
Oct 19, 2012

(+18) Libya, Bani Walid report [19.10.2012.]

“In the end, we will remember not the words of our enemies, but the silence of our friends.” 
Martin Luther King Jr.

Casualties at Bani Walid hospital today (graphic)

Great Warfalla says help requested from Red Crescent to remove bodies after a militia party was destroyed in an ambush near the Mardom area.
Unfortunately ICRC Geneva rejected yesterday  to help and said ICRC Tripoli shall do it. Bureaucrats 
I doubt they will be able to enter
- I have same doubts. No one will take responsibility. It may end the idea of Red Crescent: impartial help where help is needed 
Real action by Red Crescent would help residents and clarify the extent of casualties but as you said, it takes responsibility.

Working with sado's before in misrata/benghazi Amsterdam/New York, February 25,
Libya: Urgent Priority Must Be Given to Doctors and Medical Materials
Amsterdam/New York, February 25,2011

What do you mean by that? 

 I mean : everybody  helped Feb 2011
 Mercy-USA Humanitarian Relief for the People of Libya
Libyan Relief Effort – Paypal

West Libiya Aug 27, 2011 fifty tons of medical supplies that the WHO brought in Tripoli humanitarian situation new battle for Libyan rebels
by Staff Writers Tripoli (AFP) Aug 27, 2011
 And now oct 2012 : NOBODY !
You are so right.  NOBODY does and will help. ICRC stands aside and UN also.

See also: 

:: Libya, Bani Walid report [13.09.2012.]
Bani Walid DOCTOR: "HOSPITALS Don't Have More Medicines to treat the injured people; LIBYA Gov. Is BLOCKING all - PLEASE HELP!!"

:: Libya, Bani Walid report [update 10/11.09.2012.]:: Libya, Bani Walid report [ 08.09.2012.]
:: Libya, Bani Walid report - WHERE IS THE UN? [ 09.09.2012.]
:: ATTENTION! The city of Bani Walid seeks help