
Jun 7, 2012

Libya news [backup libyasos] 19 May - 24. May 2012.

Libya S.O.S. resistance news 24.  May 2012.
"Nature Strikes back" about Saif al Islam as artist :Saif al Islam Gaddafi as artist. His association with The Desert is Not Silent, a touring exhibition of Libyan antiquities and contemporary art was occasionally mentioned but nobody had picked up on the fact that a substantial number of works in that exhibition wereactually painted by Saif al Islam himself. 
The Desert is Not Silent was most recently shown in Moscow in 2010 but was launched in London in 2002. It was a huge, champagne flowing affair in a specially constructed tent (sound familiar?) in Kensington packed with a bizarre and uneasy mix of politicians,.diplomats, academics, spooks, fixers, journalists and a few tokens from the art world. 
Painted in 2000, part of the catalogue text for this read:
Libya was as strong as a rock against which the arrogance of the neo-crusaders was broken. In this tragedy of the new world order the leader becomes the 'unique eagle'.
16h/ A souvenir photo of NATO Secretary General Anders Fogh Rasmussen in Libya, a visit of contempt towards the victims of this unjust war against the Libyan. Thousands of children, women and men killed by bombs and weapons of NATO.
LIBYAN NEWS (20/05 TILL 23/05/2012)
14h/ Result of U.S.-NATO war on Libya: Corruption, torture, chaos
The regime that NATO and the Pentagon brought to Libya denies human rights, breeds corruption and is leading the country toward increasing chaos day by day.
The compensation program for the rebels, which distributed $1.4 billion, has been riddled with fraud. Payments were suspended in April. There were reports that people already dead were on lists of militia members and that some who never joined the anti-Gadhafi efforts also received funds. Others who had never been injured were nevertheless sent abroad “for medical treatment.”
12h/ Tamoil Swiss says will invest millions of francs
Libya's Tamoil pledges cash to save Swiss refinery
Libyan-owned Tamoil's Swiss branch said it will spend "tens of millions" of Swiss francs on its Collombey refinery after cantonal authorities issued an ultimatum on a clean-up of the plant and threatened to force it to suspend operations.

Libya S.O.S. resistance news 23.  May 2012.
24h/ NTC’s prosecutor’s office is investigating possible irregularities in crude sales to oil giants China International United Petroleum & Chemical Co., or Unipec, and PetroChina Co., as part of a broader probe into oil deals made during the regime of Moamaar Gadhafi.
What was with concessions of NATO lands?
What an irony!
Western European countries and USA didn't pay to Libya 200 billion dollars for the Libyan oil they got.
That's why they waged the war on Libyan people - bombed it with mini nukes and aerosol bombs to Stone Age and now like a final touch here comes the stoning as a punishment for those who don't like the newly arrived "democracy"!
The EU and US owe Libya over 200 BILLION$ for Libyan oil.
Also, oil concessions for western oil companies are due to expire in 2012., andGaddafi said that if they don’t pay he would give the new concessions to Russian and Chinese oil companies.

23h/ Salah Adden Tabagh, the chairman of the Electoral High Committee (EHC) for the Tripoli Local Council elections has resigned.
 "Some among "Tripoli youth", who believed NATO/NTC would deliver so called democracy to Libya, are now disappointed with the results. They are complaining about chaos and disruption of the elections for the local council and are calling people to gather on the Green square ( NTC now called Martyrs Square) on Friday 17:30, to protest against the non-elected Council and invite civil society organizations to form a higher committee to prepare and supervise the election of the Council of Tripoli.
21h/ Obama: In Libya, U.S. ‘led from the front'
"The United States has been, and will always be, the one indispensable nation in world affairs," he told the cadets. "America is exceptional."

American soldier in Afganistan
American soldier in Afganistan with "trophy"
Kill team  -  photos of children
The boy’s right pinky finger appears to have been severed.
US Staff Sargent Calvin Gibbs reportedly used a pair of razor-sharp medic’s shears to cut off the finger which he presented to Holmes as a trophy for killing his first Afghan.
20h/  Various incidents of violence being reported by different pages, including 2 men killed near Sabha by Tobou gunmen and an attack on the Security Committes headquarters in Wadi al-Shati following the killing of a lone gunman by security men.[@LibyanReality]
19h/  Detained in Tripoli yesterday. Now stopped at checkpoint near Zintan.
18h/ NTC's Supreme Security Committee foils potential aircraft attack in Sirte
“We were, as usual, assigned to secure the airport, and on Monday 21 May an aircraft was expected to land in Sirte with a delegation of politicians on a visit to the city”, "The head" of the Sirte SSC, Walid Al-Jareh said. “Some members of the SSC spotted a civilian vehicle behind one of the walls surrounding the airport and moved to investigate. However, as soon as they approached the car, they were fired upon and an exchange of fire involving our security personnel took place. The group then fled the scene, leaving behind the car”.
17h/ Tripoli - A number of " Rights movements and NGOs" demonstrated at the National Transitional Council’s HQ in Tripoli yesterday in opposition to Law No. 36 that freezes the assets of certain individuals and companies.
In a press release, the demonstrators called on the NTC to enforce the same transparency and integrity standards on numerous others that they felt were omitted from the list.
They also expressed their concern for the lack of right to seek recourse through the normal judicial system, feeling that Law 36 goes against the grain of the Islamic right to basic justice.
16h/ A member of the ‘Lockerbie bomber’s’ legal team says the evidence suggests he was INNOCENT
15h/ Lockerbie: CIA made US State Department attorney ‘lie’ to UN Security Council
In response to information supplied by the CIA, which accused two Libyans of the 1988 Lockerbie bombing, the UN Security Council imposed international sanctions on Gaddafi’s Libya in 1992. Now the US State Department attorney who drafted UNSCRs 731, 748 and 883 that imposed the Lockerbie sanctions claims the case against the two accused was “so full of holes it was like Swiss cheese” and says the CIA effectively made him lie to the UN Security Council.
14h/ Tunisia sets terms for extradition of ex-Libyan PM
TUNIS, Tunisia –  Libya's former prime minister will only be extradited to his country if his life isn't in danger there and he can be guaranteed a fair trial, Tunisia's presidential spokesman said Wednesday
13h/ Libya’s Invisible Forces
You won't learn much about Janzour from the Libyan media. Although Libyan journalists have filmed interviews at the camp, their reporting has yet to be broadcast, and no one is quite sure why. The journalists speak of different priorities—the country is preparing for elections—but those in the camp blame pressure from the Misrata militia or racism: Most of the refugees are black. Lack of coverage means lack of interest. Nobody in power feels any urgency to help them.
And thus the Tawerghans remain, semi-invisible, in limbo, like so many other things in Libya, where power is still held by a Transitional National Council and a provisional government; where elections are scheduled for June; where decisions are suspended "until we have a government" and would-be investors hang around the lobby of the Radisson, drinking mint tea and waiting to see what will happen next.

12h/ [ Little progress so far on returning stolen assets to countries like #Egypt #Tunisia #Libya – what’s the next step? ] 
G8 action on asset recovery for the Arab world

Libya S.O.S. resistance news 22.  May 2012.
24h/ Tunisia to extradite former PM to Libya Mr. Al-Baghdadi Al-Mahmoudi
[There are rumors - Price is 100 mil. Dollars ]
Tunisia will extradite Muammar Gaddafi's former prime minister to Libya, Tunisia's Justice Minister Noureddine Bouheiri said on Tuesday. The handover of Al Baghdadi Ali Al-Mahmoudi could take place in “days or weeks,” he said, as cited by Reuters. A Tunisian court dropped charges of illegally entering the country against the former PM in February. But he has remained in jail since last year, pending a decision on his extradition.
Mr.  Al-Baghdadi Al-Mahmoudihas gone back on a hunger strike in protest against the possibility of him being extradited to Libya.
23h/ Musa Al-Koni, the Tuareg representative on the NTC, is reported to have resigned over the treatment his fellow Tuaregs in Ghadames.
It has been reported that more Tuareg families were still arriving in nearby Daraj, where many of the displaced Tuaregs from Ghadames are now staying. A number staged a protest during the day against the Daraj branch of the National Commercial Bank in Ghadames which they say is refusing to process their salaries.
23h/ US, Chicago, protest against NATO
Don't hit me! I'm pregnant! My baby needs a better world!

Libyan Prime Minister Al-Baghdadi Ali al-Mahmoudi visited Niger in August 2010 and announced the creation of a $100 million investment fund for Niger as part of a strengthening of bilateral ties. Under earlier agreements, Libya is contributing 100 million euros for the construction of a Trans-Sahara highway in the north of Niger, according to sources close to Niger's foreign ministry.
21h/ Nigeria : Thrown into Chaos and a State of Civil War: The Role of the IMF 
The United States imports its oil from Nigeria, second only to Saudi Arabia.U.S. goods imports from Nigeria totaled $30.5 billion in 2010, a 59.5% increase from 2009.

Nearly all of U.S. imports from Nigeria was oil.
U.S. imports from Nigeria accounted for 1.6% of total U.S. imports for 2010.
The five largest import categories in 2010 were: Mineral Fuel (oil) ($30.4 billion), Cocoa ($39 million), Aluminum ($16 million), Rubber ($12 million), andSpecial Other (returns) ($11 million).
DO YOU SEE ANYTHING WRONG HERE ?? [American African Committee]
20h/ NATO mercenaries in Libya with NATO backed rebels [proud to be slave and puppet of NATO]

19h/ Tunis: International Lawyers Announce Commission for Defense of Oppressed Libyans & Exiles, Send Communique to UN Secretary-General
Of special focus was the case of two Libyan families who, according to Tunisian lawyer Dr Baccar (1), represented “models” of what happened to thousands of individuals during and after the seven-month air and sea attack on the country by NATO and the systematic destruction, killings and torture on the land on behalf of the National Transitional Council (NTC) imposed by NATO.
18h/  NTC freezes 338 assets of which 260 are individuals and 78 are companies
As would be expected, the list starts with the eleven members of the immediate Muammar Qaddafi family, including all his biological children, and his wife Safia Firkash. It also goes on to list another thirty or so persons with ‘Qaddafi’ as part of their name or surname.
Revenge is surname name of NATO puppets. On otherwise we can see how NTC members treasure grow up , and NTC mebres of families take a  "job"]

17h/ NATO  - Washington’s top commander in Africa, General Carter F. Ham, yesterday paid an unannounced visit to Tripoli to meet senior officers and ministry of defence officials.
US embassy reports on the visit spoke of “advancing bilateral” ties between the Libyan and US military, as well as looking for ways in which the Americans could help with the establishment of Libya’s new armed forces. Despite Moscow’s willingness to update and replace the large quantity of Russian tanks, armoured personnel vehicles and other weaponry bought in large quantities by the old regime, some senior Libyan officers would prefer a mix of US and European equipment.
16h/ (Reuters) Hog wash  - Tunisia will extradite former Libyan prime minister to Libya and the handover could take place in "days or weeks", Justice Minister Noureddine Bouheiri said on Tuesday.
15h/ Benghazi - 138,312 people had voted . Only one woman out of the 22 female candidates was elected.
District 9: Buatni, Al-Huwari and Gwarsha
Awad Saleh Awad Al-Sobeihi (1753 Votes) LOL I have more friends [in real lifethen 1753.
14h/ TUNISIA BORDER -  More than 40 trucks tried to force their way from Libya into Tunisia at the Ras Jedir border crossing on Monday evening.  According to the Tunisian News Agency, the trucks had no licence plates.  Following an altercation between the drivers and Tunisian customs officials in which a number of the latter were said to have been physically abused, the Tunisian army was called in to deal with the matter.   The border crossing was temporarily closed as a result.
Smuggling in both directions — petrol and weapons  into Tunisia and foodstuffs and phosphates, alcohol, durgs into Libya 
13h/ A member of a Bani Walid delegation that travelled to negotiate with the NTC members in Tripoli [on Sunday] was injured during clashes with NTC security guards.
The injured man in Abu Salim hospital; his head had been fractured as a result of being hit by one of the security guard with the back of the gun

Last week, a number of the people in Bani Walid staged a demonstration against the presence of the Libya gang Shield Brigade stationed around the town which they said was preparing to storm it. Protesters said they ready to fight if the troops entered it..
12h/ Rocket damages Red Cross office in Libya's Benghazi
BENGHAZI (Reuters) - A rocket-propelled grenade hit the offices of the International Committee of the Red Cross in Libya's eastern city of Benghazi overnight, leaving a small hole in the side of the building but causing no casualties, an ICRC spokeswoman said on Tuesday.
Libya S.O.S. resistance news 21.  May 2012.
00h/ NYT Admits Lockerbie Case Flaws
Exclusive: Even in death, Libyan Ali al-Megrahi is dubbed “the Lockerbie bomber,” a depiction that proved useful last year in rallying public support for “regime change” in Libya. But the New York Times now concedes, belatedly, that the case against him was riddled with errors and false testimony, as Robert Parry reports.
24h/ Libyan Popular National Movement
The Libyan Popular National Movement (Arabic: الحركة الوطنية الشعبية الليبية‎) is a political movement established by former Great Socialist People's Libyan Arab Jamahiriya officials on 15 February 2012.[1]. Its Secretary General is Major General Khuwaildi al-Hamidi, a former member of the Libyan Revolutionary Command Council.
Libyan Popular National Movement

Libyan Popular National Movement
23h/ Should Libya rebuild Gaddafi hometown of Sirte?
I have met many people in Misrata who believe Sirte should be wiped off the map.
Gaddafi stain
Deputy Prime Minister Mustafa Abushagur insists Sirte will get fair treatment.
“It’s our obligation to provide services for them,” he said. “We are one country, one people and we must make sure that we learn how to live together again.”

22h/ Justice in Libya: Investigating NATO?
Accepting that the ICC should investigate NATO crimes, the question becomes can they?
There is no legal barrier to investigating citizens of those NATO states involved in Libya which are also signatories to the Rome Statute. A more controversial question, however, emerges with citizens of NATO members who are not members of the ICC, most obviously the United States.
21h/ Could the #ICC prosecute Americans for civilian deaths in #Libya ?
"With international criminal justice featuring almost daily in the media and in the demands of the oppressed and violated, expectations that justice is evenly and fairly achieved will only increase.
No self-respecting human rights advocate can argue that serious violations of international law by Western powers – whether it be the fire-bombing of Dresden in WWII, NATO’s bombing of Serbia in 1999 or the US and UK’s role in torture and rendition cases – should have escaped investigation or accountability.
Anyone who truly believes in the project of international criminal justice has to readily admit to these serious gaps in the project – not in order to concede that the project is fundamentally flawed but because only by recognizing these shortcomings can the project be furthered, the playing field be made equal, and international justice be impartial and universal."

20h/ Muammar al Gaddafi, an excerpt from his essay written in '90s "Once Again, an Urgent Call to Form a Party"
18h/ #NATO #Chicago today: and Thank you Julia S. for comment:
I have watched in horror the laughing Hollywood approach to the NATO summit in Chicago. Michelle Obama & Hillary Clinton with their usual grotesque open mouths screeching like school girls at their first party.
All of this death and destruction is nothing to them.
They are condemned to hell forever; we all know that.
Rasmussen looks like Frankenstein on speed and they are all evil witches.
We can only hope Allah comes forth soon to pronounce justice on their evil pact of eternal war and destruction for their own profit.
All people of entire world and especially Middle East suffer over them.
Chicago Today 
17h/ RUMORS ABOUT HUMAN ORGAN TRAFFICKING IN MISURATA PRISON!Prisoners are having their organs illegally removed and sold to physicians from India for sale elsewhere!
There is reportedly a palace where there is a lab and medical equipment brought by said Indian physicians. It is said that this information leaked to human rights organizations and Libyan civil society institutions, but when trying to publish it they were threaten.
Reported by (someone who calls "Gaddafi Son") on the Green Mountain Resistance site.

Could it be that the Jannat Resort is the "palace" implicated in this organ trafficking allegation?
A survivor from Misurata relates the following story:
"And I remember that there is a summer resort called Jannat (means Heaven) because any prisoner who was taken there was considered doomed."
We don't know...As we said, these are rumors, but they are only too easily believed since we've seen the share monstrosity of Misurata thugs and their love for blood and money.
Organ trafficking is a lucrative business and countries where there is an armed conflict and no law or security, are paradise for those vultures.
Libyan Prisoners: Human Organ Trafficking ?

SHOCKING: interview with a man who has been tortured for months in Misurata’s jails
15h/ Libya’s rebels are without a cause
In a country awash with weapons, the lack of momentum has left the center dangerously devoid of tools and authority for establishing itself
In the absence of a state criminal justice system, these groups rounded up 5,000 prisoners, and held them without trial.
Government reluctance has been met with violence. Amid allegations of fraud, the government limited paid medical trips abroad for the war wounded, and canceled one-off payments to rebels after at least 20 times as many would-be recipients registered as the number of fighters.
Gun markets have surfaced in southern Tunisia, and Sinai’s bedouin careen along mountain tracks with formerly Libyan anti-aircraft guns mounted on trucks. Libya’s own turmoil could yet acquire continental proportions.
However, with such riches to distribute among such a small population, the vultures are many.
13h/ #Cameron has dismissed the possibility of a #UK inquiry into the conviction of Abdelbaset al- #Megrahi – the only person convicted [wrongly- as we have pointed out number of times] of involvement in the Lockerbie plane bombing – who died in Tripoli on Sunday.
12h/ Funeral of Abdulbasset al Megrahi, may Allah have mercy on
Libya S.O.S. resistance news 20.  May 2012.

Birthday of Muammar Al Gaddafi Around the World 

24h/ LIBYA  - HUMAN ORGAN TRAFFICING! Prisoners are having their organs illegally removed and sold to India physicians for sale elsewhere! [more tomorrow]

23h/ Fire at Omar Muktar Street today [video]
22h/ Fighting near Tripoli; NATO-led rebels claim they still control indigenous Libyans who are trying to remove them.
21h/  #Libya:  #UN delegation to investigate Libyan violations, but ignore NATO contribution to killing an estimated 100,000 Libyans. [via cdoebbler]
20h/ From Libya to the world: Egypt makes its biggest arms bust ever
Egyptian security forces have made their biggest ever smuggled arms bust, intercepting over 120 rockets and other supplies. 
Three people were detained in a counter-smuggling operation covering four provinces along the Mediterranean coast, Egypt’s Interior Ministry said on Sunday.

18h/ Libyan National Bank is on the verge of bankruptcy. There are no medical materials in the hospitals. The prisoners are tortured to death.But there are "democratic elections". Truly laughable.
17h/ Abdelbaset Ali Mohmed al-Megrahi, born on 1 April 1952, died 20 May 2012.
''Abdelbaset Ali Mohmed Ali Megrahi, who has died, aged 60 was, known to the world as ‘the Lockerbie bomber’; an unrepentant terrorist and senior Libyan intelligence agent. To many who have studied the case, he was the victim of the most shocking miscarriage of justice of recent years. He was convicted in January 2001 for the murder of the 270 Lockerbie victims, a verdict described by the United Nations trial observer as ‘incomprehensible’.''
16h/ ALGERIA -  Algeria arrests Qaeda Islamists on way to Libya
Around 800 armed Islamists are active in Algeria, including 210 members of the Al-Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb (AQIM), according to Badredine Messaoudi, a member of the commission charged with implementing the charter on peace and national reconciliation, quoted by the Arab-language daily Ennahar.
Another 590 Islamists are operating in southern Algeria, he added.
15h/ THE HAGUEA lawyer for Moamer Kadhafi's son Seif al-Islam said Friday he doubted Libya was able or willing to try his client, as he asked the International Criminal Court to report the matter to the UN.
Xavier-Jean Keita, the defence lawyer appointed by the ICC, said in papers before the Hague-based court that despite several requests to meet Seif, Libyan authorities so far have not cooperated.

"Either they are stonewalling because they are concerned about what he might say to his council... or, they simply do not have the capacity to implement the visit," Keita said.

"Either conclusion undermines their assertation that they are either willing or able to conduct proceedings against Mr Seif al-Islam."
14h/  BENGHAZI - In Benghazi  216 000 people had registered to vote.Benghazi town with population 650,000
 Supporters of autonomy for Cyrenaica, the eastern province that includes Benghazi, were running in the election to choose a new city council.
The  Cyrenaica Congress has called for a boycott of Libya's first national election, scheduled for 19 June, saying it will not give fair representation to the east.
Libya's third-largest city of Misrata and most of them crimnals voted for a local council in February.
13h/ Tripoli - Abdelbaset Ali Mohmed Al Megrahi, a Libyan intelligence officer  died Sunday nearly three years after he was released from a Scottish prison .

12h/ NATO right hand aka UN  - The United Nations food agency and Libya today collaborated in a joint programme that seeks to increase food production while protecting the country's natural resources.
[I am sure UN and NATO  PROTECTING natural resources with... DEPLETED URANIUM] 
Under the agreement, Libya will provide $71 million [  to whom ] in funding needed to develop different areas particularly in areas such as plant and animal health and production, pesticide management, seed development, natural resource management, capacity building and institutional strengthening.

Libya S.O.S. resistance news 19.  May 2012.
19h/ SHOCKING: interview with a man who has been tortured for months in Misurata’s jails
18h/ Most Libyans refuste to register; they do not want to vote as they think it is a bad joke. #Libya
Libyans do NOT want to vote as they have never been asked what they want They do Know that their votes can Neither influence the Election nor Change it.
The Libyans do not want to vote because the USA already controls Libyaand the USA will install a "puppet government" again. #Libya
Every Country that US intervened with (helping, protecting Civilians)has been brought 2 chaos,hunger,death & has been left with Nothing but smithereens
Every country that USA wanted to force democracy upon with bombs is now left with corruption, hunger, death, Mafia Child Trafficking, kidnapping,ect [ @Diana_82_]

17h/ Libyan prisoners -suffering story !الليبي أسرى يعانون القصة!
Various former rat’s groups are holding as many as 10,000 prisoners in 60 detention centers around the country.
There’s torture, extrajudicial executions, rape of both men and women,”.Saif al Islam,even captured appealed, for release of pro-Gaddafi prisoners, to the humans organisations in his latest talking with Human right watch officers.

16h/ Libyan "Rebels" Whip And Torture Man Telling Him He's Pig Meat
15h/ Libya – Libyan  prime minister Baghdadi Mahmoudi is under tight guard in Tunis following claims from security forces that they had discovered a plot to assassinate him.

Libyan prime minister Baghdadi Mahmoudi is under tight guard in Tunis following claims from security forces that they had discovered a plot to assassinate him.
A Tunisian security official, speaking anonymously, told a local reporter that the authorities had uncovered a plan by Amazigh from Zwara to kill Mahmoudi when he was in prison. The official said a reward of LD 2 million was offered by Amazigh elders to the assassins.
14h/ Libya: Just another Nato casualty
A year after the Western powers tried to make up for lost ground in the Arab uprisings by tipping the balance of the Benghazi-led revolt, Libya is in the lawless grip of rival warlords and armed conflict between militias as the West-installed National Transitional Council passes laws clamping down on freedom of speech, gives legal immunity to former rebels and disqualifies election candidates critical of the new order.
These are the political forces Nato played a role in bringing to power.
13h/ ICC to submit ‘observations’ on prosecuting Seif in Libya
UNITED NATIONS: The International Criminal Court’s (ICC) prosecutor said on Wednesday that judges will decide whether to let Muammar Qadhafi’s son be prosecuted for war crimes on Libyan soil instead of at the tribunal based in The Hague, Netherlands and one issue is whether a Libyan court would conduct an independent and impartial trial.
12h/ [Hog wash] Should Saif Gaddafi be tried in Libya?
 Libya has asked the International Criminal Court to abandon its legal action against Saif al-Islam Gaddafi, so he can be tried in Tripoli.
PS.: Ocampo is a Clown.
Libya news [backup libyasos] 13. september  - 20. september 2011.