
Sep 2, 2011

Libya news [backup libyasos] 28. august- 1. september 2011.

Day 164: 01. september 2011. Libya news 

Gaddafi: Continue fighting even if you don't hear my voice!
18h/  Libya S.O.S.: GADDAFI'S SPEECH 01.09.11. LIBYA
18h/ Libya: 1 Sept. 2011 - Anniversary - 42 years ago, Col. Muammar Gaddafi has liberated Libya!vodeo
17h/ #LIBYA - - Gaddafi addressed the public live from the studio to an undisclosed location - soon to the broadcast can expect a variety of documents and statements and discussions that will shed a whole new picture of the war in Libya and the role of individual countries -
16h/ Muammar Gaddafi: we will continue the struggle against the invasion .
15h/ NATO-LED REBELS  promised France 35% of the country's crude oil in exchange for supporting the Transitional National Council in its fight against Muammar Gaddafi, a French newspaper reported.

 14h/ South African President Jacob Zuma boycotted today’s meeting in Paris to discuss Libya’s postwar reconstruction
13h/  Mahdi Nazemroaya in Malta After Libya  LAST REPORT, THIS TIME FROM MALTA to 108morris108
13h/ Lizzie Phelan witnesses effects of NATO's "humanitarian intervention" in Zlitan. Lizzie Phelan visits Zlitan just a few days before the NATO massacre of at least 85 civilians in Majer, Zlitan. Sep 1, 2011 . The father of the dead family demands the name of the pilot and planners of the attack that killed his family
11h/ France has secured a deal with Libya’s rebel interim rulers to exploit a third of the country’s oil reserves, the daily Liberation reported Thursday, citing a letter to the emir of Qatar.
10h/ TRIPOLI, Libya -- These two fliers were provided by a member of the neighborhood militia in Gorji, in central Tripoli. Tripoli residents say they found them on the ground starting at least two months ago.
09h/ West have neither the right nor the ability to “fix” those unfamiliar societies such as Libya which we dismiss as “dictatorships”. ...our Western “democracy” is in danger of being gradually reduced to a mere ideological excuse to attack, ravage and pillage other people’s countries.
07h/ The Western media has not reported on NATO war crimes. It has casually dismissed NATO atrocities: 8000 strike sorties represents more than 50,000 missiles and bombs dropped on the Libyan people.
06h/ The war on terrorism constitutes a broad consensus instilled in the minds of millions of people, What is not known to Western public opinion is that the West's holy crusade against Islamic terrorism rather than targeting terrorists actually includes terrorists in his ranks, i.e Al Qaeda "freedom fighters" have been integrated into the ranks of US-NATO led military operations.
***********URGENT! Many of the wounded and dead areas in the Sirte and Bani Walid remained under the rubble as a result of the brutal bombing of the crusader alliance could not get them out or punishment taken by the people not to stop the bombing and targeting aircraft and helicopters Crusade everything that moves. That the people of Sirte and Bani Walid calling the world's humanitarian appeal for help to stop the bombing cowardly unjust to remove the civilians detained under the rubble before it is too late, especially as the number in the hundreds ...Spread the news all the pages in all languages ...God is the greatest of all sinful aggressor and each treacherous ingrate

05h/ Reports suggests that random civilians are being abducted from the streets of Tripoli, including a movie actor Mukhtar al-Aswad. Anyone seen as a supporter of the Libyan Jamahariya, or a supporter of Qaddafi is arrested, tortured, and in some cases killed and their bodies burned. This was the case from the start, Human Rights reports suggest that in Benghazi the same terrorism
04h/ Reports emerged of NATO-led rebels walking in to yet another trap in the small town of Ragdaline, in the same manner they were trapped in Tripoli. They were lured in by rumours that the town had surrendered, as they entered the town, the Libyan Jamahariya Army surrounded them and started the attack as reported by TNA (The New Age News Media).
03h/ Most of NATO-led rebels quickly fled leaving their fellow fighters behind without any means of defence. It is yet unclear what happened to those NATO-led rebels who were left behind, but reports that ambulances arrived in the scene after heavy gun fire suggests that they were killed in the trap, and most likely many captured.
03h/ Reports of fighting between Libyan Jamahariya and NATO-led rebels in Misrata is coming out, as heavy fires target check points in the main high way connecting Zlitan to Bani Walid. This is one of the reasons why NATO-led rebels begged NATO to continue the terror operations, because they cannot hold one inch of territory without. NATO-led rebels have no support in Libya, but only manage
02h/ Fighting continues in Misrata, NATO militia begs for more help from NATO
02h/ Saif Isalam: Victory or Martyrdom! [31. August 2011.]
02h/ Tunisian border liberated by Libyan government according to unconfirmed reports 
00h/ " My city Sirte, Bin Waleed City and Sebha city, all 3 of them refuse to surrender to NATO and their troops, as a result they will face the wrath of the most powerful military orchestra in the world, I am Proud to come from such a Great place, I am from Sirte the land of the truly free and brave!"
Libya war map

Day 163: 31. august 2011. Libya news  
NATO has been killed about 1000 people in Sirt City in Libyan while they were performing their Eid Prayer most of them are old people
A third NATO-led rebel’s helicopter has been taken down from the Libyan army earlier today.The location is Zliten. Notice that the last 2 days 3 helicopters were taken down. This to show that without the NATO  air coverage NATO-led rebels  are worthless.
BREAKING NEWS: CIA Recruits 1,500 Jihadists in Afghanistan to Fight in Libya
"Al Qaeda Created by the CIA"
The "Liberation" of Libya: NATO Special Forces and Al Qaeda Join Hands
"Former Terrorists" Join the "Pro-democracy" BandwagonThe Central Role of Al Qaeda Operatives in the "Liberation of Tripoli"
ADVICE TO "REBEL": "Why don't you shake yourself free from your slavish colonial mentality?"
Terrorist false flag operation in the works?
CIA recruits 1,500 from Mazar-e-Sharif to fight in Libya
Serbia – Stop the bombing of Libya: Belgrade , Serbiaj 03. September 2011.
 The Libyan soldiers are: The true heroes of NaATO’S war.
Italian Oil Giant Signs Agreement With National Transitional Council . The agreement came as rebel-held Zawiya refinery near Tripoli, which has been shut down since the beginning of Libya’s rebellion in February, will soon resume operations…
Nigeria  - Former President of the Federal Republic of Nigeria has strongly condemned the invasion of NATO forces in Libya, noting that the attack on “the brother, leader and former chairman of the African Union, Muammar Gaddafi” was wrong and uncalled for.
ISLAMABAD: The Central Intelligence Agency of the United States recruited over 1,500 men from Mazar-e-Sharif for fighting against the Qaddafi forces in Libya.
Sources told The Nation: “Most of the men have been recruited from Afghanistan
WASHINGTON: The Pentagon is sending more than $25 million in military equipment, small boats and other support to Tunisia and Malta, two nations that flank Libya and are key allies in the tumultuous region.
Zimbabwe - The recent news that Zimbabwe has given the Libyan Ambassador 72 hours to leave  country, expelled by the Zimbabwean Foreign Minister Simbarashe Mumbengegwi for recognising the National Transitional Council (NTC)
PARIS Aug 31 (Reuters) - France has asked the United Nations Sanctions Committee to unfreeze 1.5 billion euros ($2.16 billion) of Libyan assets in France, a French government source said on Wednesday. And Britain said the U.N. had agreed to its request to release $1.55 billion of Libyan bank notes blocked there.
Rome, 31 August (AKI) - Muammar Gaddafi is probably hiding in Libya, according to Italian foreign minister Franco Frattini. "My personal opinion is …
Germany's Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung, Belgium's Le Soir and many other papers report that Libyan rebels have given forces loyal to Muammar Qaddafi until Saturday to surrender or face renewed assaults. Süddeutsche Zeitung reports that Libyan rebels have refused to accept a UN peacekeeping mission for the conflict-torn country.
Cabada - Canada's contribution to the NATO-led air mission in Libya is scheduled to end Sept. 27, although Foreign Affairs Minister John Baird is keeping the option of extending Canada's mission past that date.
War In Libya: 20,980 Sorties, 7,886 Strike Missions
Day 162: 30. august 2011. Libya news  
Muammar Gaddafi extends Eid greetings to world Muslims. Couple of hours back Ayesha Gaddafi (Also spelled as Aisha Gaddafi, Aisha Kadhafi, Aisha Gadhafi) gave another exclusive interview…

Ayesha Gaddafi said, "Why the rebels are dying for withdrawing US$ 5 billion from Libya's struck fund? What they will do in eight months with such huge amount of money? Are they going to share this money with the Western masters? This is just the slightest example of how international pirate syndicate will suck blood of Libyan people with the help of their collaborators in Libya."
23h/ KILLING HOPE list of U.S. Military & NATO Interventions since World War II
23h/ How al-Qaeda got to rule in Tripoli - His name is Abdelhakim Belhaj. Abdelhakim Belhaj, aka Abu Abdallah al-Sadek, is a Libyan jihadi. Born in May 1966, he honed his skills with the mujahideen in the 1980s anti-Soviet jihad in Afghanistan.
NATO has been described as the rebel air force, but it is more accurate to describe the rebels as NATO’s ground forces.
HIT OF THE YEAR!!! NTC: NATO Ensured Victory, Must Stay In Libya. Nato must extend stay: NTC
-“We effectively conducted 23,000 flights and destroyed 5,000 military targets in Libya. [ [you can see military target of NATO demons here]Nato forces participated in field operations which were accurately led round the clock and the week.”
DOHA: Libya’s National Transitional Council [alias slaves] has urged Nato to continue with its presence in the country saying that it fears that a defiant Colonel Muammar Ghadafi might do something unexpected.
***  NATO has been described as the rebel air force, but it is more accurate to describe the rebels as NATO’s ground forces. The National Transitional Council has little independence and NATO controls the rebel ground forces, arms them, trains them, provides advisers, provides massive fire support and decides on strategy. NATO controls the air and sea and little moves on the ground without NATO’s permission.
*** How al-Qaeda got to rule in Tripoli - His name is Abdelhakim Belhaj. Abdelhakim Belhaj, aka Abu Abdallah al-Sadek, is a Libyan jihadi. Born in May 1966, he honed his skills with the mujahideen in the 1980s anti-Soviet jihad in Afghanistan.
23h/ cdoebbler :NATO-led rebels salute American flag in Tripoli.
Gov. calls on Libyans to join its underground resistance to foreign occupation.
Western lessons learned from Iraq...make sure their are more nationals bought for foreign occupation puppet government. Government says NATO-led rebels proxy occupation of Libya for foreign powers should not be recognized according to int'l law.
US, UK French special forces planning long-term stay in Libya.
22h/ WASHINGTON:Obama Doctrine: U.S. Libyan War Tactics Model For Syria, Others. It would be premature to call the war in Libya a complete success for United States interests. But the arrival of victorious rebels on the ***shores of Tripoli*** last week gave President Obama’s senior advisers a chance to claim a key victory for an Obama doctrine for the Middle East that had been roundly criticized in recent months as leading from behind.
21h/ UNESCO World Heritage Site and rebels smuggling the Libyan national treasure -->
20h/ Libya is so wonderful place 28. 08.2011. [Leonor & Morris] The historic church of St. George located in Libya, in Tripoli, dating back to 1647, has been ransacked. The church is the oldest Orthodox church in North Africa.
19h/ Berlin: Facing calls to resign and derision in the media, Foreign Minister Guido Westerwelle slackened Monday his stubborn defence of Germany’s refusal to intervene militarily in Libya.
18h/ Cairo: Algeria has closed a 1,000-km stretch of its border with Libya and put troops and police there on high alert, an independent Algerian newspaper said.
16h/ Chicago: Conference Plans Mass Demonstrations Against NATO, G8 Summits
15h/ NATO’s Dirty Plan In Libya: Another Nation Falls To Western Imperialism. It should be noted that despite NATO’s dirty game, and the rebels/traitors implementing the dirty plan, no one should at all give it any fancy name of liberation or any such high-sounding description. It is the obvious success of traitors promoting NATO’s interests, selling Libya to foreign powers.
14h/ Libyan War: NATO Uses And Abuses The United Nations. NATO air strikes, the civil war in Libya and the collapse of the country’s state system are seen as the demise of Libya as a state. According to recent surveys, up to 80 percent of Russians condemn air strikes against Libya.
13h/ NATO Commanders Prepared Capture Of Tripoli: British Daily.According to the newspaper, the personnel of the British MI6 service and special operations troops, and also officers from France, Qatar and the United Arab Emirates trained the Libyan opposition troops in Benghazi. Hundreds of guns and pieces of ammunition were smuggled into Tripoli and hidden.
12h/ Western Troops In Libya “Since Day One” In an interview with the EUobserver website, an unnamed NATO official admitted Britain and France may have deployed troops in Libya, but said that it would be “unfair to call them NATO forces.”
11h/ What I Learned About Libya: Draft UN report on human rights in Libya Jan 2011. (Before NATO bombings)
11h/ Chaos, Saving Civilians, Tripoli 27.08.11, NATO Crimes In Libya
10h/ An Epitaph for the Triumvirate "The murderers of innocence that once flourished in a place where humanity thrived, children laughed and women went around with their favourite hobby shopping, lie here'' the epitaph says.
10h/ Italian journalist says that mainstream media lies, and that NATO is committing crimes in Libya.
09h/ NATO-LED REBELS want 200 "military observers" and 190 UN cops to Libya. ( Well, then I am courious how would he explain that at all forces of NATO have already taken one side in a civil war? This is clear violation of the UNSC resolution!
08h/ UN Libya plan - troops on the ground
08h/ NATO commits massacre at Sirte razing the city to the ground.3 days of non-stop bombing away from the public eye -- urgent appeal to humanitarians to force NATO to stop massacre
07h/ Quds Al-Arabi::: the military commander of the Alliance in Libya: the presence of ground forces to NATO depends on the decision of the Council of shame Doha (dpa) began on Monday in the Qatari capital Doha of the chiefs of staff of State of the Alliance (fever are common) in Libya, which includes the countries of the North Atlantic Treaty Qatar and UAE. Mustafa said Abdul Jalil, who attended the meeting in an opening
06h/ CNN:NATO threatens ALGERIA if Qadaffi family not returned to LIBYA it will be treated as an act of aggression [this is joke or what? Who is aggressor in this story?  ]
** A half dozen explosions were heard in the distance early in the morning in Tripoli just after a NATO warplane flew over the Libyan capital.
Libya: 20,751 NATO Sorties, 7,806 Combat Missions

Day 161: 29. august 2011. Libya news  
00h/ Mohanned Magam, Murdered by NATO's terrorists in Libya. Mohanned died this weekend for the truth. This truth NATO and its terrorists have tried to suppress from the beginning. And for Mohanned's sake, let us tell the truth again loud and clear for all to hear. -By Timothy Bancroft-Hinchey
23h/ The information obtained from Libya, via satellite phone:
- The rebels tried to enter the city of Tarhona and fighting took place. Result: the death of all the rebels who tried to approach the city.
- In southern Libya, the Tuareg have promised to strike with an iron hand, while vowing to approach the rebel region.
23h/ MASS LYNCHING OF BLACK PEOPLE IN LIBYA RIGHT NOW: There were some of us who were warning about this many many months ago, now lynching is taking place in Tripoli. Gadafi and his Libya is the shield of Africa, he is 1 of the few Arab leaders who supports Black Power & Black Liberation. Shame on all those supporting these pro-nato genocidal anti-black scum 'rebels'. RAISE YOUR VOICES, get on radio, get on telly, be articulate and militant.[
Sukant Chandan]
19h/ Lizzie Phelan : I am in Malta, heartbroken to have left Tripoli in the disaster it has been turned into. Nothing less than GENOCIDE is being committed there over the past 11 days, and the world still silent. R.I.P my dear dear brother Mohaŋŋeđ Magam. Devastated I will never see you again. I am so honoured to have had you in my life, you were the truest warrior, you and all our brothers and sisters will never be forgotten.
19h/ Rebels ransack the Historic Church of St. George in Tripoli
The historic church of St. George located in Libya, in Tripoli, dating back to 1647, has been ransacked. The church is the oldest Orthodox church in North Africa.
The president of the Greek community, Dimitris Anastassiou transferred the news to the Metropolitan of Tripoli Mr. Theophylaktos, who has been in Greece since late June.
I am feeling heartbroken for what is happening in Libya, this beautiful country which was destroyed and whose people are noted for their hospitality,” stated the Metropolitan of Tripoli, who settled in Libya in 1991.
”I was sad to hear the news from Mr. Anastassiou. The thieves stole the shrine of our patron saint which I had brought from Mount Athos. Old Gospels, chalices, cherubim, censers, one of which we had been given by the Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew.
Those who stole the holy objects contacted the president of the community and asked for money in order to return them. Mr. Anastassiou reported the incident to the police, but as things are at the moment, none will deal with this matter,” he said.
*problem with Internet
19h/ NATO-led rebel leaders spending millions on luxury hotels while people of Libya face poverty from civil war.
19h/ Libya is so wonderful place 28. 08.2011. [Leonor & Morris]
18h/ Libya: The Greatest Betrayal In handing Libya to Al Qaeda, the line has been forever
17h/ It is already obvious to the world that war to NATO played. Gaddafi has shown everyone that disagree with the aggressive U.S. policy and the violation of all laws can not in any way. That even such a small country like Libya, may in February (!) Six months successfully fight, first to America and then to the whole of NATO. The final now anyway. They will end the war at any cost, because the whole world is watching this disgrace. And in turn, Syria ... And for her, as we saw recently and interviewed General Clark on Youtube, Iran. Somalia. And so on, "- says Boris Yakemenko.http: / /
16h/ Leonor: Libya August 28 What NATO Wants us to Hear!
15h/ URGENT!" We inform you that there is no order given from the cmmander and leader of the revolution for his supporters to withdraw Tripoli or avoid fight. this is a fake media news that is done inorder the rats to be able to do more stealing in Tripoli.Steadfast remains and we will defend the homeland till the victory. Dont believe the media lies when they say something about leader and his commands only through liberal youth the real commands."
 August 29, 2011, 10:34 ["," Alexander Grigoriev]
NATO clears Sirte to the ground

"The third day in a row, NATO aircraft causing massive missile and bomb strikes on the city of Sirte home Gaddafi. On the perimeter is surrounded by checkpoints rebels, behind which there are special units of the UK, France, Qatar and United Arab Emirates. Leave the city completely blocked. Do not let women or children. Men who were detained while trying to flee with his family, detain and destroy. Families sent back under the bomb. Remove and bury the corpses in almost no time ", - stated in a letter that was received in" "this morning from one of those close to Colonel Gaddafi.

A former officer in the Soviet, then Russian special forces colonel, retired Ilya root, which we called "source" and which is now close to Gaddafi, has allowed in this open letter to his name.

"Living in the city of the enemy force until you came. Several small units of rebels tried tonight to reconnaissance, but were destroyed. At the same time in the air at that time was a remote-controlled reconnaissance aircraft (UAV), which exposed the city's defense. After an hour on these points were plotted air attacks. However, defenders of the city have already left their positions, "- writes a lieutenant colonel.
 14h/ A genocide is coming to Tripoli. NATO is going to killed 50,000 Qaddafi supporters in Tripoli to control t...he city! They will blame it one Qaddafi, they have estimated that killing 50,000 people can silent the city, who can save the people when NATO have the absolute control of media?
13h/ Libya: Dan Glazebrook "War to maintain Africa in a subordinate position in global economy"
12h/ (JTA) -- The leader of the Libyan Jewish community in Britain said he has been invited to run for political office in post-Muammar Gadhafi Libya.
Raphael Luzon told the Jerusalem Post on Tuesday, a day after the fall of the Libyan capital to rebel forces, that opposition leader Mustafa Abdul Jalil had invited him to return to Libya and run in free elections. Jalil is a former Libyan justice minister and now chairman of the rebel council in Benghazi.
11h/ "Breaking News: the cities of Tarhunah and Msalatah have been liberated completely from the NATO armed gangs... Zliten still fighting the traitors ..... . Gemayel exposed to the Holocaust and the massacre committed by Amazigh of the west mountain ... Bani Walid is fine, Sirte, Sabha, Ghat and all the South still holding ... Tripoli there are occupied parts and the others are liberated,God is great"perately. They insist strongly in the fight. They don't surrender.
09h/ While Tripoli is celebrating the end of a dictatorship, analysts are skeptical democracy is next in line for Libya. Journalist Pepe Escobar told RT, Al-Qaeda is already effectively in power in the capital.
08h/Cynthia McKinney: Libya and Lies -Thanks to all who have come out and participated in the Truth Tour.  I have almost come to its end.  Last night in Detroit, several of the women were moved to tears as I explained the situation in Libya right now as I know it to be. Every venue has had every seat occupied or was filled to capacity with standing room only.
06h/ BBC Responds Over False Tripoli FootageFor what it’s worth here is a response from the BBC concerning footage it ran on August 24, claiming a gathering in India, with people waving Indian flags, was actually footage of celebrations from a liberated Green Square in Tripoli:...
05h/ African Mercenaries: In Mythology and Reality . Note, July 11: There are renewed and more credible reports of people who could almost be described as foreign African mercenaries fighting for Gaddafi. These are covered separately, for reasons explained there. This post is dedicated to the disastrous and unfounded accusations of February that helped make excuses for the excesses of the uprising.
Day 160: 28. august 2011. Libya news  
Khoya dear Muhannad - the martyr, passed away today in the bombing of Abu Salim. Muhannad was working as a volunteer during the day and night for Libya to come back safe. Worked with journalists and the provision of assistance to them and people who were equipped for the march millions in Tripoli - was a very happy day. O mercy may he find. We love our brother Muhannad HERO!
23h/ "After Six Months of fighting by the most powerful military alliance in the history of the world, Ghadafy has now become the Greatest African Warrior since Hannibal against the Romans - predecessors to the Americans."
"Generations from now, people will sing songs, write poems, and compose odes to Ghadafy all over Africa, the Arab World, the Muslim World, and the Third World long after Obama is dead and disparaged and discredited."
Sic transit Gloria mundi (Thus passes the glory of the world)!" Law Professor Francis Boyle's
22h/ Commander of the rebel troops in Tripoli appointed the former head of one of Libya's institutions, "al-Qaeda," Abdul Hakim Belhadzh, reports the British weekly "Sunday Telegraph". According to the publication of his appointment to this position was held last Saturday.
22h/ Konstantyn Scheglikov - " Tripoli about our army and volunteers, in some parts of Tripoli still fighting is taking place. In other parts of life is normal - in areas protected by our army, the rats can not see the (movement) of our army, and they do not know where our army, if someone went to the streets waving the infamous ...ah flag (tricolor), he gets the bullet by snipers.
Libyan army of volunteers and a good strategy, the only problem is NATO, NATO is bombing everywhere, NATO has killed so many innocent people. Jihadist besides kill all black people in Tripoli. They kill them without mercy, people are willing to kill those gangs, but the problem with NATO.
About the one who manages to Tripoli I say - our people are managed, because the rebels only where NATO has time to protect them. Rebels body filled the streets.
The last thing I want to say - Gaddafi would never negotiate with the rats."
21h/ West sent as humanitarian aid, food for dogs!Saturday night in the port of Tripoli unloaded ship, arrived from Malta with humanitarian aid. In a problem with the food they have brought the country a few tons of cat and dog food. For whom the aid is intended, the rebels have not responded witnesses, the correspondent of RIA "Novosti".  People of Serbia, support for Qaddafi and Libya. The Jamahiriya belongs to everyone, everywhere. People in Serbia with  green flag on  streets
19h/ African Union and Serbs Will Not Recognize Rebels. Qaddafi supported the Serbians during the NATO aggression on the Yugoslavia
18h/ Caller from Benghazi says that these rats brought shame to Libya, that the conditions in Benghazi are very bad, no gas, no food, and no water and that Benghazi is ending, and then goes on to thank Muammar al Gaddafi, Saif, and Dr, Shakir, Saadi, these mercernaries brought Libya shame. He wants Saif and Muammar Gaddafi to speak and encourage us more and in the coming days we will blow up Benghazi under these rats.
17h/ LIZZIE HAS LEFT TRIPOLI, LIBYA: I can confirm that Lizzie has left Tripoli, and will be arriving by boat tomorrow AM in Malta. She says "I am very sad to leave Tripoli". Thanks to all who have shown support. Sukant Chandan
17h/ NATO has been described as the rebel air force, but it is more accurate to describe the rebels as NATO’s ground forces. The National Transitional Council has little independence and NATO controls the rebel ground forces, arms them, trains them, provides advisers, provides massive fire support and decides on strategy. NATO controls the air and sea and little moves on the ground without NATO’s permission.
16h/ Brother Moussa is secure and safe and happens to be very well and with a high morale. its not wise for him to sign up to youtube for security reasons. using comunication systems that are controlled by the you know who could compromise his safty and security. but other than that he just made a phone interview yesterday. so there is nothing to worry about.
15h/ Where is rebel's big Tripoli win and celebration? Despite NATO bombing and NATO mercenaries on the ground, rebel rats do not control absolutely nothing!
13h/ Kill non-mainstream reporters in Libya, What U.S. is hiding
12h/ TRIPOLI: MASSACRI DA PARTE DEI “RIBELLI-NATO”.Qualcuno lo dica a chi in Italia non si è opposto alla guerra Nato+Qatar+Arabia Saudita+Alleati locali perché “in Libia i migranti clandestini erano respinti e imprigionati”.
11h/ Black Africans executed in cold-blood by rebels in Libya
10h/ The NATO approach to freedom of expression is threatening independent journalists, closing social network accounts, blocking Twitter and hacking into websites. For some reason it must be. Despite these Fascist policies, those who have felt millions of people gathering around us, desperate for information, have a duty to say what is going on.
09h/ Cairo - An Iraqi businessman whose Damascus-based television station aired audio messages attributed to fugitive Libyan leader Moamer Gaddafi, said in remarks published Friday that Gaddafi had become a symbol of resistance against the western NATO alliance.
08h/ VOA - New Libya More Arab, Less African? “I think that it’s premature. The government of Libya under Gadhafi is not completely overthrown as yet. Gadhafi is still at large. And the United Nations has not officially recognized a new government for Libya. And I think it’s premature for individual states or even groupings like the Arab League to take that step,” said Na’eem Jeenah, executive director of the Afro Middle East Center in Johannesburg.
07h/ Kosovo, whose 2008 declaration of independence is recognised by 80 countries, has recognised the anti-Gaddafi National Transitional Council (NTC) as the sole governing authority in Libya, according to a letter sent on August 27 2011 by Kosovo foreign minister Enver Hoxhaj to the NTC’s Mahmoud Jibril.
06h/ Previously war-torn capitals such as Baghdad and Kabul have rapidly become targets for western capitalism, with major US and European retailers now jostling for position on shopping streets. And already FTSE 100 constituents such as engineering firm Weir Group and oil major BP are seeking to make contact with Libyan officials as companies formulate early plans to return to a country they fled in February.
05h/ Oil-rich Libya not looking for a loan - World leaders such as German Chancellor Angela Merkel are urging the release of frozen Libyan assets abroad to help in the transition to democracy. Those assets and Africa’s largest oil reserves set Libya apart from neighbouring Tunisia and Egypt, which sought outside financial aid after popular revolts ousted their leaders this year.
03h/ CAIRO,  (Xinhua) --Libyan membership in AL to be unfreezed. Libyan rebel National Transitional Council (NTC) will legally represent Libya at the Arab League (AL) meeting of foreign ministers to be held on Saturday, said AL's Secretary General Nabil el-Arabi on Thursday.
Libya news [backup libyasos] 19. august- 27. august 2011. ->
Libya news [backup libyasos] 18. august- 21. august 2011. ->
Libya news [backup libyasos] 10. august- 17. august2011. ->
Libya news [backup libyasos] 29. july - 09. august 2011.
Libya news [backup libyasos] 11. july - 28. july 2011. ->
Libya news [backup libyasos] 06. july - 11. july 2011. ->
Libya news [backup libyasos] 03. july - 05. july 2011. ->
Libya news [backup libyasos] 01. july - 2. july 2011. ->
Libya news [backup libyasos] 25 jun - 30 jun 2011. ->
Libya news [backup libyasos] 04 jun - 24 jun 2011.->