
May 2, 2012

Whistleblower Mediapart sued by Sarkozy & attacked by his campaigners

Mediapart: "We learn with astonishment that Nicolas Sarkozy had filed a complaint against us by providing the public prosecutor of Paris with a complaint involving acts of forgery and uttering forged documents, receiving stolen property and disseminating false information. [ Which is it then Sarkozy- are the documents forged or stolen? If they were forged, who were they stolen from and how do you know that?]The aim of this approach is to bypass the special procedure under the Press Law. Proceedings of the head of defamation would have required a public hearing before the Criminal Court and the production of evidence and witnesses, that, obviously, Nicolas Sarkozy does not want.

He preferred, with the assistance of the prosecutor, placed under his authority, to chose a secretive trial, designed to intimidate journalists in exercising their constitutional mission of informing the public.

Citizens would appreciate the speed with which the ministry of Justice will have lent its support to open a preliminary investigation of the events involving Sarkozy's capacity as candidate for president in 2007 when it persisted for many months, despite the magnitude of our repeated revelations, in refusal to investigate a possible illicit funding of the presidential campaign of Nicolas Sarkozy in 2007.

This process is strictly identical to the one we experienced in the Bettencourt case. Incidentally, this procedure circumvents the law protecting the confidentiality of journalists' sources. These processes bear the mark of the regime.

We reaffirm that we have done serious work, independently and have met our ethical obligations.

No procedure or any maneuver will prevent us from public debate by publishing information in the heart of the functioning of our democracy.

Neither the professional community of journalists nor the citizenry can accept such an indictment of the media and what it exposes."

Paris, Monday, April 30, 2012, Mediapart


Mediapart journalist attacked at the rally of Sarkozy & no one protected her

Marine Turchi covers the right [ right wing parties] for Mediapart. It is for this reason she was following, on the first Tuesday in May, the rally of Nicolas Sarkozy in Paris Trocadero. Identified because of the professional badge she was wearing, which referred to her as a journalist at Mediapart, she was physically attacked by present campaigners (activists), and no one protected her! Mediapart joins the complaint filed by Marine and hopes that the Paris court will act diligently in this case as in others recently.

01 May 2012


Mediapart blamed Sarkozy for the attack: "New target of Nicolas Sarkozy and the UMP: journalists. In recent weeks, some voices of the right, starting with the candidate, multiplied the accusations and violent speeches against the media, scapegoating everything which doesn't suit their campaign. Result: galvanized activists who let off steam against journalists at meetings, such as this Tuesday, at the Trocadero."


Translation and [comments] by Libya S.O.S.
Read also: EXCLUSIVE Sarkozy wants Sanusi because " Gaddafi's Black Box " could destroy his election chances