
Feb 24, 2012

Mousa Kousa, former Libyan Minister of Foreign Affairs pursued in Qatar

Remember Mousa Kousa "OUR MAN IN TRIPOLI"? A former Libyan Minister of Foreign Affairs, who defected and fled to London to become a key informant for NATO / Qatar / CNT.

Images of the television channel "Al Jazeera" showed the BBC journalists in the restaurant of a 5-star hotel in Doha,Qatar, verbally attacking  Mousa Kousa  by asking questions about the killings he has done in Libya. 
What's funny with those journalists who are in service to NATO and its mercenaries,is that they travelled from England to Qatar to ask such questions when they should actually start asking such questions to the 

Prime Minister of Britain about the genocide that the Libyan people suffered for several months, with all types of UK bombs. 

Everyone knows that  Mousa Kousa  has committed a great crime-a TREASON against the Libyan leader and the Libyan people. 

The result is there, he is chased by everyone in the world now, nd before he lived a very nice and comfortable life in Libya. It's a great shame, betraying green Libya in order to help NATO.
Remember  Mousa Kousa ? A former Libyan Foreign Minister, who defected and fled to London to become a key informant for NATO / Qatar / CNT. He supported the rebellion and then he moved to Qatar. He sold Libya, in the moment in which his country needed him the most.

NATO / Qatar have fully exploited him during the invasion of Libya. Today, predators do not need him anymore. He is being accused of having ordered the massacre against former political prisoners in Libya. He is chased by journalists and remains a good target for Western intelligence agencies and other interest groups. There are rumors on the streets of Qatar that his presence in Qatar is no more appreciated by the Emir of Qatar. [Algeria ISP]

 "Our Man in Tripoli"
Moussa Koussa was "Our Man in Tripoli". Koussa previously headed the Libyan intelligence agency from 1994 to 2009.
The circumstances of his defection as well as the history of his collaboration with the CIA and MI6, suggest that for the last ten years, he has been serving US and Allied interests, including the planning of the "pro-democracy" armed insurrection in Eastern Libya.
Former head of Libyan intelligence Moussa Koussa played a central role in channelling covert support to the LIFG on behalf of his Western intelligence counterparts. Former CIA director George Tenet, while not explicitly referring to "Our Man in Tripoli", acknowledges in his 2007 autobiography that "the easing of tensions with Libya [was] one of the major successes of his tenure, as it led to cooperation between the two spy services against al-Qaeda." (quoted in Intelligence Partnership between Qadhafi and the CIA on counter-terrorismop cit) [Global research]

Who is "OPPOSTION" in Libya (part I) - >