
May 21, 2012

Libyan Popular National Movement

"There is no option but to form a new party - not a party to rule the people, but to draw out the masses from within the people. Not a partial party that rules the entirety, but an entirety that produces a part- the body triumphing over the cancer.
It is a daring operation, a qualitative leap, a new revolutionary lead to create the state of the masses. 
Only the masses have an interest in revolution, which the parasites take their share of, and Dracula drinks its blood..." 
Muammar al Gaddafi, an excerpt from his essay written in '90s "Once Again, an Urgent Call to Form a Party"

Once again, we can see the words of our Brother Leader coming from the past to teach us about the evolution of the revolution, as he saw it, but it took almost 20 years to pass for the understanding to dawn on some of us... Could this be what he was talking about? Could it be that someone actually innitiated such a movement in Libya after all this bloodshed? Something to "draw the masses from within the people" and "the body triumphing over cancer"? I don't know if such is the case, time will tell.

The Libyan Popular National Movement 
(Arabic: الحركة الوطنية الشعبية الليبية‎)

The Libyan Popular National Movement (Arabic: الحركة الوطنية الشعبية الليبية‎) is a political movement established by former Great Socialist People's Libyan Arab Jamahiriya officials on 15 February 2012. Its Secretary General is Major General Khuwaildi al-Hamidi, a former member of the Libyan Revolutionary Command Council
Libyan Popular National Movement Political Party Arabic: الحركة الوطنية الشعبية الليبية‎

Libyan Popular National Movement  الحركة الوطنية الشعبية الليبية‎  

According to their first statement, their main objectives are:

  • Maintain the territorial integrity of Libya, safety of its land and security of its people.
  • Working on the release of all prisoners without exceptions, including Saif al-Islam Gaddafi .
  • Treatment and compensation to all victims of war without exception.
  • Create conditions and safeguard for the return of forcibly displaced people to their towns and villages.
  • Building legislativeexecutive and judiciary institutions of the Libyan state, on the basis of peaceful democracy based on citizenship, without discrimination of ethnic or sectarianregional or political belief.
  • Restoring Libyan sovereignty, ending foreign interference and establishing an independent foreign policy.
  • Rejecting policies of exclusion and marginalization, that differentiate between the components of the Libyan people.
  • Dissolving armed militias, aiding former members to return to their previous jobs.
  • Launching a reconstruction process of public and private properties destroyed during the war, without discriminations.
  • Investigation of war crimes and crimes against humanity commited during the war, forming courts with public and international control standards to decide on those issues.
  • Ensure the full participation of the Libyan citizens, exercising their right to political decision-making, to choose its leaders and the political system in the ways of democracy, under a constitution approved by the Libyan people, without any tutelage or exclusion.
  • Put the Holy Quran and the Sunnah as the reference of legislation in Libya, away from extremism and fanaticism.
  • Urging the international and regional organizations, NATO members and countries supporting them in the aggression to take full responsibility for the situation in Libya now, and for their legal violations and breaches of the Security Council decisions.

The LPNM declared also their exclusive use of peaceful ways to accomplish their goals, but warned that the continuing repression, killings, torture and forced displacement will lead to more violence and hatred, and that the LPNM components and its fighters are ready to engage in jihad and armed struggle for the defense of Libya and its citizens if necessary.
The group released another communique on 25 March, condemning the post-war "state of chaos" situation of Libya, the conviction of Libyan citizens in the hands of armed militias, considering their actions as "a flagrant violation of the principles of Sharia and Law", asking for medical, psychological and social assistance for victims of the "bloody events in Libya" and the search of bodies of those killed or disappeared, restoring their dignity. 
They also denounced a "deliberate media blackout" on the fate of prisoners and displaced people, declaring that the state could not be governed by "extremists groups and merchants of war", involved in "weapons and drug smuggling, rather, and even the white slave trade and money laundering", urging "not to turn Libya into the cause of international tension, and a threat for security and international the absence of a central authority capable of imposing the rule of law". 
Finally, the statement concludes that the ongoing violence had converted Libya into a failed state, with towns and regions looking for their own security, leaving national unity apart, and reaffirmed the "falsehood and slander" of foreign media satellite channels that claimed bombing of residential areas by planes, recruitment of mercenaries, and mass killings and rapes by Libyan Army forces in February and March 2011.
A few days later, the LPNM released another statement in wich condemned the aerial bombardment of Sabha by NTC militias, wich does "does not differentiate between civil and non civil", critizating the silence of the world, compared with the reaction on the claims of Gaddafi bombing civilians, wich were defined as "a pure fabrication taken by the West as a pretext for intervention". 
They denounced the marginalization of Libyan tribes with dark skin, who had been widely presented since the February 2011 events as foreign mercenaries. The LPNM declared their stand with all Libyan tribes without exception, including Toubou and Tuaregs, and ended asking those who "cooperated with NATO to the occupation of their return to the barn home".


Here is the latest announcement from LPNM in which they further explain their goals and strategy and name persons which will hold important roles inside the movement, among them the names of Saif al Gaddafi and Khuwaildi al-Hamidi. (text translated from Arabic to English with Google Translate)

In the name of God the Merciful
(authorized to those who fight because they did wrong and verily Allah is the power to the victory) great truth of God
Belief in the legitimacy of jihad for the sake of God, in defense of religion, and the nation, and self-presentation, and money.

Aware of the seriousness of the difficult circumstances that have passed, and experienced by our country, Libya and the Libyan people subjected to a plot hatched and weaved in the dark, which torn apart the social fabric of our tribes of ancient and claimed the lives of tens of thousands of martyrs, missing, wounded, disabled, displaced, and the incarceration of large numbers in prisons and jails by the militias, groaning under the weight of torture, not to mention the loss of state sovereignty, and plundering of their wealth, and its capabilities, and stealing of people's money and property.
Recognizing that the past is no longer, and that the wheel of time revolves forward, and that our country is at a crossroads, at a critical juncture and a critical moment in its history, which require hard work to heal and that it did not include all the Libyans, to decide the fate of their own free will, and their belief in full .

Based on data issued by the Movement: I, II, III, and IV, which included urging the Libyan people to contribute to the recovery of his country.

Since there is no way to do it but by peaceful struggle and the armed struggle if necessary.
On the basis of national responsibility and a sincere desire to return Libya to the safety and security, resume and accelerate development, and lift the injustice, oppression, exclusion, and rehabilitation to the Libyan people, and restore the rule of the Libyan state and its prestige, and in response to the demands of the Libyans, who have become more aware and sensitive to the reality of what happened, and understand what moved the agendas of internal and external destructive, and having pushed for it, despite the heavy mist, and became an imperative to achieve the above.

In recognition of the difficult circumstances of the stage, and the requisite work through it.
I have decided the Libyan Popular National Movement as follows:

First: form the senior leadership of the Libyan Popular National Movement, according to the following:

A / command:
1 - team Khuwaildi al-Hamidi Secretary-General of the Libyan Popular National Movement
2 - Dr. Saif al-Islam Muammar al-Gaddafi, Deputy Secretary-General

B / executive body:
1 - General 'Ali Suleiman, but the Executive Secretary of the Commission of the movement

C / specialized committees:
1 - Displacement and Humanitarian Affairs
2 - Foreign Affairs and International Relations
3 - Media Affairs spokesman and will appear at the news conference through the media soon.

D / Secretariat:
The Secretariat consists of the Libyan Popular National Movement of each of:
That does not disclose the names of the members of the Secretariat of the need and requirements of the stage, especially in terms of security.

E / Advisory Board
 It consists of the Secretariat of the Forum of Libyan tribes, as well as a number (60) national figures of competent jurisdiction, geographically dispersed, including all cities and villages in Libya, which serves as the Parliament of the movement, which identifies the features of the general policy of the movement and regulatory frameworks and lays out the foundations  

to the development of a permanent constitution of Libyan State, which determines which system of government, and the form and approach of the state.

Second: The High Command of the Libyan Popular National Movement, referred to in item I (a, b, c, d, e) the following tasks:

- Is the sole and legitimate representative of the Libyan people at home and abroad while cleansing the Libyan capital Tripoli.

- The Secretary-General of the movement to complete the task of supervising all components of the Movement and give necessary instructions for the proper functioning of all factions of the movement.

- The top leadership of the movement to mobilize domestic support, and external, and coordinating the work of the movement factions, civil and military.

- Urged all countries in the world to stand with the people of Libya, and Libyan Popular National Movement, and recognition of it, and support them financially and morally until victory is achieved with the help of God, to cleanse the entire Libyan soil.

- Communicate with neighboring countries on helping Libya in securing its borders, and achieve the national security of Libya.

- Control and management of financial resources of the movement, and the identification of exchange, and follow-up of financial procedures in particular.

- Communicate with all the Libyan tribes to engage in the movement and to attend and work on social reconciliation between warring tribes, and any form of reform, and to strengthen the social fabric of the community in Libya.

- Supervision of the shelter of the displaced, and solve their problems, and provide ways to support them, and work to enable them to return to their homeland.

- Determine the quality of media discourse, and speak on behalf of the movement, and the delivery of its voice to the World.

- To express an opinion regarding the choice of the Libyan government.

Third: the senior leadership of the movement to form sub-committees, or choose people to represent them in Libya, and in all cities, villages and rural areas, if it deems necessary, and take its representative abroad.
And theιr use of those who they see the need to use to implement the tasks assigned to it.

Fourth: the senior leadership is resolved, and the Secretariat of the movement as soon as the announcement of the formation of an interim government shall conduct equipment and facilities of the State, until a permanent constitution for the country, it brings together all Libyans own free will.

And Allah the Source of strength
Libya for all, and everyone, and for all

Libyan People's National Movement