
Jul 7, 2011

Libya news [backup libyasos] 01. july - 2. july 2011.

Day 104/105: 01./02.07.2011.

GADDAFI' s SPEECH 10 july 2011 à

Tripoli 01. july 2011 - Libya and Libyans, Gaddafi's speech ->

ICC - Issued by THEMBA BENEDICT LANGA, Acting as counsel to and on behalf of Muammar Qadhafi, Saif Al Islam Qadhafi and Abdullah Al Senussi -> km LONG FLAG ON RALLY IN TRIPOLY.

*Muammar Gadhafi: Our First Real BLACK President--> 

*  ICC prosecutor clarifies purpose behind charges against Libya’s Gaddafi - >

*  How ‘al-Qaeda’s spokesman’ advances the Israel lobby’s gun control agenda - >

*  Gadhafi talking with rebels, daughter says

Libya: 13,324 NATO Sorties, 5,005 Strike Missions
*The USA PUSHES Kenya to recognise Libya’s rebel Transitional National Council based in Benghazi and allow it to open "a representative office" in the country. Video document -
*As the push to overthrow Muammar Gaddafi has stalled, journalists have increasingly borne the brunt of the frustrations of Libya's rebels. Although the foreign press was eagerly welcomed just months ago, reporters in rebel-controlled areas have recently been harassed and intimidated. Officials of the rebel-led National Transitional Council (NTC) have steadily begun to treat correspondents as hostile elements: some have been prohibited from filming bomb scenes; others have been accused of being spies. Readmore:,8599,2081020,00.html#ixzz1QwEdIbR5

*The U.S. Attacked Libya at Least 132 Times in the Last 3 Months In a statement published Thursday in the Navy Times, an official military spokesperson at Africa Command said this about Air Force and Navy planes, and their role in the months since NATO took control of the mission: "The U.S. has flown a total of 3,475 sorties in support of Operation Unified Protector. Of those, 801 were strike sorties, 132 of which actually dropped ordnance."

We did not expect a new war and considered unnecessary to purchase new military equipment and establish a powerful army," he said. - Says the Navy Times: "The White House declined to comment on how 801 strike sorties constitutes 'limited' involvement."
*Saif al-Islam Gaddafi said that West is a dangerous partner, the only thing that is of interest for it is self-interest, so all countries should beware and not trust Western countries. - >
*Representatives of the Libyan government and rebels will soon meet in Ethiopia in a bid to negotiate a way out of the current crisis in their country, South African President Jacob Zuma said in Malabo, capital of Equatorial Guinea, on Friday.
The South African president also lashed out at NATO's continued aerial bombardment of Libya, which has last for more than three months under the disguise of protecting civilians in Libya.
*President Teodoro Obiang Nguema of Equatorial Guinea, which holds the rotating AU chair, said the Libya crisis is threatening to divide the country into two should it fail to end soon.
*The AU will not accept such an outcome, he stressed, adding that the Libyan government and rebels can bring their legitimate aspirations to the table and settle their differences through consultations.
*Mahamadou Issoufou, president of Libya's neighbour Niger, said nations at the summit "had been requested" not to act on arrest warrants issued earlier this week by the International Criminal Court against Gaddafi, his son and his spy chief.
*Libya's rebel chief, Mahmoud Jibril, refrained from asking Germany for arms supplies, but appealed in Berlin instead for medical treatment for the rebel wounded. He said the fact that Germany was not militarily involved in NATO operations against Gaddafi did not mean it was neutral.
*Even if Gaddafi is killed, NATO will not leave – ex-Belgian MP --  >

*Now I saw US made preasures to Kenia!:

*Franklin Lamb in Tripoli to see for himself:

* “Rebels” are power-hungry terrorists, say Libyan refugees


*Here a report from the Same RT Refugees. / "Insurgents" - Are Terrorists, Yearning for Power.

*#AU worried by #French arms for #Libya #rebels - >


Browse > Home / International, State Terror / ‘NATO & Al-Qaeda War Crimes In Libya’

*‘NATO & Al-Qaeda War Crimes In Libya’

*Thread: Libyan Conflict - Photos and Videos

*Gaddafi's daughter files "war crimes" lawsuit related to NATO air strike that killed relatives

*American peacemaking 1945-2011

*A note on the ‘disappointed Palestinians’ letter to Cynthia McKinney

*William Engdahl - Libya intervention absurd, NATO criminal
*News report of Libyan women and carrying arms
* Libya: Meeting of the AU High-Level AD Hoc Committee On Libya -
(ii) The AU High Level Ad Hoc Committee welcomes Colonel Gaddafi's acceptance of not being part of the negotiation process.
Libyan Ministry of Justice: the so-called International Criminal Court is a cover for NATO's repeated attempts to assassinate Gaddafi and his family   Confirmed the General People's Committee of Justice that the so-called International Criminal Court is only a cover for NATO operations, who tried repeatedly to assassinate Gaddafi and his family. The Committee stressed in a statement on Monday, that these attempts are war crimes should be dealt with by the court ... Announced the General People's Committee for Justice in this statement that the Libyan state will sue the NATO for these crimes ... The Commission explained in its statement that Libya is not party to the Rome Treaty and therefore does not accept the terms of reference of the International Criminal Court, which seems clear and with evidence being a tool of pressure and political blackmail to subjugate countries and peoples of the Third World; the major countries and the crimes they commit are immune to this court ...
*Ex CIA intelligence officer turned whistleblower and activist, Michael Scheuer, has launched a blistering attack on the political establishment, over its handing of the so called war on terror, asserting that the entire rationale behind it is based on outright lies and deception.
*Those are the NATO serial killers responsible for killing our children, wanted by all Libyan
*US movie warns of an Islamic state with solutions in 2016.. This film shows one of the reasons for that made the west seeks to eradicate al-Gaddafi to assist him in the spread of Islam in the world à