
Feb 25, 2012

Libya news [backup libyasos] 30. January - 06. February 2012.

Libya S.O.S. resistance news 06.  February  2012.
We have seen HEROES  Mu'tasim Billah, Khamis and Saif al-Islam, led by Muammar Gaddafi, in military clothes, fighting under NATO planes bombs, and Mohammed Abdullah Sanusi in the front rows of the Libyan army at that time ...The question here is: Where are the sons of Younis and Abdul Jalil and Goukh and other "revolutionaries" ???"
Heroic Gaddafi Family 
 00h/  Updates    BREAKING NEWS: Misrata brigades launched an attack on Janzour refugee camp - >
24h/ Syria  - Libyan Al Qaeda members  are killed in Syria.
Source: NTC  FreedomGroup, News in English [on FB]
1: Ahmed Jalal Al-Agori
2: Talal Walid Fitouri
3: Ahmad Walid Fitouri 
24h/ Racist #NATO backed criminals  in #Libya kicked out 10 Mauritanian students from the UN Nasser University in #Tripoli on monday, who were studying during the past year, these students are living in difficult circumstances now in the absence of the Embassy of #Mauritania in the occupied Tripoli. - >
23h/ I am trying to find report form Janzur  - but no news about Tawergha massacre in #Libya. WESTERN HOG WASH #media wrote only about 50 alqaeda Syrian mebers who attack embassy?!? Are they journalists or clowns?
Here what they want to give to you   UPDATE 1- Syria protesters hurl rocks at China embassy in Libya -
Comment S. Lendero -  It is western hypocrisy, double standards and totaly lack of honesty and moral values!
22h/ Snow in Tripoli this morning ->

21h/ Janzur Today video II - >

20h/ #Janzur today video
GROUP OF TAWERGHANS WERE ARRETSED TODAY A group of young tawerghans were arrested today as result their exit in demonstration against Misurata militias!.... we have already noted that internal ministry Fawzi Abdulaal (from Misurata) is involved in the brutal aggression today on our unarmed Tawerghan people! -

19h/ BARBARISAM is continuing : Syrian and Libyan alQaeda fighter ATTACKING CHINA'S EMBASSY IN TRIPOLI 06/02/2012
They try to storm the headquarters of the Chinese Embassy in Tripoli in protest at China's  veto to prevent the adoption of UN Security Council resolution against Syria
AlQaeda fighter fron Sirya and Libya attacked China's  embassy
Tripoli,Libya  -  Alqaeda criminals from Libya and Syria  and Eggs with tomatoes against the Embassy of China

18h/ This young man his name Farid, 15 years old, from Tawergha, the Militiamen from Misurata tortured him after abducting him from the green Square in Tripoli, only because he is from Tawergha, he is currently in one of the Refugees Camps.
Genocide of Black Libyans 
17h/ Couple of Jordanian #AlQaeda fighters were killed  by resistance. They came with Belhadj to #Libya to fight on the #NATO side
16h/ Dr.HAMZA about situation in #Libya on 05-02-2012:
-Americans are pumping oil from Ras Lanuf and Brega and want to sell it very cheaply abroad. Resistance has threatened to destroy these two oil rigs.
-There is some support from Algeria and Saudi Arabia to resistance, but because of the sensitivity of the matter, it is not possible to talk about it
French nationals brought chemical weapons to Misurata (Ubari is a target?)
- Blue helmets are supposed to come on 20th of february to Libya, if their plan doesnt change.
15h/ JANZUR - The #Misrata Brigade is shooting and attacking civilians in a #refugee camp in Janzour containing approximately 1,500 refugees from the now obliterated town of Tawergha
14h/ TRIPOLI - The displaced people of Tawergha went out in massive demonstration heading to the UN building to demand the international protection there are militias opened the fire on the march to prevent the protesters from reach to the headquarters of United Nations in Tripoli ..It seems there injured people
13h/ Libya has no government. It has a council of stooges doing the occupiers' dirty work. [@nit2am]
12h/ Report Libya:
-  people in Lines at bank..collecting Maximum amount of 200 dollars..were forced to sing and wave NTC flags to withdraw cash
TRIPOLI  -  fighting in TRIPOLI in Abu Saleem and Ain Zara and Fashloum andsouq al Juma'a neighborhoods alot gun shots and clashes
-  New Foreign funded Group of King idris supporters are killing libyans and destroying country with support of US and NTC
 ZLITEN 38 people killed in Zliten in recent fighting with Lawless militia. Entire family was executed by Rebels including children.Report Libya: Thousands of libyans are missing without Records. A boy searching for his Brother asking militia prison.. was himself arrested
-  King idris Gangs were attacking and burnt apartments and Were waving US flags and NTC flags while attacking Libyans.
BENGHAZI -  Large protests in East of Libya and Especially in Benghazi as strikes continued as people are unpaid and harsh militia rule
 - Ghardames and Sabha and Zawiyah and Tarhuna and baniwalid also areas in South east of Libya are flying Green flags.
 -  People were waving Green flags during clashes in Tripoli.. But this act is highly dangerous as NTC tortures any such freedoms [SomaliaSupport2]
11h/ #US sending more soldiers to #Libya to strengthen its control over its occupation. US reportedly losing faith in NATO-led rebels.[cdoebbler]
10h/ U.S. media covers countries U.S.policy want overthrown Syria . Libya is now being CENSORED [MediaExposedDay]

Libya S.O.S. resistance news 05.  February  2012.
nit2am - Worth every penny. #Libya #VivaGaddafi
00h/  Good Articles you can read on Libya S.O.S. Daily News
Moskow, Russia 04. Feb 2012.
24h/ Brave Brave HEROES from Bani Walid. SALUTE HEROES!
YOU ARE defending homeland from the BIGEST EVIL on the Planet Earth

This is a story of detention and torturing of 5 Tawergha youths by Misurata militiamen, when one of them died after being subjected to the torture! ->
22h/ "Libya opens trial of 41 Kadhafi loyalists" [AFP]
"All conditions exist to guarantee that the accused get justice," Yusuf al-Asifar told AFP.
Libyan officials insist the country's judiciary is "competent" to handle the legal cases of former regime members, including putting on trial Kadhafi's most prominent son, Seif al-Islam.
Let’s see... how NTC gangs “competently” torture Libyans
21h/  TRAGEDY:  family going to pharmacy got car robbed by NTC criminals.. husband was shot and Wife and baby trown on street ... NTC criminals shot husband took car and trew baby on road with mother... Tribe later caught NTC criminals and excuted Rebels for it. Here is report of the incident in spanish->
20h/  Report Libya
**  Rape is really high in Libya at moment... The NTC Rebels are torturing families and using Daughters as black mail for cash
** ZAWIA - 11 NTC rebels were caught by Wershafana in Zawiyah. The 11 NTC rebels were kidnapping women to sell to black markets abroad
** ZLITAN -  Green resistance was fighting in Zliten over 23 Militia's were killed and many others injured in heavy fighting there.
**SOUTH LIBYA -  Tuaerg Tribe fought against NTC militia's in South east of Libya. they placed Green flags on many Villages in south east.
BENGHAZI and TRIPOLI - explosions in Benghazi and Tripoli... many clashes in Tripoli and electricity and water was cut off to many neighborhoods [ by SomaliaSuport2]
***AISHA  - dr. Hamza Aisha didn't contact any NTC-members and doesn't plan to do so. Everyone who claims anything else, is lying. #AlgeriaISP
19h/ Libya rebels: Human Trafficing mafia in Benghazi ---
[Kat Valle This is horrible. I have noticed that in some pix bodies have a scar running across their chests from top to bottom. Could it be that they are getting their organs removed for sale? I remember the organ sale rings in Kosovo during and after the war there.]
19h/ This father which is have 5 kids, he has tortured till dead in Libya but it have not happened by American soldiers it happened by Libya rebels which are supported by USA government .
18h/ The torture by NATI -LED NTC CRIMINALS  in Southern Libya- >

17h/ Protesters Storm Russian Embassy in Libya over Russia’s Veto on Sirya -
According to the witnesses, several dozens of protesters, condemning Russian and Chinese decisions to block the UN resolution against Syria, climbed onto the roof of the embassy and damaged a Russian flag.
“It was not the first protest near the embassy, but the previous ones were of a peaceful character,” a witness of the protest told RIA Novosti, adding that “this time people were very aggressive.” ->
And again posters in English #Syrian #criminals in #TRIPOLI .. IT IS disgusting
does anybody believe that the coincidence ?#Photo again millions for propaganda 
Why in English? Why?
16h/ NO COMMENT -  Slain dictator of Libya, Moammer Gaddafi's bloodied shirt and wedding ring have been put up for $2 million (Rs 10 crore) auction. the silver ring and bloodied beige shirt
Libyan national Ahmed Warfali is apparently asking for $2 million (Rs 10 crore) for the items after somehow coming into their possession. He believes he could have attracted a higher value if he had been selling them in Europe.
A picture of what appears to be the ring shows an engraving representing the date Gaddafi married his wife, Safia, on September 10, 1970.
14h/ CNN Complicit in Encouraging Murder mediacrime

13h/ Disgusting USA and SussanRice, are you going to STOP now?
"The United States is disgusted that a couple of members of this Council continue to prevent us from fulfilling our sole purpose," U.S. Ambassador Susan Rice said.
Yes, we know your purpose, Ms. Rice. To destabilize countries. To kill their people. To destroy their way of life. To take over the world and make it groan under your heels.
12h/ Tunisia has started the procedure for withdrawing its recognition of the Syrian leadership under President Bashar al-Assad and for expelling the Syrian ambassador, the Tunisian president said on Saturday.
11h/ Tripoli  - Chinese gov't team arrives in Tripoli for assets protection, reconstruction participation. The projects mainly involve housing, railways and telecommunications, which will benefit the Libyan people's livelihoods.

Libya S.O.S. resistance news 04.  February  2012.

00h/  Good Articles you can read on Libya S.O.S. Daily News
24h/ don't miss update ‎Report Libya 04. February 2012. 
24h/ HUMAN RIGHTS? NTC regime doesn’t KNOW WHAT IS THIS? Libyan Sufis mark Prophet's birthday despite tension - One night last month, extremists bulldozed through a wall of an old cemetery in the eastern city of Benghazi, destroyed its tombs and carried off 29 bodies of respected sages and scholars. They also demolished a nearby Sufi school.
Salafi preaching is also widespread on Libyan television and radio, they say, which raises concerns among Sufis that they are being outflanked by a new and more political form of Islam. - >
23h/ #Germany #Munich today Green Flags at rally against #NATO-Conference in Munich! Thank you! 
Green flags in Munch, Germany - potest against NATO conference 
22h/  Syrian Statement At UN Security Council After Veto. Bravo Dr. Bashar Jafari
Syrian Permanent Representative to the UN Dr. Bashar Jafari Presenting His Country's Case Before SC Members. - >

21h/ BBC "Reveals" After the Facts how British Special Forces Supervised and Spearheaded Libya Rebels to Victory -
In a failed attempt to appear unbiased and objective, the BBC now “reveals”, almost a year after the information was relayed by several alternative media, that British Special Forces played a key role in steering and supervising Libya's "freedom fighters" to victory. Known and documented many of these so-called rebels were mercenaries under contract to NATO.
British efforts to help topple Colonel Gaddafi were not limited to air strikes. On the ground - and on the quiet - special forces soldiers were blending in with rebel fighters:
This is the previously untold BBC account of the crucial role part played byBritish and Allied Special Forces in leading the insurrection largely integrated by Al Qaedas affiliated operatives:

20h/ #Syria double veto !
#Western draft resolution against #Syria has NOT been adopted at UNSC as both China & Russia exercise their veto power & reject it [sate3 ]
Lavrov: Draft UNSC Resolution on Syria Does Not Suit Russia at All
19h/ Report Libya 04. February 2012.->
18h/ MEGRAHI: YOU ARE MY JURY-To be published in spring 2012, the biography's summary states: "You know me as the Lockerbie bomber. I know that I'm innocent. Here, for the first time, is my true story: How I came to be blamed for Britain's worst mass murder, my nightmare decade in prison and the truth about my controversial release. Please read it and decide for yourself. You are now my jury." ->

17h/ How to use kids in propaganda
Propaganda …any form of communication in support of national objectives designed to influence the opinions, emotions, attitudes, or behavior of any group in order to benefit the sponsor, either directly or indirectly.[ Oxford Dictionary of the US Military] ->
16h/ 'Trojan horses of the West invade Libya'
With Libya's new government accused of abuse in the country's detention centers, it's been revealed that one former senior official could have fallenvictim to torture by a militia.
Libya's ex-ambassador to France has died in custody, 24 hours after being detained by an armed group.
Get more on this from Sukant Chandan, Middle East expert and journalist, talking to RT from London.

15h/ Libya news [backup libyasos] 20. January - 29. January 2012. -
14h/ Huge Collection of #Libya rebel #crimes - >
13h/ #Photo of a French warship in #Tripoli #Libya
French warship in Libya January 2012.
12h/ Libya: NTC- criminals torture former libyan ambassador to France to death and the world keeps silent.....
11h/ Libya: Dark Ages and Shameful Days -Shameful days, these days, when Human Rights NGOs pretend to care about crimes against humanity, while keeping a blind eye on so much terror and gruesome killings which are daily spreading throughout Libya.

Libya S.O.S. resistance news 03.  February  2012.
SIAF AL ILSAM  - Our sources say that the news about alleged release of Saif al Islam Gaddafi was false, constructed by the Eastern tribes to cause problems for Zintan and try and get their hands on him. They believe that Dr. Shakir was tricked into publishing that information. At this point, our sources claim that Saif is  in Zintan. We are waiting for more info about this
00h/  Good Articles you can read on Libya S.O.S. Daily News  
We opened SCRIBD account for  .PDF files - you can Download each file
24h/ Report Libya 03. February 2012.
24h/ Awkward silence on Libya -
Libya has almost left the news since the Hollywood production featuring the alleged death-murder of Muammar Gaddafi. His son, Islam al Gaddafi was arrested. At the first, it was reported that he was injured and even with risk of gangrene.
The above, who was to be the political heir of his father, disappeared. Our agencies reported that pro-Gaddafi forces recovered the town of Bani Walid, one of the strongholds of Gaddafi to fall under control of the National Transitional Council. After that came a report that the NTC regained the stronghold, but the news, like most in the compromised western corporate media, has no credibility. - >
23h/ Why is NATO-puppet #HRW accusing Zintan-Militias of being responsible for Omar Brebesh's (Misrata-style!) death?
It is because the #ICC wants to turn up the pressure on Zintan, now that it has become obvious that they’ll release Saif. (2/3)
Maybe that’s why Misrata and Zintan fought each other recently: They try to force Zintan into cooperation. (3/3) [SaintJust88]
22h/ Salem Al Hassi as head of Libya’s new external intelligence service, the National Transitional Council (NCT)
Information on the Hassi Salem: quoting (Cyrene in Libya, free)
Cyrene was born April 26, 1962 m
Came from Libya opposed to the GadDafi regime in 1981.
Joined the National Front for the Salvation of Libya in 1982
Was the most prominent leaders of the events of 1984.
Edu is the military leadership of the FIS, and the commander of the 106 national army, the head of the Front America.
Resigned from the front year 1993, and became an independent opposition ... was wanted by the Gaddafi regime and offered great sums of money for those who assassinate him.
Hassi Salem holds a Master of Law Edu at Amnesty International
Edu and one of the Organization for Cooperation in the religions of Islam, an adviser-of-Line
Lecturer in Arabic Studies at the University of North Georgia
Director of the Summer Institute of the Arabic language at the University ofNorth Georgia
Professor of Islamic Studies at the Center for Continuing Studies at EmoryUniversity Atlanta
“Salim Elhassi has just come straight from America on the payroll of the CIA and is now head of LIBYAN INTELLIGENCE! The CIA is running Libya.” [like Lizze Phelan said]
21h/ Libya’s budget deficit to hit $10bln in 2012 -
[Ask GADDAFI HOW TO LEAD COUNTRY - you .. puppet of NATO, and traitor of homeland]
Libya, NTC Mustafa Abdul  NATO Jalil 
Mustafa Abdel Jalil told French daily newspaper Le Figaro the country had still only recovered a fraction of the $100 billion in assets frozen overseas during the country's bitter civil war.
"The production of oil has brought in $4 billion in the last five months, while the salaries of civil servants are $22 billion a year and spending on electricity and fuel $14 billion," Abdel Jalil said. "The budget being prepared should be in deficit of $10 billion."
20h/ A Libyan diplomat ,62 year-old Omar Brebesh, who served as ambassador to France, died less than 24 hours after his arrest in Tripoli by a militia from the western Libyan town of Zintan.
Photographs of Brebesh's body provided by the family show extensive bruising and other wounds.
Abuses including torture, executions, and rape take place in makeshift prisons run by NATO - led NTC criminals.
HRW Investigate Death of Former Envoy to France - >
Dr. Omar Brebesh. Photo Courtesy of Brebesh Family.
Libyan diplomat dies after torture: rights group -
(Reuters) - A Libyan diplomat who served as ambassador to France for Muammar Gaddafi died from torture within a day of being detained by a militia from Zintan, Human Rights Watch said in a statement on Friday.
Zintan is the town where the late Libyan ruler's most prominent son, Saif al-Islam, is being held, and the former diplomat's death has reinforced concerns for the son's safety.
"These abusive militias will keep torturing people until they are held to account. Libya's leaders should show the political will to prosecute people who commit serious crimes, regardless of their role in the uprising," ->
19h/ BEIJING -- China's Ministry of Commerce is to send a work team to Libya to exchange views on China's participation in the African country's post-war reconstruction.
China encourages Chinese companies to participate in Libya's reconstruction and it is willing to deepen economic and trade ties with Libya, the ministry said.  ->
18h/ New Delhi   -India's humanitarian assistance consisting of life saving medicines and medical equipment worth approximately 1 million dollars was handed over to the National Transitional Council of Libya in Tripoli yesterday.
17h/ Feburary 3, 2012: Saif al-Islam Gaddafi Liberated in Libya
[unconfirmed LibyaSOS] 
later Libya S.O.S. ...  I will delete this misinformation 
siply becoue my opinion is that Zintan tribe using Saif like weapon against NTC. They try to make better position in NTC and (my personal opinion - I am not in Zintan) is that they don't care anout Saif Al Islam like person - only like golden goose ...anyway nothing isn't good solution for Saif.
16h/ According to Gina TV - Saif Al Islam Gaddafi is liberated !! (we are waiting for the confirmation of this news!)
15h/ SIRTE: Libya :One humanitarian agency went to visit displaced and homeless families of #Sirte .. They said: “We found families living in cars and shops, in the pumping stations and tin shacks. Sometimes the number of persons in one House is up to 53 people.” ->

14h/ Repor Libya [Last night]
TRIPOLI - Witness: I saw many cars (armed with 14.5) arriving today to the Security Directorate Building in #Tripoli , as if they were preparing for an attack
-Sounds of shooting since one hour ago in Hadba Khadra area, also Al Nasser Street #Tripoli #Libya #News
- Hearing 23mm, 14.5 and anti aircraft guns near Kuds Mosque non stop for a while heavy gun fire and weapons
Two Libyans arrested in #Tunisia today: Tunisian National Guard arrested two in possession of three Kalashnikov-type rifles and more than 30 bullets on the outskirts of city of Medenine South-East Tunisia. In the same time clashes and kidnapping on border crossing today
In Jraba street ,Ben Ashour and Adahra the gun fire is heard non-stop causing a lot of fear among people. And NATO channels are lying saying their is a wedding and those are fireworks -not gun fire.
 13h/ How "Freedom" Came to Libya
How Protest Became War
How the Rebels Gave Africa the Boot
12h/ Libya under NTC tells Africa to take a dive, and Zambia answers back quite effectively
Zambia dissolved the board of Zamtel and appointed a new acting CEO last Tuesday, a day after announcing plans to seize 75 percent of the firm from Libya's LAP Green Networks.
Libya made major investments in Africa during Muammar Gaddafi's rule, some of them managed by the $65 billion Libyan Investment Authority (LIA) through a $5 billion fund known as Libyan African Investment Portfolio.
LAP, a telecom company operating in six African countries, was one of these investments. ->
AU is on its first summit after the disgraceful end of Gadaffi.
For the first time in a period that seemed eternity, in the collective pictures of African leaders, there was no tall traditionally dressed smiling face. That face, for a very long time was the permanent symbol of the organization and the summits.
This time, as the annual Summit kicks off in Addis Ababa, the leaders gathered in the glamorous new AU headquarters for a collective picture. Gadaffi was not able to see this day. The man who fought to move the headquarters to Tripoli and be on the pictures until the end of time, missed the historical event of the inauguration of the new luxurious AU building in Addis Ababa. It is natural to wonder what he would have said if he made it today. Whether he will stand by his argument saying Addis Ababa is not good enough to host AU or change his mind after witnessing the Chinese built 200 million dollars Plaza, we will never know. ->
10h/ New York Times-Style Journalism [ Stephen Lendman ]
Its shameful record includes:
- supporting wealth and power interests;
- backing corporate interests against popular ones mattering most;
- cheerleading imperial wars;
- ducking major issues like government and corporate crimes, sham elections, America's duopoly power, an unprecedented wealth gap, and lost civil liberties and social benefits; and
- backing regime change in countries like Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya, Iran and Syria, mindless of international laws prohibiting it.

Libya S.O.S. resistance news 02.  February  2012.
00h/  Good Articles you can read on Libya S.O.S. Daily News  

24h/ The Government of Sweden put NTC criminals aka rebels February 17 [ on right place]  in  mental hospital.
24h/ Sirte revenge fighting group claims responsibility for the killing of six NATO mercenaries and abducting one of their commanders.
23h/ Dr Hamza [yesterday]  said that Gaddafi family is safe in Algeria and the Algerians take good care of them. He said although the family are invited Gaddafi in Algeria and the responsibility of the Algerian authorities and that they do everything to protect them.
Touhami Dr. Hamza said the spokesman for the Libyan Ibrahim Moussa and his family are excellent health and the head of the intelligence services and the right arm of the Libyan leader, Abdullah al-Senussi is healthy and in a secure location.
Declare of defend al-Baghdadi al-Mahmoudi and the birth of Bozataah spiritual son of Colonel Amuammr Bo Minyar Gaddafi Committee for the Defence Alippin displaced outside Libya held a press conference tomorrow at ten am hostel diplomatic Avenue Hedi Chaker Tunis and which will be distinguished French lawyer rober chorfen and Morocco brother Khalid Bin Hussein and which will be addressed to talk about the conditions of Libyans displaced from supporters of course, and ways to defend them, then the issue of Al-Baghdadi Al-Mahmoudi where and Kdlk cause birth Bozataah invited anyone who has a desire in the presence of the media and interested and massage tomorrow, Friday, 03/02/2012 at ten o'clock am [We are all Muammar Gaddafi]
Mahmud Baghdadi Prime Minister Of Jamahyria
21h/ NO green collor in NTC LIBYA - Published in the Al-Fateh University, calls on students not to wear any uniforms to symbolize the flag of green, forbidden to wear the color green, is prohibited and forbidden and prohibited and Omenua Nadharakm and before, this statement at the University of the Conqueror, the freedom! This democracy! Miserable for you and your democracy heinous that brought Crusader to the homeland, O cowards, traitors do what ever you want we will not be a coward [Amato Comandante]

20h/ Massacre of EL-HAMEDI Family, Libya 2011, NATO humanitarian intervention - >
19h/ DUEL- Lizzie Phelan against NYT over Libya
Why is the NYT concerned about my work for Russia Today and Press TV?
I challenge you to find me specific examples of journalists that work for these organisations that have engaged in bad journalistic practise. Why are you not concerned about j-ournalists who work for Al Jazeera that is funded by and reflects the foreign policy of the Qatari emir and royal family. Al Jazeera has been proven many times over in the past few months to have published false reports about events in the region, not least Libya. ->
19h/ Libya – Libya television channel of the NTC One hijacked by the Resistance -

18h/ GLADIO, Bin Laden to Erdogan, Belhadj and Hamas: Mossad´s and NATO´s Dirty Underwear 2012.
Are you still getting angry when being told that your government would murder your loved ones, your child, or yourself in cold blood ? Are you stillhandicapped by the bias that makes you believe that all others are much more likely to become victims than Your loved ones, Your child, or You Yourself ? Or do you believe that playing ignorant, to stay silent and keeping your thoughts to yourself will protect you against that “knock on the door” when Your number has come up ? ->
17h/ We opened SCRIBD channel for .PDF documents whinch you can DOWNLOAD -
16h/ Report Saif:
Zintan declares "Saif is still being interrogated and 'is not allowed to talk to anybody' during this period"
Zintan former rebel faction that captured him is refusing to hand him over to Tripoli - mass media admits
Report Libya: Green resistance Liberated a Prison in Tripoli.. but North misrata and Zintan brigade are now fighting infront of that Prison
Tripoli is now Full of Criminals released by NTC and Also Criminals arriving From abroad to loot and Kill the civilian people [SomaliaSupport2]
15h/ Green Resistance destroys five NTC-harkis in AïnZara . Sadly, one patriot martyred, one injured, one captured.
Green cell "Sakr Elawhed" frees 12 Green Resistance fighters (for names, follow the link):
14h/ [HOG WASN NEWS] Libyans thank Emir for revolution victory [which VICTORY?]
DOHA THE main hall of the Qatar National Theater rocked with emotions as Libyan children came on stage to perform an operetta to thank the Emir his Highness Sheikh Hamad bin Khalifa al Thani at a festival to celebrate victory of the Libyan Revolution on Thursday.

The children enacted the operetta titled ‘A Million thanks to His Highness the Emir’ to express Libyan people’s gratitude to HH THE EMIR FOR HIS SUPPORT DURING THE COUNTRY’S REVOLUTION THAT OUSTED THE OLD REGIME. Popular poet Saad al Amrouni rendered a poem entitled ‘Oh Tripoli, tell him’ to highlight the liberation of Tripoli.  ->
13h / [hog wash news fabricating on LIES] 
ICC rejects Gaddafi daughter's appeal on jailed brother -
AMSTERDAM (Reuters) - The International Criminal Court (ICC) said on Thursday it had rejected a request by former Libyan leader Muammar Gaddafi's daughter to submit information in the case of her brother, who is awaiting trial in Libya on rape and murder charges.

Saif al-Islam Gaddafi, who was captured disguised as a Bedouin in the Sahara desert in November, has also been indicted by the ICC on charges of crimes against humanity stemming from Libya's civil war last year.
12h/[LIES ] Libya: Aisha Gadhafi offers information to help protect brother Saif
(CNN) -- Aisha Gadhafi, the daughter of Libya's deposed strongman Moammar Gadhafi, asked the International Criminal Court Tuesday to accept "concrete information" she believes may help her brother.
Saif al-Islam Gadhafi, once seen as his father's heir apparent, was captured in November after the fall of the regime in August and is being held in the Libyan city of Zintan. ->
11h/ Libya:Treachery, Death Squads, Corruption, Money Laundring and Dirty Businesses -
According to a reliable source inside NOC (National Oil Cooperation), right now nobody has a clear clue about how much the oil production really is, orwhere the oil is really going. Nobody knows who are the ones working on it or who are the ones that are selling it. In short, nobody seems to know where Libyan oil is going : «That’s crazy, that’s sick…because NOC had a really very good system… National Oil Cooperation was the Libyans’ crème de la crème’ in oil and gas.. In short, reliable NOC sources are now saying that they can not know either who is selling the crude oil, to whom it is sold, or how that is being done, the only thing they know for sure is that there are even bigger quantities of crude oil leaving the country now, than before the war. - >
LIBYAN REBELS PROMISED 35% to France 17days Before the War -
The NTC (Rebel Council) had promised to grant 35% of new oil contracts with France, according to a letter viewed by Liberation . The country’s reserves are estimated at nearly 44 billion barrels.
France could benefit from its commitment to Libya . While “the conference of the Friends of Libya”, which should sound the end of military operations in the country, opens this morning in Paris, a document unveiled by release states that a secret agreement on oil would have been made between France and the new Libyan authorities . ->
09h/ Butal NATO-backed NTC criminals and genocide in Libya  -

Libya S.O.S. resistance news 01.  February  2012.
HERO Mutassim Al Billah Al Gaddafi
01h/  Good Articles you can read on Libya S.O.S. Daily News  
24h/ DUEL- Lizzie Phelan against NYT over Libya - >
"Gaddafi's billions"   ---- I CAN NOT BE SILENT! [НИКОЛАЙ СОЛОГУБОВСКИЙ ] -> 
23h/ Libyan Sufis under torture of  violent Islamists
TRIPOLI (Reuters) - Libya's Sufi Muslims find themselves under renewed pressure from violent Islamists who have been attacking them and their beliefs as heretical.
The desecration of graves belonging to Sufi saints and sages in recent months have put the peaceful Sufis on the defensive, prompting some to post armed guards at their mosques and lodges to ward off hardline thugs. [Reuters] - >
22h/ BENGHAZI - On January 13, extremists crashed a bulldozer through the walls of the old cemetery in the eastern city of Benghazi and Tripoli,destroyed its tombs and carried off 29 bodies of respected sages and scholars. They also demolished a nearby Sufi school. ->

21h/  It seems to be more than 12,000 NATO troops in Libya.
French warships in Libya "to train" navy, demine oil ports
TRIPOLI (Reuters) - Two French warships arrived at Tripoli's port on Tuesday carrying navy crewmen who will train the Libyan navy and help demine oil ports, a Libyan defense ministry official said. - French warships in Libya "to train" navy, demine oil ports
20h/ Rival Libya militias fight gunbattle in capital - A Reuters reporter said exchanges of both heavy and light weapons could be heard coming from the Tripoli district of El-Saadi beach, a stretch of Mediterranean coast overlooked by office skyscrapers and the Marriott Hotel. - >
19h/ This child is not Somalian nor Etiopian. This is a black Libyan Tawargha child. Photo was taken yesterday in Benghazi camp where these children were displaced by Misurata brigades. Displaced in their own land.

18h/ Adjusting the children toys so the sound of cursing prophet's wife Aisha comes out..
From the sources in the Office of Religious Endowments and Religious Affairs: in Benghazi were seized games for children sold on the market these days on the occasion of the Prophet's Birthday. These toys are programmed in the way, thatafter the child clicks the button, the sound comes out of them- insulting wife of the Prophet Muhammad Aisha ...[LibyaS.O.S. on FB]
17h/ Libya - Look what University professor found on his car after the exam in Islamic culture !!
 Threatening letter says: make sure all the students pass and make their grades a lot higher or you'll have one of these in your head" [!?]
Libya: Message to Univeristy professor
16h/ EXCLUSIVE #Video of the clashes in #Tripoli #Libya today between Zintan and Misurata rebels -

15h/ Photo of Tripoli TODAY  -  clashes, roads closed ..

Witness account: "3 hours ago I witnessed it all and took pics. It was 3:37 and Zintan attacked military academy that Misurata controls. Things got crazy the streets were closed and all you can hear now are 14.5mm gun shots."
Interior ministry said that today's armed clashes are between Zintan and Misrata rebels in the center of Tripoli . heavy weapons. Road on the beach closed. There was a smoke.
TRIPOLI -  a policeman was killed by the head of a drug gang
BENGHAZI - Today green flag rose above the IT College in Al Sabiree district[Libya S.O.S on FB]
14h/ Al-Nahar newspaper: According to testimones of Algerian people coming back from Libya , Libyan authorities have started taxing each Algerian family 1000 dinars per family for staying on a Libyan territory[Is it a coincidence that Algerian citizents support green Jamahyria?]

13h/ New  - Libya TV Station GINA - >

12h/ TRIPOLI -  Heavily armed NATO Mercenaries stormed a school in al-Andalus district of Tripoli terrorising students, and searching for civilian Jamahariya supporters. Soon after the the take oversexual assaults on female students was reported, some witnesses report that the above two Mercenaries were responsible for a sexual assault against a student. [Ozyism]
11h/  NTC news BENGHAZI  - NTC militia admitted he Burnt alive 150 menthat were randomly gathered from Their homes and neighborhoods at checkpoints.
- NTC declares its missing 60 billion cash that it received... The looting of its own accounts gets to a new level.
Protesters attacked NTC offices in Benghazi and burnt NTC flags after it was made public the theft of 60 billion dollars.
-  Protesters attacked NTC offices and climbed over the fences of former Agricultural ministry building. [SomaliaSupport2]
10h/ Western media has been proved wrong:
The rebellion WAS indeed armed from the very first day of the uprising (this was confirmed in Amnesty's in-depth report from late last year) - not a peaceful movement
The rebels WERE working hand in glove with Western intelligence agencies to facilitate a NATO blitzkrieg
The NTC ARE disunited and incapable of governing the country.
The rebels DO have a racist, even genocidal, policy towards sub-Saharan African migrants and the third of the Libyan population that is dark skinned
Gaddafi's government WERE NOT conducting aerial attacks against protesters or mass rape (or indeed ANY rape, according to Amnesty)
There HAD NOT been 10,000 people killed in Benghazi by Gaddafi's government during the uprising (as the NTC claimed), but 110 (Amnesty figures again) killed on both sides prior to NATO's attack - >

Libya S.O.S. resistance news  31.  January   2012.
00h/ PRESIDENT Mugabe has warned that recolonisation of Africa might take place if leaders fail to handle issues as the continent’s founding fathers used to do.
He said the AU should not rush to recognise Libya’s National Transitional Council, but look at exactly what happened in that country leading to the callous murder of Colonel Muammar Gadaffi. The President said America and Europe have ran out of resources and “they will come to Africa” as the continent continues to discover more resources.
24h/ MUNICH, GERMANY  -  4 . Feb 2012.
If you are in Germany please go to Munich on saturday to protest against NATO conference over there.
No Peace with NATO –
No Peace with War Business!
MUNICH, GERMANY  -  4 . Feb 2012.
Journal sunrise: the forces of national alarming: half the population of Libya are subjected to violations of the Interim Council
Oh God, you knelt down, and your believe in, and you become Muslim, and you trust, and you knelt down my back and my heart and all the physical, intellectual, mind, and my heart, and boarded by my feet .. & Lord of the Worlds is not a partner .. Or whatever.
23h/ How propaganda works ? Here is great example
 NTC  fairy tale: Kids in Libya
Libya reality : kids in Libya 
22h/ SAIF AL ISLAM  - Update News about Saif Al Islam Gadhaffi  [crossfire of information]
22h/ Heavy clashes in Tripoli for hours now, sounds of ambulances, bullets, main road in Ben Gashir is apparently closed causing panic among the residents of the area. Clash in Tripoli is between resistance and traitors

Democracy made by USA 
20h/ TRIPOLI AIRPORT - Director of Customs at #Tripoli International Airport Abdalmamn Haman and his assistant were beaten and insulted by the battalion in charge of securing the airport. Customs control caught one of the rebels from brigade trying to smuggle four millions and fifty thousand dollars and 550.700,00 euros.
Abdalmamn said that he submitted a memorandum to Mr. Attorney General in order to take legal action.
It is worth mentioning that the exact amount is still in the possession of the battalion, the airport was turned over to the authorities concerned. [Libya's Al-Watan newspaper]
19h/ TRIPOLI  -  Violent clashes at the Institute in Ben Achour where firearms are used, causing fear and panic among students and employees who remained trapped in the Institute
Witnesses say they saw a lot of blood at the Institute in Ben Achour where students are trapped and besieged
Fear and panic among students and proffesors which are trapped in #Tripoli , even #NTC 's Security Committiee was informed about the clashes, but they are doing nothing!
18h/ ROBBERY of LIBYA  - The NTC has been doing little to help itself. Formed on UK and USA with headquartered in the eastern city of Benghazi, it has morphed into an organization both secretive and inefficient. It refuses to make public its membership list, or its meetings, or its voting records. Nor will it open the books on what is being done with the country's swelling oil revenues.

What the Libyan people get are occasional edicts delivered from upon high, such as the bewildering pronouncement, in reaction to anti-NTC protests across the country, that the economy and oil ministries would be moved to Benghazi and the finance ministry to Misrata, a recipe for bureaucratic confusion. "Don't think that the NTC is a single cohesive body," said a Libyan "It is chaos. Chaos. It is everybody against everybody else.
17h/CHAOS in  LIBYA - The real “power” in Libya remains dispersed among the country's bewildering array of grassroots military formations. Most are grouped around town or city military councils; Tripoli is divided into 11 district militias.The last time anyone countedMisrata had 172, ranging from ten-man outfits to the 500-strong Halbus Brigade, with a wartime strength of 17,000. That figure has since plummeted, with thousands returning to their jobs.

Of these, the strongest groups are from the cities of Zintan and Misrata. Both have dispatched key officials to Tripoli to take part in the new government. The defense minister, Usama al-Juwali, is a career military officer in the former army from Zintan. Fawzi Abdul Aal, a bespectacled Misratan lawyer, is interior minister. (On Wednesday, al-Juwali showed up in Bani Walid, where he tried to negotiate an end to the fighting.)
16h/ There is no Sirte any more -
15h/ Libya -  independent Gina TV channel will be broadcasted on a frequency of 10 815 on Nilesat .Pepole who are sick of NATO 's channels will finally hear some real news.
TV channel Gina ,opening soon to counter the misinformation broadcasted by NATO-controlled #NTC stations. We wish them good luck
14h/ African Union embraces generous Chinese financing -
During the Gadhafi years, many African nations came to depend heavily on gifts and investments from Libya’s oil wealthLibya provided 15 per cent of the AU’s membership revenue, and it paid the entire dues of many smaller and poorer African nations. It also spent billions of dollars on infrastructure programs and other investments across Africa to help cultivate support for Col. Gadhafi’s vision of a United States of Africa.
13h/ New democratic Libya Video -mistreatment of black Tawargha prisoners by #NTC 's Misurata brigade - >

12h/ New democratic Libya - Video of tortures in Abu Salim prison. Electrocution of prisoners. #HRW

SPIEGEL spoke with the group's general director, Christopher Stokes, about the situation in Libya.
SPIEGEL: How were the prisoners tortured?

Stokes: We have encountered bone fractures as a result of torture and we received patients who had been electrically shocked.

Libya S.O.S. resistance news 30.  January  2012.
Mummar Al Gaddafi 
24h/ BANI WALID – URGENT - Night police cars "so-called national security" are deployed  in Bani Walid, more specifically in central market, apparently in accordance with the statement by the NTC's Ministry of the Interior.
Police Mission officially starts tomorrow Tuesday, 1-2-2012 and the NTC's Ministry of the Interior also made clear that the task of the police and the 40 policemen are maintaining the security and stability of the city.It is said that these procedures were approved by the elders and notables under certain conditions, and when these patrols leave, a number of five Cars will stay for police station in Bani Walid
Night police cars "so-called national security" are deployed  in Bani Walid
23h/ Libya Update - Partial - Jan 30 2012 [108morris108]
… Next, electricity is on and off every day in Tripoli. Food in Tripoli is VERY expensive, this is a shock for the people of Libya who are used to living in anenvironment of subsidized food, fuel, energy, etc. The NTC has done nothing to bring about stability for the people of Libya. The people are angry and there have been signs seen on the streets carried by Libyans (even some past rebels) saying "We want to go back to the way it was before the war". Please take us back to our time before the war. People are suffering and there is no help.

21h/  Libya to review its ambassadors abroad
AP Libya reviews its ambassadors abroad. "An official" at the Libyan Foreign Ministry said " The [the unelected] government reassess its ambassadors around the world and their ties to the late leader Muammar Gaddafi. "
The news agency "Reuters"quoted the official, who requested anonymity : "There is a plan to re-evaluate the embassies and there is a list of new ambassadors and embassy workers." ->
19h/ Report Libya 30. January 2012. ->
18h/ In Libya, bandits and alqaeda gangs aka rebels still dominate Tripoli streets - Adding to the problem, many of the fighters say they will respect only an elected government [like Muslim Brotherhood] and do not recognize the unelected transitional government. -
17h/ (ROME) - Despite “the changes” sweeping Libya, violence and bloodshed have not stopped. In shocking [really?!] revelations, military and security forces stand accused of torturing detainees to death. Rights groups say Libya’s new rulers  [TRAITORS, NATO SLAVES, WESTERN PUPPETS ]have not addressed the problem.
Amnesty International says in recent weeks [wow], it met with detainees in Tripoli, Misrata and Gharyan who showed visible signs of torture – open wounds to the head, limbs, back and other parts of the body.
Several detainees have died after being subjected to torture in Libya [WHAT’S SURPRISE!] in recent weeks and months amid widespread torture and ill-treatment of suspected pro-Gaddafi fighters and loyalists [they are independent Libyans ]," Amnesty said.
16h/  'Cleansed' Libyan town spills its terrible secrets -
It is clear that the massive cries of rape by the people of Tawergha was not true. A few months ago, a CNN reporter reported that the rats' commander demanded that his men bring him their cell phones. He then started removing recordings of these men raping women in villages they attacked. The rape story is of the same caliber as the lies about the Viagra uttered by members of the UN, Hillary Clinton and Susan Rice

15h/ #Libya #NTC #news #ff #feb17 #democracy: criminals aka #freedomfighter Beaten #Libyans With Chains
They hit me again and again with cables,” said the 25-year-old, showing his arms which bore long, dark scars.
“They did not give me electric shocks but hit me with electric wires,” he added. ->
14h/ TAWARGHA - Misrata youth destroying abandoned homes in Tawarga#Libya ...We've forgotten our religion (سورة البقرة)
13h/ Libya Update: Libyans will not submit - The National Transitional Council (NTC), Al Qaeda and other NATO backed terrorists are unable to subdue the country. Not only are they incapable of running a country or government, but they can't even agree among themselves and they are eating each other alive.
 No matter how many US troops are poured into the country, nothing is going to change the situation in Libya. This was no "Arab Spring" popular revolt as portrayed in the western corporate media, it was a clear cut case of a foreign intervention/invasion in order to steal the country's resources. ->
12h/ Depleted Uranium - Am NATO War Crimes Depleted Uranium Found in Libya by Scientists - UPDATE -
