
Jul 7, 2011

Libya news [backup libyasos] 03. july - 05. july 2011.

Day108: 05.07.2011.
21h/ NATO-rebels are fighting for pipelines of water and oil to Israel...
'The future regime will work with other democratic countries, inclusive Israel'.
20h/ Rebels in east Libya will receive a fuels tanker on Tuesday into Benghazi, trade sources said, indicating the rebel government is still able to secure vital fuel supplies despite a lack of financing.
17h/ “People [in western Libya] were depending entirely on food assistance for their survival,” the spokeswoman for the WFP, Emilia Casella, said on Tuesday, pointing to field assessments conducted by the UN body. - >

15h/ African Union Says ICC Prosecutions Are Discriminatory. The African Union says it will not cooperate with the International Criminal Court arrest warrant for Libyan leader Moammar Gadhafi. Some African leaders mistrust the international court. -

13h/ ROSTOV-ON-DON, July 4th - RIA Novosti, Yulia Nasulina. The lesson of chess will be included in the mandatory program in 20 Libyan schools starting from October 1st this year, told the president of the International Chess Federation (FIDE), Kirsan Ilyumzhinov to RIA Novosti by telephone .
12h/ NATO faces pressure from outside the alliance. Russian Foreign Minister Sergei V. Lavrov said Monday that his nation and NATO "so far don't see eye to eye" on how the alliance is implementing the U.N. Security Council resolution authorizing the campaign in Libya, the Russia 24 TV network reported.
Lavrov particularly criticized the reported French airdrops of weapons, saying they would violate a U.N. arms embargo on Libya
12h/ Senior European and American officials insist that there has always been such dissent over NATO campaigns and that the players who count remain firmly committed. The alliance formally agreed last month to extend the mission, originally planned for 90 days, for three more months.
But officials and outside observers acknowledge that pressure is growing for the coalition to deliver a knockout blow. If not, the Western powers, under acute economic stress and struggling with other military obligations, might have to negotiate an exit on terms that could leave Gadhafi some leverage.
11h/ Italian Foreign Minister Franco Frattini scolded the coalition over the accidental killing of civilians and called for a cease-fire - a step that U.S., British, and French officials say would allow Gadhafi to regroup.
11h/   Norway, whose small air force has carried out a disproportionate 10 percent of the strikes with six fighter planes, last month became the first country to set an end date to its role.
The government has been facing calls for withdrawal from its leftist coalition partners. Norway's Defense Ministry said it would reduce its contribution to four fighters and withdraw entirely by Aug. 1.
10h/ In the Netherlands, Defense Minister Hans Hillen complained last week of "mission creep" and suggested that the campaign's advocates were deluded to believe they could crush Gadhafi.
"People who thought that merely by throwing some bombs it would not only help the people, but also convince Gadhafi that he could step down or alter his policy were a little bit naive," Hillen told reporters in Brussels, Belgium.
10h/ France and Britain, which have led the way on the campaign, are bearing the brunt of the military burden and costs, and they are eager to bring the war to an end. Their officials have been looking for ways to intensify the campaign and bring it to a close, parting company with the Obama administration, which has been urging patience.
10h/ What is Nato doing in Libya? Drive through any town in rebel-held Libya and the slogans from the early days of Nato's offensive are plain to see. "Thank you USA, Britain, France", "Thank you Nato".
09h/  Government spokesperson Mussa Ibrahim said the two boats were intercepted at about 02:00 GMT on Monday after loading their cargo from a Tunisian-flagged vessel and as they headed for Zanzur, some 30km from Tripoli. Ibrahim said the weapons were "of Pakistani manufacture" and had been destined for the armed forces of Qatar in the Gulf.
08h/ The Obama administration faces pressure from Republicans as well as antiwar Democrats.
NATO’s Libyan War: 13,728 Sorties, 5,170 Strike Sorties

Day107 : 04.07.2011.

23h/  Weapons from Qatar. A ship which carried weapons to rebels  was captured by Libyan army. ->
22h/  SOCHI REPORT Russia and NATO have failed to reach a consensus on missile defence plans in Europe, with the Alliance standing firm on its position.- >
21h/   Libyan bishop condemns NATO bombing campaign. “Bombing is always an immoral act,” said Bishop Giovanni Martinelli -->
*     Report: Ground Invasion of Libya Within Two Weeks - > 
20h/  Libya's government said on Monday that its forces have intercepted a boat in waters off Tripoli loaded with weapons bound for rebels fighting to oust Libyan leader Moammar Qaddafi.
"After the French arms air-dropped to the rebellion, we are witnessing a new form of arms shipments by sea, and we have intercepted a ship carrying weapons and ammunition," Libyan Deputy Foreign Minister Khaled Kaaim told reporters.
"We denounce these deliveries because their aim is to provoke clashes between Libyans and chaos in the country.
"We have repeatedly warned the West that these weapons could fall into the hands of Al-Qaeda," Kaaim said without elaborating on the weapons, their origin or destination.
The authorities plan to take foreign journalists to see the boat.
France admitted on Thursday it has been delivering arms to Berber rebels in the Nafusa Mountains southwest of Tripoli, insisting they were only meant to defend peaceful civilians from Qaddafi's forces.
18h/  ALGIERS (Reuters) - Algeria have joined South Africa in officially declaring interest in hosting the 2013 African Nations Cup finals, which look increasingly likely to be moved from Libya due to the ongoing rebellion against Legaly Libyan Army.
17h/  Sochi - Russia's President Dmitry Medvedev hosted a trilateral meeting with NATO Secretary-General Anders Fogh Rasmussen and South African President Jacob Zuma in an attempt to pressure the Western alliance into halting air raids and launching peace talks in Libya. “I would like for them to hear, both from me and possibly from you Mr. President, our opinion about what is happening in that country and how peace can be achieved there,” said Mr. Medvedev.
17h/  Moscow supports the African Union's peace proposals and wants it to take a leading role in the settlement efforts. Both denounced French arms drops to Libyan rebels. “Any supplies of weapons are a violation of the [U.N. Resolution 1973], as also is the sending of military instructors,” said Russia's Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov after the Russia-NATO Council meeting.
13h/ Germany has agreed to supply munitions for the NATO air-strikes in Libya. The move comes despite Berlin not originally backing the operation, and some suggest peer pressure has caused the shift in its position. -- >[EN]
12h/ West sent commandos to kill Gaddafi – son
The son of Libyan leader Muammar Gaddafi has claimed that Western forces have deployed commando units in Libya to target his father. Muhammad Gaddafi spoke Monday with Kirsan Ilyumzhinov, the World Chess Federation chief and former president of Russia’s Republic of Kalmykia. According to Muhammad Gaddafi, the eldest son of Libyan strongman, the commandos are staying in Tripoli. He also told Ilyumzhinov that his father is all right and does not plan to leave the country Libya he loves more than his life. The World Chess Federation head arrived in the Libyan capital on Sunday night.
12h/ Libya will be on the agenda at talks between Russia and Nato on Monday in the southern Russian resort of Sochi. Russia has criticised the bombing campaign, saying the mission has lost its original focus on protecting civilians and now aims to remove Muammar Gaddafi.
12h/  Saif al-Islam to NATO: "You don't have any chance to win. Zero chance. To tell my father to leave the country, it's a joke. We will never surrender. We will fight. It's our country."
11h/ Turkey's banking authorities Monday seized control of Libyan-Turkish bank A&T in line with UN sanctions against the regime of embattled Libyan leader Moamer Gaddfi, an official statement said.  
10h/  After the 17th AU Summit held in Malabo, capital of Equatorial Guinea, on Thursday, the AU handed its proposals to delegates of Libya's two conflicting sides attending the AU conference, urging the two sides to follow AU's road map to halt hostilities and start talks immediately.
In its peace plan, the AU suggested that the timeframe for negotiations between the Libyan government and rebels should be limited to a maximum of 30 days unless the parties to the talks decide otherwise, and that the international community should help to facilitate the process.
The AU proposals also include enforcing an arms embargo inside Libya till the end of the transitional period and implementing necessary reforms to meet the legitimate demands of the Libyan people, including organizing elections under international monitoring.
However, the AU proposal does not touch upon the departure of Libyan leader Muammar Al Qathafi, which is the precondition set by the Libyan opposition to achieve a ceasefire.
10h/ Libyan rebels rejected Sunday an African Union (AU) peace plan to end the ongoing conflicts in the North African country, insisting that any settlement should be based on the immediate resignation of Libyan leader Muammar Al Gaddafi.
09h/ Out of the 28 NATO members, only eight are actively participating in the Libyan campaign.

Day 106 : 03.07.2011.
24h/  400 French soldiers arrived in Benghazi?!?
23h/  American Muslim Alliance
From Strategic thinking to concrete Actions

The indictment at International Criminal Court against Col. Muammer Qaddafi and his family appears to be ill intentioned and is the work of imperialistic design. We support the rule of the Law but not on the behest of those who are not even the signatory to international Court. The worlds human body is well aware of the scheming and conniving of same old Colonial powers and Oppressors of Africa. We condemn the armed rebelliousness anywhere regardless it is in Libya or Pakistan. We believe in non-violence democratic struggle only and we do condemn any foreign intervention in to the internal affairs of any country including Libya. The incitement of armed rebelliousness is a crime and all those who have caused this human tragedy and ethnic cleansing of Dark skin Libyans and atrocities committed against supporters of the state of Libya are the one should be prosecuted.

Muhammad Salim Akhtar
National Director,
American Muslim Alliance
1010 Vermont Ave NW, #1002
Washington, DС 20005

June 27, 2011

20h/  In Tripoli, 3 NATO aircrafts were shot down.
19h/ Russia warns?!  NATO against violating international norms-->
19h/ DAMASCUS: The Syrian Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Expatriates continues the evacuation of Syrians living in Libya.  
19h/ Turkey recognizes National Transitional Council as legitimate representative of Libyans
in exchange for "pacifying" the Kurds.  

--------- a letter from BERLIN  - "Yesterday (02. july 2011.) we have made in Berlin our 4. manifestation "NATO-stopp bombing Libya!" A lot of organizations in Germany are demanding the same , as we (members of organizations and parties of Germany, which are demonstrating all 2 weeks under the big World clock in Berlin for the ending of NATO-bombardements),but they are doing this in a written form and will not demonstrating under open ear, as we do. We love you and further on ( also in buses and trains !) we are spreading the truth about Libya and the NATO-crimes against Serbia. With greatings of solidarity!" ----------video18.jun 2011 - >
*   It is patently clear nowadays that the ICC is a tool in the hands of NATO - a cynical tool which bases itself on the pseudo-precept that it follows the law, a manipulative organism which twists legal principles and applies them with two weights and measures. What is amazing, is that those behind the ICC and NATO think that the public will believe them.
20h/  Tomorrow will be a meeting between NATO and Russia.One of the major theme of the meeting will be "The crisis in Libya" and NATO's responsibility for the implementation of resolution 1970 and 1973. Moscow still believes that the only chance for stabilizing the situation in Libya is immediate ceasefire and the beginning of a dialogue between the conflicting parties.
19h/   Villages around the capital Tripoli are preparing for a possible NATO ground invasion, which could happen in the next few days or weeks.The people are very well informed about NATO's goals and clearly that the target is their land and oil.L ibyans will stand and defend every house, every street and will use all available weapons.
18h/ Libyan Ministry of Health published a document about the victims of NATO attacks. Current statistics of civilian victims of NATO bombing of Libya:
18h/  Libyan army,for the first time since the war, attacked the rebels with helicopters. With the support of artillery, a large counter-offensive began, the most powerful Libyan military action since the war began,in city Bin Jawad.
15h/  Turkish Foreign Minister Ahmet Davutoglu visited the rebel stronghold of Benghazi in eastern Libya today. He says his country has given the rebels' Transitional National Council $200 million, two-thirds as a loan and one-third as a grant.
*    NATO-led rebels say their Western mangers have told them Libyan leader can stay in Libya if he resigns; reject fair & free elections
14h/   The African Union says its members will not cooperate with the International Criminal Court's arrest warrant for Libyan leader Moammar Gadhafi, arguing that the measure jeopardizes efforts to negotiate a peace deal in the war-torn nation.The warrants are "for crimes against humanity," including murder and persecution.Gadhafi has made clear he would not recognize the court's authority.
*       Ghana - We know that Italy has been reluctant in directly participating in the destruction of Libya’s infrastructure and bombing of residential areas, which has killed civilians and reduced to absurdity the West’s claim of being in Libya to solve humanitarian problems.
12h/ Apart from Qatar, none of the Arab League countries has directly involved itself in the military campaign despite their moral support for it. NATO has been egged on by the US’ Obama, Britain’s Cameron, and France’s Sarkozy—all of whom are politically immature and don’t yet know how to handle the first major task in office without creating more problems therefrom.
11h/ President Jacob Zuma will attend a meeting of the International Contact Group on Libya in the Russian Federation today.

11h/  the US is now engaged in hostile actions in at least five Muslim countries, including Iraq, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Yemen and Libya. Own up to the fact that War Powers legislation, created to ensure accountability between the executive and legislative branches, is being discursively disregarded and disembowelled. And own up to the fact that the "responsibility to protect" is increasingly about protecting economic interests, and not primarily civilian innocents.
11h/ TRIPOLI, Libya - NATO said yesterday that it has begun increasing its airstrikes on military targets in the western part of Libya
10h/ What America Stands for in Libya-

06h/ NATO tackles threat of attacks in western Libya -

04h/ Cockpit footage of strikes on Libya targets -