
Jan 25, 2012

Libya: Save Dr Abuzaid Omar Dorda

Save Dr. Dorda

update 25.01.2012.

" I have just received a mail from of Abuzed Dorda's son, the former representative of the Libya to the United Nations who supported Gaddafi to the end and that is since tortured and detained by the rebels.
Here is the message sent by his son who is a friend: "it seems that my father was captured by militia last night at the hospital." He is still in a critical situation and should not leave the hospital to preserve his health. Certain persons responsible for the torture and who were watching the hospital are part of the kidnappers. Given the physical condition of my father, I do not think that he will survive long in the hands of terrorists. I need you to pass this information to as many people possible. "The more people know, the more the terrorists are afraid of possible returns (reactions).