
Sep 6, 2012

Libya news [backup libyasos] 15. august -21. august 2012.

Libya S.O.S. resistance news 21. August 2012.
= Libya S.O.S. – Daily News on [you can to read good articles ]
First they ignore you, then they laugh at you, then they fight you, then you win. Mahatma Gandhi
First they ignore you, then they laugh at you, then they fight you, then you win.
Mahatma Gandhi
= Libya And The Western Left
Combined with the virulent and hysterical propaganda war conducted against Gaddafi, this made it much more difficult to mobilise against this war: “In the lead up to any war, there is a demonisation of the targeted country and the leader as the ultimate devil, justifying any act of aggression. 
And in this war, no Brits were going to die, no French, no Americans: only Libyans would die, only the devils would die. So there was, on the part of the peace movement, an accommodation to imperialist propaganda because it was easier to accommodate to imperialist propaganda than to fight against it”.
= Tunisia: Special Pardon Extended to Six Pupils, 20 Students and Seven Libyans 
LIBYA : Ministry of Interior considering not allowing anyone without passport to travel on domestic flights
 BENGHAZI KINDNAPING: Observatory for Human Rights reps say a US/Libyan dual national named Omar Ihwainish abducted by an unknown[?] Benghazi Brigade
 BENGHAZI : 3 Christian women detained by an Islamic Radical [ex-rebels] gang brigade for allegedly trying to proselytise their religion
TRIPOLI : Two dead and three wounded in tribal clashes in Central Tripoli
TRIPOLI : Two dead and three wounded in tribal clashes in Central Tripoli
TRIPOLI : Two dead and three wounded in tribal clashes in Central Tripoli 
BOMB IN TRIPOLI: Yet more bombs have been found in Tripoli today GNC's Supreme Security Council (SSC) forces in Tripoli say they found bombs on Omar Mukhtar St. Further bombs found in refuse bin in Abu Salim at nest of Radical Islamists
[20 August] A car bomb was defused this morning in the Tripoli’s Mansoura district”

= BENGHAZI : Security reportedly being stepped up around Egyptian missions following car bomb attack in Benghazi
Egypt's Consul General to Benghazi cuts annual leave short, returns to ibya to check security situation after bombing of diplomat's car
Daily attacks by Islamic extremist witnessed in recent months against members of the NTC security forces and judiciary clearly demonstrate the existence of several armed Radical Islamist militant group willing and able to carry out attacks.
A cause for concern is that the SSC has incorporated brigades such as the Salafi-linked Abu Salim Martyrs' Brigade which is enforcing security in Derna. The latter is perceived as being a 'thuggish' group well known for carrying out vendetta attacks against security officials linked to the former regime . 
Recent attacks against Western  targets and Egypt councul in the city of Benghazi are nevertheless a clear cause for concern, although it is too early to tell whether this marks the beginning of a sustained campaign of attacks against " political " targets. 
BANI WALID KIDNAPING15 armed man kidnaped  Bani Walid Local Council deputy leader, Saeed Younes Issa, on 18 Aug, after raiding his home
One journalist , two  members of Benghazi-based Libya Shield Brigade and further man still detained.
It is as yet unclear whether they are being held by the same group that still holds the men captured last month, or what the motivation for the kidnapping was.
= These are US forces in Derna with Al-qaeda working as partners, they use green army desert cruiser special forces vehicles and equipment, desert camouflage, they are not green army, so be careful, exercise caution, they will be ambushed.
Operating under the banner of the "Libyan Islamic Fighting Group" (LIFG), a US State Department, British Home Office, and United Nations-listed international terrorist organization, and officially merged with Al Qaeda in 2007, its commanders including Abdul Hakim Belhaj and Mahdi al-Harati led NATO's military proxy forces on the ground as US, French, and British planes destroyed the nation from the air.
These are US forces in Derna with Al-qaeda working as partners

Libya — Sudanese detainees in Libyan prisons face poor food and health conditions and receive inhumane treatment from prison authorities, one of the Sudanese inmates told Radio Dabanga.
He added they prefer to die than to live under these conditions.

The prisoner described the treatment they receive by prison authorities as offensive, humiliating and mentally and physically abusive. The inmate added the Sudanese detainees are only allowed one starch meal per day, often causing them malnutrition that lead to diseases such as tuberculosis. He also said that no medical care is allowed and that they are subjected to beatings and solitary confinement.

The detainee stressed that the number of Sudanese prisoners in Libya exceeds one thousand and they are mostly charged of illegally entering the country.
Missionary Hillary in Africa
When all else fails, Africom "leads military operations to provide a secure environment appropriate for good government." Example: Operation Odyssey Dawn launched by AFRICOM in March 2011, which marked the beginning of the war to overthrow the government of Libya (the African country with the largest oil reserves) and stifle financial institutions of the African Union, born primarily from Libyan investments.

Thus there is now in Libya, a "good government" obeying orders from Washington.

From Crimea to Libya, for 20th August - International Youth Day 
August 20th 2011 is the date that the North Atlantic Terrorist Alliance (NATO) began its onslaught on Tripoli, Libya, to bomb mercenaries from that country, Qatar, Jordan, Afghanistan and other parts of the wider region into the capital, lead by NATO special forces.
August 20th 2011 is the date that the North Atlantic Terrorist Alliance (NATO) began its onslaught on Tripoli, Libya, to bomb mercenaries from that country, Qatar, Jordan, Afghanistan and other parts of the wider region into the capital, lead by NATO special forces.

US Desperation Surfaces in Syria
Obama's bizarre threats indicative of losing strategy and increasing desperation
Operating under the banner of the "Libyan Islamic Fighting Group" (LIFG), a US State Department, British Home Office, and United Nations-listed international terrorist organization, and officially merged with Al Qaeda in 2007, its commanders including Abdul Hakim Belhaj and Mahdi al-Harati led NATO's military proxy forces on the ground as US, French, and British planes destroyed the nation from the air.

These very same commanders of this very same listed-terrorist organization would then turn its cash, weapons, and fighters on Syria, as early as November 2011, arriving on the Turkish-Syrian border to enjoy yet another NATO safe haven and logistical networks overseen by Western intelligence along with US funding and arms laundered through Gulf Cooperative Council (GCC) members such as Qatar and Saudi Arabia.

SYRIAUS Libyan Mercenary Plans Syrian Kony2012 Style Psy Op

Libya S.O.S. resistance news 20. August 2012.
= Libya S.O.S. – Daily News on [you can to read good articles ]
CAR BOMB IN BENGHAZI -  Targeting the Egyptian consulate
In front  of home  Deputy Egyptian consul  in Benghazi.Today expolded carbomb. Material  damage.One witness he wanted to do a photo and the attackers shot him in the leg 

=  US & UK would support the "Freedom of Speach" when it comes to #Pussy Riots ,,, but not for Julian #Assange [RajaChemayel]
“Legal controversies pertaining to the use of force of the UNSC mandate in Libya”
The tragedy of the African continent will remain inscribed in human history. For centuries Europe colonized enslaved and exploited the African resources. Even more dramatic are the blood-soaked battles for colonial independence in the 20th century. Perhaps this is the reason why the European use of force in Libya in the 21st century might leave some with an awkward feeling. Does the West truly have a right to intervene, after all that has been done previously? Or does Europe have a duty to intervene after all that has been done to show the “correct ways of liberal democracy”? 
= Libya vs. The ICC: Stalemate over Saif and Senussi
Problematically, however, Libya still does not have custody over Saif or Senussi. Despite numerous declarations by the NTC that he would be transferred to Tripoli, Saif remains in the hands of the Zintan brigade that arrested him in November 2011, who have refused to surrender Saif to Libya’s national authorities. It is also widely believed that the Zintan militia used their custody of Saif as leverage to get local commander Osama al-Juwali appointed as Libya’s interim defence minister.
More recently, the Zintan brigade has insisted that Saif be tried in Zintan rather than Tripoli. Libyan authorities appear to have conceded to this position as the chief Libyan prosecutor in Saif’s case, Milad Abdul-Nabi Dekali, confirmed that Colonel Gaddafi’s son would be tried in Zintan. Given the unwillingness of the Zintan brigade to cooperate with the NTC, it is far from clear that Libyan authorities themselves would be able to conduct the trial. The NTC handed power over to a newly elected national assembly on August 8, but it is unclear at this early stage whether this will make a difference to negotiations around the trials.

From Crimea to Libya, for 20th August - International Youth Day
August 20th 2011 is the date that the North Atlantic Terrorist Alliance (NATO) began its onslaught on Tripoli, Libya, to bomb mercenaries from that country, Qatar, Jordan, Afghanistan and other parts of the wider region into the capital, lead by NATO special forces.

That date was covered by the western and GCC corporate media as the date that Libya was being “liberated”. The reality is that in Tripoli alone, in just 12 hours, the Jamahiriyah’s Ministry of Health, reported that 1,300 people had been killed and thousands injured. The following 5 days of intensive bombardment were nothing less then a bloodbath. During those days and up until this date, NATO forces and their proxies on the ground (perversely labeled as “freedom fighters”/”revolutionaries” by much of the international media) have systematically persecuted, murdered, tortured and imprisoned anyone who resists their agenda.

“Even if you do not hear my voice, continue the Resistance”
(Moammar El Gaddafi, September 1, 2011)
It certainly does not mean killing, robbing people and 
embarrass myself
but wisely and steadily build up your spirit,
mind and to oppose injustice and modern slave-owners.
We will never allow us to be puppets in the hands of the conquerors![LibyaSOS]

The following report describes how 32 people were arrested after government spooks monitoring a conversation between “Gaddafi loyalists” in a chat room identified them. They were allegedly discussing the recent twin blasts in Tripoli.
This conversation purportedly occurred on Paltalk.
Many similar discussions have taken place on this service over the past few months. Not one was ever genuine.
Paltalk is an American owned and operated social chat room. It earned notoriety in April of 2011 when a SANA report divulged that the US based chat room was responsible for the dissemination of propaganda against Syria.
It stretches all credibility that the Libyan Resistance would use an enemy operated chat room to share their stories with a global audience knowing that they are being tracked and traced.
The Libyan Resistance do not use chat rooms or other unsecured channels of communication. Neither do they broadcast their activity.

Blogger Lutf Reveals Paltalk Rooms’ Fabricated Lies and Instigation against Syria
SANA English Bulletin
Blogger and Member of Arab Journalists Union in America, Rafiq Lutf, has divulged the black rooms on the American Paltalk Website which fabricates lies and instigates against Syria through giving instructions and plans for the people, and contacting media bodies.
Lutf said that the black rooms also fabricate films and add voices to them, adding that the films are originally taken from support rallies and later fabricated as the support slogans are changed into opposition slogans.

Libya S.O.S. resistance news 19. August 2012.
= Libya S.O.S. – Daily News on [you can to read good articles ]

= #NATO murdering civilians in Afghanistan, Pakistan, Yemen, Somalia, Sudan, Libya, Mali But let's worry about Julian #Assange more important
Syria against propaganda / Lies and Fabrications are still continued . A photo which several "Syrian Revolution" pages have posted claiming that it is one of the crimes committed by the Syrian Army. In fact, it turns out that the photo belongs to the earthquake that shook Azerbaijan Provence in east of Iran.

TRIPOLI  - Eid prayers in a Green Square today
There are a large number of worshippers and all pray differently
In Islamic prayers Muslim must face Al- ka'aba in the city of Mecca.
Eid prayers in a Green Square today There are a large number of worshippers and all pray differently In Islamic prayers Muslim must face Al- ka'aba in the city of Mecca
Eid prayers ?

NATO fix Libya  -  Three car bombs exploded in Tripoli , killing two people and injuring several others early.
NTC bandits aka #rebels were used same kind of bombs and the same tactics and equipmen in previously foiled car boTwo car bombs exploded in Tripolimbing attacks in #Benghazi

SIRTE  - lats night, Clashes in District No. 2 in Sirte and there is news about casualties and casualties
Sabha  -  After clashes occurred yesterday, warplanes and helicopterhovering teritory. Citizen  had heard four powerful explosions.
ZLITAN insecurity -  explosions in tombs two days ago

BENGHAZI, MISRATA  The International Committee of the Red Cross announced that it was suspending its activities in Benghazi, Libya's second biggest city, and Misrata after one of its compounds in Misrata was attacked with grenades and rockets.
The fate of seven Iranian relief workers, official guests of the Libyan Red Crescent Association, remains unknown almost three weeks after they were kidnapped by gunmen in the heart of Benghazi.
Niger have denied Saadi Gaddafi’s deportation request to Tripoli, further keeping his whereabouts in the West African country until the United Nations lift his travel ban.

‘We are obliged to respect this resolution. He is here, he cannot travel … Until that resolution is revised, he will stay in Niger,’ Foreign Minister Bazoum Mohamed told state television.

Interpol has issued a ‘red notice’ requesting member states to arrest Saadi with a view to extradition if they find him on their territory.

The relationship between Libya and Niger is under mounting pressure.
A foolish and biased article by the Telegraph. They say Saif was "caught trying to escape" rather than leading resistance operations against the NTC. The latter have now reached a deal with the Zintan militia to put Saif on trial. As expected, the ICC will play no role in this. [Free Libya ]
Libya: Saif Gaddafi to go on trial next month 
"I wish the rebels had just killed him when they captured him," said one elderly man in Tripoli.
"That would have been an end to the Gaddafi family. I don't know why we are wasting time on a trial. They will hang him anyway."
Hate is in the blood of "democratic new NATO/NTC Libya. 

عيد مبارك Eid Mubarak
عيد مبارك Eid Mubarak

Libya S.O.S. resistance news 18. August 2012.
= Libya S.O.S. – Daily News on [you can to read good articles ]
MSM propaganda protecting the interests of principals

FAIRY TALES The Libya Summit on 20 - 22 November 2012 in Istanbul, the Republic of Turkey.
The Libya Summit aims to bring together eminent NATO's countries  industry leaders and their puppets , global policy makers, diplomats, stakeholders, and development professionals, to deliberate the transformation of Libya as a model of stability[?] and economic excellence. Some of the speakers at the summit are leaders in various sectors like oil and petroleum, banking and financial sectors, aviation and defence, real estate, transport, telecommunication and information technology.

Libya offers a range of opportunities to Pluck[ing], corruption, theft and colonialist's exploitation . Foreign investments and collaborations would bring about a great stability[?] to the NATO economy as once oil production is stabilized and infrastructure is rebuilt, the other areas of the economy will rapidly become open to investments. The business opportunities will be of considerable importance and the potential investments would be at par with the rest of the world NATO slavery.
TRIPOLI Libyans attack Egyptian Consulate in Tripoli
An official at the consulate said in a press statement, "A number of Libyan nationals destroyed the furniture of the main waiting room and attacked the staff in protest against not being able to get entry visas to Egyptian territory."
"Some citizens do not know the visa requires security approvals that take some time, and they were demanding that the consular staff work after the end of official working hours," the source said.

The source called on Libyan authorities to provide security officers for the consulate, which remains unguarded despite the consulate's previous requests.
Tripoli proceeds from the politics of petroleum to ideological perceptions. The country appears trapped in a vicious cycle of terror that ironically hit Benghazi, the capital of Cyrenaica, "the cradle of the NATO/NTC uprising" .
Benghazi is nevertheless prone to assaults by militant Islamists, probably linked with Al-Qaeda, who insist on severing all ties with Western powers.
If there is any endeavour to end the conflict, it appears to be in vain.
Camera crews struggle to find a picture of reassurance in NATO's Libya. But there is no escaping the fact that the country is in disarray. There are tribalists and Islamists who eschew such perceptions and yearn for the establishment of an Islamist Caliphate straddling the Mediterranean.
Much of Libya has become a tattered patchwork of combat zones and some Libyan towns and cities have been gutted by months of sporadic yet systematic gun fire and shelling by the Green Resistance army as well as by tribal militiamen.
Even by the standards of the NATO's Libyan political dynamics, the gap between fact and fiction yawned unusually wide.
Libya August Update - Libyans Return From Syria in Boxes
A Green Libyan Soldier Speaks (He was wounded during the war)
The blurring of identity is necessary for fear of retribution to family.
Libya is now Hell - Multiple Militias control everything
Kidnappings, torture and summary killings are common
Muslim Brotherhood is now quite powerful
Qatar is the mega centre of Arab politics

USA/LIBYA   - To our deepening slavery - The reopening of the Consular Section of the American embassy in Tripoli on August 27. In a special message to the Libyan people the US Ambassador says: “Ahlan wa sahlan,” You are welcome in America:

The US Ambassador said that Libyans and Americans share a bright future together, adding that since returning to Libya as Ambassador in May 2012, one of the most rewarding aspects of his work has been to meet so many Libyans who welcome close ties with the United States. “And now we can add one more area to our deepening slavery”, he said.
=USA/LIBYA  - NATO's darilng Holly Rebel threw the stapler at the nurse in hospital  -
 A Libyan rebel treated in the United States for bullet wounds  has pleaded guilty to throwing a stapler at a nurse, but he won't face punishment because he's returning home.
Omar Altwati is leaving the U.S. this week. His lawyer says a conviction is enough to prevent him from re-entering Libya.
The Salem News in Massachusetts reports that authorities say Altwati threw the stapler at the nurse hitting her in the chest.
Altwati and a second man yelled "America, America," as they entered the hospital, and Altwati ripped a hand sanitizer dispenser from a wall. Joan Prince said Altwati threw the stapler after learning his doctor wasn't there.
His lawyer says Altwati was frustrated after waiting a long time for a ride and was fasting for Ramadan.[?]
 Altwati was one of 22 rebels receiving treatment.
-  UK -  The British Embassy in Tripoli is pleased to  funding a 14-month project with DCA to support women’s empowermnt in Libya
-  UK - British Council to launch English-language show on Libyan radio  
ITALY - Italian multinational oil and gas company Eni reports profit increase in 2012, driven by production recovery in Libya       
-   UK - UK's MEA to run Libya trade mission in September
 -  CANADA - Canada plans Libya trade mission in October
-  FRANCE  - The French cable industry expert, has been awarded major contracts to supply Libya’s Public Electrical Works Company (PEWCO) with cables to upgrade the country’s power transmission and distribution infrastructure.         
-  QATAR - With Libyan traitor Moussa  Koussa. Syria's former PM Riad Hijab who fled 2 Jordan after defecting is now in Qatar, his spox says.
=  Another crime committed by the occupation regime in Libya
In Amriah city , near Aziziah city (area, controlled by the tribe Wersheffana) , at 5.08.2012, yesterday morning, at 8:30 am , rat’s group from Soq Al-jomaa (district in Tripoly, source of rats) have invaded into civilian house and killed the whole family. They killed old man, his name Romadan, he is 70 years old and his wife, blind woman 65 years old, and son 30 years old and daughter in law. 
More than 40! cars with rats arrived in order to attack and to kill them with no reason, they just said that this family bombing Tripoli. Who can believe that old man and a woman 70 years old, which could not even stand could do this!
The elders of the tribe Wersheffana sent an official request to members of the occupation regime with a description of the crime and the requirement to extradite criminals.Otherwise, members of the tribe will go to look for the criminals themselves. Scanned copy of the document you see below.

MAKE IT VIRAL  - Mr. General Director of the Organization
We the people and the families and children of prisoners and detainees being held in Libyan prisons address you this letter, and invite you to investigate and intervene in our case that is being ignored by the authorities here by most of the international news agencies which turn a blind eye to the Libyan authorities.

We ask you to intervene with the Libyan authorities and the militias and armed groups, which violate all international laws and norms and practices via arbitrary arrest and without any court order from the Public Prosecution.

The acts of torture and abuse of different kinds of our sons and relatives held prisoner include daily beatings, the use of electricity, pulling out of nails, burning with fire and other means of torture as well as food deprivation. In some cases also physical rape is reported.
We thank you for your cooperation and your understanding of the conditions of our sons and relatives being held as prisoners in Libyan jails.
Benghazi A border crossing Amsead - new  threats.
The Chairman of Libyan businessmen Abdullah Falah was attacked by gunmen. They threatened him with weapons and took  his car.[Alegria/ISP]
USA/LIBYA - Libyan students in the Libyan embassy in Washington to demand their unpaid scholarships. Police were called to stop protests.

=  Iran and Libya agreed to jointly pursue the freedom of 7 Iranian Red Crescent workers abducted by armed groups in the North African state more than two weeks ago, a senior Iranian foreign ministry official said.
The Iranians were heading to the Tibesti hotel when an armed group intercepted them. They were loaded into a different car and whisked away to an unknown location.
The delegation arrived in Libya early August at the invitation of the Libyan Red Crescent.
TRIPOLI – Libya’s Defeated Islamists?
Moreover, while the Islamists were soundly defeated, they performed quite well in many districts. Across Libya, they took second place in ten districts (the JCP in nine and the Salafi-leaning Originality Coalition in one). In Misrata, the JCP finished second, after the local Union for Homeland Party, but still managed to win almost three times as many votes as the NFC, which came in fourth.
When are humans not human? Libya, Liberalism and the incineration of the armies of the global South
This article makes some excellent points regarding the de-humanisation of soldiers defending their country from imperialist attack and the complicity of liberals in these wars however I feel it to some extent inadvertently plays into the NATO narrative that precautions were taken to minimise civilian casualties... the widespread civilian deaths caused by NATO bombing and their rebel shock troops isn’t addressed.

 Of course, civilians were killed by NATO as well - and not just mistakenly either. Defence Secretary Liam Fox effectively admitted that Gaddafi’s baby grandchildren (all aged between 6 months and 2 years), blown to pieces by NATO in late April last year, were deliberately targeted as part of a strategy to “put psychological pressure on Gadaffi”. But these deaths were at least reported as deaths in the Western media, and briefly caused some controversy. Likewise, the Guardian reported on its front page the news that NATO had deliberately left 61 migrants to die of thirst in the Mediterranean, some of the 1500 civilians estimated to have died there whilst attempting to flee NATO’s war.

Libya S.O.S. resistance news 16. August 2012.
= Libya S.O.S. – Daily News on [you can to read good articles ]
The last moment of martyr Omar Mukhtar [History repeat itself]
Mukhtar was tried, convicted, and sentenced to be executed by hanging [by Italians] in a public place. The fairness of his trial has been disputed by historians and scholars. When asked if he wished to say any last words, he replied with the Qur'anic clause:
“Inna lillahi wa inna ilayhi raji’un.”
"From Allah we have come, and to Allah we will return."
 It is the same country before and after NATO
MISRATA - Misratah Local Conc. declare all prisons inside Misrata belongs to ministry of interior & trail of 2000 prisoners is done acording to instructions of Ministry
BENGHAZI - The president of the Benghazi Local Council, Shahat Awami, has resigned from his post after just two-and-a-half months in office, citing unworkable conditions.
It has been reported on various Arabic websites that the reason for Awami’sresignation was death threats from people on the council’s payroll who had not received wages due.

However, this version of events has been challenged by the spokesman of the local council, Khaled Al-Jazwee, who has insisted that the truth is quite different.
“Awami received threats to his life, but that was not why he resigned”, Jazwee, told the Libya Herald today.

“The real problem was that we have no budget; no headquarters; and no administrative structure. We are operating out of a modest office building belonging to the health ministry, and it is hardly adequate”.

Al-Jazwee revealed that the council have "just" two million dinars in their account, in spite of a nominal allocation of 68 million dinars by the government in Tripoli for the first six months of this year. [LibyaHerald]
KUFRA -  Gun-battle over hijacked vehicle in Kufra
One Sudanese man was killed and three Chadians taken into custody on Tuesday, following a gun-battle with local security forces in southern oasis town of Kufra.

According to identity papers recovered at the scene, the Sudanese man belonged to the Justice and Equality Movement (JEM), a rebel group which fought against Sudanese President Omar Al-Bashir in Darfur during the 2003-2010 conflict there.

Kufra is just a few hundred miles from the porous Sudanese and Chadian borders, and nationals from both countries are known to enter and leave Libya on a frequent basis, engaging in both legitimate and illegal commercial activity.

The four went into one of the farms near Kufra and stole a 4×4 Toyota truck at gunpoint. 
When the security forces tried to stop it, the occupants started shooting, compelling them to return fire. Two of the Chadian surrendered, whilst the Sudanese man was shot dead and the third Chadian was wounded in the shoulder.

The captured men are now being held in the custody of the Kufra Supreme Security Committee, according to the president of the Kufra local council.
The men will shortly be investigated by the appropriate authorities in Kufra, before being sent for trial.
Dozens of refugees die needlessly in the Mediterranean every year,according to a paper published by Human Rights Watch (HRW) today.
Kidnapped Syrian Journalists Rescued by the Army: 16.08.2012
Yara Saleh and the Al Akhbariya news channel crew were kidnapped around Aleppo by the foreign funded insurgents (the FSA, Foreign Salafi Army). A video of her later emerged were she was forced into a Hijaab. The FSA clearly follow the extremist Saudi arabian style of Islam called 'wahabism/salafi' , the US's favourite kind. The Army has now rescued the crew.
"Freedom Fighters": The Foot Soldiers of the American Empire 
Since the end of World War II, the Anglo-American Empire has covertly supported the deployment of foreign and domestic "foot soldiers", including terrorists and paramilitary brigades to bring about regime change and further its agenda of World domination.
Israeli-US Script: Divide Syria, Divide the Rest [by Mahdi Darius Nazemroaya]
The US-sponsored siege of Syria is part of its attempts to divide Eurasia and maintain its global primacy as a superpower. Washington has no mercy for its friends or its foes either and countries like Turkey and Saudi Arabia will eventually be used as cannon fodder. US strategists want the area running from North Africa and the Middle East to the Caucasus, Central Asia, and India to be turned into a black hole of fighting, à la Brzezinski’s “Eurasian Balkans.”
The Arabs, Iran, and Turkey are being lined up for a major conflict, because the US is losing its superpower status.

Libya S.O.S. resistance news 15. August 2012.
= Libya S.O.S. – Daily News on [you can to read good articles ]
Libya vs. The ICC: Stalemate over Saif and Senussi [Hogwash media]
Deciding where they are tried goes to the very heart of the ICC's complementarity regime, wherein the court can only investigate and prosecute when a state is unable or unwilling to do so itself. This principle is premised on the belief that while it is best to deal with atrocities where victims and survivors live, states emerging from, or still mired in, violent political conflict often do not have the capacity or interest to investigate these crimes themselves. If this is deemed to be the case, the duty is transferred to the ICC.
Libyans, with Irish connections, are now fighting in Syria.
Hussam Najjar is from Dublin. He has an Irish mother and goes by the name of Sam.
He is now fighting with the rebels in Syria.
Mahdi al-Harati is from Ireland.
He took part in the CIA-NATO destruction of Libya.
Harati now leads a unit in Syria, which includes foreign fighters.

Harati told police in Ireland that spooks from an American intelligence agency gave him a large sum of money to help in the efforts to defeat Gaddafi.
UN -  HIGH LEVEL HYPOCRISY [ United Nations Support Mission in Libya] Caring for the Families of the Missing
The Special Representative of the Secretary-General for Libya, Ian Martin, on 13 August 2012 visited a support centre in Tripoli where families of the missing during the conflict can come and receive support, exchange experiences or take part in a variety of activities. [but no Black Libyans like Tawergha or families of  soldiers in Libyan Army - only Feb17 members. Welcome to NATO/NTC demoNcracy]
=  EGYPT The Libyan authorities on Wednesday remanded 90 Egyptian fishermen into custody on charges of trespassing the territorial waters without permission.
The families of the fishermen called for both the Egyptian and Libyan authorities to release them, claiming they were arrested outside the Libyan territorial waters. The families also said that they are unable to contact the detainees. Most Egyptian fishermen come from the city of Alexandria.
BERBERS Libya's NATO war  has led to renewed demands from the country's Berber minority for cultural and language rights and full integration into the Arab-majority country.
=SYRIA : We received message from frineds
Yara al - Saleh-Abbas, a journalist of Sira television, and his work team. kidnapped by rebel mercenaries in Syria.
This journalist is in danger of being killed, as it has already happened recently with other Syrian journalists.
"We request the release of this journalist and his colleagues, in the absence of which it will be you liable for that crime."
08/13/2012 Are responsible before the world and God, France and U.S. Governments.US Secretary of State Hilary Clinton. the Secretary of UN Banki Mon by promote and encourage crime organized in Syria by the Secuestrados journalists of the TV Syria and also by the murders of civilians in Syria, and others not is possible society and the international community to support terrorists, murderers and kidnappers of workers and civilians, this would be a Total securities investment. Request and accusation public virtual Rictv Newsagency Rictvagencia news and friends of network it world...below signed-in Syria, Arad.
RAS LANUF :  The National Oil Corporation is now reportedly refusing to "confirm or deny" earlier news that Libya’s largest refinery Ras Lanuf will restart by 28 Aug.
RasLanuf confusion may be due to dispute btwn NOC & partner AbuDhabi-based conglomerate
The Ras Lanuf refinery is owned by the National Oil Corporation of Libya and the Trasta Energy, headed by a powerful United Arab Emirates businessman, Essa Al Ghurair. The refinery provides almost a two-third of the country’s oil refining capacity.
TRIPOLI :  14 – 15 Aug, electricity reportedly cut for number of hours in Hay Al Andalus & Ben Ashour #Tripoli. Janzour frequently without power
MISRATA, BENGHAZI : ICRC still committed to respond to needs of the population
At the end of May, the "Brigades of the Captive Sheikh Omar Abdulrahman in Libya" accused the ICRC of carrying out proselytizing activities in the country and, more concretely, of distributing Bibles to internally displaced Tawargha people in Benghazi.
It is clear that needs were immense during the conflict, but why is the ICRC still in the country now?

Many humanitarian consequences persist long after an armed conflict comes to an end. In Libya, let's think about the thousands of people who went missing, about the people who have been displaced, the sizeable number of migrants and vulnerable minorities, as well as the thousands of people detained in connection with the conflict. In addition, violent clashes still occur in the country, sometimes causing numerous casualties.
BENGHAZI :  Huda BenAmer house being DEMOLISHED by NTC's bandits! 
Huda Ben Amir - twice mayor of Benghazi, She left Benghazi at March 2011 but she has never left the Jamahiriya's side.
TRIPOLI :  An Iranian delegation arrived in Tripoli yesterday, to join the investigation into the abduction of seven employees of the Iranian Red Crescent in Benghazi on 31 July.
BENGHAZI : Employees at Hawari Hospital in Benghazi have been on strike since Sunday, in protest at the lack of security provision for staff.

Attacks on medical professionals are a growing concern in Libya’s hospitals. A Jordanian nurse at a hospital in Sirte sustained serious injuries after being stabbed by a group of ex-rebels  patients on Friday and has since been repatriated.
Staff at Hawari Hospital have grown concerned that they are unable to carry out their work safely, after a series of dangerous incidents.
BENGHAZI : There have been 14 successful assassinations of officers - traitor of Jamahiriya  -  in Benghazi in recent weeks, as well as a significant number of failed attempts.

Only yesterday a grenade exploded outside the home of traitor of Jamahiriya Abdullah Alhaafa, commander of the Hurreya (Freedom) military base in Benghazi.

Last Friday, suspected Islamist militants gunned down traitor of Jamahiriya Brigadier-General Mohammed Al-Fitouri as he left evening prayers in Benghazi. Al-Fitouri,  was in charge of NATO weapons-storage in the city.

Two weeks earlier, on 28 July, traitor of Jamahiriya Suleiman Buzraidah, a former intelligence officer, was killed by a single shot fired from a white Chevrolet whilst going to Isha prayers.
That attack came just one day before an attempt on the life of traitor of Jamahiriya  General Khalifa Hafter, the commander of NTC's ground forces, although he survived.
ITALY : Memorial built in Italy to "Butcher of the #Fezzan" Rodolfo Graziani, responsible for camps where 1000s of #Libyans died
Why Italians Honored a Fascist Butcher General Rodolfo Graziani ? / Italy News
He was notorious as Benito Mussolini’s military commander in colonial wars in Ethiopia and Libya where he carried out massacres and used chemical weapons.
 WASHINGTON - Libyan arrested by Secret Service for making threats at Watergate building
"There are many students that have lots of problems regarding the scholarships they got from the government," he said. "Students are struggling to figure out how to survive." 
I am SORRY SO sorry because Col. Gaddafi cannot send to students [abroad] 1 400$ per month/per person - and students [abroad] can't study 16 long long years till their 51 age!
FLASHBACK TRIPOLI : A year ago 8/15/11 Russian intelligence warned Colonel Gaddafi of a NATO and Rebel attempts to invade #Tripoli - Extra security measures were taken.
A year ago 8/15/11 Libyan secret police filmed Sky News Break Team sneaking out of Rixous Hotel jumping from windows at night.

Libya S.O.S. resistance news 21. August 2012.
= Libya S.O.S. – Daily News on [you can to read good articles ]
First they ignore you, then they laugh at you, then they fight you, then you win. Mahatma Gandhi
First they ignore you, then they laugh at you, then they fight you, then you win.
Mahatma Gandhi
= Libya And The Western Left
Combined with the virulent and hysterical propaganda war conducted against Gaddafi, this made it much more difficult to mobilise against this war: “In the lead up to any war, there is a demonisation of the targeted country and the leader as the ultimate devil, justifying any act of aggression.
And in this war, no Brits were going to die, no French, no Americans: only Libyans would die, only the devils would die. So there was, on the part of the peace movement, an accommodation to imperialist propaganda because it was easier to accommodate to imperialist propaganda than to fight against it”.
= Tunisia: Special Pardon Extended to Six Pupils, 20 Students and Seven Libyans
LIBYA : Ministry of Interior considering not allowing anyone without passport to travel on domestic flights
 BENGHAZI KINDNAPING: Observatory for Human Rights reps say a US/Libyan dual national named Omar Ihwainish abducted by an unknown[?] Benghazi Brigade
 BENGHAZI : 3 Christian women detained by an Islamic Radical [ex-rebels] gang brigade for allegedly trying to proselytise their religion
TRIPOLI : Two dead and three wounded in tribal clashes in Central Tripoli
TRIPOLI : Two dead and three wounded in tribal clashes in Central Tripoli
TRIPOLI : Two dead and three wounded in tribal clashes in Central Tripoli 
BOMB IN TRIPOLI: Yet more bombs have been found in Tripoli today GNC's Supreme Security Council (SSC) forces in Tripoli say they found bombs on Omar Mukhtar St. Further bombs found in refuse bin in Abu Salim at nest of Radical Islamists
[20 August] A car bomb was defused this morning in the Tripoli’s Mansoura district”

BENGHAZI : Security reportedly being stepped up around Egyptian missions following car bomb attack in Benghazi
Egypt's Consul General to Benghazi cuts annual leave short, returns to ibya to check security situation after bombing of diplomat's car
Daily attacks by Islamic extremist witnessed in recent months against members of the NTC security forces and judiciary clearly demonstrate the existence of several armed Radical Islamist militant group willing and able to carry out attacks.
A cause for concern is that the SSC has incorporated brigades such as the Salafi-linked Abu Salim Martyrs' Brigade which is enforcing security in Derna. The latter is perceived as being a 'thuggish' group well known for carrying out vendetta attacks against security officials linked to the former regime .
Recent attacks against Western  targets and Egypt councul in the city of Benghazi are nevertheless a clear cause for concern, although it is too early to tell whether this marks the beginning of a sustained campaign of attacks against " political " targets.
BANI WALID KIDNAPING15 armed man kidnaped  Bani Walid Local Council deputy leader, Saeed Younes Issa, on 18 Aug, after raiding his home
One journalist , two  members of Benghazi-based Libya Shield Brigade and further man still detained.
It is as yet unclear whether they are being held by the same group that still holds the men captured last month, or what the motivation for the kidnapping was.
= These are US forces in Derna with Al-qaeda working as partners, they use green army desert cruiser special forces vehicles and equipment, desert camouflage, they are not green army, so be careful, exercise caution, they will be ambushed.
Operating under the banner of the "Libyan Islamic Fighting Group" (LIFG), a US State Department, British Home Office, and United Nations-listed international terrorist organization, and officially merged with Al Qaeda in 2007, its commanders including Abdul Hakim Belhaj and Mahdi al-Harati led NATO's military proxy forces on the ground as US, French, and British planes destroyed the nation from the air.
These are US forces in Derna with Al-qaeda working as partners

Libya — Sudanese detainees in Libyan prisons face poor food and health conditions and receive inhumane treatment from prison authorities, one of the Sudanese inmates told Radio Dabanga.
He added they prefer to die than to live under these conditions.

The prisoner described the treatment they receive by prison authorities as offensive, humiliating and mentally and physically abusive. The inmate added the Sudanese detainees are only allowed one starch meal per day, often causing them malnutrition that lead to diseases such as tuberculosis. He also said that no medical care is allowed and that they are subjected to beatings and solitary confinement.

The detainee stressed that the number of Sudanese prisoners in Libya exceeds one thousand and they are mostly charged of illegally entering the country.
Missionary Hillary in Africa
When all else fails, Africom "leads military operations to provide a secure environment appropriate for good government." Example: Operation Odyssey Dawn launched by AFRICOM in March 2011, which marked the beginning of the war to overthrow the government of Libya (the African country with the largest oil reserves) and stifle financial institutions of the African Union, born primarily from Libyan investments.

Thus there is now in Libya, a "good government" obeying orders from Washington.

From Crimea to Libya, for 20th August - International Youth Day 
August 20th 2011 is the date that the North Atlantic Terrorist Alliance (NATO) began its onslaught on Tripoli, Libya, to bomb mercenaries from that country, Qatar, Jordan, Afghanistan and other parts of the wider region into the capital, lead by NATO special forces.
August 20th 2011 is the date that the North Atlantic Terrorist Alliance (NATO) began its onslaught on Tripoli, Libya, to bomb mercenaries from that country, Qatar, Jordan, Afghanistan and other parts of the wider region into the capital, lead by NATO special forces.

US Desperation Surfaces in Syria
Obama's bizarre threats indicative of losing strategy and increasing desperation.
Operating under the banner of the "Libyan Islamic Fighting Group" (LIFG), a US State Department, British Home Office, and United Nations-listed international terrorist organization, and officially merged with Al Qaeda in 2007, its commanders including Abdul Hakim Belhaj and Mahdi al-Harati led NATO's military proxy forces on the ground as US, French, and British planes destroyed the nation from the air.

These very same commanders of this very same listed-terrorist organization would then turn its cash, weapons, and fighters on Syria, as early as November 2011, arriving on the Turkish-Syrian border to enjoy yet another NATO safe haven and logistical networks overseen by Western intelligence along with US funding and arms laundered through Gulf Cooperative Council (GCC) members such as Qatar and Saudi Arabia.

SYRIAUS Libyan Mercenary Plans Syrian Kony2012 Style Psy Op

Libya S.O.S. resistance news 20. August 2012.
= Libya S.O.S. – Daily News on [you can to read good articles ]
CAR BOMB IN BENGHAZI -  Targeting the Egyptian consulate
In front  of home  Deputy Egyptian consul  in Benghazi.Today expolded carbomb. Material  damage.One witness he wanted to do a photo and the attackers shot him in the leg

=  US & UK would support the "Freedom of Speach" when it comes to #Pussy Riots ,,, but not for Julian #Assange [RajaChemayel]
“Legal controversies pertaining to the use of force of the UNSC mandate in Libya”
The tragedy of the African continent will remain inscribed in human history. For centuries Europe colonized enslaved and exploited the African resources. Even more dramatic are the blood-soaked battles for colonial independence in the 20th century. Perhaps this is the reason why the European use of force in Libya in the 21st century might leave some with an awkward feeling. Does the West truly have a right to intervene, after all that has been done previously? Or does Europe have a duty to intervene after all that has been done to show the “correct ways of liberal democracy”?
= Libya vs. The ICC: Stalemate over Saif and Senussi
Problematically, however, Libya still does not have custody over Saif or Senussi. Despite numerous declarations by the NTC that he would be transferred to Tripoli, Saif remains in the hands of the Zintan brigade that arrested him in November 2011, who have refused to surrender Saif to Libya’s national authorities. It is also widely believed that the Zintan militia used their custody of Saif as leverage to get local commander Osama al-Juwali appointed as Libya’s interim defence minister.
More recently, the Zintan brigade has insisted that Saif be tried in Zintan rather than Tripoli. Libyan authorities appear to have conceded to this position as the chief Libyan prosecutor in Saif’s case, Milad Abdul-Nabi Dekali, confirmed that Colonel Gaddafi’s son would be tried in Zintan. Given the unwillingness of the Zintan brigade to cooperate with the NTC, it is far from clear that Libyan authorities themselves would be able to conduct the trial. The NTC handed power over to a newly elected national assembly on August 8, but it is unclear at this early stage whether this will make a difference to negotiations around the trials.

From Crimea to Libya, for 20th August - International Youth Day
August 20th 2011 is the date that the North Atlantic Terrorist Alliance (NATO) began its onslaught on Tripoli, Libya, to bomb mercenaries from that country, Qatar, Jordan, Afghanistan and other parts of the wider region into the capital, lead by NATO special forces.

That date was covered by the western and GCC corporate media as the date that Libya was being “liberated”. The reality is that in Tripoli alone, in just 12 hours, the Jamahiriyah’s Ministry of Health, reported that 1,300 people had been killed and thousands injured. The following 5 days of intensive bombardment were nothing less then a bloodbath. During those days and up until this date, NATO forces and their proxies on the ground (perversely labeled as “freedom fighters”/”revolutionaries” by much of the international media) have systematically persecuted, murdered, tortured and imprisoned anyone who resists their agenda.

“Even if you do not hear my voice, continue the Resistance”
(Moammar El Gaddafi, September 1, 2011)
It certainly does not mean killing, robbing people and 
embarrass myself
but wisely and steadily build up your spirit,
mind and to oppose injustice and modern slave-owners.
We will never allow us to be puppets in the hands of the conquerors![LibyaSOS]

The following report describes how 32 people were arrested after government spooks monitoring a conversation between “Gaddafi loyalists” in a chat room identified them. They were allegedly discussing the recent twin blasts in Tripoli.
This conversation purportedly occurred on Paltalk.
Many similar discussions have taken place on this service over the past few months. Not one was ever genuine.
Paltalk is an American owned and operated social chat room. It earned notoriety in April of 2011 when a SANA report divulged that the US based chat room was responsible for the dissemination of propaganda against Syria.
It stretches all credibility that the Libyan Resistance would use an enemy operated chat room to share their stories with a global audience knowing that they are being tracked and traced.
The Libyan Resistance do not use chat rooms or other unsecured channels of communication. Neither do they broadcast their activity.

Blogger Lutf Reveals Paltalk Rooms’ Fabricated Lies and Instigation against Syria
SANA English Bulletin
Blogger and Member of Arab Journalists Union in America, Rafiq Lutf, has divulged the black rooms on the American Paltalk Website which fabricates lies and instigates against Syria through giving instructions and plans for the people, and contacting media bodies.
Lutf said that the black rooms also fabricate films and add voices to them, adding that the films are originally taken from support rallies and later fabricated as the support slogans are changed into opposition slogans.

Libya S.O.S. resistance news 19. August 2012.
= Libya S.O.S. – Daily News on [you can to read good articles ]

= #NATO murdering civilians in Afghanistan, Pakistan, Yemen, Somalia, Sudan, Libya, Mali But let's worry about Julian #Assange more important
Syria against propaganda / Lies and Fabrications are still continued . A photo which several "Syrian Revolution" pages have posted claiming that it is one of the crimes committed by the Syrian Army. In fact, it turns out that the photo belongs to the earthquake that shook Azerbaijan Provence in east of Iran.

TRIPOLI  - Eid prayers in a Green Square today
There are a large number of worshippers and all pray differently
In Islamic prayers Muslim must face Al- ka'aba in the city of Mecca.
Eid prayers in a Green Square today There are a large number of worshippers and all pray differently In Islamic prayers Muslim must face Al- ka'aba in the city of Mecca
Eid prayers ?

NATO fix Libya  -  Three car bombs exploded in Tripoli , killing two people and injuring several others early.
NTC bandits aka #rebels were used same kind of bombs and the same tactics and equipmen in previously foiled car boTwo car bombs exploded in Tripolimbing attacks in #Benghazi

SIRTE  - lats night, Clashes in District No. 2 in Sirte and there is news about casualties and casualties
Sabha  -  After clashes occurred yesterday, warplanes and helicopterhovering teritory. Citizen  had heard four powerful explosions.
ZLITAN insecurity -  explosions in tombs two days ago

BENGHAZI, MISRATA  The International Committee of the Red Cross announced that it was suspending its activities in Benghazi, Libya's second biggest city, and Misrata after one of its compounds in Misrata was attacked with grenades and rockets.
The fate of seven Iranian relief workers, official guests of the Libyan Red Crescent Association, remains unknown almost three weeks after they were kidnapped by gunmen in the heart of Benghazi.
Niger have denied Saadi Gaddafi’s deportation request to Tripoli, further keeping his whereabouts in the West African country until the United Nations lift his travel ban.

‘We are obliged to respect this resolution. He is here, he cannot travel … Until that resolution is revised, he will stay in Niger,’ Foreign Minister Bazoum Mohamed told state television.

Interpol has issued a ‘red notice’ requesting member states to arrest Saadi with a view to extradition if they find him on their territory.

The relationship between Libya and Niger is under mounting pressure.
A foolish and biased article by the Telegraph. They say Saif was "caught trying to escape" rather than leading resistance operations against the NTC. The latter have now reached a deal with the Zintan militia to put Saif on trial. As expected, the ICC will play no role in this. [Free Libya ]
Libya: Saif Gaddafi to go on trial next month
"I wish the rebels had just killed him when they captured him," said one elderly man in Tripoli.
"That would have been an end to the Gaddafi family. I don't know why we are wasting time on a trial. They will hang him anyway."
Hate is in the blood of "democratic new NATO/NTC Libya. 

عيد مبارك Eid Mubarak
عيد مبارك Eid Mubarak

Libya S.O.S. resistance news 18. August 2012.
= Libya S.O.S. – Daily News on [you can to read good articles ]
MSM propaganda protecting the interests of principals

FAIRY TALES The Libya Summit on 20 - 22 November 2012 in Istanbul, the Republic of Turkey.
The Libya Summit aims to bring together eminent NATO's countries  industry leaders and their puppets , global policy makers, diplomats, stakeholders, and development professionals, to deliberate the transformation of Libya as a model of stability[?] and economic excellence. Some of the speakers at the summit are leaders in various sectors like oil and petroleum, banking and financial sectors, aviation and defence, real estate, transport, telecommunication and information technology.

Libya offers a range of opportunities to Pluck[ing], corruption, theft and colonialist's exploitation . Foreign investments and collaborations would bring about a great stability[?] to the NATO economy as once oil production is stabilized and infrastructure is rebuilt, the other areas of the economy will rapidly become open to investments. The business opportunities will be of considerable importance and the potential investments would be at par with the rest of the world NATO slavery.
TRIPOLI Libyans attack Egyptian Consulate in Tripoli
An official at the consulate said in a press statement, "A number of Libyan nationals destroyed the furniture of the main waiting room and attacked the staff in protest against not being able to get entry visas to Egyptian territory."
"Some citizens do not know the visa requires security approvals that take some time, and they were demanding that the consular staff work after the end of official working hours," the source said.

The source called on Libyan authorities to provide security officers for the consulate, which remains unguarded despite the consulate's previous requests.
Tripoli proceeds from the politics of petroleum to ideological perceptions. The country appears trapped in a vicious cycle of terror that ironically hit Benghazi, the capital of Cyrenaica, "the cradle of the NATO/NTC uprising" .
Benghazi is nevertheless prone to assaults by militant Islamists, probably linked with Al-Qaeda, who insist on severing all ties with Western powers.
If there is any endeavour to end the conflict, it appears to be in vain.
Camera crews struggle to find a picture of reassurance in NATO's Libya. But there is no escaping the fact that the country is in disarray. There are tribalists and Islamists who eschew such perceptions and yearn for the establishment of an Islamist Caliphate straddling the Mediterranean.
Much of Libya has become a tattered patchwork of combat zones and some Libyan towns and cities have been gutted by months of sporadic yet systematic gun fire and shelling by the Green Resistance army as well as by tribal militiamen.
Even by the standards of the NATO's Libyan political dynamics, the gap between fact and fiction yawned unusually wide.
Libya August Update - Libyans Return From Syria in Boxes
A Green Libyan Soldier Speaks (He was wounded during the war)
The blurring of identity is necessary for fear of retribution to family.
Libya is now Hell - Multiple Militias control everything
Kidnappings, torture and summary killings are common
Muslim Brotherhood is now quite powerful
Qatar is the mega centre of Arab politics

USA/LIBYA   - To our deepening slavery - The reopening of the Consular Section of the American embassy in Tripoli on August 27. In a special message to the Libyan people the US Ambassador says: “Ahlan wa sahlan,” You are welcome in America:

The US Ambassador said that Libyans and Americans share a bright future together, adding that since returning to Libya as Ambassador in May 2012, one of the most rewarding aspects of his work has been to meet so many Libyans who welcome close ties with the United States. “And now we can add one more area to our deepening slavery”, he said.
=USA/LIBYA  - NATO's darilng Holly Rebel threw the stapler at the nurse in hospital  -
 A Libyan rebel treated in the United States for bullet wounds  has pleaded guilty to throwing a stapler at a nurse, but he won't face punishment because he's returning home.
Omar Altwati is leaving the U.S. this week. His lawyer says a conviction is enough to prevent him from re-entering Libya.
The Salem News in Massachusetts reports that authorities say Altwati threw the stapler at the nurse hitting her in the chest.
Altwati and a second man yelled "America, America," as they entered the hospital, and Altwati ripped a hand sanitizer dispenser from a wall. Joan Prince said Altwati threw the stapler after learning his doctor wasn't there.
His lawyer says Altwati was frustrated after waiting a long time for a ride and was fasting for Ramadan.[?]
 Altwati was one of 22 rebels receiving treatment.
-  UK -  The British Embassy in Tripoli is pleased to  funding a 14-month project with DCA to support women’s empowermnt in Libya
-  UK - British Council to launch English-language show on Libyan radio  
ITALY - Italian multinational oil and gas company Eni reports profit increase in 2012, driven by production recovery in Libya       
-   UK - UK's MEA to run Libya trade mission in September
 -  CANADA - Canada plans Libya trade mission in October
-  FRANCE  - The French cable industry expert, has been awarded major contracts to supply Libya’s Public Electrical Works Company (PEWCO) with cables to upgrade the country’s power transmission and distribution infrastructure.         
-  QATAR - With Libyan traitor Moussa  Koussa. Syria's former PM Riad Hijab who fled 2 Jordan after defecting is now in Qatar, his spox says.
=  Another crime committed by the occupation regime in Libya
In Amriah city , near Aziziah city (area, controlled by the tribe Wersheffana) , at 5.08.2012, yesterday morning, at 8:30 am , rat’s group from Soq Al-jomaa (district in Tripoly, source of rats) have invaded into civilian house and killed the whole family. They killed old man, his name Romadan, he is 70 years old and his wife, blind woman 65 years old, and son 30 years old and daughter in law. 
More than 40! cars with rats arrived in order to attack and to kill them with no reason, they just said that this family bombing Tripoli. Who can believe that old man and a woman 70 years old, which could not even stand could do this!
The elders of the tribe Wersheffana sent an official request to members of the occupation regime with a description of the crime and the requirement to extradite criminals.Otherwise, members of the tribe will go to look for the criminals themselves. Scanned copy of the document you see below.

MAKE IT VIRAL  - Mr. General Director of the Organization
We the people and the families and children of prisoners and detainees being held in Libyan prisons address you this letter, and invite you to investigate and intervene in our case that is being ignored by the authorities here by most of the international news agencies which turn a blind eye to the Libyan authorities.

We ask you to intervene with the Libyan authorities and the militias and armed groups, which violate all international laws and norms and practices via arbitrary arrest and without any court order from the Public Prosecution.

The acts of torture and abuse of different kinds of our sons and relatives held prisoner include daily beatings, the use of electricity, pulling out of nails, burning with fire and other means of torture as well as food deprivation. In some cases also physical rape is reported.
We thank you for your cooperation and your understanding of the conditions of our sons and relatives being held as prisoners in Libyan jails.
Benghazi A border crossing Amsead - new  threats.
The Chairman of Libyan businessmen Abdullah Falah was attacked by gunmen. They threatened him with weapons and took  his car.[Alegria/ISP]
USA/LIBYA - Libyan students in the Libyan embassy in Washington to demand their unpaid scholarships. Police were called to stop protests.

=  Iran and Libya agreed to jointly pursue the freedom of 7 Iranian Red Crescent workers abducted by armed groups in the North African state more than two weeks ago, a senior Iranian foreign ministry official said.
The Iranians were heading to the Tibesti hotel when an armed group intercepted them. They were loaded into a different car and whisked away to an unknown location.
The delegation arrived in Libya early August at the invitation of the Libyan Red Crescent.
TRIPOLI – Libya’s Defeated Islamists?
Moreover, while the Islamists were soundly defeated, they performed quite well in many districts. Across Libya, they took second place in ten districts (the JCP in nine and the Salafi-leaning Originality Coalition in one). In Misrata, the JCP finished second, after the local Union for Homeland Party, but still managed to win almost three times as many votes as the NFC, which came in fourth.
When are humans not human? Libya, Liberalism and the incineration of the armies of the global South
This article makes some excellent points regarding the de-humanisation of soldiers defending their country from imperialist attack and the complicity of liberals in these wars however I feel it to some extent inadvertently plays into the NATO narrative that precautions were taken to minimise civilian casualties... the widespread civilian deaths caused by NATO bombing and their rebel shock troops isn’t addressed.

 Of course, civilians were killed by NATO as well - and not just mistakenly either. Defence Secretary Liam Fox effectively admitted that Gaddafi’s baby grandchildren (all aged between 6 months and 2 years), blown to pieces by NATO in late April last year, were deliberately targeted as part of a strategy to “put psychological pressure on Gadaffi”. But these deaths were at least reported as deaths in the Western media, and briefly caused some controversy. Likewise, the Guardian reported on its front page the news that NATO had deliberately left 61 migrants to die of thirst in the Mediterranean, some of the 1500 civilians estimated to have died there whilst attempting to flee NATO’s war.

Libya S.O.S. resistance news 16. August 2012.
= Libya S.O.S. – Daily News on [you can to read good articles ]
The last moment of martyr Omar Mukhtar [History repeat itself]
Mukhtar was tried, convicted, and sentenced to be executed by hanging [by Italians] in a public place. The fairness of his trial has been disputed by historians and scholars. When asked if he wished to say any last words, he replied with the Qur'anic clause:
“Inna lillahi wa inna ilayhi raji’un.”
"From Allah we have come, and to Allah we will return."
 It is the same country before and after NATO
MISRATA - Misratah Local Conc. declare all prisons inside Misrata belongs to ministry of interior & trail of 2000 prisoners is done acording to instructions of Ministry
BENGHAZI - The president of the Benghazi Local Council, Shahat Awami, has resigned from his post after just two-and-a-half months in office, citing unworkable conditions.
It has been reported on various Arabic websites that the reason for Awami’sresignation was death threats from people on the council’s payroll who had not received wages due.

However, this version of events has been challenged by the spokesman of the local council, Khaled Al-Jazwee, who has insisted that the truth is quite different.
“Awami received threats to his life, but that was not why he resigned”, Jazwee, told the Libya Herald today.

“The real problem was that we have no budget; no headquarters; and no administrative structure. We are operating out of a modest office building belonging to the health ministry, and it is hardly adequate”.

Al-Jazwee revealed that the council have "just" two million dinars in their account, in spite of a nominal allocation of 68 million dinars by the government in Tripoli for the first six months of this year. [LibyaHerald]
KUFRA -  Gun-battle over hijacked vehicle in Kufra
One Sudanese man was killed and three Chadians taken into custody on Tuesday, following a gun-battle with local security forces in southern oasis town of Kufra.

According to identity papers recovered at the scene, the Sudanese man belonged to the Justice and Equality Movement (JEM), a rebel group which fought against Sudanese President Omar Al-Bashir in Darfur during the 2003-2010 conflict there.

Kufra is just a few hundred miles from the porous Sudanese and Chadian borders, and nationals from both countries are known to enter and leave Libya on a frequent basis, engaging in both legitimate and illegal commercial activity.

The four went into one of the farms near Kufra and stole a 4×4 Toyota truck at gunpoint. 
When the security forces tried to stop it, the occupants started shooting, compelling them to return fire. Two of the Chadian surrendered, whilst the Sudanese man was shot dead and the third Chadian was wounded in the shoulder.

The captured men are now being held in the custody of the Kufra Supreme Security Committee, according to the president of the Kufra local council.
The men will shortly be investigated by the appropriate authorities in Kufra, before being sent for trial.
Dozens of refugees die needlessly in the Mediterranean every year,according to a paper published by Human Rights Watch (HRW) today.
Kidnapped Syrian Journalists Rescued by the Army: 16.08.2012
Yara Saleh and the Al Akhbariya news channel crew were kidnapped around Aleppo by the foreign funded insurgents (the FSA, Foreign Salafi Army). A video of her later emerged were she was forced into a Hijaab. The FSA clearly follow the extremist Saudi arabian style of Islam called 'wahabism/salafi' , the US's favourite kind. The Army has now rescued the crew.
"Freedom Fighters": The Foot Soldiers of the American Empire 
Since the end of World War II, the Anglo-American Empire has covertly supported the deployment of foreign and domestic "foot soldiers", including terrorists and paramilitary brigades to bring about regime change and further its agenda of World domination.
Israeli-US Script: Divide Syria, Divide the Rest [by Mahdi Darius Nazemroaya]
The US-sponsored siege of Syria is part of its attempts to divide Eurasia and maintain its global primacy as a superpower. Washington has no mercy for its friends or its foes either and countries like Turkey and Saudi Arabia will eventually be used as cannon fodder. US strategists want the area running from North Africa and the Middle East to the Caucasus, Central Asia, and India to be turned into a black hole of fighting, à la Brzezinski’s “Eurasian Balkans.”
The Arabs, Iran, and Turkey are being lined up for a major conflict, because the US is losing its superpower status.

Libya S.O.S. resistance news 15. August 2012.
= Libya S.O.S. – Daily News on [you can to read good articles ]
Libya vs. The ICC: Stalemate over Saif and Senussi [Hogwash media]
Deciding where they are tried goes to the very heart of the ICC's complementarity regime, wherein the court can only investigate and prosecute when a state is unable or unwilling to do so itself. This principle is premised on the belief that while it is best to deal with atrocities where victims and survivors live, states emerging from, or still mired in, violent political conflict often do not have the capacity or interest to investigate these crimes themselves. If this is deemed to be the case, the duty is transferred to the ICC.
Libyans, with Irish connections, are now fighting in Syria.
Hussam Najjar is from Dublin. He has an Irish mother and goes by the name of Sam.
He is now fighting with the rebels in Syria.
Mahdi al-Harati is from Ireland.
He took part in the CIA-NATO destruction of Libya.
Harati now leads a unit in Syria, which includes foreign fighters.

Harati told police in Ireland that spooks from an American intelligence agency gave him a large sum of money to help in the efforts to defeat Gaddafi.
UN -  HIGH LEVEL HYPOCRISY [ United Nations Support Mission in Libya] Caring for the Families of the Missing
The Special Representative of the Secretary-General for Libya, Ian Martin, on 13 August 2012 visited a support centre in Tripoli where families of the missing during the conflict can come and receive support, exchange experiences or take part in a variety of activities. [but no Black Libyans like Tawergha or families of  soldiers in Libyan Army - only Feb17 members. Welcome to NATO/NTC demoNcracy]
=  EGYPT The Libyan authorities on Wednesday remanded 90 Egyptian fishermen into custody on charges of trespassing the territorial waters without permission.
The families of the fishermen called for both the Egyptian and Libyan authorities to release them, claiming they were arrested outside the Libyan territorial waters. The families also said that they are unable to contact the detainees. Most Egyptian fishermen come from the city of Alexandria.
BERBERS Libya's NATO war  has led to renewed demands from the country's Berber minority for cultural and language rights and full integration into the Arab-majority country.
=SYRIA : We received message from frineds
Yara al - Saleh-Abbas, a journalist of Sira television, and his work team. kidnapped by rebel mercenaries in Syria.
This journalist is in danger of being killed, as it has already happened recently with other Syrian journalists.
"We request the release of this journalist and his colleagues, in the absence of which it will be you liable for that crime."
08/13/2012 Are responsible before the world and God, France and U.S. Governments.US Secretary of State Hilary Clinton. the Secretary of UN Banki Mon by promote and encourage crime organized in Syria by the Secuestrados journalists of the TV Syria and also by the murders of civilians in Syria, and others not is possible society and the international community to support terrorists, murderers and kidnappers of workers and civilians, this would be a Total securities investment. Request and accusation public virtual Rictv Newsagency Rictvagencia news and friends of network it world...below signed-in Syria, Arad.
RAS LANUF :  The National Oil Corporation is now reportedly refusing to "confirm or deny" earlier news that Libya’s largest refinery Ras Lanuf will restart by 28 Aug.
RasLanuf confusion may be due to dispute btwn NOC & partner AbuDhabi-based conglomerate
The Ras Lanuf refinery is owned by the National Oil Corporation of Libya and the Trasta Energy, headed by a powerful United Arab Emirates businessman, Essa Al Ghurair. The refinery provides almost a two-third of the country’s oil refining capacity.
TRIPOLI :  14 – 15 Aug, electricity reportedly cut for number of hours in Hay Al Andalus & Ben Ashour #Tripoli. Janzour frequently without power
MISRATA, BENGHAZI : ICRC still committed to respond to needs of the population
At the end of May, the "Brigades of the Captive Sheikh Omar Abdulrahman in Libya" accused the ICRC of carrying out proselytizing activities in the country and, more concretely, of distributing Bibles to internally displaced Tawargha people in Benghazi.
It is clear that needs were immense during the conflict, but why is the ICRC still in the country now?

Many humanitarian consequences persist long after an armed conflict comes to an end. In Libya, let's think about the thousands of people who went missing, about the people who have been displaced, the sizeable number of migrants and vulnerable minorities, as well as the thousands of people detained in connection with the conflict. In addition, violent clashes still occur in the country, sometimes causing numerous casualties.
BENGHAZI :  Huda BenAmer house being DEMOLISHED by NTC's bandits! 
Huda Ben Amir - twice mayor of Benghazi, She left Benghazi at March 2011 but she has never left the Jamahiriya's side.
TRIPOLI :  An Iranian delegation arrived in Tripoli yesterday, to join the investigation into the abduction of seven employees of the Iranian Red Crescent in Benghazi on 31 July.
BENGHAZI : Employees at Hawari Hospital in Benghazi have been on strike since Sunday, in protest at the lack of security provision for staff.

Attacks on medical professionals are a growing concern in Libya’s hospitals. A Jordanian nurse at a hospital in Sirte sustained serious injuries after being stabbed by a group of ex-rebels  patients on Friday and has since been repatriated.
Staff at Hawari Hospital have grown concerned that they are unable to carry out their work safely, after a series of dangerous incidents.
BENGHAZI : There have been 14 successful assassinations of officers - traitor of Jamahiriya  -  in Benghazi in recent weeks, as well as a significant number of failed attempts.

Only yesterday a grenade exploded outside the home of traitor of Jamahiriya Abdullah Alhaafa, commander of the Hurreya (Freedom) military base in Benghazi.

Last Friday, suspected Islamist militants gunned down traitor of Jamahiriya Brigadier-General Mohammed Al-Fitouri as he left evening prayers in Benghazi. Al-Fitouri,  was in charge of NATO weapons-storage in the city.

Two weeks earlier, on 28 July, traitor of Jamahiriya Suleiman Buzraidah, a former intelligence officer, was killed by a single shot fired from a white Chevrolet whilst going to Isha prayers.
That attack came just one day before an attempt on the life of traitor of Jamahiriya  General Khalifa Hafter, the commander of NTC's ground forces, although he survived.
ITALY : Memorial built in Italy to "Butcher of the #Fezzan" Rodolfo Graziani, responsible for camps where 1000s of #Libyans died
Why Italians Honored a Fascist Butcher General Rodolfo Graziani ? / Italy News
He was notorious as Benito Mussolini’s military commander in colonial wars in Ethiopia and Libya where he carried out massacres and used chemical weapons.
 WASHINGTON - Libyan arrested by Secret Service for making threats at Watergate building
"There are many students that have lots of problems regarding the scholarships they got from the government," he said. "Students are struggling to figure out how to survive." 
I am SORRY SO sorry because Col. Gaddafi cannot send to students [abroad] 1 400$ per month/per person - and students [abroad] can't study 16 long long years till their 51 age!
FLASHBACK TRIPOLI : A year ago 8/15/11 Russian intelligence warned Colonel Gaddafi of a NATO and Rebel attempts to invade #Tripoli - Extra security measures were taken.
A year ago 8/15/11 Libyan secret police filmed Sky News Break Team sneaking out of Rixous Hotel jumping from windows at night.