
Feb 7, 2012

UK Journalist raped by Libyan rebels in Benghazi - Libyan Liberation Frontline News [07.02.2012.]

Update 10.March 2012.

The Algerian agency ISP has confirmed today in an official dispatch the authenticity of the video that shows the savage rape of a Western journalist by rebel soldiers in Libya. AD was the only Spanish in the news despite strong pressure being to prevent their publication. 
The Algerian agency notes that the images were transmitted from the communication center of Darna (Pro CNT), and anticipates that the perpetrators of the rape and murder of journalist battalion belonging to the rebels “Himayat Benghazi.”
The Information center Darna (port city in eastern Libya) has filed a complaint and discloses the French origin of the victim. 
Algerian sources also surprised the Gallic indifference of the authorities to this case, and would even suggest the existence of factors related to the election campaign that live France. In this sense, the traditional parties of the neighboring. 
Republic have agreed not to cover the news for not benefit electorally the party identity of Marine Le Pen. 
France was one of the main actors in the war that brought down and murder of former Libyan leader Muammar Gaddafi.
After AD broadcasting, video of the wild rape has now become one of the most visited social networks in France. []

To whom it may concern
A raping crime happened in Benghazi Libya by the rebels who were supported by US and NATO
the crime shows a rap against western journalist
Please take an action to verify who did that.
 Sorry about the disturbing images but the truth and justice must be fulfilled
One of monsters
Video is here 
Western Journalist being Rape By Rebels Of Benghazi. This is The Meaning Of The NATO Intervention On Libya! This is The  Values Of  NATO backed Libyan Rebels! This Is The Reality of  Women in Libya now
 It's Time to STOP THEM! Demand Responsabilities To Human Rights Watch ( That still Hide This events By Rebels Of Misrata and Benghazi) and for The Sponsors Of Libyan Criminal Intervention: France, UK, U.S [F-Se!]
This video has been removed as a violation of YouTube's policy prohibiting hate speech. ..and we will delete this ugly ugly truth, but it will be on our HDD

(1) Yesterday the displaced people of Tawhargha and black residents of Tripoli took to the streets to demand their rights, property possesed by the rebels, they were shot at in Janzour Western diplomatic district guarded by Western mercenaries, many properties around Janzour are owned by business men from Tawhargha, some people that walked with them to express solidarity at the plight of these native Libyans, un-armed citizens of Libya, among them killed were two children, Mohammad Attia Saleh and Freih Abdel Moula where they were missing yesterday, the young third returned safely Amjad Masood, rebels that escaped by boat from Misrata are the main suspects in the shootings. They have been receiving diplomatic cover from Western embassies, a number of people from Tawergha were dispersed by bullets, and arrested. A total number of 250 men, women and children returned to the camps, some were also dispersed around the Alleys of Airport road.

The three children were among the dispersed, information we received said three children were taken to unknown destination, and found dead in the morning. Among the killed by rebels of Misrata around Janzour were 12 to 14 adults, 31 wounded.
(2) In the first demonstration started by the people of Tawhargha ever since the onslaught of NATO stirred armed insurrection against the state of the masses of Libyan African and Arab Jamahiriyah, in the beginning of demonstration by residents and their impact of Tawhorgha massacre, Misrata mercenary militias were cheering about killing 12 people, including 11 year old girl and 60 year old man. The rebels have pushed people to the brink of revolt.
(3) In another twist of events overseas, NATO via it's propaganda Al Jazeera and Al Arabia Vision have shown cable lines of demonstrations against Putin in Russia, after thorough investigation of events by Libyan Intelligence bureau, we found the photos being doctored, demonstrations reflect anti Gorbachev movement in Moscow of 1991. 

Demonstration against Putin in Moscow, Russia 4/2/12 by BBC amateurs
This photo is from a demonstration against Gorbachev in 1991
(4) Photos and video circulating over the internet, rebels raping a blonde middle aged British woman, she is said to be a reporter for a British news outlet, we wonder what took her so far to be raped by the rebels when in fact the British were cheer leading the war of onslaught on Libya and the unprovoked aggression.

To whom it may concern
A raping crime happened in Benghazi Libya by the rebels who were supported by US and NATO
the crime shows a rap against western journalist
Please take an action to verify who did that.
This is the link of the clip I have uploaded
Sorry about the disturbing images but the truth and justice must be fulfilled
This video has been removed as a violation of YouTube's policy prohibiting hate speech. ..and we will delete this ugly ugly truth, but it will be on HDD.

(5) Rebel court proceedings against 41 civilian defendants accused by rebels of siding with green army have been adjourned till February 15, green army delivered a statement urging for the defendants immediate release or new attacks will rain on judges and the prosecutors of the Kangaroo court. The defendants being tried in a military court lack adequate defense, and the charges against them relate to allowing green inmates to escape from jails and cells in Benghazi, and collaboration with the green army.
(6) Red Army brigades have decided to take operations in Misrata, replacing seven units of the green army, and the red brigades will remain also active in support of the green army in the East of Libya.
(7) Dr Shaker visited Bani Walid to show solidarity with the very succesful retake of Bani Walid from the rebels, the Werfalla remain ready to defend Bani Walid.
(8) Islamic Republic of Iran has volunteered to send 15 000 Republican guards and Kurds Force to defend Syria, in solidarity with the people of Palestine, despite the hardship faced by Libyans, should a war broke between Damascus, Israel and the Yankee Empire, Libyan resistance is fully committed to helping Damascus, even though we have problems of our own, the resistance will unwaveringly support Syria in it's course to defend her own freedoma and independence.