"An error does not become truth by reason of multiplied propagation, nor does truth become error because nobody sees it." Mahatma Gandhi
May 31, 2012
BRILLIANT! The Truth About Libya, Gaddafi, And The Illuminati
Brilliant compilation and text narrative. Well done. Sharing.
[ReanimatedResidue ]
May 27, 2012
The Brother Leader Gaddafi addresses students at Oxford University
The brother leader addresses students at Oxford University on the colonial approach of both China and the USA, and the need for Africans to unite to stop both approaches.
GhaddafiSpeaks's channel
GhaddafiSpeaks's channel
May 26, 2012
A Victory for the Libyan People? The Top Ten Myths in the War Against Libya
1. Genocide
2. Gaddafi is “bombing his own people”
3. Save Benghazi
4. African Mercenaries
5. Viagra-fueled Mass Rape
6. Responsibility to Protect (R2P)
7. Gaddafi — the Demon
8. Freedom Fighters — the Angels [or Holy Rebels]
9. Victory for the Libyan People
10. Defeat for “the Left”
2. Gaddafi is “bombing his own people”
3. Save Benghazi
4. African Mercenaries
5. Viagra-fueled Mass Rape
6. Responsibility to Protect (R2P)
7. Gaddafi — the Demon
8. Freedom Fighters — the Angels [or Holy Rebels]
9. Victory for the Libyan People
10. Defeat for “the Left”
Since Colonel Gaddafi has lost his military hold in the war against NATO and the insurgents/rebels/new regime, numerous talking heads have taken to celebrating this war as a “success”.
May 24, 2012
Libya news [backup libyasos] 01. May - 10. May 2012.
Libya news [backup libyasos] 23. March - 01. April 2012.
Libya S.O.S. resistance news: 01. April 2012.
From 01.04. 2012. to 01.05.2012. the Libyan Resistance News shall
be published in daily posts on the HOME page
21h/ 25 Zuarans kidnapped by Green Resistance from Al-Jamil
Zuara has been on high alert since Saturday night when Green forces from the neighbouring town of Al-Jamil captured 25 Zuara men [traitors and mercenaries] on their way to Zuara from Nalut.
20h/ 150 dead in Libyan tribal clashes reveal vacuum in authority
Although Libya’s National Transitional Council nominally controls all of the country, in practice it has struggled to integrate the disparate tribal militias who fought Gaddafi into a single national force. As a result, large parts of Libya have disintegrated into separate fiefdoms.
May 21, 2012
Libyan Popular National Movement
"There is no option but to form a new party - not a party to rule the people, but to draw out the masses from within the people. Not a partial party that rules the entirety, but an entirety that produces a part- the body triumphing over the cancer.
It is a daring operation, a qualitative leap, a new revolutionary lead to create the state of the masses.
Only the masses have an interest in revolution, which the parasites take their share of, and Dracula drinks its blood..."
Muammar al Gaddafi, an excerpt from his essay written in '90s "Once Again, an Urgent Call to Form a Party"
Once again, we can see the words of our Brother Leader coming from the past to teach us about the evolution of the revolution, as he saw it, but it took almost 20 years to pass for the understanding to dawn on some of us... Could this be what he was talking about? Could it be that someone actually innitiated such a movement in Libya after all this bloodshed? Something to "draw the masses from within the people" and "the body triumphing over cancer"? I don't know if such is the case, time will tell.
The Libyan Popular National Movement
(Arabic: الحركة الوطنية الشعبية الليبية)
The Libyan Popular National Movement (Arabic: الحركة الوطنية الشعبية الليبية) is a political movement established by former Great Socialist People's Libyan Arab Jamahiriya officials on 15 February 2012. Its Secretary General is Major General Khuwaildi al-Hamidi, a former member of the Libyan Revolutionary Command Council
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Libyan Popular National Movement الحركة الوطنية الشعبية الليبية |
According to their first statement, their main objectives are:
Muammar al Gaddafi : Once Again, an Urgent Call to Form a Party
"Today, it's a party and not the people who rules. There are no popular conferences! Therefore, we must crash this tool, which does not represent the people, so that the people can rule. But what is the people?"
[....then he elaborates on that term, concluding]:
"We have now laid up the definition of 'the people' and it is a truly bourgeois definition, and quite unsatisfying. It is a mixture of contradictions and speculations. No doubt, in this definition, 'the people' includes sections of the population that are hostile to one another, combative elements, groups that are against each other socially. Thus, within a people, there are forces and elements of exploitation, theft and monopoly, as well as partisanship, tribalism, reaction, and corruption."
"Following the definition of 'the people', we return to our call for the forming of a party, but how?
Those who rule now, under the umbrella of popular democracy, are not the masses, building a state of masses, but an alliance - not of the people's laboring forces - but an alliance that is against them. It is a despicable alliance, whose own elements do not know one another, but they know each others methods.
They do not meet together and take an oath of allegiance" their alliance is a tacit one......
There is no option but to form a new party - not a party to rule the people, but to draw out the masses from within the people. Not a partial party that rules the entirety, but an entirety that produces a part- the body triumphing over the cancer.
It is a daring operation, a qualitative leap, a new revolutionary lead to create the state of the masses.
Only the masses have an interest in revolution, which the parasites take their share of, and Dracula drinks its blood..."
Muammar al Gaddafi, an excerpt from his essay written in '90s "Once Again, an Urgent Call to Form a Party""We have now laid up the definition of 'the people' and it is a truly bourgeois definition, and quite unsatisfying. It is a mixture of contradictions and speculations. No doubt, in this definition, 'the people' includes sections of the population that are hostile to one another, combative elements, groups that are against each other socially. Thus, within a people, there are forces and elements of exploitation, theft and monopoly, as well as partisanship, tribalism, reaction, and corruption."
"Following the definition of 'the people', we return to our call for the forming of a party, but how?
Those who rule now, under the umbrella of popular democracy, are not the masses, building a state of masses, but an alliance - not of the people's laboring forces - but an alliance that is against them. It is a despicable alliance, whose own elements do not know one another, but they know each others methods.
They do not meet together and take an oath of allegiance" their alliance is a tacit one......
There is no option but to form a new party - not a party to rule the people, but to draw out the masses from within the people. Not a partial party that rules the entirety, but an entirety that produces a part- the body triumphing over the cancer.
It is a daring operation, a qualitative leap, a new revolutionary lead to create the state of the masses.
Only the masses have an interest in revolution, which the parasites take their share of, and Dracula drinks its blood..."
May 20, 2012
June 7, 2012 - Birthday of Muammar Al Gaddafi Around the World
Facebook Page: June 7, 2012 - Birthday of Muammar Qaddafi
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Muammar Al Gaddafi |
حدث مخصص للاحتفال بالذكرى السبعين 7 يونيو 2012, ذكرى ميلاد معمر القذافي. ونقدم للاحتفال بمولد الزعيم. وعلى الكل المشاركة في هذا الحدث للمدينة في البلد الذي هو فيه.
المطلوب هو قصائد والقصص والصور وغيرها عن معمر القذافي تعبر عنه و عن جميع مراحل حياته .... كفيلسوف الثورة السياسي, الجندي, الرومانسي, مؤسس أول دولة جديدة النوع بأفريقيا (الجماهيرية). والد ومؤسس و زعيم افريقيا رئيس الثورة. وبالنسبة للعالم السياسي للنخبة العقيد القذافي دائما كان الرقم اللامع و الصعب, صاحب الرأي المستقل و يحمل هموم الشعوب. والأهم انه تجرأ على إقامة هذه الدولة في صحاري افريقيا دولة الرعاية المجانية (الطب المجاني, خدمات المرافق العامة, مدفوعات الرعاية, الخ....).
بالإضافة إلى توفيرالمياه لكافة السكان, وإعطاء المواطنين من عوائد النفط مباشرة وفي نفس الوقت مستقلا العقيد القذافي كما كتب كتابا عن رؤيته عن العدل والسياسة و من جهة أخرى استعرض العقود مع شركات النفط الغربية فألغى أغلبها و تجرأ على مساعدة الدول النامية في افريقيا, وقام بالتخلي عن الدولار و جعل للدينار الليبي مكانة ذهبية
بإختصار ... على جميع أحرار العالم مناصرة و مؤازرة أحرار و شرفاء ليبيا و الوقوف إلى جانبهم على طريق تحريرها من الإحتلال الأمريكي الفرنسي الإيطالي الغربي و الذي حصل على يد عملائهم ....
و علينا إستغلال مناسبة ذكرى ميلاد هذا القائد العظيم لإبراز شخصيته و إنجازاته للعالم أجمع علهم يتعظون
Event devoted to Mu’ammar Gaddafi 70th anniversary celebration
June 07, 2012 is the anniversary of Mu’ammar Gaddafi’s birthday.
We offer to organize the Leader’s birthday celebration.
Each participant of the event may prepare a gift in his/her country and city and place it on June 07, 2012 at the event page.
These may be greetings, poems, stories, pictures, crafts, actions, etc.
Mu’ammar Gaddafi was a revolutionary, a philosopher, a militant, a romantic, the founder of the first new type state in Africa – the Jamahiriya.
People called him Brother Leader, Father of Africa, Leader of Revolution.
Gaddafi always was a very unfavourable figure for world political elite – a bright, independent and fantastically popular person. And most important, he managed to establish a social state (free medicine, free education, penny-worth housing fees, social pay-outs, etc.) in African deserts!
Moreover, to provide priceless water for all the population and to transfer part of the oil extraction profits to the citizens of the country!
At the same time independent Colonel Gaddafi has written a book on his view of just state structure!
Besides, he has revised contracts with Western oil companies and laughed at monarchs! Further, he dared to help African emerging nations, he offered to get rid of a dollar and to introduce a golden dinar!!…
To be short, for a long time enemies wove a web of conspiracy.
It resulted to furious baiting in world mass media, zombieing of public, mud throwing and the most important – the UN puppets’ permission to the military intervention in Libya!!!
Now his country is occupied and demolished. His people is robbed by British, Americans, French, Italians and adjoined Qataris. Mean traitors triumph.
For a long time we see no leaders in our countries worth to be called warriors, who would certainly stand for their countries and peoples – that Colonel Gaddafi has reminded us about.
The Colonel reminds us about deeds of our ancestors who never surrendered to the enemy, who never hauled their flag down under any conditions. We all people should take a pattern by such statesmen and dream that such heroes were born in our lands.
The Jamahiriya is eternal! The Resistance continues! Let’s support the Libyan people’s struggle for liberation with our event!
Мероприятие, посвященное празднованию 70 летия со дня рождения Муаммара Каддафи.
07 июня 2012 года годовщина со дня рождения Муаммара Каддафи. Предлагаем провести празднование дня рождения Лидера.
Каждый человек в своей стране, в своем городе может принять участие в данном мероприятии и разместить 07 июня 2012 года на странице данного мроприятия свои пожелания,стихи, рассказы, рисунки, поделки, акции и т.п.
Муаммар Каддафи - революционер, философ, политик, боец, романтик, основатель первого государства нового типа в Африке - Джамахирии. В народе его называют Братом Лидером, Отцом Африки, Руководителем Революции.
Для мировой политической элиты - полковник Каддафи всегда был очень неудобной фигурой - яркий, независимый, безумно популярный.
И главное, он посмел основать в пустынях Африки социальное государство (бесплатная медицина, бесплатное образование, грошовые тарифы за коммунальные услуги, социальные выплаты и т.д.) !
К тому же полностью обеспечив бесценной в пустыне водой все население, еще и перечислял гражданам страны часть доходов от нефтедобычи!
При этом независимый полковник Каддафи еще и написал книгу о своем видении справедливого государственного устройства!!
Он пересмотрел контракты с западными нефтяными компаниями, насмехался на монархами!
Еще он посмел помогать развивающимся странам Африки, предлагал отказаться от доллара и ввести золотой динар!! …
Одним словом , враги долго плели паутину заговора… И как результат - травля в мировых СМИ, зомбирование общественности, потоки грязи, а главное - марионетками ООН данное разрешение на военное вторжение в Ливию!!!
И сейчас его страна разорена и захвачена. Его народ ограблен британцами, американцами, французами, итальянцами и примкнувшим к ним Катаром. Грязные предатели торжествуют...
Мы давно не видим в своих государствах лидеров, которых можно было бы назвать воинами, в которых можно быть уверенными, что они пойдут за свою страну и свой народ, о чем нам напомнил полковник Каддафи. Полковник напоминает нам подвиги наших предков, не уступавших врагу, не спускающих флаг ни при каких условиях. Мы, все люди, должны брать пример с таких государственный мужей и мечтать о том, чтобы и в наших землях рождались такие же герои!
Джамахирия вечна!
Сопротивление продолжается!
Поддержим нашим мероприятием борьбу ливийского народа за свое освобождение!
May 19, 2012
A new video of torture in Libya has surfaced on the Internet.
The victim is a supporter of Free Libya, Green Libya.
The accent of the men in the video matches that of Misrata. The men are dressed in military garb and accompanied by two teenage boys, who take turns beating the prisoner.
The victim can be seen lying on the ground with his hands tied behind his back with wire (at 2’19 minutes, a guard can be seen tightening the binds.) His feet are bare, and tied to the branch of a tree. The men beat the soles of the prisoners’ feet repeatedly with a branch and a rubber stick while shouting obscenities at him.
This is not the first time that this kind of video, which appears to show violent acts perpetrated by former rebels, has surfaced on the Internet. But in many of these videos, the victims were either black African or Berber nomads, who were targeted because they were believed to be Gaddafi’s mercenaries.
“Today, those who took part in the uprising are above the law”
Unfortunately, the NTC government is doing nothing to prevent this type of abuse. On the contrary, perpetrators benefit from complete impunity, thanks to a new law that stipulates that former rebels cannot be brought to court or punished for “acts committed with the goal of ensuring the revolution’s success.” In other words, today, those who took part in the uprising are above the law.
Anyone who criticizes them is immediately branded a Gaddafi sympathizer.
Welcome to demoNcracy!
Anyone who criticizes them is immediately branded a Gaddafi sympathizer.
Welcome to demoNcracy!
SHOCKING: interview with a man who has been tortured for months in Misurata’s jails
This is a Pal-Talk conversation in which a Green ex prisoner in the Barbarian jails of Misurata gangs is revealing of what happened to him and to some of his colleagues, so in this conversation there are three main people:
First is the Person who hosts and presents the Ex Prisoner his Nickname is (Maadani) the Ex Prisoner plus the intervention from Dr. Hamza Al Tuhami.
First is the Person who hosts and presents the Ex Prisoner his Nickname is (Maadani) the Ex Prisoner plus the intervention from Dr. Hamza Al Tuhami.
Maddani I will let you hear this man who has just got out from the prison of Misurata after they cut off his right leg and left hand. Each of his friends, family and loved ones have paid 120,000 Dinars as a ransom so as to get him out of Misurata prison and now he is going to tell you his full story come on our hero the time is yours now to speak.
The ex-prisoner:
BISMI ALLAH (in the name of ALLAH) and Salam Alaykoum. I am going to tell you my story in brief if you do not mind but first of all I want to say that concerning my colleagues in that jail I mean those who were militants in that HORRIFIC jail they made me promise that I would tell everything what’s happening there and for me,
I could not believe that I would get out from that hell without the help of ALLAH first and then from my beloved ones which they also insisted on me to speak up in what is really happening inside those jails and I accepted to appear even on a TV channel to tell these facts.
BISMI ALLAH (in the name of ALLAH) and Salam Alaykoum. I am going to tell you my story in brief if you do not mind but first of all I want to say that concerning my colleagues in that jail I mean those who were militants in that HORRIFIC jail they made me promise that I would tell everything what’s happening there and for me,
I could not believe that I would get out from that hell without the help of ALLAH first and then from my beloved ones which they also insisted on me to speak up in what is really happening inside those jails and I accepted to appear even on a TV channel to tell these facts.
"Things they Don't Do Even In Israel": Another Tale from Free Libya
The following is from the account of a man from Sirte who was released from a Misrata jail following a large bribe. He's missing his right leg and left arm now, from battle prior to capture. It's not so much what torture he was subjected to as what he witnessed and heard from others that's shocking even to those of us aware of some of what's (at least allegedly) going on in "Free Libya."
The information comes via a green resistance interview via PAL-talk, which I had to look up. This is the same way the famous Nisrene, "Gaddafi's girl executioner," reportedly got her story out after allegedly escaping. She requested anonymity, but shared but too many details matching a well-known story. I'm not sure of her current status and haven't heard an update. This time again the former prisoner anonymous, and the chat was audio only.
"Things they Don't Do Even In Israel": Another Tale from Free Libya
The information comes via a green resistance interview via PAL-talk, which I had to look up. This is the same way the famous Nisrene, "Gaddafi's girl executioner," reportedly got her story out after allegedly escaping. She requested anonymity, but shared but too many details matching a well-known story. I'm not sure of her current status and haven't heard an update. This time again the former prisoner anonymous, and the chat was audio only.
"Things they Don't Do Even In Israel": Another Tale from Free Libya
May 18, 2012
“Playground War – Libya” – Documentary
Comment on Documentary “Playground War – Libya”
The newly released documentary by Journeyman TV, Playground War – Libya, is an extremely important and heartbreaking insight into the realities of NATO’s war on Libya.
Shot in Sirte, the city that was obliterated during the last weeks of NATO’s bombing campaign, the interviewees who participated very bravely give an extremely honest account of the suffering being endured first and foremost by the primary victims of this aggression, Libya’s children.
It shows that the result of this war, like every war and intervention the west has been involved in, has been the division of people who previous to that intervention lived side by side as brothers and sisters, in peace and unity. In Syria, if western support for the insurgency continues, Libya and history shows that the result will be the same.
As a reporter that witnessed Libya transform from a prosperous, well developed country, that provided a good quality of life for its citizens – a fact that the children in this documentary allude to when they repeatedly remark that they wish life would return to how it was before the war – to a country destroyed beyond comprehension, to now being in Nicaragua, which went through a similar experience, the comments from one of the featured families that supported the western backed insurgency against the Jamahiriyah lead by Muammar Gaddafi, were particularly interesting.
They remarked how the revolution that they had supported had delivered them no benefits, and that they too were suffering gravely from the war.
In Nicaragua, many of the ordinary working class people that fought with the US backed “Contras”, against the FSLN government in the 1980s are now supporting and working with the FSLN government that was reelected in 2007.
The reason for this is primarily that after having lived under 16 years of US backed neoliberal government during the 1990s and early 2000s, and like this Libyan family, far from receiving any benefits instead they suffered greatly, they have experienced first hand betrayal by the forces they once supported
Sorce: Global Civilian for Peace
American Spring: The Documentary
Even the cold early spring of 2012 could not deter Occupy Wall Street (OWS) activists in New York city. People from different backgrounds continue to come out onto the streets.
The agenda driving all the protesters remains the same: income inequality, corruption among banks and multinational corporations, foreclosures, climate change, police brutality and above all, the need to get together and talk in person -- not just via mobile phones.
It is all about the courage of ordinary men and women to tell the truth to those who hold power.
New York, NY 10013, USA
May 12, 2012
The Hijacking of Libya - trailer
Trailer for a documentary on last year's imperialist assault on Libya, during which a sovereign nation was hijacked by the West and their local henchmen under the guise of bringing "freedom and democracy" to the country. The project is now in post-production, although a few interviews are pending.
The aim of this trailer is to provide a taster and to help solicit funds for production costs.
If you would like to know more, please reach me through
May 11, 2012
Libyan rebels cage black Africans in zoo, force feed them flags (SHOCK VIDEO)
A shocking video has appeared on the Internet showing Libyan rebels torturing a group of black Africans. People with their hands bound are shown being locked in a zoo-like cage and allegedly forced to eat the old Libyan flag.
“Eat the flag, you dog. Patience you dog, patience. God is Great,” screams a voice off-camera in the video uploaded to YouTube last week, which also made its way onto LiveLeak.com.
The torturers are also shown making the group of captive black Africans stand up with pieces of green cloth still in their mouths and apparently forcing them start jumping.
A number of people are shown standing outside the cage watching the atrocity.
More crimes in Libya
May 10, 2012
The future of Libya depends on mercy or revenge
Reaction on NYT article
In Libya, the Captors Have Become the Captive
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Trial of Gaddafi's supportes |
The future of Libya depends on mercy or revenge.
9 pages of Washing Rebels Crimes with PROPAGANDA of SORROW AND JUSTIFCATION. STOP SPOIL REBELS! ( At leats the Crimes are so massive and Brutal they (nyt & media) can't HID it any more! BUT THEY ARE WASHING IT).
Tripoli, Libya
May 8, 2012
How can Libya hold elections with ongoing armed clashes when even government buildings are not safe from militias?
On Tuesday, May 08, massive numbers of the so-called revolutionaries attacked NTC government building in Tripoli and Prime Minister Keeb who was inside and killed people. There are even talks about moving headquarters of the NTC government in the other city because of instability and clashes in Tripoli. Here is the photo from Tripoli today:
Armed clashes among different factions have been ongoing for a month now in Tripoli, mostly in Souk Al Juma and Tajoura. People are getting killed, even children. One child was found shot with a bullet in his head.
How can elections be held in a country when there is no democracy?
Who do they think will vote, when only 500.000 people registered to vote up until now, and deadlines for registration have been postponed countless times.
On Tuesday, May 08, massive numbers of the so-called revolutionaries attacked NTC government building in Tripoli and Prime Minister Keeb who was inside and killed people. There are even talks about moving headquarters of the NTC government in the other city because of instability and clashes in Tripoli. Here is the photo from Tripoli today:
Armed clashes among different factions have been ongoing for a month now in Tripoli, mostly in Souk Al Juma and Tajoura. People are getting killed, even children. One child was found shot with a bullet in his head.
How can elections be held in a country when there is no democracy?
Who do they think will vote, when only 500.000 people registered to vote up until now, and deadlines for registration have been postponed countless times.
What is Saif Al Islam Gaddafi guilty of?
And NTC killers whose faces are clearly seen on the videos of massacres are forgiven, even BY LAW!
Jalil, you are forgiving NTC killers, and yet you are prosecuting pro-Gaddafi people even for the words they have said on the streets!!
What kind of democracy is that?
How do you think to impose peace in Libya by provoking such an injustice?
NTC's deeds will never bring peace to Libya!
Libya: One Year On [the 4th and final report in the series, "Libya One Year After" by Axis of Logic Columnist, T.J. Coles]
By T. J. Coles. Axis of Logic Exclusive
Axis of Logic
Sunday, May 6, 2012
Editor's Comment: The following report is the 4th and final report in the series, "Libya One Year After" by Axis of Logic Columnist, T.J. Coles. We thank him for establishing a fully documented and accurate history of NATO's destruction of Libya 2011. Read Parts I, II and III of this important series that exposes the deceptive foundation provided by the invader for their war on the people of Libya. If you haven't already done so, read T.J. Cole's first three reports in this important series:
- One Year On. Why we attacked Libya
- Libya: One Year On (Part 2): Recording NATO's War Crimes
- Libya One Year On (Part 3): The Propaganda and the Law
The victor no longer has the luxury of writing their own "history" of their war crimes. Coles shows that NATO's destruction of Libya was nothing more nor less than the crimes of first degree murder and armed robbery on a grand scale.
- Les Blough, Editor
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Tripoli, Libya
May 7, 2012
Libya S.O.S.: Libya: to King Sarkozy, the Spoils [by Pepe Ecosba...
The world will remember Sarkozy as the guy, French president who took money from Gaddafi to become president of France, and then killed him.
This is the new history of France, and the world.
Move over, Lawrence of Arabia. The Great Gallic Liberator of Libya (and any other gullible Arab in sight), neo-Napoleonic French President Nicolas Sarkozy, along with his sidekick British Prime Minister David of Arabia Cameron, gallantly strode into a cordoned off military airport in Tripoli to singLa Vie en Rose by the Mediterranean, thus celebrating the success of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization’s long bombing of Libya into “democracy”.
Tagging along for the photo-op was insufferable self-promoter and self-described “new philosopher” Bernard-Henri Levy, he of the perennially revealing torso under a neatly pressed white shirt, and he of the notorious phone call from Benghazi who “sold” a war to the beleaguered Gallic Liberator (as if King Sarko would refuse any push to enlarge his grandeur).
No need to hold the Imperial Rome metaphors – from “victory lap” to “laurels” and the inevitable “to the victor the spoils” (of war), because that’s exactly what this was.
May 6, 2012
AfriSynergy: Libyan People Must Hold On Until Victory is Achieved
Interview with Mr. Arfisinergy:Gaddafi lives in heart of Revolutionary people all around the world
Benghazi, Libya
330,000 Libyans register for vote in June.. Uh that's just 5% of the population of 6,355,000
330,000 Libyans register for vote in June.. Uh that's just 5% of the population of 6,355,000.. I wouldn't be impressed just yet! #Libya
[by Real Libyan @ahmabd55]
[by Real Libyan @ahmabd55]
Q: Anurag S. "Where is 95%?"
A: B. Seven Knight "See you tube - Tripoli 1-7-2011"
A: B. Seven Knight "See you tube - Tripoli 1-7-2011"
You see? We are not alone.
V Libyi zakázali oslavovat Kaddáfího [in Czech] videos
Tripoli, Libya
Direct Democracy: The Secret of the Effectiveness of Peoples` Resistance to Imperialism
Gaddafi Direct democracy The Secret of the Effectiveness of Peoples` Resistance to Imperialism
Tripoli, Libya
Lies Killed the Colonel
Original Axis Of Logic
By Stan Winer
Truth Hertz
Sunday, Apr 29, 2012
For the historical record, see "Libya: One Year On," the series by T.J. Coles, Axis of Logic Columnist, documenting NATO's war crimes during their destruction of Libya. |
Dawn revealed an extraordinary sight in the Libyan coastal city of Sirte on the morning of 20 October 2011 – “extraordinary” that is if you disregard the fact that nothing could have been ordinary in a once beautiful city that now lay in ruins after weeks of continuous bombing and shelling by Nato and its surrogate rebel forces. Stiff resistance by loyalist snipers together with a clear lack of coordination and divisions among rebel forces at the front had effectively halted the rebel advance.
The rebel force, little more than an assembly of armed street hooligans, was rife with internecine disputes, untrained in tactics, and adept only at firing their weapons into the air and praising Allah, when not actually shooting each other, Although loyalist forces were encircled in a residential area of about 700 square yards, about 150 loyalist army snipers supported by armed civilian volunteers were directing accurate fire at the rebels from surrounding buildings.
Gaddafi Libya UN law killing NATO war crime Globalist Agenda Amnesty International Human Rights
Sirte, Libya
Libya news [backup libyasos] 23. March - 01. April 2012.
Libya S.O.S. resistance news: 01. April 2012.
It's aaaaaaaaaaaaaal about money...NTC traitors decided to give to each bandit and mercenary that fought against Qaddafi the amount of 4.000 dinar (to each man) and 2,000 Dinar to women.....well, good news, this is the award for each bandit. Just think if the "award" is 4,000 and 2,000 dinars to each bandit, what the NTC member took and stole from libyan's money. Well done, criminals. Prepare your self to welcome the International Monetary Found! So, if you betray your country, your religion, your brothers and sisters you will get at least 2,000 dinars. Even your betrayal is sooooooooo cheap and dirty. Get your dirty-bloody-Money mercenaries and have sweet dreams that you have killed children.
It's aaaaaaaaaaaaaal about money...NTC traitors decided to give to each bandit and mercenary that fought against Qaddafi the amount of 4.000 dinar (to each man) and 2,000 Dinar to women.....well, good news, this is the award for each bandit. Just think if the "award" is 4,000 and 2,000 dinars to each bandit, what the NTC member took and stole from libyan's money. Well done, criminals. Prepare your self to welcome the International Monetary Found! So, if you betray your country, your religion, your brothers and sisters you will get at least 2,000 dinars. Even your betrayal is sooooooooo cheap and dirty. Get your dirty-bloody-Money mercenaries and have sweet dreams that you have killed children.
May 5, 2012
The Libyan Civil War - Critical Views: Criminalizing Gaddafi Support
First, a few scattered articles and limited commentary. Below, more pointed updates as the 2012 elections draw near. I invite further examples and developments in what I expect to be lively comments beneath. It's a potentially broad subject, how one ruling party and its supporters are made criminal to varying degrees and severed from civil society in favor of some other politico-economic vision.
First, a recent one:
Libya: TNC releases anti-democratic draft electoral laws
By Will Morrow, World Socialist Website.
13 January 2012
This is a critique of the rules just laid down for the upcoming elections. Now that "democracy" has come to Libya, the people finally get to chose their leaders. As usual, the field to choose from will be narrowed by many, often invisible, factors. The largest and most important is set up now - no Gaddafi loyalists or anyone connected with the hyper-demonized old system or representing any of its ideals will be allowed. No matter how many people might want it, and perhaps because many will want it, the new leaders so indebted to the West will not allow it. Freedom isn't free and it's also got limits.
Those not allowed to hold public office, as Morrow writes:
Virtually everyone who worked at any level of Moammar Gaddafi’s former government is barred, unless they can demonstrate “early and clear support for the February 17th revolution.”....
Full Article --> Criminalizing Gaddafi Support
First, a recent one:
Libya: TNC releases anti-democratic draft electoral laws
By Will Morrow, World Socialist Website.
13 January 2012
This is a critique of the rules just laid down for the upcoming elections. Now that "democracy" has come to Libya, the people finally get to chose their leaders. As usual, the field to choose from will be narrowed by many, often invisible, factors. The largest and most important is set up now - no Gaddafi loyalists or anyone connected with the hyper-demonized old system or representing any of its ideals will be allowed. No matter how many people might want it, and perhaps because many will want it, the new leaders so indebted to the West will not allow it. Freedom isn't free and it's also got limits.
Those not allowed to hold public office, as Morrow writes:
Virtually everyone who worked at any level of Moammar Gaddafi’s former government is barred, unless they can demonstrate “early and clear support for the February 17th revolution.”....
Full Article --> Criminalizing Gaddafi Support
May 3, 2012
Libyan Resistance News 03.05.2012
Last night in Tripoli, the resistance fighters had a major operation in the Jadida prison, and they were able to release 150 prisoners Jamhiriya.
Rebel commander, who was the director of the prison Jadida "Mohammed Salem NAEJA" was killed in this operation. This was the one who tortured Abouzid Dorda and filmed this torture.
Read more ...
Libya S.O.S. resistance news: 03. May 2012.
Last night in Tripoli, the resistance fighters had a major operation in the Jadida prison, and they were able to release 150 prisoners Jamhiriya.
Rebel commander, who was the director of the prison Jadida "Mohammed Salem NAEJA" was killed in this operation. This was the one who tortured Abouzid Dorda and filmed this torture.
Read more ...
Libya S.O.S. resistance news: 03. May 2012.
Libya news [backup libyasos] 16. March - 22. March 2012.
Libya S.O.S. resistance news: 22. March 2012.
01h/ Colonel Muammar Gaddafi's speech Ba Al Azizia [22. March 2011.]
Benghazi, Libya
Libyan Resistance News 02.05.2012
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Million Man March in Tripoli - Can they arrest all these people? |
- NTC DICTATORSHIP: New laws criminalise support for Gaddafi family in Libya http://libyasos.blogspot.com/2012/05/ntc-dictatorship-new-laws-criminalise.html
- Trusted field sources confirmed by the grace of God a few hours ago the liquidation of the traitor (al-Barani Ashkal) at the hands of the brave resistance fighters for the sake of our country and religion. Thus is the end of all agents. (Albarani Ishkal was responsible for the fall of Tripoli and therefore the collapse of the whole political system). It is reported that he was killed in Egypt. Video proof is forthcoming.
Bashir Saleh,
Gaddafi supporters vote,
Libya News 2012,
Lockerbie bombing,
NTC dictatorship in Libya,
Sirte elections,
Sudanese diplomat kidnapped Benghazi,
women of Misurata not raped
May 2, 2012
NTC DICTATORSHIP: New laws criminalise support for Gaddafi family
The NTC has approved a law criminalizing any glorification of Muammar Qadaffi or any support for him or the ex-regime!!
Also passed at the NCT’s meeting on Tuesday was a law expropriating all the assets of Qaddafi and members of his family.
NTC spokesman Muhammed Al-Hareizi confirmed to Libya Herald that the two new laws had been passed. They would be made public on Thursday he said.
Amnesty International,
elections in Libya,
Libya News May 2012,
Libyan money,
New law criminalizing Gaddafi supporters,
NTC democracy,
torture in Libya,
Whistleblower Mediapart sued by Sarkozy & attacked by his campaigners
Mediapart: "We learn with astonishment that Nicolas Sarkozy had filed a complaint against us by providing the public prosecutor of Paris with a complaint involving acts of forgery and uttering forged documents, receiving stolen property and disseminating false information. [ Which is it then Sarkozy- are the documents forged or stolen? If they were forged, who were they stolen from and how do you know that?]The aim of this approach is to bypass the special procedure under the Press Law. Proceedings of the head of defamation would have required a public hearing before the Criminal Court and the production of evidence and witnesses, that, obviously, Nicolas Sarkozy does not want.
journalist attacked by Sarkozy's supporters,
Libya News 2012,
Marine Turchi,
NATO bombing Libya,
Sarkozy Libya,
Sarkozy sues Mediapart
May 1, 2012
Libyan Resistance News 01.05.2012
News : Resistance in Gmal and Rigdaleen were able to enter Zwara and the clashes are going on until now next to Zwara university and the resistance have controlled the area around the gas factory https://www.facebook.com/pages/Libya-SOS/297509086955875?ref=tn_tnmn
International Workers Day: Muammar Qaddafi on Democracy in Industry:
"We celebrate today the first of May, the international workers day; but the real workers' day is the one on which all workers of the world are liberated from slavery and when they become partners instead of wage workers...
Libyan Resistance News 30.04.2012
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The burial o Saif al Arab Gaddafi and 3 of Gaddafi's grandchildren/ Photo:Reuters |
-One year ago Gaddafi's youngest son and 3 grandchildren were killed in NATO air strike on Libya http://libyasos.blogspot.com/2011/11/operation-unified-protector-nato-in.html
Cameron in Libya,
Libyan Resistance News 30. April 2012,
Saif al Arab and 3 Gaddafi's grandchildren killed by NATO bombing
© Patrick Haseldine, Facebook, 29 April 2012.
Prime Minister David Cameron has a secret about Lockerbie. It’s a secret that explains why the PM was desperate to have Colonel Gaddafi blamed personally for the sabotage of Pan Am Flight 103 on 21 December 1988, and to have Gaddafi executed without a trial.
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David Cameron during his visit to Benghazi |
Three months after the Lockerbie bombing, the then Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher and the rising star in Conservative Research Department, David Cameron, visited apartheid South Africa
David Cameron,
Lockerbie case,
Margaret Thacher,
Patrick Haseldine,
Rio Tinto Group,
Rössing Uranium mine in Namibia
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