government-aligned fighters also looted shops in the Zawiya Street area which was strewn with goods and debris.
The fight started just after midnight when two militias authorised by the official Supreme Security Committee (SSC) argued over a detained member of one of the armed groups, residents in the southern district of Sidi Khalifa said.
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Congestion at petrol stations in Tripoli due to the closure of the refinery corner and prevent workers enter |
(v) REASON FOR LIBYAN REBELION - THIEVERY 1. Stealing golden ring from a dead man 2. Stealing from the pockets of dead libyans before burrying them in a mass grave (videos) ->
= TRIPOLI, DAHRA: Gunfire still very close to our office in Dahra Tripoli Now intensifying again.
My staff were to afraid to stay..Our office is 300 meters away from shooting. Army on standby waiting till a winner emerges before intervening. @tripolitano
What happened in Benghazi is related to the rape case [few days before]. Main suspect held in the police station!
One of SSC & his friends raped a girl in Benghazi UNIVERSITY.
= BENGHAZI: Police station bombed in Benghazi, 3 officers injured
A car stuffed with explosives and parked by a police station in Benghazi went off on Sunday.
Because the blast occurred just before dawn the streets were empty and only three law enforcement officers have been reportedly lightly injured. The police station building has sustained considerable damage.
The act of terror in Libya’s second-largest city comes as the central government tries to curb countless militias that are tearing the country apart after[???] the Libyan civil war.
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Benghazi |
= ZAWIA: After almost one week of march protest , protesters occupy Zawiya refinery and close it down. Protest of frustrated injured ex-rebels who were either been ignored by GNC bosses or stopped from continuing their treatment abroad.
A serious fuel crisis already in the 350,000 people city, yet no government response. Zawiya refinery closed down
= BEN ASHOUR: Just reached my office in Ben Ashour - the gunfire is very strong and close - Al Jala and Zawiya street blocked [@StefanMugitsch]
= Message of page “Great Werfalla”, one of official pages of Bani Walid in Facebook
3rd November 2012
Peace to all of You.
First, honour to all our faithful martyrs who fell meanwhile defending Bani Walid and we ask God that they may rest in peace.
We apologize to all members of Great Werfalla page (Facebook) for the long absence and assure You that admin № 1 and admin № 3 are fine, that their condition is better now - they are receiving treatment.
Bani Walid had not fall on knees and will not fall on knees, except to God. Even if we lose this battle, we will not lose the war!
We do not consider defeat!
= Three dead after boat with illegal immigrants capsizes in Mediterranean
A vessel carrying an unknown number of illegal immigrants capsized in the Mediterranean Sea on Saturday, killing three. The incident happened roughly 56km off Libyan shores and about 224km south of Italy’s Lampedusa Island, according to Italy’s leading wire service ANSA. Rescuers at the scene have managed to pull 70 survivors out of the water; however the rescue mission is still ongoing to assess whether there are any further survivors.
= BENGHAZI: Illegal migrants with malaria sent to Hawari Hospital,Benghazi.
Benghazi's Hawari General Hospital: Intensive Care Unit now closed because of repeated power cuts.
= BREAKING NEWS!!! Obama a Hitman or Terrorist Arms Dealer?
Libya S.O.S. resistance news: 03. November 2012.
=Daily video LibyaSOS & friends
"Humanitarian intervention" brings a deadly viral infection in Libya?
What do foreign troops in Libya?
= Human Rights Watch found that the CIA conceals torture in Libya
= Malaysia Police Threat of Force Against Libyan Embassy Occupation Students
= BENGHAZI : 70-year-old man killed by gunmen near mosque in Benghazi yesterday: [@LibyanReality]
= Pentagon: Secret U.S. military commandos deployed to Libya
Classified United States military units are operating in the region near Libya since the Sept. 11 attack on the U.S. diplomatic compound in Benghazi, according to the director of operations for the Pentagon’s Joint Staff.
Tidd said that after the attack in Benghazi, the U.S. European Command sent a Fleet Antiterrorism Security Team (FAST) platoon to reinforce security at the U.S. Embassy in Tripoli.
= The renaissance of a colonial army
The United States, after having directed operation Unified Protector, is currently taking charge of the protection of the "New Libya" by providing it with a new army. The Pentagon and the State Department are already busy forming a Libyan "elite force" of 500 men, intended to be the central core around which the new army can be constructed. Initial financing is 8 million dollars, recuperated from the reduction of aid to Pakistan for its "anti-terrorist operations."
The official mission of this "elite force", whose formation has already been approved by Congress, will be to "confront and destroy terrorist and violent extremist organisations." The selection of members of this "elite force" is already under way by functionaries from the Pentagon, the State Department and the CIA, through a screening process which will evaluate physical capacities, mindset and especially the attitude towards the United States.
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The first batallion of the elite force of the « New Libya » - Libyans in service of the colonisation of their own country. Photo: |
This explains why the drafts of two letters on September 11th expressing worry that the U.S. Consulate in Benghazi was under ‘troubling’ surveillance and that the Libyan government failed to fulfill requests for additional security.
“It wasn’t failure,” these pro-U.S. agents said, “but the Libyan government’s mafia-like system, subordinate to Al-Qaeda and installed with the blessings of the Obama administration that is responsible for the deaths of 4 Americans in Benghazi, [and thousands LIBYANS IN LIBYA!!! ]
” they said.
= What Was That Drone Doing in Benghazi?
It is vitally important that the American people know all of the facts surrounding the attack in Benghazi last month ..[ but no important that the American people know fatcs about all USA/NATO wars? such hypocrisy of "journalists"]
= FOX NEWS:Exclusive: Security officials on the ground in Libya challenge CIA account
Despite a carefully narrated version of events rolled out late this week by the CIA claiming agents jumped into action as soon as they were notified of calls for help in Benghazi, security officials on the ground say calls for help went out considerably earlier -- and signs of an attack were mounting even before that.
= REUTERS: CIA officials in Libya made key decisions during Benghazi attacks
Intelligence and other administration officials expressed particular dismay about a report on Fox News last week that alleged that armed CIA operatives near the U.S. compound in Benghazi were repeatedly told to "stand down" after asking for permission to assist on the night of September 11 and were also refused military backup by the CIA chain of command.
= I want to save this chess game for me [ just like notes] while Libyan children dying and many Libyans have become homeless.
Obama vs Romney?
FOX News vs Reuters : J. Christopher Stevens, U.S. Ambassador To Libya, And 3 Embassy Staffers Killed In Attack On American Consulate In Benghazi= Benghazi Attack on Largest CIA Regional Operation, Ambassador Steven’s Death “Collateral”
[Global Research, October 15, 2012]
What really happened in Benghazi was the result of long running US meddling in the affairs of sovereign nations and in particular in the Muslim world. An area they have shown time and time they have no clear understanding about and even less respect for.
The attack in Benghazi was an attack on one of the CIA’s largest operations in the region. This is clear from the fact that Steven’s death was a secondary event in the attack on the compound. They attackers were after what was in the compound, not Stevens.
= Ambassador Stevens in Libya: Just Wrong (CIA) Place, Wrong Time?
[September 26, 2012]
A blind man in the dark with ear muffs on knows that something happened in Benghazi, Libya more than a spontaneous angry mob pissed off over a Grade Z video attacked an American Consulate and killed the US Ambassador to Libya.
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Ambassador Stevens in Benghazi , Libya 11.09.2012. |
The rat militia from Misurata, who returned from weeks of besieging and terrorising Bani Walid, are now since many days invading the so-called 'General National Congress' also known as the Rat Congress in Tripoli on a daily basis.
The heavy armed security at the Congress is no match for the determined rats who enter freely each day at will, leading now to a suspension of all meetings of the so-called 'government' also known as 'ratverment' and its attempt at 'ratocracy' in lieu of democracy.
In spite of the obvious elephant in the room, namely the ongoing total absence of any functioning democracy in the Libyan Jourdaniya, the racist imperialist reactionary zionist crusader fascist elite regimes of France, England, and their stooge organization the so-called "United Nations" have praised the 'new government' in Libya.
Everyone else is aware that there is no government in Libya but only attempts of rats to meet which are always broken up by other rats as all rats are divided and found the holes in the cheese offered them by NATO actually much bigger than the cheese itself, which they are unable to get their fangs into.
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Libya before and after NATO "humanitarian intervention" |
= BENGHAZI PROTESTS : Hundreds of Libyan protesters have poured into the streets in the Libyan city of Benghazi, in a move to demand autonomy for the African country’s oil-rich east.
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Benghazi today |
The protesters also distributed a statement calling for a return to the 1951 constitution. From 1951 to 1963Libya was a federal union, divided into three administrative states -- Cyrenaica, Tripolitania and Fezzan.
"We declare our full support for the elected government [of Prime Minister Ali Zeidan], which won the confidence of the General National Congress, in order to draft a constitution on the basis of the legitimate constitution of 1951,” the statement said.
Running from the Mediterranean coast south to Chad, Cyrenaica accounts for almost half of the country's territory and is home to roughly three-quarters of Libya's oil reserves.
Back in March 2012, Tribal and political leaders in the oil-rich region of Cyrenaica declared autonomy during a conference in Benghazi and called for the establishment of a federal system in the post-revolution nation.
"A federal system is the choice of the region," Cyrenaica’s leaders said in a joint statement posted on the internet.
= Libya: US and UK Government International Actions Since 1945 [Intervention and Exploitation]
Source: US UK
End of the Italian colonization of Libya, when the Sanussiys give in. [1]
With the fall of the Axis powers in the World War 2, Britain and France divides Libya: Tripolitania and Cyrenaica comes ulnder British control. Fezzan comes under French control. [1]
= The Sons of Libya now and in future generations will never forget the genocide and destruction committed by NATO
1 – All forcibly displaced families need access to return to Bani Walid, in their home town and to prevent bandits infiltrated the city made the looting and burning of houses in Bani Walid …
2 – The whole family Warfalla rejects the claims of the “government” to move them to a field in the Tahwerga, first because we will not abandon our city and second by Tahwerga has its own inhabitants who were cruelly forced out of their city ...
Libya S.O.S. resistance news: 02. November 2012.
=Daily video LibyaSOS & friends
= Siege of Bani Walid: Foreign fighters, phosphorus bombs and nerve gas – RT sources
New Libyan government is “a major step” in creating a stable Libya says Italy.
= Russia has urged the International Criminal Court to probe all war crimes in Libya.
The Russian Foreign Ministry spokesman Alexander Lukashevich has stressed that such a probe should focus, among others, on crimes committed following the military campaign in Libya in October last year.
The diplomat said that the UN Security Council adopted a resolution in February last year, whereby all crimes in Libya were to be investigated by the International Criminal Court.
But though more than two years have passed since the end of mass-scale combat action, those guilty of killing civilians and breaking international humanitarian law have never been called to account.
Voice of Russia, TASS
= Benghazi consulate attack was a CIA operation – report
The US consulate attack in Benghazi, which claimed the life of Ambassador Chris Stevens on September 11th, was predominantly an intelligence operation, according to a report in the Wall Street Journal. Sources claim that two out of the four people killed in the attack, and 23 out of the 30 evacuated, were under CIA command. The US administration has been repeatedly challenged about the apparent lack of security at the site, and the report claims that a mix-up between the CIA and State Department branch of the consulate enabled militants to attain easy access to the consulate.
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Hitlary Clinton with NATO gound trrops aka rebels Feb17 |
= CIA Agents Confirm Obama Told Them Not To Aid Ambassador Chris Stevens – The White House Disinformation Campaign on Libya
A secret document obtained by former Muslim Brotherhood member Walid Shoebat suggests the Obama administration approved assigning a member of al-Qaida to handle security at the U.S. Embassy in Tripoli.
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A secret document obtained by former Muslim Brotherhood member Walid Shoebat suggests the Obama administration |
= Both Russia and China have welcomed "the new Libyan government". “This marks a new step in the political transition of Libya, and China welcomes it,” said Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesman Hong Lei in Beijing on Friday.
New Libyan government is “a major step” in creating a stable Libya says Italy.
= EX-REBELS now only CRIMINALS : A planned mass demonstration by ex-rebels outside the Congress buildings in Tripoli was called off at the last minute after Prime Minister Ali Zeidan reportedly offered to announce changes to his cabinet on Sunday.
= SIRTE : A large armed convoy was seen arriving in Sirte from the outside today
= SIRTE: 20 African migrants arrested in Sirte yesterday:
= BENGHAZI : Reports of another assassination outside #Benghazi mosque today Unconfirmed reports that a a Muslim cleric named Abdalla Zine Alfasi was killed outside the Abu Ayyub Ansari mosque in #Benghazi
= Libya’s General National Congress (GNC) was forced to suspend its Thursday sessions due to repeated incursions by the thuwar (militias) earlier today.
The demonstrators had continued their overnight to protest in opposition to some members of Prime Minister Zeidan’s newly approved government. At some stages Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday those charged with securing the GNC building seemed to lose control.
= Same criminals who shelled&looted #BaniWalid are strutting around #GNC in 'armed protest' & BEATING journalists
Militia guarding Rixos told me 2 unarmed protesters shot/injured last night by gov security. Partly why militias forced security out
= Ten SSC armed vehicles from Kufra deployed to Bani Walid
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Bani Walid October 2012. |
‘Helping the state is one thing but looting is another,’ declared Adel Mohammed, a GNC police officer from Tripoli, blaming armed groups from Misrata and ‘false revolutionaries’ for the destruction.
In every corner you can see damage which make NATO backed exrebels — including militias from Misrata — and common criminals.
Torkiya Al Kasi, who found the furniture in her children’s room shattered to pieces, has no doubt about the identity of the guilty parties: ‘The people who did this are apostates, not Muslims.’
= Bani Walid Dr Who Stated Gas Attack Symptoms Reported Killed
= NATO's "right hand" UN Special Representative Welcomes Formation of New Libyan Western Puppets
= SRSG Mitri congratulates the General National Congress, the legitimately elected [ without half of Libyan population!] body chosen to represent the will of the Libyan people for moving forward in the process of their democratic transition [ or slavery and tribal war] .
= Bani Walid pays price for refusing to accept the mark of the beast
The images emerging from the current siege of Bani Walid are gruesome. NATO’s henchmen are attacking their own people with bombs and chemical weapons, injuring and killing scores of civilians.
Where is the African Union?
Ethnic cleansing of people with black skin is being carried out by Arab supremacists – and where is the African Union? The answer is that its troops, drawn from neo-colonial African countries, are mired down in Somalia and the Democratic Republic of Congo, fighting imperialism’s battles under the command of AFRICOM.
Since Qaddafi’s murder, all but three African countries have accepted U.S. military occupation in the form of AFRICOM. And what about the Eurocentric left in the U.S., Europe, Canada and elsewhere – it seems they are so confused over Libya and the Arab Spring thing that they are unable to put up any effective opposition to the murder and mayhem that their governments are perpetrating.
It is so much more comfortable and easier all ‘round to join the frenzy over Pussy Riot, while the siege of Libya and Bani Walid, which can easily be compared to the “killing fields” of Cambodia, is unfolding before their eyes. There is no question that the Islamist militias that have surrounded Bani Walid are certainly on a par with the Khmer Rouge.
REPORT [31.10.2012.] @LibyanReality
= Another armed "protest" in front of the GNC in Tripoli
= News circulating about the death of Colonel Habashi (whose arrest resulted in the Tarhuna raid on Tripoli airport) under torture in Misrata.
= Two RPGs were fired at Red Crescent offices in the Gorda area of Sabha last night
= A former "Revolutionary Committee" leader was assassinated in Derna last night
= Looting and burning by Misrata militias targeted hospital, a bank and shops in Bani Walid
= Two refugees attempting to return to Bani Walid were killed in a vehicle accident near the town [31.10.2012.]
= Medical equipment stolen from the Bani Walid General Hospital and a clinic in Dahra were allegedly moved to Misrata by militias yesterday.
= Weeklong power cuts in the south led to disruption of water supply in Sabha via Press Solidarity.
Meanwhile Qatrun FB page reports that power has been out in the town for most of the last month.
= BANI WALID , Libya [29.10.2012.] by Green Komitet
= Bani Walid is home to the Warfallah tribe, Libya’s largest tribe comprising about 1 million people, or one-sixth of Libya’s population. As a result of the racist terror carried out by pro-NATO militias, many black Libyans sought refuge in the town after the overthrow of the sovereign government last year.
The International Committee of the Red Cross stated that around 25,000 people were forced to flee as a result of the siege. (Libya Herald, Oct. 24) It is estimated that at least 150 people—some as young as 13-years-old—have been killed and hundreds have been injured so far. There have been reports of militia members indiscriminately bulldozing housing and other infrastructure in the town.
In an extremely telling and under-publicized move, as the siege continued on Oct. 23, the United States blocked a draft resolution proposed by Russia which aimed at a peaceful resolution to the violent conflict.
The siege of Bani Walid sends another signal that the Libyan people will not stand down in the face of the effective re-colonization of their country.
[29/30. 10.2012.]
= GNS : Congress members vote themselves 45,000 dinar loan to buy a car
= MISRATA: A strong explosion was heard on the southern outskirts of Misrata
= The "high assembly of rebels", a group of "true" rebels, reject the proposed government and wants to talk to Magarief. Now at GNC
= Libya: Defence minister admits army has “no control” over Bani Wali, "gunmen" in charge,40k displaced.
= Six Warfalla tribesmen from Bani Walid were arrested in Tripoli [29.10.2012] along with similar harassment of Warfalla in Benghazi.
= Our house in #Bani_Walid was looted and stolen by #Misurata militias and the other gangs. they didn't leave anything! [@DrWhyLy]
= Militias opened fire on refugees trying to return to Bani Walid at a checkpoint to the east of Tarhuna early today
= Reports that 40 families in Jabal an Nasamah are fleeing due to attacks from armed groups who accuse them of being pro-Gaddafi
= Figures from Zintan and other Nafusa towns are allegedly lobbying for a "Resolution no. 8" to clear Mizdah and Shaqiqa of loyalists.
Meanwhile there are claims that another such operation is being planned for Ajaylat, Regdalin and Jamil from Zwara. [LibyanReality]
= SABHA: Four explosions were heard in Sabha yesterday.
= Torture of a Tobou tribesman by militia in Qatrun video
= BANI WALID 25 Oct 11.15am GMT - Full Report
= TV Channel from Qatar sought to create an Islamic Emirate in Libya
= NATO Bombing Of Libya Seven Times Worse Than Hitler’s Of Europe, $150 Billion Stolen
= CHRIS STEVENS : US mission in Benghazi was CIA operation, report says
= LIBYA: Western intervention in Libya aimed at failed state
= Nerve Gas and Phosphorous Bombs Reportedly Used in USNATO-sponsored Destruction of Bani Walid: War Crimes Continue
Reports have also surfaced that many of the militiamen were not from Libya. RT quoted one man whose family remained in the city during the siege as saying that “They use foreign snipers, I think from Qatar and Turkey, with Qatar covering all the costs.” (, October 28)
This same source alleged that a ship carrying guns and other military equipment had docked in the port city of Misrata. “There is no government in Libya. Groups of militia control everything,” the source revealed, claiming that the majority of the rebels have dual citizenships and passports from other nations.
US Imperialist Intervention Leaves Trail of Death and Destruction
The current situation in Bani Walid and throughout Libya is the direct result of the intervention of the Pentagon, the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) and NATO during 2011. For ten months during last year, rebels and their backers in the West laid waste to the country and the state.
Libya news [backup libyasos] 17. September - 23. September 2012.
Libya news [backup libyasos] 12. September - 16. September 2012.
Libya news [backup libyasos] 31. August - 07. September 2012.
Libya news [backup libyasos] 22. August - 28. August 2012.
Libya news [backup libyasos] 15. August - 21. August 2012.
Libya news [backup libyasos] 08. August - 14. August 2012.
Libya news [backup libyasos] 01. August - 07. August 2012.
Libya news [backup libyasos] 22. July - 31. July 2012.
Libya news [backup libyasos] 16. July - 22. July 2012.
Libya news [backup libyasos] 05. July - 11. July 2012.
Libya news [backup libyasos] 29. June - 04. July 2012.
Libya news [backup libyasos] 21. June - 28 June 2012.
Libya news [backup libyasos] 12. September - 16. September 2012.
Libya news [backup libyasos] 31. August - 07. September 2012.
Libya news [backup libyasos] 22. August - 28. August 2012.
Libya news [backup libyasos] 15. August - 21. August 2012.
Libya news [backup libyasos] 08. August - 14. August 2012.
Libya news [backup libyasos] 01. August - 07. August 2012.
Libya news [backup libyasos] 22. July - 31. July 2012.
Libya news [backup libyasos] 16. July - 22. July 2012.
Libya news [backup libyasos] 05. July - 11. July 2012.
Libya news [backup libyasos] 29. June - 04. July 2012.
Libya news [backup libyasos] 21. June - 28 June 2012.
Libya news [backup libyasos] 01. June - 08. June 2012.
Libya news [backup libyasos] 25 May - 31. May 2012.
Libya news [backup libyasos] 19 May - 24. May 2012.
Libya news [backup libyasos] 11 May - 18. May 2012.
Libya news [backup libyasos] 01 May - 10. May 2012.
Libya news [backup libyasos] 23. March - 01. April 2012.
Libya news [backup libyasos] 16. March - 22. March 2012.
Libya news [backup libyasos] 09. March - 15. March 2012.
Libya news [backup libyasos] 29. February - 08. March 2012.
Libya news [backup libyasos] 21. February - 28. February 2012.
Libya news [backup libyasos] 14. February - 20. February 2012.
Libya news [backup libyasos] 07. February - 13.February 2012.
Libya news [backup libyasos] 30. January - 06. February 2012.
Libya news [backup libyasos] 25 May - 31. May 2012.
Libya news [backup libyasos] 19 May - 24. May 2012.
Libya news [backup libyasos] 11 May - 18. May 2012.
Libya news [backup libyasos] 01 May - 10. May 2012.
Libya news [backup libyasos] 23. March - 01. April 2012.
Libya news [backup libyasos] 16. March - 22. March 2012.
Libya news [backup libyasos] 09. March - 15. March 2012.
Libya news [backup libyasos] 29. February - 08. March 2012.
Libya news [backup libyasos] 21. February - 28. February 2012.
Libya news [backup libyasos] 14. February - 20. February 2012.
Libya news [backup libyasos] 07. February - 13.February 2012.
Libya news [backup libyasos] 30. January - 06. February 2012.
Libya news [backup libyasos] 02. December - 10. December 2011.
Libya news [backup libyasos] 25. November - 01. December 2011.
Libya news [backup libyasos] 02. November - 07. November 2011.
Libya news [backup libyasos] 28. october - 01. november 2011.
Libya news [backup libyasos] 20. october - 27. october 2011.
Libya news [backup libyasos] 13. october - 19. october 2011.
Libya news [backup libyasos] 06. october - 12. october 2011.
Libya news [backup libyasos] 28. september - 05. october 2011.
Libya news [backup libyasos] 13. september - 20. september 2011. Libya news [backup libyasos] 25. November - 01. December 2011.
Libya news [backup libyasos] 02. November - 07. November 2011.
Libya news [backup libyasos] 28. october - 01. november 2011.
Libya news [backup libyasos] 20. october - 27. october 2011.
Libya news [backup libyasos] 13. october - 19. october 2011.
Libya news [backup libyasos] 06. october - 12. october 2011.
Libya news [backup libyasos] 28. september - 05. october 2011.