
Sep 12, 2012

US ambassador killed in Benghazi, Libya [main article]

So basically, every word from Susan Rice, et al abt Libya was a lie.
White House knew Benghazi attack was a terrorist act from day one
The US consulate attack in Benghazi
Photo: US consulate in Benghazi Libya

Update 01. November 2012.
= Benghazi consulate attack was a CIA operation – report
The US consulate attack in Benghazi, which claimed the life of Ambassador Chris Stevens on September 11th, was predominantly an intelligence operation, according to a report in the Wall Street Journal. Sources claim that two out of the four people killed in the attack, and 23 out of the 30 evacuated, were under CIA command. The US administration has been repeatedly challenged about the apparent lack of security at the site, and the report claims that a mix-up between the CIA and State Department branch of the consulate enabled militants to attain easy access to the consulate.
The US consulate attack in Benghazi
Hitlary Clinton with NATO gound trrops aka rebels Feb17

= CIA Agents Confirm Obama Told Them Not To Aid Ambassador Chris Stevens – The White House Disinformation Campaign on Libya
A secret document obtained by former Muslim Brotherhood member Walid Shoebat suggests the Obama administration approved assigning a member of al-Qaida to handle security at the U.S. Embassy in Tripoli.
A secret document obtained by former Muslim Brotherhood member
Walid Shoebat suggests the Obama administration

Update 22. October 2012.
Revealed: Second U.S. building attacked in Libya terror raid was CIA base . . . as it emerges American drones were circling above but were 'too slow' to act
 - Second building in Benghazi had previously been described as an 'annexe'
 - Two SEALs died while defending base a mile away from U.S. consulate
 - American drones were in the sky above city during deadly September 11 raid 
Second building in Benghazi had previously been described as an 'annexe'
Sources, emails point to communication breakdown in Obama administration during Libya attack
Senior counterterrorism officials felt cut out of the loop the night of the attack on the Benghazi consulate, according to emails that were shared with Fox News by military sources who are familiar with discussions of how to respond the night of the Sept. 11 attack. 

This part of the CIA timeline released by the agency on Thursday suggests that the night of the attack, the CIA's Global Response Staff, or GRS, agents knew that an Al Qaeda-linked group was at the hospital where the ambassador's body had been taken -- and yet days later the CIA provided talking points to the administration before U.S. Ambassador to the U.N. Susan Rice went on five separate Sunday talk shows and made no mention of terrorism.

Update 10. 2012.
Most people know that we’ve been lied to about the attacks in Benghazi, but few realize the extent of those lies or the hidden secrets they cover. After all, the lie is different at every level. Thanks to a well placed source with extensive knowledge about the attack, the disturbing truth is slowly beginning to emerge and is lining up with information contained in my previous articles published here weeks ago (HereHere and Here).

Update 16.09.2012.
A new video which shows Libyans apparently celebrating the death of U.S. Ambassador Chris Stevens as his body is recovered from a U.S. Consulate in Benghazi following last week’s attack has been spun by the New York Times to portray the men as rescuers who are trying to save the Ambassador’s life, when in fact they are reveling in his death.

The clip shows a crowd of men attempting to remove Stevens’ body from a window of the American mission after it was attacked with rocket propelled grenades by protesters [NATO backed freedom fighters 2011]  militants last week.
Source: Blacklisted News 

Exclusive: Classified cable warned consulate couldn't withstand 'coordinated attack'
The U.S. Mission in Benghazi convened an “emergency meeting” less than a month before the assault that killed Ambassador Chris Stevens and three other Americans, because Al Qaeda had training camps in Benghazi and the consulate could not defend against a “coordinated attack,” according to a classified cable reviewed by Fox News.
Summarizing an Aug. 15 emergency meeting convened by the U.S. Mission in Benghazi, the Aug. 16 cable marked “SECRET” said that the State Department’s senior security officer, also known as the RSO, did not believe the consulate could be protected.

“RSO (Regional Security Officer) expressed concerns with the ability to defend Post in the event of a coordinated attack due to limited manpower, security measures, weapons capabilities, host nation support, and the overall size of the compound,” the cable said.

According to a review of the cable addressed to the Office of the Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, the Emergency Action Committee was also briefed "on the location of approximately ten Islamist militias and AQ training camps within Benghazi … these groups ran the spectrum from Islamist militias, such as the QRF Brigade and Ansar al-Sharia, to ‘Takfirist thugs.’” Each U.S. mission has a so-called Emergency Action Committee that is responsible for security measures and emergency planning.
The details in the cable seemed to foreshadow the deadly Sept. 11 attack on the U.S. compound, which was a coordinated, commando-style assault using direct and indirect fire. Al Qaeda in North Africa and Ansar al-Sharia, both mentioned in the cable, have since been implicated in the consulate attack.

Update: 27.09.2012.
White House knew Benghazi attack was a terrorist act from day one

From day one, the Obama administration was aware that the September 11 assault on the US consulate in Benghazi was a pre-planned terrorist attack, despite offering up conflicting explanations in the weeks since.
Unnamed officials confirm to Fox News that the White House knew that al-Qaeda-linked terrorists were behind the murder of four Americans in Libya, but only today did US Defense Secretary Leon Panetta publicly acknowledge the truth.

Secretary Panetta now admits that the Pentagon knew within hours of the assault on America’s Benghazi consulate that left Ambassador Chris Stevens and three others dead that it was an act of terrorism.

The Obama administration has altered their explanation repeatedly in the weeks since Mr. Stevens and three others were killed on September 11, 2012 while on assignment in Libya. 
On Thursday, the Defense Department confirmed the attack as having been hatched by terrorists, despite earlier statements made by the White House that suggested an anti-American film produced in the US had triggered a spontaneous assault.
"The reason I think it pretty clearly was a terrorist attack is because a group of terrorists obviously conducted that attack on the consulate and against our individuals," Defense Secretary Leon Panetta said Thursday alongside Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Gen. Martin Dempsey. "What terrorists were involved I think still remains to be determined by the investigation. But it clearly was a group of terrorists who conducted that attack against that facility."
US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton suggested earlier in the week that the attack in Benghazi may have been hatched by an al-Qaeda affiliate, yet another drastic change of heart from an Obama appointee this week.

Update 20.09.2012.
FOX NEWS EXCLUSIVE: Intel Sources Say Libya Attack Tied to Al Qaeda and Ex-Gitmo Detainee Sufyan Ben Qumu [ VIDEO] 
According to his Gitmo files, he was also tied to 9/11 financiers, and his alias is “found on a list of probable Al Qaeda personnel receiving monthly stipends and family support.”
 Sufyan ben Qumu, AlQaeda, Libya, US embassy
Sufyan ben Qumu
A leader of the NATO /US backed rebels ! Defense Department file on Sufyan Ben Qumu .pdf FILE
Who is Sufyan ben Qumu ? 
 Sufyan ben Qumu, AlQaeda, Libya, US embassy
 Sufyan ben Qumu  Photo by LongWarJournal

A former Guantanamo detainee named Sufyan ben Qumu has been tied to the Sept. 11 attack on the US consulate in Benghazi, Libya that killed four Americans, including the US ambassador, FOX News has reported.
The report details al Qaeda's plans for Libya , including the growth of a clandestine terrorist network that has attempted to hide its presence. The US military has concluded that al Qaeda is in the final phase of a three-step process for developing a full-blown al Qaeda affiliate.

One of the al Qaeda-affiliated parties inside Libya is called Ansar al Sharia -- a brand used by al Qaeda chapters elsewhere, including inside Yemen. According to the report, Qumu leads an Ansar al Sharia brigade...
In interviews with the press [before two days], a representative of Ansar al Sharia Libya has denied direct involvement in the consulate attack.

In the LOC report, Qumu is described as "a former al Qaeda operative believed to have links with the al Qaeda's clandestine network in Darnah," which is in eastern Libya and has exported jihadists to the battlefields of Iraq and elsewhere....
Qumu was first noticed in the press [like freedom fighters]  during the uprising against Jamahiriya "Qaddafi's regime"...

Qumu was transferred from Guantanamo to Libya in 2007. In a leaked memorandum dated April 22, 2005...

Libyan authorities initially detained Qumu, but he was released from prison in 2010, reportedly as part of a general amnesty offered to jihadists during the Qaddafi regime's waning days.

JTF-GTMO pieced together the details of Qumu's career. He was trained as a tank driver in the Libyan military, but had some run-ins with the law. The Libyan government told the US that Qumu became a drug addict and was accused of a number of other crimes, including murder and assault.
He was sentenced to 10 years in prison, but somehow escaped, making his way to Sudan, where he became a driver for one of Osama bin Laden's companies. When al Qaeda returned to Pakistan and Afghanistan, so did Qumu.

Qumu developed a constellation of connections to senior al Qaeda leaders, including some of the 9/11 conspirators. 
Qumu's alias was found on Mustafa Al Hawsawi's laptop. 
Al Hawsawi helped finance the 9/11 attacks. Qumu is listed on the computer "as an al Qaida member receiving family support."

Qaddafi's spooks told US officials that Qumu is a "dangerous man with no qualms about committing terrorist acts," according to the JTF-GTMO file. The Libyans added that Qumu "was known as one of the extremist commanders of the Afghan Arabs."

US officials agreed with this assessment. JTF-GTMO deemed Qumu "a MEDIUM to HIGH risk, as he is likely to pose a threat to the US, its interests and allies."

ISN 00557, Abu Sufyan Ben Qumu's Guantanamo Detainee Assessment Stevens was worried about the growing threat of al-Qaeda and other extremists in Libya and even mentioned that he was on a terrorist "hit list."[YahooNews]
USA AID : Senator McCain and ambassador  Stevens
Mustafa A.G. Abushagur, calling him "a dear friend of mine" who "played a key role in helping to liberate Libya from the oppressive regime of Moammar Gaddafi."
That’s where the story gets even more interesting. The Obama [BUSH, CLINTON, REGAN, ROMNEY ... US] administration promptly labeled Qumu an “ally of sorts,” according to the New York Times – that despite the fact that as of 2005, he was known as a “medium to high risk … likely to pose a threat to the US, its interests and allies
.” What made him an ally? According to the Times, that status change was due to the Obama  [BUSH, CLINTON, REGAN, ROMNEY ... US] administration’s “remarkable turnabout resulting from shifting American policies rather than any obvious change in Mr.[?] Qumu.” 
As a leader of the Libyan rebels, head of the Darnah Brigade, Qumu received support from NATO. And unnamed Western observers, according to the Times, felt that Qumu wasn’t a real threat: “We’re more worried about Al Qaeda infiltration from outside than the indigenous ones … Most of them have a local agenda so they don’t present as much as a threat to the West.”
= US changes story on #Libya attack. On Sunday, Susan Rice claimed sparked by film protest. Now brands it "terror attack"
So basically, every word from Susan Rice, et al abt Libya was a lie.

Update 18.09.2012.
One thing is clear ex-rebels hunted US Ambassador Stevens and caught him in a safe house.

The translation of the text below the video reads: "Moment directed the U.S. ambassador before his death" and the headline translates to: “U.S. Ambassador and the people of Benghazi rescue attempt before his death.”
The victim in the video appears to be wearing the same pants, belt and t-shirt seen in this photo of Amb. Stevens.
The validity of the video and the accuracy of the description of the events it depicts are still under investigation, but through Twitter and Facebook the video has already taken a life of its own. [link]

Update 16.09.2012.
A new video which shows Libyans apparently celebrating the death of U.S. Ambassador Chris Stevens as his body is recovered from a U.S. Consulate in Benghazi following last week’s attack has been spun by the New York Times to portray the men as rescuers who are trying to save the Ambassador’s life, when in fact they are reveling in his death.

The clip shows a crowd of men attempting to remove Stevens’ body from a window of the American mission after it was attacked with rocket propelled grenades by protesters [NATO backed freedom fighters 2011]  militants last week.
A witness says U.S. ambassador Chris Stevens was still breathing as people pulled him from a room where he was found after last week’s attack on the American Consulate in the Libyan city of Benghazi.

MAIN ARTICLE [12. September 2012.]

The US ambassador to Libya Christopher Stevens has died as Feb17 " freedom fughters" stormed the US consulate and killed him. In Benghazi: The birthplace of NATO/USA/NTC's revolution.
It was a professionally executed terrorist operation by a professional Al Qaeda assassination team, whose 20 members acted under the orders of their leader Ayman al Zawahri after special training. They were all Libyans, freed last year from prisons where they were serving sentences for terrorism.
The US ambassador to Libya Christopher Stevens 
Ambassador Chris Stevens and the three US officials were  killed in a rocket attack on their car,  as they were rushed from a consular building. in Benghazi. 
Hundreds of protesters, angered by an US movie that  insulted Prophet Mohammad, broke into the US consulate building in Benghazi. Earlier, after angry Feb17 "freedom fighters"  now "Islamists" stormed Washington's embassy in Cairo.

The rocket-propelled grenades were fired at the consulate from a nearby farm. Protesters then attacked the consulate and set fire to it. 
The film, "Innocence of Muslims," was made by Israeli-American Sam Bacile, a 52-year-old real-estate developer from southern California who says Islam is a hateful religion.

US ambassador to Libya Christopher Stevens (AFP-Getty Images)
The US Embassy sent a military plane to take the four bodies first to Tripoli and then to the US.
"Chris was committed to advancing America’s values and interests. As the conflict in Libya unfolded, Chris was one of the first Americans on the ground in Benghazi." said H. Clinton
Libya, Benghazi  : US Ambassador J. Christopher Stevens 

Christopher Stevens came ...
Stevens  had already served two tours in Libya, including running the office in Benghazi during the NATO's war in Libya.

US Ambassador Chris Stevens cooperated with BERNARD-HENRI LÉVY or BHL,French members of the Israeli lobby and The verbal fig leaf for the interests of Zionist
US Ambassador Chris Stevens in cooperation with BERNARD-HENRI LÉVY or BHL, French members of the Israeli lobby and The verbal fig leaf for the interests of Zionist
US Ambassador Chris Stevens withBERNARD-HENRI LÉVY or BHL,
French members of the Israeli lobby and The verbal fig leaf for the interests of Zionist 

Last year Chris Stevens was very active in helping the Salafist rabble from Benghazi to overthrow the Libyan government:
Chris Stevens, a former U.S. Embassy official in Tripoli and the highest-ranking U.S. representative to travel to Libya since the uprising began, will explore ways to open the funding spigots for an opposition movement that is desperately short of cash and supplies, a State Department spokesman said Tuesday.
“We’re well aware that there’s an urgency,” spokesman Mark Toner told reporters. “The Transitional National Council does need funding if it’s to survive, and we’re looking for ways to assist them.”
When the job to overthrow and kill Gaddhafi was done Stevens was named U.S. ambassador to Libya.
Last night he was killed by exactly those lunatics Gaddhafi had warned of and had kept under control.[*]

Christopher Stevens arrived in Libya as ambassador in May this year. He had previously served as Special Representative to the Transitional National Council from March 2011 to November 2011.
John Christopher Stevens, US ambassador to Libya, shakes hands with Libyan National Transitional Council (NTC) chairman Mustafa Abdel Jalil (R) after presenting his credentials during a meeting in Tripoli, June 7, 2012.
John Christopher Stevens, US ambassador to Libya, shakes hands with Libyan National Transitional Council (NTC) chairman Mustafa Abdel Jalil (R) after presenting his credentials during a meeting in Tripoli, June 7, 2012.

Christopher Stevens saw ...
Just a few days earlier the ambassador  Stevens was at Ceremonial Lunch with Feb17  "the freedom fighters".
 The ambassador  Stevens was at Ceremonial Lunch - in middle
Yesterday ...
Ambassador Christopher Stevens was a short working visit to Benghazi on the anniversary of 9/11 attacks.

Yesterday in BENGHAZI  [ update]
First, a small group of NATO backed rebels [ at 2011] now ex-rebels arrived, then a crowd of NATO backed rebels and freedom fighters at 2011. Later, heavily armed men with armoured vehicles [from Qatar, USA and France] , some with rocket-propelled grenades, joined, swelling the numbers to more than 200.
Photo source
The gunmen [ex-rebels] fired into the air outside the consulate. Libyan security guarding [ex-rebels, too] the site pulled out.  There was shooting in the air from inside the consulate compound.

At this point, the protesters stormed the compound. The consulate was looted and burned by NATO-led freedom fighters [ at 2011] now militants, while plainclothes security men were sent to evacuate the personnel.
Burnt out -  The U.S. consulate in the Libyan city of Benghazi
Photo:  Dailymail
U.S. officials have said attackers [NATO backed rebels at 2011] broke into the main consulate building at around 10:15 p.m. and set the compound on fire.
Body  of  the ambassador  Stevens  was Missing for Five Hours.
Ambassador Chris Was Locked Up When Found - US Benghazi consulate witness says Ambassador was laying unconscious on ground in a closed room when entered. Who locked him up? [feb17's channel] 

The next attack came hours later. Around 30 American staffers along with Libyans had been evacuated to the safe house while a plane arrived from Tripoli with a joint U.S.-Libyan security group [ of ex-rebels] that was to fly them back to the capital.

The original plan was for a separate Libyan security [ex-rebels] unit to escort the evacuees to the airport. Instead, the joint unit went from the airport to the safe house. The militant [ NATO backed rebels] attack coincided with the joint team's arrival at the safe house, he said.

That the NATO backed rebels [2011] knew the safe house's location suggests a "spy" inside the security forces tipped off the ex - freedom fighters[ at 2011] now militants.

The Body of the late US ambassador  in Benghazi hospital [+18]

Meanwhile: State Deptartment  has released the name of another US embassy  official killed in Libya : Sean Smith, a Foreign Service Information Management Officer
US friends-Freedom fighters from Benghazi raided empty US consulate, walking off with chairs and washing machines, after killing ambassador.

An Feb17 "freedom fighters " waves his rifle as buildings and cars are engulfed in flames after being set on fire inside the US consulate compound in Benghazi late on September 11, 2012.(AFP Photo / STR)
The US diplomatic facility in eastern Libya was evacuated following violent clashes, and an enraged crowd of militia members stormed the building and set it on fire.
Tunisian Salafis are now calling for an attack on their country's US embassy, Tunisian media reported. Salafis had previously attempted to attack the embassy, but were repelled by security forces. Many expect another attack.
A vehicle and the surrounding area are engulfed in flames after it was set on fire inside the US consulate compound in Benghazi late on September 11, 2012.(AFP Photo / STR)
A vehicle and the surrounding area are engulfed in flames after it was set on fire inside the US consulate compound in Benghazi late on September 11, 2012.(AFP Photo / STR)
A similar incident took place in Cairo, Egypt’s capital.
In Benghazi like in Cairo  -  "peaceful protesters" , Feb17 rebels and  "freedom fighters"  joined together to pull down the American flag in the embassy's courtyard and tried to raise a AlQaeda flag with the words: "There is no God but Allah and Muhammad is his messenger."
Egypt:  the American flag in the embassy's courtyard 
Don't miss the fact that an Al Qaeda flag was flown during the demonstration, after the US flag was destroyed
Al Qaeda flag with the words: "There is no God but Allah and Muhammad is his messenger."
The Israeli-made movie "Innocence of Muslims" which mocks the prophet Muhammad has caused outrage among ultra-conservative Muslims. US missions have been attacked in Egypt and Libya where an American was killed. The director has gone into hiding.
"Islam is a cancer, period," writer and director Sam Bacile told The Associated Press by phone speaking from an undisclosed location.

US embassies in Cairo, Benghazi targeted over on-screen insults to Islam
Link  here

YahooNews:  Obama issues statement on the attack on the consulate in Syria [?] and the death of the ambassador. 

Mitt Romney, the Republican presidential candidate
"I'm outraged by the attacks on American diplomatic missions in Libya and Egypt and by the death of an American consulate worker in Benghazi," he said. "It's disgraceful that the Obama administration's first response was not to condemn attacks on our diplomatic missions, but to sympathize with those who waged the attacks."

 At 18h today

Pentagon sending elite anti-terrorism Marines
The U.S. is deploying elite Marine counterterrorism teams to Libya in response to the attack on the U.S. consulate in Benghazi that killed Ambassador Christopher Stevens.
The Pentagon is sending Fleet Anti-Terrorism Teams, known as FAST teams, a U.S. defense official has confirmed to the E-Ring.
The official was unsure if the teams were actually en route to Libya yet.
"Make no mistake, justice will be done," President Obama said
At 20h today

The US has evacuated its consulate in Benghazi after an attack, which killed the US Ambassador to Libya and three consulate staff members.
35 members of the consulate staff have already been pulled out, an Arab-speaking TV channel says.
US embassy in Benghazi, Libya
Update 21h today

Was U.S. Ambassador Lynched?
Subsequent reports speculated that Stevens’ car was attacked as he and the three other personnel attempted to escape from the Consulate. The other embassy staff were shot while Stevens’ died of “suffocation,” suggesting he was lynched and physically attacked by the mob.

Pro-al Qaeda group seen behind deadly Benghazi attack
"According to our sources, the attack against the consulate had two waves. The first attack led to U.S. officials being evacuated from the consulate by Libyan security forces, only for the second wave to be launched against U.S. officials after they were kept in a secure location."

Update 23h today

It's believed the attacks were a response to this US film deemed offensive to Islam. But could it also be a side effect of US foreign policy in the region?

BS: Definitely. The whole story of the clash of civilizations and Christianity versus Islam – all these stories, they don’t show the real picture. The real picture is that the majority of Muslims are as peaceful as the majority of Christians or Jews or whoever.
The policy of supporting militant extremist Islamist groups as long as it serves geopolitical interests and fighting secular independent governments in the Middle East, or direct military intervention and war crimes, impoverishing of the whole region – certainly this leads to an increase of Islamic militant movements, which can turn out to be a threat to US citizens, as we’ve just seen.

BS: The US official propaganda has a very cynical term regarding civilian deaths during a bombing campaign, called “collateral damage.” Of course, they wouldn’t use this term when it comes to the death of a US citizen.
But I think in the mindset of the US establishment, in a certain way this also was collateral damage because it won’t make them stop their policies in the Middle East, even if it threatens the lives of American citizens. link

Update: 15. September 2012
BENGHAZI - Eight Americans, some from the military, were wounded in the attack which claimed the lives of Mr Stevens, Sean Smith, an information officer, and two US Marines. All staff from Benghazi have now been moved to the capital, Tripoli, and those whose work is deemed to be non-essential may be flown out of Libya.

 Tyrone Woods, a 41-year-old A security guard  [like Black Water]A former ski instructor & Former Navy SEALs identified as consulate attack victims.
A former ski instructor in Utah, Doherty reportedly trained as a sniper and medical officer after joining the Navy SEALs. He served for seven years before leaving to work at the private security firm. 
Doherty lived in Encintas, Calif., after leaving the Navy. He worked at the CrossFIT/SEALFIT gym as well as security firms. [FOXNEWS
[CNN ] Glen Doherty  was a sniper in Benghazi ?
Glen Doherty  One of two security officers killed in the Tuesday night 
was a former Navy SEAL, a pilot who held multi-engine and commercial ratings [ to kill native people] and a onetime triathlete and ski pro. 
He left the Navy in 2005 and worked as a "security and intelligence specialist" for the U.S. government, and co-authored a 2010 book, 
"The 21st-Century Sniper: A Complete Practical Guide," with a former comrade. 
The other security officer had not been publicly identified [why?]
Death of Sean Smith at Benghazi consulate brings reality to online gaming world
State Department official Sean Smith was chatting on the computer with a fellow online gamer Tuesday when attackers began gathering outside the U.S. consulate in Benghazi, Libya.

Smith, an avid gamer and married father of two, typed out a harrowing message to the friend: “assuming we don’t die tonight. We saw one of our ’police’ that guard the compound taking pictures.”

REMINDER [07. March 2011.]
In an exclusive interview with FRANCE 24, Libyan leader Muammar Gaddafi repeated his claim that al Qaeda was responsible for plunging the country into chaos and denied media reports of mass killings.
And Saif warned: "Just give them a couple of months or max one year and you will find out the reality but please don't deny that on the day Saif al Islam was taken prisoner he warned you of all that."
Article in Global Research
US-Backed Terrorists Murder US Ambassador in Libya

I have met with these brave fighters, and they are not Al-Qaeda. To the contrary: They are Libyan patriots who want to liberate their nation. We should help them do it.” – Senator John McCain in Benghazi, Libya April 22, 2011.
Benghazi, 2011: Senator McCain and Christopher Stevens
McCain’s “Libyan patriots” have now murdered US Ambassador John Christopher Stevens in the very city McCain spoke these words. An assault on the American consulate in the eastern city of Benghazi, the epicenter of not only last year’s violent subversion and destruction of sovereign Libya, but a decade’s old epicenter of global terrorism, left Ambassador Stevens dead - link

Gaddafi insists al Qaeda is to blame for chaos and killings  - >
* U.S. Ambo in Benghazi Killed In AQ Operation