
May 7, 2012

Libya S.O.S.: Libya: to King Sarkozy, the Spoils [by Pepe Ecosba...

The world will remember Sarkozy as the guy, French president who took money from Gaddafi to become president of France, and then killed him.
 This is the new history of France, and the world.

Move over, Lawrence of Arabia. The Great Gallic Liberator of Libya (and any other gullible Arab in sight), neo-Napoleonic French President Nicolas Sarkozy, along with his sidekick British Prime Minister David of Arabia Cameron, gallantly strode into a cordoned off military airport in Tripoli to singLa Vie en Rose by the Mediterranean, thus celebrating the success of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization’s long bombing of Libya into “democracy”.

Tagging along for the photo-op was insufferable self-promoter and self-described “new philosopher” Bernard-Henri Levy, he of the perennially revealing torso under a neatly pressed white shirt, and he of the notorious phone call from Benghazi who “sold” a war to the beleaguered Gallic Liberator (as if King Sarko would refuse any push to enlarge his grandeur).

No need to hold the Imperial Rome metaphors – from “victory lap” to “laurels” and the inevitable “to the victor the spoils” (of war), because that’s exactly what this was.