
Sep 6, 2012

Libya news [backup libyasos] 29. august - 04. september 2012.

Libya S.O.S. resistance news 03/04. September 2012.
= Libya S.O.S. – Daily News on [you can to read good articles ]
= Frankfurt, Germany: We remember on the Great Al-Fatah Revolution
We remember on the Great Al-Fatah Revolution. On the first day of September 1969 the world witnessed a momentous event, that had clear effectuation throughout the history.
Demonstration für Syrien und Libyen - gegen imperialistische Intervention
SAIF AL ISLAM  Let's see how low can drop arrogant pro-NATO propaganda ? 
Orly Weinerman, Saif Gaddafi's Israeli Lover, Pleads For Help From Tony Blair
The Times of Israel reported that Weinerman late Monday wrote on her Facebook page, that “for a long time I have had trouble falling asleep at night, revealing my anxiety among good friends and between the living room walls. But now, with injustice displayed proudly on the world stage, I challenge you to lend me a hand and save another victim from hatred, prejudice and moral corruption.” 

= Libyan Islamists and the security forces: Iraq 2.0?
IN THIS particular case, analogy with Iraq is helpful, for it is clear that the post-Gaddafi Libyan security forces are being built up in much the same way as the new Iraqi security apparatus was created and developed following the fall of Saddam’s regime.
That is, facing a situation of chaos caused by competing militias, the post-Gaddafi Libyan government has understandably pursued a policy of trying to build up the new security forces as quickly as possible – an approach that was also adopted by the United States in Iraq.
= SIRTE - Flash back Tombs of Muammar Gaddafi's relatives desecrated
Four tombs have been destroyed. According to reports to Ennahar those are the graves of Muammar Gaddafi's mother, his uncle and two other relatives who were buried in the yard of the house. The tomb of Gaddafi's mother has been damaged the most.

The tomb of Gaddafi's mother has been damaged the most.  
=  GNC proNATO news  - Rumours continue to circulate over who will be named next Prime Minister. Decision expected on 12 Sept
= Where is Libyan money?
Jordan hospitals association critises Libyan decision to cancel contract of auditor reviewing unpaid bills 
NTC $3bn spent on overseas treatment [or only traveling and shopingweekends for NTC families? ]

UBARI and Radical Islam in Libya  - According to a tribal leader in the western desert, Salafists have recently recruited more than 300 young rebels in the town of #Ubari.
They have become disillusioned since the revolution and have no jobs, and radical Islam channels their frustrations and grievances [PositiveLibya] 
If someone don't know it is tipical way how Islamists are hunting people who will be suicide bombers.

ZAWIYA  - Underscoring weapons proliferation in #Libya, clashes erupted in Zawiya, on 02 Sep, when man attempted to steal car
At least 7 reported deaths & 13 reported injuries when 2 rival ex- rebels gangs  of armed men engaged in Zawiya shootout after carjack attempt
= TRIPOLI -  Incidents of gunfire, accidental or intentional, continue in Tripoli. Unconfirmed reports of gun shots in Hay Demashq on 03 Sep [inkermangroup]
= According to witnesses, at least 2 Zintan militiamen were killed by Warshafena tribe, when some Warshafena set up makeshift checkpoint [inkermangroup]
= AL ZAHRA area -  Unconfirmed reports of eruption in violence in Al Zahra area, located approximately 29km south-west of #Tripoli on 03 Sept
= ProNATO:"Gaddafi propaganda outlet's broke, desperate for donations to cover operating costs" well NATO propaganda have Libyan "frozen" assets 

SIRTE - Truth is that NTC pro -NATO gangs done it! "It is reported that Sirte residents have also burned a number of green flags, copies of the Green Book and pictures of the former dictator."
Ultraconservative Salafists Destroy Sufi Landmarks in Libya
TRIPOLI—Salafists—ultraconservative Muslims—behind the recent wave of sectarian bombings and the destruction of historic mosques and shrines—say they aim to rid Libya of all Sufi landmarks by the end of the year. Now they are turning their attention to women, posting flyers at universities and private schools, insisting male and female students be segregated. 
The flyers and Salafist websites—some headquartered in Saudi Arabia—chillingly warn female students on Libyan campuses to avoid tight-fitting clothes, insisting that they must cover up and wear the hijab. The surging attacks on Libya’s Sufi mosques and libraries—the most brazen came on Aug. 25 when a well-known Tripoli mosque was bulldozed—have been encouraged by a prominent Saudi imam. 
Sheik Muhammad Al-Madkhalee has issued a fatwa praising the desecration of Sufi graves and urging Libyan Salafists to do more to clear the North African country of any taint of Sufi worship.
Smuggled Tramadol shipment seized at Egyptian border
Egyptian border guards smuggled a shipment of over four million Tramadol tablets as smugglers attempted to transport it into Egypt from Libya yesterday.
The confiscated tablets, numbering 4,210,000, are being held by the Egyptian border force, awaiting transfer to the prosecution authorities.
Tramadol is a pain-killing drug, used to treat moderately severe pain or... ?
= FIRE AT MARKET IN MISRATA One of Misrata’s largest commercial centres has been destroyed by arsonists who subsequently shot at firefighters attempting to tackle the blaze.
The Libyan Market caught fire at around 6am last Wednesday having been doused in petrol and other flammable liquids and set alight.
When firefighters arrived to try and extinguish the flames, they were twice fired upon by the arsonists, who fled in a white saloon car with tinted windows.
The market had previously been attacked by an rocket-propelled grenade. [LibyaHerald]
Hurray for robbery: "Libyan economy the fastest growing in the world" 

In a country that is ruled by Western-backed terrorists and armed gangs since the NATO powers overthrew the free Jamahiriya government, in a country where former leaders are imprisoned, tortured and tried in kangaroo courts, the following article is supposed to be "good news".

The greedy bankrupt Western countries now seek to rob the formerly sovereign country as much as possible while making "lucrative" (oil) deals with its puppet government -  however, will there still be a portion of every Libyan oil sale credited directly to the bank accounts of all Libyan citizens? 
Will electricity, education and medical treatments still be free for everyone? 
Will all newlyweds still receive $60,000 dinar (U.S. $50,000) from the NATO-installed "government" to buy their first apartment in order to start a family? 
Will that government still subsidize 50 percent of the price of a person's new car? 
Will there still be no interests on loans? 
Will the price of petrol still be $0.14 per liter? 
Will Libya still have no external debt?
This all was the case under the revolutionary leadership of Muammar Qaddafi who made Libya the most prosperous country of Africa and more prosperous than Russia, Brazil and Saudi Arabia...  - WM

Libya S.O.S. resistance news 1/2. September 2012.
= Libya S.O.S. – Daily News on [you can to read good articles ]

The story of the revolution Brother leader Muammar Gaddafi in 1969
 “True democracy exists only through the direct participation of the people.” 
Moammar Al-Gaddafi

September 1, 1969
Moammar Al-Gaddafi and a group of army officers overthrew king Idris's government and changed Libya's official name from The Kingdom of Libya to The Libyan Arab Republic which to be governed by The Revolutionary Command Council lead by Moammar Al-Gadhafi. A temporary constitution was declared to replace the Kingdom's constitution which was adopted December 25, 1951 and updated October 7, 1963. The change happened in a peaceful way. The day is celebrated every year as The Revolution Anniversary. The Libyan Revolution was supported by most of the Libyan people and huge demonstrations were held next day and continued for days.
Dorda - Libya's Ex PM update - Ongoing Hell
Universally known as an honourable man, now injured while in custody. And facing numerous appearances in kangaroo like courts.
From Wikipedia: Abuzed Omar Dorda (Arabic: أبو زيد عمر دوردة‎) (born 4 April 1944) was General Secretary of the People's Committee (Prime Minister) of Libya from 7 October 1990 to 29 January 1994, and as Libya's Permanent Representative to the United Nations from 1997 to 2003.
=People in  "Pro - Gaddafi" and Pro NATO Libya . Feel the defference!

PROTEST .. again?  Mass demonstration, to ensure Libyan constitution doesnt exclude Amazigh, to take place September 5th in front of UN building in Tripoli
 = BENGHAZI like WILDE WEST   - Col. Juma #AlKadiki and Capt. Abdel Basset #alMabrouk #Libya are Todays Assassinated Jamahirya Security commanders. 
Bomb explodes in shopping district of #Benghazi.
Tactic used was a remotelly explosion of a bomb inside their car.

14 current & former military officials have been assassinated in #Benghazi this year #Libya
On Friday, a bomb was found that the Sidi Hussein blood bank centre with the message o “Al-Fatah –a gift from martyr, Issam Fitouri, 30 August 2012”.  The reference to “Al Fatah” (the Opening) which was Qaddafi’s description for his 1969 “revolution”  was seen as confirmation of pro-[ Libya] Qaddafi activity.

On Wednesday, security forces in the city reportedly uncovered large quantities of weapons and ammunition in one of the city’s public markets
On Monday, an armed group attacked the Criminal Investigation Department’s premises in the city. There were no casualties and two of the attackers were detained.
As a result a state of high alert was declared in the city by the deputy interior minister responsible for eastern Libya, Wanis Al-Sharif.

The attack on Wednesday in which an air force colonel, Mahmud Berrhouma, was shot in the legs is, however, seen to have been an attempt at common theft.  The assailant was apparently after his car.
Without a hint of irony, US warns it's now too dangerous to visit the post #Nato intervention #Libya it helped create..[ShoebridgeC]
Libya: Some Still Sing for Gaddafi. [ What do you expect?
Whether to sing for NATO bombs?
We are Libyans no traitors and slaves !]
130.000 Libyans hosted only in Thessaloniki?! 
What was the purpose of their visit? 
Did they all travel to Thessaloniki for health issues? How many of them were wounded? Why was Qatar paying for the treatment of the Libyan "rebels" untill November 2011? Whatever the answers, Greek Hotels and Hospitals can hardly be expected to welcome any Libyans untill at least half of the ammount is paid and one of the immediate consequences is that 14 big Hotels in Thessaloniki have left their employees unpaid for two to five months. 
"The Libyan government will settle half or the 150-million-euro bill for the care of rebel fighters in Greece 
Libya’s National Oil Corp. expects to generate $54.9 billion in revenue from oil and natural gas this year, according to a release posted on its website.
The revenue would come from exports and taxes on oil companies operating in the North African country, the NOC said. [ Ummm then  they will pay to Jordan, Greece, Sweeden  etc hospitals etc]
Sirt final report EGA

Report #Libya : clashes in City of #Tripoli and #Zawiyah that injured dozens.. fighting was between Militia groups over Turf control
#Libyans protested in #Tripoli against #NTC Alqaeda brigades and militia'sthat are committing warcrimes even till this day
#Libya : More then million people were displaced during NATO carpet bombing and More then 200 thousand Libyans dead and more injured
The ‘P61′ arrived in Tripoli for joint naval training 
the Armed Forces of Malta Offshore Patrol Vessel ‘P61’, arrived at the Libyan Naval Base in Tripoli. The P61 was carrying a total of 46 men from the Maritime Squadron, 1 Regiment and EOD operatives from the 3rd Regiment of the Armed Forces of Malta.
= No. 2 of NTC  Mahmoud Jibril said on television that eight foreign security companies have returned to Libya without the government’s knowledge.
EGYPT -  Foreign Affairs Ambassado Warns Against Escalation of Anti-Libya Media Campaign
Official spokesman  -  warned against what he described as attempts by some media organizations to undermine Egyptian-Libyan relations and damage the interests of Egyptian workers in Libya through propagation of allegations that they are being maltreated and their rights are being violated.
EGYPT -  Fourty Four Egyptian   Companies Participate in Libya Reconstruction Exhibition

Libya S.O.S. resistance news 31. August 2012.
= Libya S.O.S. – Daily News on [you can to read good articles ]
DUBLIN, IRELAND  - Protest outside Amnesty International Office for Irish and Libyan Politial Prisoners
This Saturday, the 1st September 2012, anti-imperialists in Ireland will be staging a protest in solidarity with Irish Republican prisoners and also the 10,000 political prisoners held captive throughout Libya
DONALD J. TRUMP  - The dummies left Iraq (and Libya) without the oil!

Boeing: Libya Has Interest in Used U.S. Army Chinooks 
MILLVILLE, N.J. — GNC is interested in acquiring used U.S. Army Chinook helicopters, according to Boeing officials.
Boeing — the maker of the Chinook — is in discussions with the State Department about “opportunities to provide” used Army CH-47E helicopters to Tripoli, Raymond Haddad, Boeing’s head of Chinook sustainment, said Aug. 28 during a briefing at a company helicopter facility here.
“Libya is anxious for some additional capability,”  Boeing’s head of Chinook sustainmentsaid.
HRW  -  Libya: Stop Attacks on Sufi Sites , Protect Religious Sites, Investigate Crimes
Under the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights, ratified by Libya, the Libyan authorities must ensure the freedom of everyone either individually or in community with others and in public or private, to practice their religion or belief in worship, observance, practice, and teaching.
They are under a specific duty under this treaty to ensure that members of religious minorities can profess their religion in public in community with others. This means that all places of worship and religious importance should be protected when under threat.
[ICRC]As Libya recovers from the 2011 conflict, wounds remain raw. On the international day of the disappeared, thousands of Libyan families still do not know what happened to relatives who went missing because of the conflict and the actions of "the former regime".
=  Members of the GNC National  Congress of Libya have been debating what level of remuneration they should receive and have voted overwhelmingly to award themselves the same salary as the GNC  prime minister, even though the official pay of the GNC head  is not yet known.
However, Kib’s GNC deputy  prime ministers are currently each paid 11,000 dinars per month, which would have been a huge amount of money in Libya in the past when most everything was free.
TENSIONS ARE BOILING  -  While the newly elected politicians of the General National Congress bicker over a governing coalition in the air-conditioned halls of Tripoli's Rixos Hotel, tensions are boiling in the streets.In the last several months, a spate of bombings, kidnappings and assassinations has spread to Tripoli from the eastern city of Benghazi

The Islamists just want women to stay home.
On Wednesday,  a bomb exploded n the Soha el-Hasna beauty salon in Tripoli. The salon was empty at the time and nobody was hurt.
= SYRIA  - Another #Libyan mercenary killed in #Syria

TRIPOLI THREATS  - The Tripoli Towers is place  where are many foreign embassies. Some have received threats, apparently from Islamists, that the building could be blown up.
Some of these attacks never even make it into the media
Do you know where he is now? Gess? Syria 

Residents in Sirte, Bani Walid, Sabha, Kurfa ... continue to suffercollective punishment for their tribal ties to the Libyan Army and Colonel. These communities are being ignored by government services, while suffering under continued harassment by NTC-affiliated militias.
Sirte September 2011
= IMAM ABDUCTED  - Imam who tried to protest demolition of Sufi shrine in Tripoli abducted by Salafis as demolition continues
Shame without limits - the profaned the #tombs #Libya Who are those persons? 

 = Difficult Libyan scenario sees Medserv [Malta]  post €680,000 in pre-tax losses
"Libya has concentrated on resumption of production of existing facilities and oil and gas output has reached pre-war levels. However the return of International Oil Companies (IOC) to resume exploration is taking longer then expected, due to the security concerns. IOCs are now returning to Libya but with smaller budgets and fewer staff. It is obvious that they are carrying out preparatory work whilst waiting to see developments."
Whilst the Malta base benefited from the relocation of oil field equipment from Libya to Malta, the Misurata base whilst open has not yet seen any new business from oil companies renewing operations.
RAS LANUF  -  Libya's largest oil refinery, refinery owner UAE-Lerco.
 Ras Lanuf, has resumed operating after shutting during the NATO/NTC'a war in Libya
Ras Lanuf can process 220,000 barrels of oil per day and is a significant exporter of jet fuel and naphtha in the Mediterranean.
Germany to host 200 refugees from Libya
After 18 months in Choucha camp on the Tunisia-Libya border "195 refugees will be able to leave this Monday, September 3, for Germany to start a new life," it said in a joint statement with the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees.
Six other refugees will join the others in Germany later as they were "forced to postpone their trip for medical reasons," said a source.
The camp in Tunisia currently houses some 2,200 refugees.
= TEHRAN (FNA)- Iranian Foreign Minister Ali Akbar Salehi said the 7 Iranian Red Crescent workers who were kidnapped in Libya had established phone contacts with their families this morning.

Libya S.O.S. resistance news 30. August 2012.
= Libya S.O.S. – Daily News on [you can to read good articles ]
A general view of the opening session of the 120-member Non-Aligned Movement summit held in Tehran on August 30, 2012
A general view of the opening session of the 120-member Non-Aligned Movementsummit
 held in Tehran on August 30, 2012 Album is here 
Libyan leader Muammar Gaddafi called for the UN security council to be democratised in order to enhance the prospects of world peace and told the summit that he will demand a seat for the African Union.

"The security council is terrorism. It does not represent us and it is monopolised by a few countries, which represents a danger toward international peace," he argued.
The Egyptian Embassy in Tripoli has negotiated the release of 19 Egyptians detained in Libya, diplomatic sources told state run MENA on Thursday.

Fifteen of the detainees have already been released, and only four more remain to be released this evening or tomorrow morning.

Earlier today, dozens from the Salam village in Fayoum protested yesterday in front of the Foreign Ministry, demanding the release and return of their relatives detained in Libya. They have begun a sit-in until their demands are met.

"One of the detainees who was released from Ain Zara Prison visited us two days ago," said Saeed Hassan, a protester. "He told us that Abu Salim police in Tripoli had arrested about 200 Egyptians, including 90 from our village, and asked them to tell the Egyptian government to hand over Ahmed Qadhaf al-Dam, who resides in Egypt, in exchange for their release."
= SHOT IN BENGHAZI  -  Air force commander shot in Benghazi hit-and-run attack
Air force commander Mahmoud Berrhouma has been shot in both legs, in what appears to have been a hit-and-run attack by an armed robber.

The incident happened on Monday afternoon in the Garyounis district of Benghazi.

“The man came up to Mahmoud, told him to hand over his car keys and then shot him in the legs”, Berrhouma’s brother said.

“He stole the car and left my brother in a pool of blood”.

In the past few months Benghazi has witnessed a series of attacks on senior military personnel with links to the previous regime. [LibyaHerald]
MURDER IN BENGHAZI  - Shahjahan Mia was an extremly poor Bangladeshi whose only aim was to find work somewhere — anywhere. That aim brought him from Comilla, a town some 50 kilometres east of the capital, Dhaka where he lived with his parents and his wife, to Libya — illegally as it happened. But not for long. Within a week of arriving earlier this month, he was dead —  stabbed when he and his two friends were attacked.
The circumstances of his death are unknown yet.
According to Saief Ul-Haque, a Bangladeshi agent was paid $1,000 to organise travel to Libya and jobs for the three. They arrived in Libya on August 11 and headed for Benghazi.  It was there, on 18 August, that he was stabbed in the back after returning from work, and died.
GNC: The Moslem Brotherhood is discreetly pulling strings to see that Abdul Rahman Al Swehli, the representative from Misurata, is named prime minister
Libya pro NATO  assembly suspends 3 members for alleged Gaddafi links
"We discovered the three representatives were either members of the Gaddafi Revolutionary Guards or involved in criminal anti-revolutionary activities," Hassabi told Reuters.
SABRATHARefugee boat sank in Libyan waters - 40 dead, 35 rescued. Thet are  now in Sabratha hospital
MISRATA PRISONS: Mohammed Al-Koor, who runs one Misrata prison containing 700 Libyans "Gaddafi supporters", had to move prisoners from cells visible from high buildings nearby, after Misrata snipers started killing inmates through the bars.
MISRATA GANGS: A group of ‘freedom fighters’ told  how they had ransacked the town, setting fire to buildings and attacking anyone they found. These men told how they repeatedly kicked a heavily-pregnant Tawergan woman in the stomach. One said: ‘The woman was shouting as we kicked her: “I could be your mother.”
‘I told her my mother is not a black b***h,’ he added.

Tawergans  have now been placed in ‘refugee camps’, which are, in effect, little more than prisons.
The people in these camps do not dare leave: Misrata militias scour the country for anyone from Tawerga and regularly kidnap and torture black Libyans suspected of helping Gaddafi.
And even in the camps, fortified with barbed wire and watched by armed guards, the refugees are not safe from the marauding militias.
BENGHAZI : Approximately 40 people arrested in Benghazi for plotting attacks reportedly scheduled to take place on 01 Sepember 
SIRTE  -The  residents say they have had enough of the killing and kidnapping of suspected Gaddafi supporters - and are ready to fight back.
People still love Gaddafi, but they are scared,’ said one man. ‘Militias from other places come here every night and snatch men and boys from the streets.They say they come here to find guns, but they just want to kill people.’
= ZLITAN, TRIPOLIDestruction of graves :  Lunatic "fighters" screaming "Allah Akbar" #shame

At sunrise on Saturday, suspected Libyan adherents of the rigid Salafi school of Islam brought bulldozers into the center of Tripoli and flattened the expansive, centuries-old Sidi Al-Sha'ab shrine. Uniformed members of at least two separate government security divisions that answer to the Interior Ministry barricaded the busy seafront road where the religious complex was located and allowed the daylong demolition to continue, according to witnesses.

That destruction followed vandalism Friday night at Libya's most revered Sufi mosque in Zlitan, west of the capital, and the burning of an adjoining library that housed hundreds of theological treatises dedicated to the mystical branch of Islam that historically has been practiced across much of North Afric
New Libya :   burning of books and the destruction of graves #NoFuture
It is clear  that conservative religious groups want revenge because their  candidates were soundly beaten in the NTC's July election.


An estimated 200 heavily armed Islamists destroyed 30 graves at a historic Turkish school in Tripoli's old city early Wednesday
...a boarding school, were sparse, but school staff said the attackers also damaged as many as 1,000 books they found on the premises and destroyed a tree that the attackers said people had been worshipping in contravention of Islamic teachings
.Salafists have destroyed almost 30 graves at an historic madrassa in central Tripoli, in the latest spate of religiously-motivated violence to hit Libya.
The Othman Pasha madrassa, named after its Turkish founder, was attacked by scores of armed men in the early hours of this morning, who used automatic drills to dig up the graves and looted several historic texts from the school’s library.
The madrassa also serves as a boarding school.
They came around 2am. There were about 200 of them and they were heavily armed”, one of the madrassa’s staff told .
They destroyed all the graves except two, and we think they will come back for those. There are around 30 graves, in which Othman Pasha and his family are buried”.
The man, who asked not to be named, said the Salafists were intending to take all the books from the madrassa’s library, but were persuaded not to by dismayed members of staff.
“They took about half of the books”, he said.
The Salafists also cut down a tree in the middle of the school after accusing people there of worshiping it.
There are around 30 graves, in which Othman Pasha and his family are buried 

BTW Tunisian culture: Latest victim of rising Islamist tide
Tunisian Salafists are stoking fears of a rising Islamist tide after the hardliners disrupted a string of cultural events they deemed un-Islamic, culminating in an attack that left five people wounded.\2012\08\08-18\zsocietyz\971.htm
=ONE MORE  LIBYAN TERRORIST KILLED IN SYRIA   - Killed in Syria one of the most dangerous Libyan terrorists: Abo-Albara’a”, one of the most dangerous libyan terrorists mercenaries in action against Col. Gaddafi, was from the city of Sabratha.

He was heading a brigade of Libyan mercenary rats in Syria, but he has been killed together all of them by Syrian regular Armed Forces. [Link

See, Islamists are terrorists in Europe BUT in Libya and Syria they're 'freedom fighters.'[SyrianLiberal1]
 ‘Islamist terrorism is the biggest threat in Europe’ — RT
 Health Minister criticises new corruption
euronews: “So three billion dollars has been spent, but has it been spent wisely? Has it been spent on the people who were injured during "the revolution"?”

Fatima Hamroush: “Not really, some of them are still not being treated.
Some have been going from one country to another trying to find treatment.
Some haven’t even been sick at all, they just went for tourism, under the guise of medical treatment. ”

Libya S.O.S. resistance news 29. August 2012.
= Libya S.O.S. – Daily News on [you can to read good articles ]
Libyan mercenaries killed in Syria  in rebel attack on Taftanaz air base in north #Syria was in early 20s, from Benghazi & member of Libya/Irish-led Umma brigade [MaryFitzgerldIT]
= Libya is awash with "militias" –
The NTC tried to deal with the problem by bringing the militias under its rule. In September 2011, it created the Supreme Security Committee (SSC), a patchwork of various militia groups thought to number around 100,000. It also attempted to establish control over the Libyan National Shield, a group formed by militias from the east, Zintan and Misrata to preserve "the ideals of the revolution".
In return for maintaining order around the country, the members of both groups were paid a salary that surpassed the average Libyan's wage, thus providing an incentive to continue fighting on the side of the state.
Tomb of Sayed Abdul Salam al-Asmar (one of Imam Hassan [as] descendants ) in Libya demolished recently by Nasibis PHOTO
This is the most vicious attack on Libya's religious and cultural identity since the Spanish crusades of the early 16th Century. Even Mussolini's fascists did not treat our spiritual heritage with such contempt.

The campaign started with a clear Fatwa to destroy and kill by the Madkhali School of Saudi Wahhabism for which the League of Libyan Ulema hold the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia fully responsible.
Fatwa by the League of Libyan Ulema regarding the destruction of Sufi tombs & mosques by extremists
Travesty of Justice: 'No chance Gaddafi son gets fair trial in Libya'
The Libyan interim interior minister resigned on Monday amid fears of renewed sectarian clashes in the country. This after Suffi religious sites were destroyed by armed Salafits, triggering mass unrest in the area.
Libya remains unstable ever since the popular uprising resulted in the ouster and death of its longtime leader Muammar Gaddafi last year. Abayomi Azikiwe, the editor of Pan-African News, claims the country's current rulers supervised the destruction of the mosques and are unable to control the country.

Libya – Libyan parliament confirms the presence of Al Qaeda in Libya
 - BENGHAZI  -  A group of armed men have taken over the department of judicial research of Benghazi.
 - TRIPOLI  Rebels attacked the houses of strangers on the road to the Chouk in Tripoli. They murdered a Somali and 7 Egyptians.
Libyans protest Islamists' destruction of shrines [AP]
Libyan activists and civil society groups on Monday urged the newly-elected parliament to intervene to protect the national heritage after Islamist hardliners destroyed shrines across the country.
= Libyan Graves
Last week, millions of Muslims worldwide celebrated one of Islam’s two annual celebrations, Eid al-Fitr, which follows their completion of fasting the month of Ramadan. For Muslims, Eid is a time for visiting family and friends, and a time for feeling joy and solidarity. 
During these celebrations, Muslims often feel a heightened sense of belonging to a historically-rooted community and an increased affinity for their heritage.
These positive feelings were brought to an abrupt end Sunday morning as news spread that a series of coordinated attacks against a number of Libyan sites that are part of its religious heritage.
The reports were consistent: the sites targeted included tombs of Muslim scholars and sages, and the perpetrators were members of radical Salafi groups — with state security forces either complacently standing by or complicit participants in the attacks.
= Libya Officials Seem Helpless as Sufi Shrines Are Vandalized
In addition, there are an unknown number of militant Islamists who took up arms against Colonel Qaddafi, some of whom had fought in Iraq or Afghanistan and may favor vigilante action against Sufi deviations from Muslim orthodoxy. There are also Salafis, who favor a strict and puritanical interpretation of Islam and scoff at Sufi practices. In Libya, the Salafis have generally shunned politics and even the revolt against Colonel Qaddafi — earning them some enmity from the militants as well.

Education had been part of the Libyan Jamahiriya since its beginning. In his famous Five Points speech, in which he outlines his ideology of “Islamic Socialism,” Gadhafi emphasized the importance of education alongside democracy and welfare in the then new Libyan state.
These early reforms included creating a department of education, making primary education free and compulsory for both genders and expanding higher education,including scholarships to study abroad.
The reforms led to the doubling of literacy rates for both men and women, and Libya became the most educated society in Africa by a wide margin.
They backfired for the regime, however, when those students returned from abroad to join in the revolution. Besides providing important manpower to the rebels, engineering students designed makeshift weapons for the protest, using the degrees they received from Gadhafi's programs.
Lessons how to be killer : American student who joined Libya rebels to fight Qaddafi plans full-time 'road trip'
His first trip to Libya a year ago helped him to crystallise just what Jeon wants to do with his life, he said. It was the "material disconnect" of returning to university that made him realise that he did not want a life of comfort.
"I want to fight in Sirte!", Mr Jeon told the group of rebels that surrounded him.