
Sep 25, 2011

Libya news [backup libyasos] 13. september- 20. september 2011.

 Colonialism in Africa 1914
Day 183: 20. september 2011. Libya news
23h/ Libya: 3000 rebels from Tripoli "lost" near BaniWalid at Wadi Dinar , others retreat in chaos
23h/ Well-informed sources in the vile Qatari satellite network say that the Sheikh Ahmed bin Jassim bin Mohammed Al Thani will be the next general manager of the network, he will succeed Wadah Khanfar, who submitted his resignation due to the leaked documents which accuse him of cooperating with US intelligence
23h/ No surprises then, Al Jazeera which has been at the CENTRE of the conspiracy against Libya, sees their director general, Wadah Kanfar, resign after Wikileaks exposes his secret meetings with the CIA. The station is responsible for spinning out lies that led to war crimes, it should be shut down, and their staff held to account.[Lizzie Phelan]
23h/ The teleSUR news agency - French Dictator Nicolas Sarkozy Shorty  said Tuesday the rulers of the world that the international community "not just talk," but to take action and when deemed necessary, "we'll do with weapons," [brrr Shorty]as in the case of Libya , where war has been extended for six months.
22h/ The United Nations Organization is neither United, nor it is an Organization, but rather, a club for trading interests and what community of Nations is it supposed to represent? Did anyone vote for it? Therefore speaking about the UNO and democracy in one and the same breath is ludicrous.
22h/ IMPORTANT: Brothers in the forces of the armed people do not be fooled by NATO forces which stopped the bombing of the cities of Sirte,Sabha and Bani Walid .. because according to observers,the Security Council will pass a resolution to send ground troops under the pretext of protection of civilians, if our armed forces try to progress towards Tripoli .. As everyone knows, the UN mandate for the no-fly-zone ends on 27th this month .. so the colonial powers are trying hard to find a pretext to enter the ground before the expiry of the deadline from the United Nations .. please make this message circular as much as you can if you love Libya
21h/ Bani Walid-about 60 cars full of NATO-led rebels  which entered mostly from the corner and the western regions- DID NOT come out of Bani Walid, except 6 cars which were completely destroyed by the brave Rafla. 
Proud volonteers of Ghadames: Today, with God's help, we captured a number of agents who destroyed the city and the people in them, with the help of NATO: "Musa Suleiman" has been kidnapped while the border patrol was cruising the region. "Tariq Ahmed Khmu" - "Abdul Qader Mohammed Hakim" - "Yusuf Mohamed Belkacem Isa" on the way to Ghadames Airport.
21h/ Gaddafi asked for chanting in the Grand Mosque in Mecca, Saudi Arabia refused to-
21h/ State of Kurdistan recognized the Transitional Council.
21h/ Namibia: Nation Votes Against NTC- Windhoek — Namibia was among 22 countries that last weekend suffered defeat in their bid to prevent the United Nations from accepting the National Transition Council (NTC).South Africa, previously condemned for voting in favour of Nato's entry into Libya, also voted against the NTC's representation at the UN, so did Angola, Democratic Republic of Congo, Lesotho, Swaziland, Zambia and Zimbabwe.
Also opposed to this move were Bolivia, Congo, Cuba, Ecuador, El Salvador, Equatorial Guinea, Jamaica, Kenya, Mali, Nicaragua, Saint Vincent and the Grenadines, Uganda, United Republic of Tanzania and Venezuela.
 20h/ The Brother Leader Muammar Al Gaddafi on ARRAI TV [20. September2011]   ->
19h/ African Union recognizes Libya’s NTC, Gaddafi says “regime didn’t fall” - The African Union has recognized the National Transitional Council (NTC) as the lawful representative of the Libyan people [especially black Libyans] in a statement issued on Tuesday.
19h/ #NATO mandate in #Libya from the #UN expires on September 27. Will they stop with terrorist attacks? [TheTruthLibya]
18h/ The Brother Leader Gaddafi Speaks  on AL -Rai Tv 20.09.11, NATO Crime In Libya ->
 The Brother Leader Gaddafi in Rome. Do you know why he is in clothes like Omar Muktar?
 [Libyasos message to Oilbama &Co-> Rebels #Feb17 - Libya will never forget your crimes against Libyans (+18) ->
Libya - Human Rights Watch , Secret Intelligence Documents Discovered in Libya -> ]
17h/ Obama [whitouth shame ]: World will stand with post-Gadhafi Libya
Obama praised the international community for having "the courage and the collective will to act" in Libya. He said that while global powers cannot and should not intervene every time there is an injustice in the world, there are times when nations must join forces to prevent the killing of innocent civilians.

16h/  [Bullshit News Reuters] (Reuters) - There were occasional skirmishes outside Gaddafi's hometown Sirte on Tuesday, Reuters witnesses said, and doctors at a nearby field hospital said four National Transitional Council (NTC) fighters had been killed by pro-Gaddafi shelling.
15h/ #Libya #Tobruk is still being sieged and attacked by Rebels. The #media is ignoring attack civilian city.being starved nd shelled for 3 days
100% confirmed even by #AJA that rebels are not even close to #Sabha airport or Sabha they are at villages far away pushed back
All 3 fronts #Sirte are doing well rebels remain distant village have not made push. #Bani Walid has pushed rebels far. Tribes of East #libya urge their pple to Rise up against #NTC corruption none-payment lawlessness nd broken promises takes its toll . [ SomaliaSupport2 ]
14h/ Massacre of Blacks in Libya By NATO-backed Rebels Continues As World Watches
United Nations Says "No Comment" On Ethnic Cleansing Of Black Libyans. The Wall Street Journal reports today that Black people have been emptied from the City of Tawergha in Libya, their homes razed, and that the words "slaves" and "negroes" are scribbled on their abandoned buildings in the now ghost town  by the NATO-backed rebels. The chilling account of ethnic-cleansing of Black people in Libya, occurring right before our eyes, appears under the headline "Revenge Feeds Instability in Libya."
13h/ Feltman: U.S. could play role in military training in Libya - Feltman conducted a press call on Wednesday following his visit to Tripoli, where he met with NTC Prime Minister Mahmoud Jibril, Chairman Mustafa Abdel Jalil, and civil society representatives. There are four U.S. military troops on the ground in Libya now, trying to figure out how to secure the battered U.S. embassy, but Feltman said there's a possibility of more U.S. military cooperation with the new Libyan government.
12h/ Libya Intensifies Resistance to U.S. and NATO-led Occupation  - The prevention of the rebels from entering these areas exposes the falsehood that the Libyan government does not have continuing support inside the country. Prior to the invasion of Tripoli, demonstrations of millions of people came out in support of the government and in opposition to the U.S.-NATO war.
NATO escalated its bombing operations over both Bani Walid and Sirte in the days leading up to the expiration of the deadline given to the people to surrender. There were reports that NATO advised the rebels to withdraw pending additional air strikes against the loyalists in these cities still under the control of the government.
11h/ As Libyan “rebel” offensive stalls, NATO bombs kill hundreds - The NATO war’s enormous cost in blood is not even disputed by NTC forces. According to NTC estimates released on September 8, the war in Libya has left 30,000 dead and 50,000 wounded. It has been widely reported that NATO’s massive use of air power against Libyan cities, which necessarily entails civilian casualties, has enabled the NTC to defeat loyalist forces despite NTC units’ lack of discipline and military training.
10h/ Immorality and deceit have a bright future ahead of them. Intellectuals and experts junk continue to succeed without the slightest shame in the media to sell their bland soup. They say loud and helping the Libyan dictator Gaddafi to hunt, forgetting to say that nothing justifies it and could not afford it. This is a flagrant violation of international law. While the dark side of the conflict Libya is now known to all, as you may have noticed, without shame, and say that we are in the twenty-first century, there is a new dialectic development. (FR)Allain Jules
09h/ Cuba withdraws ambassador from Libya - HAVANA — Cuba has announced the withdrawal of its ambassador and diplomatic mission in Libya and reiterated that it does not recognize the rebels' transitional government
08h/ Civilian deaths in Libya: who's killing who? - NATO insist their attacks are targeted, but there are reports of NTC reprisals against presumed Gaddafi supporters. “Clearly there are real problems on the ground. There is a legacy of such a conflict that you will have human rights abuses taking part on both sides. The National Transitional Council have promised to hold their own fighters to account and I think that is a process we will see from now,” believes Middle East analyst James Denselow.
07h/ [Bullshit news CNN] Harbor sanctuary for Gadhafi's [?] migrants. The International Red Cross knows the problem but can't promise a solution. Spokesman Souad Messaoudi said:
08h/ [Bullshit news Deutche Welle ] Racist violence overshadows Libya's revolution  - None of them are Libyans. Those guys we keep inside are all foreigners paid by Gadhafi to kill our people, what are we expected to do with them? They are mercenaries, you know?"[tey we know dude] local rebel council officer Abdulhamid Abdulhakim told Deutsche Welle from the main gate. Apparently, the unexpected visit of foreign journalists to the makeshift prison has made him nervous.,,15366254,00.html
07h/ [Bullshit news NEW YORK ] New York meeting will see Harper, allies discuss Libya's future - Harper has made it clear that he wants to work with the Friends of Libya to ensure the country is not abandoned"Considerable progress has been made, particularly in the past couple of weeks,'' he said at an early-September meeting of the Friends [?] of Libya in Paris. .
Day 182: 19. september 2011. Libya news
00h/ ArraiTV confirm that #Sabha Green resistance has the upperhand against the rebels. as well as #Sirte and #BaniWalid pushed rebels back
 #Tripoli as reported by #ArraiTV there is heavy fighting and Explosions reported in many areas. In #tripoli as People attack rebels
#Sabha #Sirte #Bani Walid are being bombed by NATO but all three positions have upperhand over rebels as they push them fighting continue [SomaliaSupport2]
24h/ Rebels #Feb17 - Libya will never forget your crimes against Libyans (+18) ->
23h/ The Touareg has called a general meeting between the heads from Libya , Mali and Niger. They said that the whole Touareg nation is now against the rebels inside Libya. [We are all Muammar Gaddafi]
23h/ Commander General Khamis al Gaddafi set up a specal force to make recoincence in the areas of rats and then to lanch counter attacks ( this was reported by the Times ).
A former military expert from us has said that Gen. Khamis and the 32 brigade ( ossibly located in Bani Walid ) will be able to continue fighting for more than a year without any help from anywhere.... and that Khamis really deserves the rank of General, which he conquerd at the battlefield. [Libya Liberal Youth to publish the facts for Libya tomorrow]
23h/ NATO and its militias have brutally murdered Libyans from the start to suppress them and their desire to live under the Jamahariya Democracy, instead of a puppet fascism.
From public hangings, to torture, even people burned alive for expressing their support for the Jamahariya Government.
22h/ Western journalists near Bani Walid reported that NTC-allied fighters as young as 18 were spending hours smoking cannabis, shooting at plastic bottles, arguing with one another and sometimes just firing wildly into the streets out of apparent boredom.
21h/ Sabha is suffering in recent weeks. This days is very heavy bombing by NATO from the sea. The armed missile launches from the sea to the capital of Fezzan.
21h/ Tripoli: A 16 year old girl was raped by a group of men while her mother was locked in the bathroom. The house was locked, but six men entered the house and raped the girl was six. It happened in an area of ​​Tripoli under rebel control.
In Tripoli mercenary troops are in Qatar, France, UK, including some Germans.
 21h/ Libya Sirte [15/16 / 17/18/19 September 2011. ] War cime of NATO and NTC rebels -> 
Martyred 6 of family of Abu Braeg from Al Furjan tribe in Sirte after their home, which located in the residential area , was targted by a rocket by NATO rebels who are shelling the City by randomly. This is their so called "revolution" .. Dyed with blood and , hatred, betrayal and serving of the foreigners and killing of the national and honorable people ... What is the guilt of this family ?!!!   Where is NATO crusaders to protect civilians from this?!!! [Deserts Lion]
21h/ Telesur Journalists Speak Truth on Libya. The Libyan people “have been invaded by destruction, war, suffering and death, when the solution to the conflict could have been secured by peaceful means”, affirmed Telesur journalist Rolando Segura, who spent the last four months in Libya alongside cameraman Henry Pillajo.
20h/ Killed more than 45 rebels and captured 25 heavily-armored vehicles volunteers Bani Walid as a result of a sudden counter-attack which started yesterday around noon in the northern part of Bani Walid. Rebels were entrenched inside the Tarragon vychesleny another team of volunteers who organized the ambush rebels and then subjecting them to sniper fire. The number of victims in the rebels Tarragon is currently still unknown. Also today, the rebels made a statement that they are calling for participation in the army of rats PNS former police officers and former government employees in order to get out of poolozheniya, because of the division of Islamist and Berber rebels. "The split between the rebels PNS, Islamist rebels and rebels Misuratskimi increased in recent days, more and more, and as a result, the rebels have postponed the appointment of the New Government rebels."
19h/ Havana, Bolivian President Evo Morales said today that the necessary revolution in the United Nations, able to put an end to dictatorship, which represents the Security Council.
18h/ [Bullshit News] Britain, along with France and their Nato allies, can take pride in a timely and restrained intervention that prevented a massacre and helped ensure the success of a popular uprising. This is endorsed by graffiti found in towns across Libya thanking David Cameron and Nicolas Sarkozy for their support; both leaders are probably more popular there than in their native lands at present. And they have rescued the cause of liberal interventionism from the morass of Iraq.

Libya war map by Reuters Sepptember 2011.

17h/ Libya Media war, lies and propaganda  - >
  16h/ French lawyers to sue Sarkozy over Libya abuses.  “If they find him (Gaddafi) they'll kill him. Like Bin Laden,” Dumas said. “Some states are now claiming the right to kill, against all international law.” -
15h/ French troops moving around #Tripoli in Red Cross (Crescent?) cars. Against international convension of war. &
14h/ Rebels burying Tripoli dead in Massgraves In Tripoli, NATO Crimes In Libya .
13h/ Rebels on the Rampage - in Libya.
Members and supporters of armed gangs (aka Libyan rebels), have committed human rights abuse, war crimes and crimes against humanity. Private houses have been looted and burned. "Freedom fighters" shot, hanged and otherwise killed through lynching dozens of Libyans. -->
12h/ Turkish aid flight to Libya fired upon . The planes took off from Ankara's Etimesgut military airport and headed for Benghazi...
11h/ The world community has one chance to redress the wrongs of the first decade of the Third Millennium, putting the lid on an imperialistic approach to international affairs and opening a new chapter, following a collective policy...
10h/ Libya news (Reuters) - Spokesman of Libyan government Dr. Moussa Ibrahim said  that 17 mercenaries , including what he called French and British "technical experts" have been captured in the Libyan  bastion of Bani Walid .
09h/ Libyan government spokesman Dr. Moussa ibrahim  says: "We have won several battles against the NATO collaborators and managed to push them out of Bani Walid and Sirte", two remaining Libya strongholds,Dr. Mussa Ibrahim told Syria-based Arrai television channel by telephone. "In spite of deadly NATO strikes our forces resist and our fighters pursue their fight because we are involved in a battle for dignity and against the forces of evil," he added.

Day 181: 18. september 2011. Libya news
**** This phone call is a dispute between a Misurati rebel leader and the NTC's Military spokesman, Colonel Ahmed Bani - “Your So-called National Army has been totally crushed at Dafniya by Gaddafi troops, and they took all the weapons and armoured vehicles. There is no Libyan Army anymore. Where is your Libyan army in Sirte? Are you talking about those waiting outside parading for TV & photographs? A Commander like you should come to the battleground, not go parading on TV! Stop acting like the Americans & French, like Sarkozy parading while the war is still ongoing in the country. Come to the battleground! ” ->
**** Letter to Dr. Mahmoud Jibril from  Brad Sherman -  United States Congress - First, a formal resolution by the Council should direct that funds of the Qaddafi family and Qaddafi government frozen by the United States should be used to defray the cost of the U.S. military for actions benefiting the Libyan people. The full cost of such activities should be included in the amount transferred from those seized assets to the U.S. Treasury ->
01h/ BRAVE LIBYANS ! #LIBYA #TONIGHT MASS #Demonstrations in #support of  leader #Muammar Gaddafi in Tarhunah  18. September - >
 00h/ #Reuters ** Major enhanced 32 led by General Khamis Gaddafi led the battle of Bani Walid same way as Rommel did in his time using all weapons at 1 time w/out being spotted by NATO. ths was a large obstacle 2 the rebels
00h/  #Bernard Levy in the neighborhoods of Tripoli & having a picnic and now Ben Ashour 
Bernard Henry Levy
00h/ #Gaddafi controls #Baniwalid, #Sirte, Murzuq, Awbari, Al Kufrah, Sabha, Ash Shati, Al Jufrah, Surt, Sawfajjin, Ghadamis, Gharyan & many more
00h/ Moussa Ibrahim: We confirm the arrest of 19 #NATO soldiers,15 British,2 French and 1 from an Asian country
24h/ Captured  Freanc and Brithis soldiers in Bani Walid Jaques Monse:35 - Alan Abano:29 - Mark Moren:31 - Henry Richardson:26 - Ryan Kirk:37
23h/ Saturday, a commander of the western front of the rats forces had announced that at least 6,000 fighters are participating in the battle of Sirte. But there, one of the fighters had shown his disillusion: "We do not even control 5% of Sirte because the only thing that we do is penetrate and next withdraw."
23h/ LONDON, September 18. / Correspondent. ITAR-TASS Alan BUD /. Libyan forces of the Transitional National Council / today once again retreated in disarray from the city of Bani Walid, encountering fierce resistance from groups that preserve the fidelity Muammar Gaddafi. It is reported from the scene of British reporter from Reuters.
In the battles for the city of Sirte, which remains under the control of al-Gaddafi, the forces of the NATO and slaves as unable to achieve success. Opponents of Gaddafi for a few days of the offensive has not been able to enter the city, despite the support of NATO air power.
21h/ InomineX YouTube Channel - >
21h/ America's Planned Nuclear Attack on Libya - >
20h/ Ras Lanuf liberated and Libyan Troops enter Misratah ->
20h/ Libya: Tripoli Undercover, 17/09/2011 - Pass the NATO controlled Aerea, green square ->
19h/ UN ignores genocide its helped to create:Its time either its current class of perverts were removed or it is closed down
18h/ #NATO source: #NTC agreed to allow the #US to establish permanent military bases in #Libya. The real revolutionaries were Gadafi and his band: they got rid of foreign occupiers.NO surprise that NATO US EU hate him
18h/ #libya Reports that #Sarcozy and #Cameron Flew back from #benghazi plane full of Libyan Gold.That they claim were "gifts"
18h/ Libya war: THE REAL PICTURES FROM 'LIBERATED' TOWNS [Awiniyah]  ->
18h/ BREAKING NEWS: NATO SLAUGHTERING CHILDREN IN SIRTE -NATO genocide genocide genocide in Libya Libya Sirte [15/16 / 17/18 September 2011. ] War cime of NATO and NTC rebels ->
17h/ Libya: to King Sarkozy, the Spoils [by Pepe Ecosbar] NATO in Libya conquered essentially a strip of highway peppered with a few cities by the Mediterranean. Nobody knows what's really going on in the desert. NATO's real agenda is to wait and see while Gaddafi and his forces regroup and rearm in Niger and southern Algeria, and start a real guerrilla. That will be the perfect excuse for NATO to stay - like in Afghanistan.
16h/ What happened in Libya - Here is a video in two parts on what really happened in Libya.
15h/ From the beginnings of the ‘Feb17 Revolution’ in the oil-rich North African nation of Libya, the Zionist media has attempted to portray it as a native uprising, organized by those thirsting for the water of freedom, hungering for the nourishment of ‘democracy’ and striving to demolish the leech of dictatorship which took from them their ‘universal human rights.’ Fancy words and emotive slogans. It was a Zionist destabilization operation planned long in advance to pave the way for war, colonization, occupation and the removal of Libyan leader, Colonel Muammar Qaddafi.
14h/ Fighters loyal to Moamer Kadhafi put up stiff resistance to National Transitional Council (NTC) forces in the former ruler's birthplace, Sirte, and the key bastion of Bani Walid. Last-minute haggling held up the announcement of a new government in Benghazi.
13h/ (ESP) Pepe Escobar es un fino y excelente analista geopolítico que ha sido entrevistado en varias ocasiones por Rebelión. Es autor de Globalistan: How the Globalizad World is Dissolving into Liquid War (Nimble Books, 2007) y Red Zone Blues: a shapshot of Baghdad during the surge. Más recientemente ha publicado Obama does Globalistan (Nimble Books, 2009), un libro que todavía no ha sido traducido al castellano. La situación de Libia es el eje de nuestra conversación. [INterview with Pepe by Salvador López Arnal ]
12h/ Bangkok-based French freelance journalist Olivier Sarbil was seriously wounded by shrapnel in Sirte on Saturday.
11h/ The continuing war in Libya is endangering five sites on UNESCO’s World Heritage list. The body’s director general Irina Bokova says the organization plans to send a mission to the country as soon as the conflict there is over.
***NATO Bombs UNESCO World Heritage Site and rebels smuggling the Libyan national treasure -->
***Libya is so wonderful place 28. 08.2011. [Leonor & Morris] -->
*** GREAT MAN MADE RIVER reason for NATO attack -
10h/ Report form Libya (FR)- With the deadly bombing of Sirte, more than 2,000 dead since the criminals now are attacking residential buildings, the number of people killed . But what we find in the garabic and western media?a deafening silence surrounding these murders and these assassinations. So, for the media, there is good assassins and bad assassins. They drown us in a sea of lies when they are committing a veritable genocide in Aljamahiriya.
What is the liberation they are talking about ? A liberation on a fields of ruins?
09h/ Burkina Faso and Niger have said unequivocally that they will not give safe haven to  Libyan leader Muammar Gaddafi - who may be seeking a new place to call home. The two governments cited the outstanding warrant issued for him by the International Criminal Court (ICC) for crimes committed against the Libyan people.[ waht is AFRICOM? Keeper of USA ineterests?Isn't it?]
08h/ New York — Morocco voted, on Friday at the UN General Assembly, for a decision allowing the interim National Transitional Council (NTC) to be Libya's official representative.

Day 180: 17. september 2011. Libya news
02h/ Anti-Gadaffi rebels are the Libyan wing of the Ku Klux Klan  - >
01h/ #LIBYA NEWS: Urgent Misurata City today received hundreds of injured fighters, where the opposition Field hospital filled with the injured from the Libyan rebels, most of them serious injuries and died 41 of the rebel fighters inside the hospital as a result of the Battle of Sirte [stop the war]
Arrival of the mercenaries from United Arab Emirates of about 30 cars from the UAE police (from: Allibiya TV)
Violent clashes in different parts of the Libyan capital Tripoli. Source: Organization for the Protection of Libya.
00h/ Brave Libyans Civilians join Gaddafi fighters to defend hometown via Reouters  [ BUT WE KNOW THIS FROM START - it is not news]]
23h/ NATO is preparing to use nuclear weapons against the Sirte and Beni Walid [?] ->
23h/ Leonor en Libia -They are suffering hunger because they are running short in monney (although they have on their bank accounts) and because the shops are mostly closed. Today one of my friends was at his bank in Tropili but he could not withdraw monney from his account. The bank did not pay. He will tra again tomorrow. From Zawiya I herad that still people and even families are disappearing during the night, the same in Tripoli. Some remain disappread - others are found next day killed. It is a hidden repression and a hidden revenge to those who belived and still believe in the government.
23h/ According to Segura, who spoke Tuesday at a forum in Caracas organized by Correo del Orinoco, ‘there is talk of an estimated 1,800 killed by NATO bombs and, as a result of the entire conflict, something like 50,000 dead in total – persons who were massacred as a result of this invasion, this aggression, against Libya’.
 The bombings, as well as advances made by NATO-backed rebel forces, ‘were made possible by the lies of the mass media that reproduced an editorial line without any questioning at all’, affirmed Segura. Segura’s blog [http://rolandotelesur.], in Spanish, has been one of the only independent sources of news, analysis, and images in the aftermath of NATO bombings across Libya. ->
22h/ Libya Sirte [15/16 / 17 September 2011. ] War cime of NATO and NTC rebels ->
22h/ Bombing of civilian homes in Sirte by NATO  - >
 21h/ NATO has bombed a hospital in Sirte, after bombing a hotel and residential apartments in its latest intensified terror attacks. Almost 400 innocent people have been killed in these terror attacks. ->
20h/ NATO bombed the local radio in Sirte (Libya 17,09,2011). One more  crime commited by NATO ->
19h/ 2 Apaches Flying low over Tripoli during western leaders visit 15.09.11 [this is freeOILdom], NATO Crimes In Libya ->
18h/ Libya: Some civilians are more equal than others - Cameron and Sarkozy in Benghazi [news 17.09.2011.] ->
Cameron and Sarkozy in Benghazi Libya
17h/ History repeat itself? 1911-2011 FESTA NAZIONALE DEI 100 ANNI - L'ITALIA BOMBARDA LA LIBIA ->
Over 2,000 killed in NATO airstrikes on Gaddafi’s hometown -
More than 2,000 people have been killed in 17 days in Libya’s Sirte, the hometown of the country’s fugitive leader, Reuters cites Muammar Gaddafi's spokesman as saying on Saturday. Meanwhile, NATO planes are continuing to attack Libyan military targets in one of the last strongholds of Gaddafi loyalists. The alliance conducted 121 flight missions over Libya on September 16, including 43 strike missions, most of them targeting Sirte.
16h/ NATO bombs residential buildings in Sirte, killing 354 people
16h/ More than 2000 killed in Sirte in 17 days : RUSSIA TODAY
15h/ On Libya, Now They Tell Us - During the six-month uprising against Muammar Gaddafi, major U.S. news outlets repeated again and again that the Libyan dictator was behind the 1988 bombing of Pan Am 103 over Lockerbie, Scotland, and they ignored warnings that militant Islamists were at the core of the anti-Gaddafi rebel army.
Indeed, for Americans to get alternative views on these points, they had to search out Web sites, like, which had the audacity not to march in lockstep with the rest of the Western media.
14h/ UNSC adopted resolution 2009 against Libya - Just hours after the United NATO general assembly gave the Libyan seat to the NATO-Terror-Council NTC, the United NATO council of criminals adopted it’s resolution 2009 against Libya, giving the Northern Atlantic Terror Organisation NATO a free hand to continue genocide against the people of Libya.
13h/ European Commission head Jose Manuel Barroso defended NATO’s campaign in Libya as a “moral duty”[????????], against criticism in South Africa over the bombing.’s_Barroso_calls_NATO_campaign_in_Libya_a_’moral_duty’
12h/ Faced with the deteriorating global situation and a wave of popular uprisings breaking away from Western hegemony, NATO powers counter-attacked in the most resolute manner. According to James Petras, the destruction of an independent and secular regime like Libya was meant to send the following unequivocal message: any independent Third World regime can be overthrown; colonial puppet regimes can be forced upon a devastated people; colonialism is still thriving; and imperial rule is here again.
11h/ Arab Spring Ending in Anglo-American Whimper
However, one thing NATO is still trying to hide, with the full cooperation of the corporate media, is that they are now on the eve of their September 19 deadline requiring their campaign to once again go in front of the UNSC for review. UK and France's Cameron and Sarkozy were allegedly in Tripoli along side warmongering imposter "intellectual" Bernard-Henri Levy, to quickly cement their open-ended commitment to the Benghazi terrorists, so as to permanently head off any previously self-imposed deadlines
10h/ The Real Reason the US Wanted Gaddafi Gone » Counterpunch: Tells the Facts, Names the Names
09h/ Libya Exclu - 17,09,2011 Bani Walid after the defeat of the rebels
08h/ Looming in Libya, a murderous peace. This we do know: between 30,000 and 50,000 are reported to have died in a war meant to stop a massacre.Even worse, the end of the war in Libya is more than likely to be followed by a no less murderous peace.
07h/ Libyan blood money, MidEast movers & Kosovo chaos: UN Envoy to RT
A failure to properly implement UN resolution 1973 aimed at protecting civilians in Libya crystallized into a full-scale civil war and foreign invasion, argues Russia's UN ambassador, Vitaly Churkin. He says only the UN can break the stalemate.
06h/ HOW LOOK ...Libya: Awiniya a "liberated" city - the real pictures from Libya
05h/ UN approves seat for Libya’s rebels -- A special UN Support Mission to Libya for an initial period of three months was approved by the UN Security Council. The diplomats refer to it as a “political operation”: the mission would give advice on restoring security and law, but also concentrate on helping the transitional government organize elections and write a new constitution.
04h/ India recognises Transitional Council of Libya
03h/ US searches for Libyan arms, warns of terror risk - WASHINGTON (AP) — The United States said Friday it has warned oil companies operating in North Africa of an al-Qaida terrorist plot possibly using shoulder-launched missiles to fire at their headquarters or planes, and government officials said the U.S. would take an increasingly active role to secure thousands of rocket launchers, mines and small arms from Moammar Gadhafi's once vast arsenal in Libya.
Day 179: 16. september 2011. Libya news
01h/ Pakistan refuses to recognize the Transitional Council
01h/ Niger is not going to give away Gaddafi’s son Saadi and other high ranking officials of Gaddafi’s government, to whom it granted political asylum, head of Niger’s Foreign Ministry Mouhamed Bazuma said Friday.
23h/ SAS troops are now operating close to the front line helping coordinate attacks on the last four areas held by Gaddafi's troops. They are also operating alongside MI6 and CIA"Brimstone has the capacity to be fired in a large salvo utilising millimetric radar to simultaneously guide each missile to a separate target," said Major Gen Nick Pope, the Armed Forces spokesman.
22h/ Bani Walid completely under control of Libyan army.
21h/ Dr. Moussa Ibrahim:
We have prepared plans to clear all the cities and we will implement when it comes, and my advice to all citizens to stay away from these gangs to help us close the extinction
Gaddafi spokesman denounces Cameron and Sarkozy Libya visit
21h/ A Source Directly from Sirte "13 British Sas with other Qataris Captured" [SomaliaSupport2 ]
20h/ BBCWorld The UN gives Libyan NTC a seat in its General Assembly despite opposition from some Latin American and African nations
20h/ Libya Sirte [15/16  September 2011. ] War crime of NATO and NTC rebels video
19h/ Thousands of civilian Libyans missing...believed killed by NATO-led rebels as they initiated violence throughout country.
Sukant Chandan on RT : Libyan rebels admit they attack women & children. Rebel forces in Libya claim they are advancing in Colonel Gaddafi's home town of Sirte - one of the last loyalist bastions. Several thousand opposition fighters, backed by tanks and heavy weapons - >
today/ NATO bombs Sirte, destroyed infrastructure of city. this morning, the destruction of a textile factory that employs over 600 people.
#NATO is bombing #Tobruk. Did they not say that it was in the hands of the #rebels. Then why are they bombing? 
16h/ Dr. Moussa Ibrahim spokesman of Libyan governamnt said:"They (Sarkozy and Cameron) hurried to Tripoli to make secret deals with the collaborators and the traitors, and to take the control of oil and investments under the pretext of rebuilding," Ibrahim said in a telephone call to the Syria-based Arrai television late Thursday.
"They are hurrying to collect the fruits of the fall of Tripoli... because they obviously fear the arrival of America and other countries wanting a slice of the cake," Ibrahim added, AFP reported 15h/ Wadi Jaref is 20+ kilometers outside Sirte. Why they say they have entered Sirte?
14h/ People in Germany  againsh NATO in Libya (photo &video)
13h/ Battle for Libya; NATO’s War and the Phony “Rebel Uprising” + Mass graves of Libyans (video) .NATO imposed economic sanctions, cutting off Libya’s income from oil sales.. NATO ran an intensive propaganda campaign parading the imperial offensive as a “rebel uprising”; disguising the blistering bombardment of a defenseless anti-colonial army as ‘humanitarian intervention’ in defense of ‘pro-democracy civilians’.
13h/ "Humanitarian" Wars: Libya, Syria... Algeria? Julie Tiel examines in-depth the background, context and disinformation around the political situations in Libya and Syria in light of US/NATO intervention and crimes against humanity being committed in these regions, as well as the potential implications for Algeria.
12h/ Bahraini troops attack peaceful protesters
11h/ Activists in Saudi Arabia have called for the creation of a popular movement towards political reforms to avert a looming crisis in the country.
10h/ Expelled Libyan ambassador to Zimbabwe Taher El Megrahi has left the southern African country by road to Botswana to avoid an embarrassing deportation. Zimbabwean President Robert Mugabe (right) ordered Libya's envoy who defected to the rebel side and changed the flag in Harare to leave.
09h/ ROME, Italy -- Italian-Libyan bilateral relations “could soon be back to normal” if the transition process continues in a positive manner. This will be thanks not least to “Italy's historic relations with the Libyan people” and the “major presence of Italian interests” in Libya.
08h/ Turkey's Prime Minister Tayyip Erdogan  arrives in Tripoli September 16, 2011. Erdogan arrived in Tripoli on Friday, broadcaster CNN Turk reported, on a North African tour to assert Ankara's regional influence. (REUTERS)
07h/ KRUGER NATIONAL PARK, South Africa (Reuters) - Europe is ready to recognise Libya's interim government in the United Nations, but will push it to become more inclusive, the European Council president said on Thursday.
06h/ BENGHAZI, Libya Sept 16 (Reuters) - Libya's Arabian Gulf Oil Company (Agoco) said on Friday it expects output from its eastern oilfield Sarir to rise steadily to 200,000 barrels per day by the end of September, allowing one export cargo every ten days.

Day 178: 15. september 2011. Libya news
01h/ Reuters reuters | direct Libya urgent Sirte, the East and Aljhhgharbah of the city now benefit our correspondent there dozens of casualties on the rebels  and the explosion of a landmine on the sides and more than 22 cars crashed to the rebels  and four tanks smashed completely stationed western side as well as the withdrawal of more than 50 tanks and more than 120 cars of the Libyan rebels from both sides of East and West
00h/ Breaking News - Libyan brave army destroyed Battleship for NATO near to the beaches of Sirte City
00h/ Ливийские хроники. 15. 9. 2011. Второй выпуск
Николай Сологубовский ->
00h/ SIRTE Breaking NEWS, sep16, Green Freedom Fighters have Crushed rebels as Hundreds of Terrorists Die and 40 tanks are burned [SOMALIASUPPORTS]
24h/ NATO rebels are exposed to heavy fire. Troops. Libyan armed. Near Sirte. Channel France My name is Ali _ news agency association with forces of Libya's military, volunteers and the Libyan Army fierce fighting against the forces of mercenaries and agents of NATO, backed by aircraft and artillery in the city of Sirte steadfastness and reported the destruction of the forces attacking the first of the city were destroyed second force and still continued the attack in a telephone conversation occurs about the existence of hundreds of corpses NATO rebels . A source of the Libya Army of the city that the rebels did not enter the city .. And the fighting outside ...  [NEWS CHANNEL FRANCE]
23h/ According to Italian ans Spanish diplomatic sources, members of the family of the murdered traitor Gen. Younis Abdel Fatah, who had threatened for months to get in dissent against the authorities of the Benghazi council of rebels, are passed to the cashier. To resolve the problem and not to deliver those who killed him who are, of course, terrorists mercenaries, Qatar and the UAE have received ......these members with a big check for $ 50 million to buy their silence and submission.
In the actual Libya governed by traitors and collaborators ( sure, not completely), all things could be sold and bought even principles and religious and humanitarian values. This is the new Libya that they like to construct
23h/ Libya - Tripoli Sarkozy: the reasons for a controversial trip.(FR) Allain Jules > Nicolas Sarkozy se rendra donc en Libye, tôt ce matin. Le périple présidentiel ne commencera pas dans la capitale des renégats, à  Benghazi, mais à Tripoli où, il ne restera que deux heures maximum, avant d’aller à Benghazi. A Benghazi, 60 policiers français sont arrivés dès hier soir, et 100 autres, à Tripoli. Toujours à Tripoli, selon nos informations, un détachement de 100 gendarmes du Raid est déjà en place.
22h/ Libya comment: Never seen (or heard!) In the political annals: A chief of pushing people to rebel against their rulers. This morning, during his joint visit with Cameron. Sarkozy made a serious drift unprecedented public by calling the Syrians (and other Arab peoples), copy / paste on Libya, by revolting against their leaders.
He added: "Dictators (without specifying the names, since some are friends now!) No country should know the host." [Neutre Analyse]
22h/ "NATO-led rebels  are  Attacking Brak Shatty the Gate of the south of Libya and NATO is bombing, many got killed by Families NATO bombing, NATO Practicing genocide, is People Fighting Those rats, IT's My tribe They Are Fighting. they will never give up"
21h/ Mauritanian people want to attack the embassy of Qatar and the support of the Libyan people and the great leader Muammar Gaddafi
21h/As we already informed you, “the big dictators” Sarkozy and Cameron where seen by some small group of puppets in Tripoli inside a hotel in undisclosed location.... ( we are not sure if they ever where in Tripoli)
20h/ Libya, NATO war crime:
NATO has supplied the puppets with two trucks of mustard gas. Now the GREEN have captured them. BUT WHO NOW IS GOING TO BELIEVE the Jamahiriya that this was not the product of the holy Jamahiriya? The Jamahiriya will never use this mustard gas, or any chemical weapon or WMD even in defence. It is totally against all the principles of the JAMAHIRIYA and everything our brother leader has ever said (or even will say)->
White phosphorus "prevention and treatment" - الفوسفور الأبيض "الوقاية والعلاج
19h/ 'We'll keep bombing': Cameron & Sarkozy in Libya. British Prime Minister David Cameron has promised more financial aid to Libya's new rulers on a visit to Tripoli. He's there with French President Nicolas Sarkozy in support of the regime their warplanes helped put in power. RT's Maria Finoshina is keeping across developments from Tripoli.
18h/ Cameron has pledged that Britain will:
    * deploy, for six months, UK military team to advise the NTC on security
    * make available Libyan assets totalling approximately £600m to the interim authorities
    * make 50 places available in UK specialist hospitals for critically ill Libyans
    * provide £600,000 for clearing landmines across Libya
    * give £1m to fund civilian experts to assist in weapons disposal
    * fund additional communications equipment totalling £60,000 for Libyan police in Benghazi
    * provide forensic advice, if requested, to help gather and preserve evidence of human rights abuses [LIBYA WITH GADDAFI didn't take WESTERN MONEY AND RATES ]
15h/Guerilla tactics in Bani Walid ,
Bani Walid is going to be the place of the extermination of NATO-led rebels , honourable tribesmen together with Libyan army are giving the noble fight against the crusaders and their collaborators.
A friend on phone described me an incident of the last days: The people of Bani walid covered a road with crude oil and then opened the roads for a team of rats to pass inside, the rats where running together with a camera crew of their own, and when they reached the street the cars slided and crushed.
Our people aprroached an finished the rats.....many other suprizes wait the nato crusaders and the rats near the city of Bani Walid.....[Libya Liberal Youth to publish the facts for Libya tomorrow]
14h/ Every Libyan received a SMS something like this: "The Libyan government wants that you on the day of 18th September get out from your homes and fight the rebels". Actually its a trap. This SMS is sent by NATO and not from Gaddafi.
In the day 19 September, UN will decide about resolution 1973, and NATO need an other massacre (the NATO will do it faking to be the Libyan army), so UN will have the excuse to make NATO continue this illegal war.
Only an online Libyan TV could say:
There's no Jamahiriya call : Libyans, stay at home on the 18th of September, 2011 !!
13h/ Many People in Tripoli still want Gaddafi and fear the Armed Rebels (September 15, 2011) ->

Someone says: "The Rebels only represent themselves. They rule because the people fear them. We are not allowed to speak our minds"
09h/ The United Nations Organization is no more or less than an umbrella for humanitarian intervention after disasters and catastrophes, a forum for discussion of issues pertaining to cultural heritage and a useful tool to channel developmental approaches. As a law-making body, the Libya Question has shown that the Organization has lost all legitimacy.
08 / The whole Imperialist Soldiery against ONE Man [How the hipocricy makes "sense"] - >
07/ Canada To Extend Libya War Mission To End Of Year.
State Department: NATO In Libya Model Of Euro-U.S. Cooperation
 Colonialism in Africa 1914

06/ Sarkozy And Cameron In Tripoli: France, Britain To Continue Military Operations In Libya – TNC. From Tripoli Cameron and Sarkozy will head to the city of Benghazi the former fortress of the opposition forces, where they are to deliver speeches at the central square in front of local residents.
04/Libya: Libyan Resistance: Summary, 14. 09. 2011, English, Dr. Moussa Ibrahim
03/ Nachrichtenticker … Aufstände, Aufruhr, die Welt im Wandel! ->
02/ Libya: Gaddafi's Message to the Security Council UN[14. September 2011.] - >
01/ Libya: Dr. Moussa Ibrahim [14. Smeptember 2011.]  ->

Day 177: 14. september 2011. Libya news
22h/ Libyan leader Muammar Gaddafi  asked the Security Council of the United Nations to protect the city of Sirte, which are still under the control of the army and the brave resistance of the brutality of NATO.
*** The spokesman of legitimate leader of the Libyan Arab Jamahiriya Dr. Mousa Ibrahim in a telephone call today via a cracly line from inside Libya declared:
Muammar Gaddafi in Libya and are now in a good mood with a powerful army behind him.
"The leader is in good health. He has high morale.
Of course, he is in Libya ... "The war is far from over, how the world can imagine.
Our army is still strong. We keep a vast territory of Libya, and gather strength."
22h/ Andalus district resulted in heavy fighting between the volunteers of the Libyan people to rebel NATO  wounded NATO dozens of them and wounded some of the volunteers and the dead rebels and NATO are Qajh Walid and Malik Altarsen
22h/ The whole Imperialist Soldiery against ONE Man [How the hipocricy makes "sense"]
21h/ Libya:  National Transitional Council confirmed that French President Nicolas Sarkozy will be among leaders visiting Tripoli on Thursday.
 Sarkozy plans visit to Tripoli. With 30,000+ dead & the NTC self-imploding, what's he going there to celebrate? #Libya [ cristinarainha ]
21h/ NATO Troops Behead Libyans by Alex Johns - >
20h/ This editorial was highly critical, arguing that The New York Times had ignored the story about the massacre of Black Libyans in Misurata, reported in The Wall Street Journal on June 21, and of migrants from elsewhere in Africa, for fear that it would have damaged the reputation of the NATO-backed "rebels" and compelled the U.S. to reconsider backing them.
The editorial also criticized The White House and The State Department and NATO for not condemning the atrocities; it also called for the NAACP and the Urban League to condemn the killings, and called for an investigation by the ICC.
*** Muammar Gaddafi's spokesman Moussa Ibrahim speaks to Reuters via crackly telephone line, and defiantly says the fight will continue ''for years to come.'' Rough Cut
19h/ The self-proclaimed Libyan Transitional Council announced two days of truce in Beni Walid They want to change of strategy? [or wait NATO BOSS?]
El auto proclamado Consejo de Transición Libio anunció dos días de tregua en Beni Walid en un aparente cambio de estrategia ante la resistencia de los leales al líder libio Muammar Al-Gadaffi. TeleSUR
18h/ Continue the NATO bombing cities loyal to Gaddafi. Neni Walid, Sabha, Sirte teleSUR in Libya
16h/ BENGHAZI, Libya  (Reuters) - Libyan oil firm Agoco has promised to give half its early crude oil production to trading firm Vitol as payment for fuel supplied to rebels during the uprising against Muammar Gaddafi.
Libya: Libyan Resistance: Summary, 13. 09. 2011, English 
15h/ Abdeljalil Mayouf, information manager at Libyan rebel oil firm AGOCO
U.S. Says $300 Million of Libyan Assets Unfrozen to Pay Vitol[Vitol's main operations are based in Geneva, Houston, Singapore and London ]. The U.S. planned to release $300 million of frozen Libyan assets  to Geneva-based oil trader Vitol Group for fuel provided to the rebels in this war.
14h/ Western Oil Majors Will Get the First Crack at Libyan Oil Production.[NO DOUBT]
"We don't have a problem with Western countries like the Italians, French and U.K. companies. But we may have some political issues with Russia, China and Brazil,"
13h/ Los Angeles Times  - Mahmoud Jibril, a U.S.-educated political scientist who is serving as de facto prime minister.A prominent Islamist scholar denounced Jibril and his allies as "extreme secularists" who seek to enrich themselves via "the deal of a lifetime."
Jibril and his associates were guiding the nation into "a new era of tyranny and dictatorship,",0,4503715.story
12h/ Canada will extend its military mission to Libya by up to three months to help the country get back on its feet.
11h/ American Military Team Visits Libya to Assess Risks of Reopening U.S. Embassy [really?]
10h/ AU- A top-level African Union team was set Wednesday to discuss ways to press for an inclusive government in Libya, with the region  refusing to recognize the new leadership in Tripoli. South African President Jacob Zuma is hosting the meeting in Pretoria for the AU panel, which also includes the leaders of Uganda, Mauritania, Mali and Congo-Brazzaville.
10h/ What Really Happened in Libya? - Mahdi Nazemroaya on GRTV
09h/ "Post-Qaddafi" Instability in Libya. CPA Contingency Planning Memorandum No. 12 .PDF file Author: Daniel Serwer, Professorial Lecturer and Senior Fellow, Johns Hopkins School of Advanced International Studies. European Union lead a post-Qaddafi stabilization force in Libya.[NO DOUBT] It has been asked to examine the need for repairs to Libya's water, energy and transportation sectors, and to help the country's banking sector[NO DOUBT] in conjunction with the International Monetary Fund. [NO DOUBT]
Envoy vows US will not meddle in post-Gaddafi Libya.
08h/ Mustafa Abdel Jalil "Libya's National Transitional Council (NTC) leaders pledged "moderate" Islamic rule"
07h/ The World Bank [?] also said Tuesday it recognizes[?] NTC as Libya's official government, and was beginning to help the country's rebuilding process. Interim NTC leader pleads for unity as tensions rise between factions
Mustafa Abdul Jalil battles to quell row between Islamists and secularists amid fears internal split could derail rebuilding effort
06h/ Libyan rebels 'guilty of torture' says Amnesty. "Members and supporters of the opposition, loosely structured under the leadership of the National Transitional Council (NTC) ... have  committed human rights abuses, in some cases amounting to war crimes, albeit on a smaller scale," the Amnesty report said.
05h/ Somalia is Paying a Colossal Price in the War on Terror. In the past three months, 150,000 people have arrived in the Dadaab refugee camp in northern Kenya. About 80% of them are women and children and many have walked 100km to reach the sprawling, crowded camp of 440,000 that now counts as Kenya's third largest city. This is all we can see of Somalia's famine – the ones who manage to get out.
04h/ Ghana Reflections on the Imperialist War Against Libya . How can NATO bomb roads, ports, buildings and oil fields' equipment and yet claim to be assisting in a just cause? It's about democracy, they contend; and some of us have ignorantly bought into that nonsense!
03h/ West Point CTC Confirms LIFG Terrorists Leading Libyan Rebellion – then apologizes for them. The 2007 West Point Combating Terrorism Center (CTC) report  examining the demographics of foreign fighters caught in Iraq fighting US troops has been cited by alarmed analysts as proof that the current NATO-backed rebellion in Libya is literally handing an entire nation over to Al Qaeda linked terrorists, namely those of the Libyan Islamic  Fighting Group (LIFG) listed by both the US State Department and UK Home Office as a foreign terrorist organization.
02h/ Libya's current quota stands at about 1.5 million barrels a day. It resumed production in recent days to 160,000 barrels a day after months of a virtual shutdown after the civil war erupted in February. Experts disagree on how long it will take Libya to resume output to pre-war levels.
01h/ Six Libyan villagers are recovering in hospital after being shot by American soldiers coming in to rescue the U.S. pilots whose plane crash-landed in a field. [March 2011.  no US troops in Libya?]

Day 176: 13. september 2011. Libya news
00h/ Divisions grow in Libyan ranks after failed attack on loyalist stronghold.Rival factions turn on leadership after the attempt to secure Bani Walid ends in chaos. Kim Sengupta reports from Tripoli. Abdulbasit Abu Muzairik, a senior member of the council of Misrata about Jibril: " We are worried about a lot of things which are happening politically. We have not seen Jibril in Libya, he has spent all the time we were suffering outside the country. Suddenly he is here and we have to accept he is the Prime Minister.
"What are people trying to do about it? Well, he will have to be replaced. We are looking at ways this can be done. The people who actually fought for the revolution must be allowed to have a say in how the country is now being run."
Alamin Belhaj - "In fact, Belhaj is the leader of the Libyan Islamic Group, the Libyan wing of the Muslim Brotherhood."
 Belhaj (Muslim brotherhood), who, The Independent revealed, was subject to rendition and torture with the help of British intelligence, has been the focus of media attention. Muzairik pointed out that  Belhaj, a former head of the LIFG (Libyan Islamist fighting Group), "is just in charge of fighters in Tripoli, that's all. He is not in charge of Libya, even if he thinks he is."
00h/ The division between Libyan Traitors and NATO agents is deepening, scuffles and fighting has started around Bani Walid, NATO militias are attacking each other.
This comes as Abdul Jalil once again called for unity, but no unity is yet to be seen. Fighting rages on between factions and the Libyan Army continues attacking their positions in different towns and important highways.
00h/LIBYA an explosion in Tripoli is now a very large ..... With my own eyes I witness it the fire seems to be at the place near or next to the ancient city [Al Fatah]
24h/ Al Salaabi one of leader of rebels . Phoned in the BBC Arabic, threatens to liquidate the members of the Executive Council one by one, and justified his threat by saying that they were a part of Gaddafi regime, therefore they will get the fate of all traitors,like  Younis. Eliminated already.... and Abdul Jalil, will be tomorrow and Gabriel and others to follow..[ We are all Muammar Gaddafi]
"Rebels" kidnapped family of Abdul Jalil and muslim extremist   blackmailing Jalil
23h/ The attack on Ras Lanouf proved that Gaddafi's forces are able to hit deep behind rebel lines. The town is located on the coastal road, approximately 200km/125 miles east of Sirte, where the front line is situated. Furthermore, the size of the assault involving an estimated 150 pro-Gaddafi fighters in a convoy of 30 to 40 vehicles, armed with anti-aircraft guns and assault rifles beggars the question of just how such a force could roam around undetected. (digitaljournal)
23h/ Clashes across Libya as Rebel Forces lose Cities, Zawiyah, Brega, Ras Lanuf,parts of Zlitan, Half of Misrata, and many towns rise up.The situation in the East, people are demonstrating in Benghazi, and the bridge between Benghazi and Benina AIrport has been destroyed.
22h/ TUNIS-LIBYA BORDER, there is fighting along the entire route from Tripoli 2 Tunis. During 4 days of fighting, the colonial coalition lost more than 150 NATO-rebels. The bulk of the Khamis al-Gaddafi brigade took Az Zawiya together with the neighboring refinery. In Ajelat, there were heavy losses amongst the NATO-led gangs as a result of a successful ambush. Counter-attack forces attacked the French Special Forces base in the city of Zouara, killing 21 NATO mercenaries. this base has been attacked by Jamahiriya soldiers several times during the past 3 days. Ghadames was liberated from NATO-rebel gangs by  army. [Al Fatah]
22h/ Spread the word: Mosque "preacher" leads looting of civilian houses in Tripoli
22h/ Allain Jules -  La résistance de la petite cité de Bani Walid, 50 000 habitants, où, les médias « meanstream » annonçaient fièrement que les populations civiles s’enfuyaient, tourne au chaos pour l’OTAN. Privation d’eau, de gaz, d’électricité, de denrées alimentaires et de bombardement n’ont pas sapé le moral des troupes pro-kadhafistes.
21h/ Libya Occupied by the NATO Invaders. The pulling down of Saddam Hussein’s statue in Baghdad in 2003 and Muammar Qaddafi’s in Tripoli in 2011 have a striking similarity: it was “angry people” who carried out the destruction in both cases. When imperial powers want to change regimes, they find a large number of “angry” people willing to cooperate with them against their own governments.  
20h/ URGENT!
NATO has conceived a huge provocation to discredit the army of volunteers from Libya and African countries. For this purpose, they are buying Soviet weapons, like those the Libyan army is armed with. Today it was reported that NATO had bought Soviet weapons through Latvia, including several tanks and armored vehicles, from Moldova, and possibly from other countries. They use a heavy cargo aircraft IL-76. They are painted in Jamahiriya colors and will kill the Libyans, to make the army, the volunteers and the tribes enemies to each other. Aircraft from Moldova will arrive today, destroy it at the airport in Benghazi. 
21h/ NATO again dropped leaflets onto the city of Bani Walid. The flyers called for every family to surrender. They also said that if they surrender their weapons, they would be granted the huge sum of 500,000 dinars per family. On the other side of the leaflet it was written that if they do not surrender, they would be bombed with white phosphorous.
The answer of the tribes of Bani Walid was, "We will not surrender or betray the nation, and we are ready to serve God and destiny.
------------COMMENT: These 500,000 dinars NATO offered as a bribe to any family of Bani Uayd forward to ..... these 500,000 dinars no value! These papers are printed in the UK and Libyan everyone should know that if NATO and establish their terrorists in Libya - the first thing that will make the world  Mafia is to make the hyper-inflation! Then these pieces of paper - 500,000 dinars will have a value of 50 euro ![ Niakoi Niakakav] [[AND HE IS RIGHT -> 10.Sept.2011. article -->  Moreover, even this amount was delivered to the "new" authorities of Libya not in the currency (the accounts were in dollars, euro, pounds and, in theory, were supposed to be returned in cash ) but they came in boxes with newly printed Libyan dinars. From London - as much as 40 tons!
That is, instead of real money entrusted to Western banks by the legitimate Government of Libya and meant for financing the projects of international cooperation in the interests of the Libyan people, blessed by the Western democracy, the people received coloured paper with water marks! - > ]--------

*** The Brother Leader Muammar Al-Gaddafi - letter 12. September 2011. [ Al-Rai TV ] 
19h/ Fears Grow over Rising Numbers of Stranded Migrants Without Food and Water in Sebha as Fighting Intensifies..Libya - An estimated 3,000 migrants are now thought to be seeking refuge at an IOM transit centre as fighting around the Libyan city of Sebha continues.However, IOM is deeply concerned over their welfare as the transit centre, like the rest of Sebha, is fast running out of food. There is also no running water or electricity. [THANK YOU NATO DEMON] 
18h/ Looking to a new chapter in China-Libya relations. BEIJING, Sept. 13 (Xinhua) -- China's official recognition of Libya's National Transition Council (NTC) as its ruling authorities and representative of the Libyan people is a mature decision made at the right time by the Chinese side.
17h/ update new video  - Plundering of Gaddafi's privacy backfires!
16h/ AeliciaJones @ AeIiciaJones libya human rights activist. . What mental disorder do she/he have?
14h/ Leonor - From Libya...13/09...SABHA Over the past six months / NATO armed rebels have devastated, killed, destroyed, attacked and half as much Libyan and move on.
13h/ Disaster capitalism swoops over Libya - Think of the new Libya as the latest spectacular chapter in the Disaster Capitalism series. Instead of weapons of mass destruction, we had R2P ("responsibility to protect"). Instead of neo-conservatives, we had humanitarian imperialists.
12h/ NATO militia torture family nanny - Recently the same proven NATO liars have been forcing an innocent captive Nanny to say that she has been tortured by Qaddafi's family.
This is obviously a forced confession, firstly she was a captive in the hands of NATO militia, secondly NATO is desperately trying to murder Qaddafi, so it wouldn't be shocking, nor surprising for NATO militia to torture the family's nanny to try to gain information about Qaddafi and his family's where about.
08h/ Tripoli, Libya (CNN) -- The regime of ousted leader Moammar Gadhafi and the rebel government -- the National Transitional Council -- have both committed war crimes during the conflict in Libya and someone needs to take control  to stop abuses from continuing, Amnesty International said in a report.
08h/ Please help stop the NATO bombing in Libya: email campaign - What You Can Do to Stop NATO's Genocide in Libya - THIS IS ONLY ONE CLICK -
07h/ NEWS: No African mercenaries. The Director of the Office of the European institutions to Amnesty International, Nicolas Beger, said Monday that rumors that Gaddafi has hired black Africans as mercenaries was false.
He added that the National Transitional Council (CNT) had made little effort to refute this claim and that Africans were the subject of numerous reprisals
06h/ 4 US military members are on ground in Libya to work with State Department team assessing security of US embassy in Tripoli - @NBCNews
06h/ Today in #Moscow President Dmitry #Medredev has informed David #Cameron that #Russia will vote against further military action in #Libya..[al_Jamahiriya Aïsha]
05h/ A confidential US cables from US embassy in Doha, Qatar where Aljazeera head quarter is located and was published recently on Wikileaks, reveals that Al Jazeera Managing Director Wadah Khanfar has agreed to US government request to delete and altar website content that “disturb” the US government.
04h/ Under Every Stone: Britain ’s shameful record of abuse  - How many times does a practice have to be publicly outlawed before people stop pretending they didn’t know it was wrong? Suppose someone in a position of authority was being tried for murder.
04h/ Mustafa Abdul-Jalil and Mahmoud Jibril have been paving the way for NATO’s conquest since 2007
03h/ Libya could fall into hands of extremists, Nato warns
The warning came in an exclusive interview with The Daily Telegraph as Muammar Gaddafi's loyalist forces stepped up a fightback on three fronts.
02h/ Despite repeated assurances from President Obama and military leaders that the U.S. would not send uniformed military personnel into Libya, four U.S. service members arrived on the ground in Tripoli over the weekend.
01h/ China recognizes Libya's NTC as ruling authority, representative of people

Wake up Africa!
Ask for your diamantes.
Ask for your oil.
Ask for your animals.
Ask for your gold…
Ask for your cultural treasure…
You children died till western crusaders are useing your treasure!
Wake up Africa!
Libya news [backup libyasos] 07. september- 12. september 2011. -->
Libya news [backup libyasos] 02. september- 06. september 2011.
Libya news [backup libyasos] 28. august- 1. september 2011. ->
Libya news [backup libyasos] 19. august- 27. august 2011. ->
Libya news [backup libyasos] 18. august- 21. august 2011. ->
Libya news [backup libyasos] 10. august- 17. august2011. ->
Libya news [backup libyasos] 29. july - 09. august 2011.
Libya news [backup libyasos] 11. july - 28. july 2011. ->
Libya news [backup libyasos] 06. july - 11. july 2011. ->
Libya news [backup libyasos] 03. july - 05. july 2011. ->
Libya news [backup libyasos] 01. july - 2. july 2011. ->
Libya news [backup libyasos] 25 jun - 30 jun 2011. ->
Libya news [backup libyasos] 04 jun - 24 jun 2011.->