
Feb 5, 2012

"Libya opens trial of 41 Kadhafi loyalists" [AFP]

"All conditions exist to guarantee that the accused get justice," Yusuf al-Asifar told AFP.
Libyan officials insist the country's judiciary is "competent" to handle the legal cases of former regime members, including putting on trial Kadhafi's most prominent son, Seif al-Islam.
Let's see... how  NTC gangs "competently" torture Libyans

The first trial of Libyan who defended homeland

The second trial of Libyan who defended homeland

The third trial of Libyan who defended homeland

The 4th trial of Libyan who defended homeland 

The 5th trial of Libyan who defended homeland

The 6th trial of Libyan who defended homeland

                             The 6th trial of Libyan who defended homeland 

for more "trials " you can see page Rebels crimes