Articles - Libyan opposition

Mustafa Abdul-Jalil and Mahmoud Jibril Have Been Paving the Way for NATO’s Conquest Since 2007 -> http://libyasos.blogspot.com/2011/11/mustafa-abdul-jalil-and-mahmoud-jibril.html

Letter to Dr. Mahmoud Jibril from Brad Sherman - United States Congress->

Welcome to "New" Libya and Meet Mahmoud Jibril
Mahmoud Jibril: Washington's Man in Tripoli

"The NEXT DUBAI": PRICE OF THOUSANDS OF DEAD LIBYANS -> http://libyasos.blogspot.com/2011/11/next-dubai-price-of-thousands-of-dead.html

Abdel Hakim Belhadj is now the military governor of "liberated" Tripoli -> http://libyasos.blogspot.com/2011/11/abdel-hakim-belhadj-is-now-military.html
ABDELHAKIM BELHADJ, AKA HASIDI, AKA ABU ABDULLA AL-SADDIQ, AKA…عبد الحكيم بالحاج aka Abu Abdallah -> http://libyasos.blogspot.com/2011/09/abdelhakim-belhadj-aka-hasidi-aka-abu.html

Al Qaeda and Libyan Revolution -> http://libyasos.blogspot.com/2011/06/al-qeada-and-libyan-revolution.html

Eyewitness account describes the evidence.We have so much documentation
-> http://libyasos.blogspot.com/2011/07/libya-eyewitness-we-have-so-much.html
Anti-Gadaffi rebels are the Libyan wing of the Ku Klux Klan  - > http://libyasos.blogspot.com/2011/07/anti-gadaffi-rebels-are-libyan-wing-of.html

CNT REBELS SOLD THEIR BUTTS TO IZRAEL – PROOF IZRAEL BEHIND THE FAKE ‘LIBYAN SPRING’ -> http://libyasos.blogspot.com/2011/09/cnt-rebels-sold-their-butts-to-izrael.html
"Gaddafi's money" ... "Gaddafi's billions" ->  http://libyasos.blogspot.com/2011/09/gaddafis-money-gaddafis-billions.htm

This phone call is a dispute between a Misurati rebel leader and the NTC’s Military spokesman, Colonel Ahmed Ban -> http://libyasos.blogspot.com/2011/09/your-so-called-national-army-has-been.html

NTC 2012 - NTC no control.

SHOCKING VIDEO: Feb17 mercenaries storming neighborhoods in Zawiyah,beating & killing anti-NTC residents

Libya, Benghazi: Anti-federalism protests, vandalism and chaos [16. March 2012.]
#Feb17 economic achievements
Tripoli: Racist mistreatment of the ambassador from Niger

Violent protests Rock Libyan City of Benghazi [21.01.2012.]
And urgent exclusive: conflicting reports about the resignation of Mustafa Abdul Jalil
Report Libya: NTC doesn't control the situation in Libya! [24.01.2012.]
Libyan rebels threaten a new government
Vice President beaten again, after pointing gun at students [19.01.2012.]
Video of NTC shooting at the students and beating them [Goukh's men are doing this] in Benghazi University, as well as other videos of the incident started by Goukh
Libyan rebels threaten a new government [18.01.2012.]
A SEARCH OF BIOGRAPHIES OF LIBYAN NTC OFFICIALS  http://libyasos.blogspot.com/2012/01/search-of-biographies-of-libyan.html

NTC fighters looting and stealing from homes in Bani Walid in broad daylight [ in the same time laughing and shooting in the air// having fun while looting]
NTC's Nasser brigade taking drugs before the fight
NTC fighters harrasing civilians/women at the Tripoli checkpoints 
Son of NTC Military leader Hifter, lying in his confession after he robbed the bank with his battalion 
Drugs and Prostitution blossoming in Libya after the imposement of democracy 
[ something which was unthinkable in Gaddafi's days ]
Misurata NTC fighters shelling cemetary in Tawergha (video was uploaded in december) 
[They ethnically cleansed Tawergha btw,35.000 people, by Burning homes,shelling, killing, raping, torturing.]
Angry Libyan women protesters cursing Jalil and the "democracy" imposed on them - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CQ2Mj9fKchA
Clash in Omar Mukhtar Street in Tripoli on 18-01 2012 at 07:20pm,
this video was taken moments after the clash and uploaded 2h after. 
Clashes in Tripoli on 03-01-2012 at 2:57pm 
Libyan child/ little boy from Sabha passionately and angrily scolding and
criticizing NTC men for their crimes, leaving them speechless
Angry students storming NTC's Ministry of Education on 24-01-2012,
something which never happened when Mr. Ahmed Ibrahim was a minister
(the men who was arrested and mistreated by NTC)
Assasination attempt at Jalil's brother 11.01.2012
(Video taken after the attempt, showing demolition of his house)
--This is how much Jalil and the people around him are loved and respected in Libya –
 Green demonstrations in Sabha 30.12.2012 
Green demonstrations in Tarhuna's school on 12.01.2012- all the students yelling "Allah, Muammar, Libya abs"
 HRW report (22-01-2012) : Libya: Lagging Effort to Build Justice System
Steven Lendman for wariscrime.org (26-01-2012)
"Independent Libyan Fact-Finding Mission"
NTC brigades fighting against each other in Tripoli [December 04th 2011] http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=endscreen&v=8nbD2ACyPfo&NR=1

Reuters Video Report - NTC brigades fighting each other [ December 3rd 2011] http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=D9lLeA2jsZo
Heavy fighting between rebel militias in the centre of Tripoli 04.12.11 
AlArabya - Clashes between local armed groups erupted just outside of the Libyan capital, Tripoli, on 13.11.2011. killing at least seven according to a medic.
NTC militias shooting in front of the school in Sirte in december 2011
 12-12-2011 protests in Benghazi against NTC
HRW report: "The Murder Brigades of Misrata" 28.10.2011. http://www.hrw.org/news/2011/10/28/murder-brigades-misrata
Libyan widow from Sirte - testifying that NTC militias have burned her house,
killed her husband, shot her with a bullet in the eye, and that she is homeless now,
and didnt recieve her pension for the last 6 months [27.12.2011]



CONFIDENTIAL Wikileaks Libya-> http://libyasos.blogspot.com/2011/06/confidential-wikileaks-libya.html

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