
Jan 13, 2012

When Gaddafi goes...

*You know what I hate?
I hate when people try really really hard to use big giant words to describe really simple things. Especially when they're doing it to either attempt to disguise the really simple thing they're describing, or when they're doing it to be completely pretentious....
In the case of the Obama administration, they're doing the former. It's not a war in which we're engaging Libya, you see, it's a "kinetic military action."...- The words from White House !
When Moammer goes ...

*Uploaded by on Mar 25, 2011

For those who don*t understand SARCASAM - Sarcasm is basically mockery. If someone is being sarcastic, then they are mocking or sneering at something. Sarcasm often involves a statement being made which is the opposite to what the person actually means. For example, if someone says 'well isn't bombing libia just great' they are actually mocking the situation and mean the opposite. This explanation was necessary for a.......... and their stupid comments ...Well isn't bombing Libya just great!

I apologize for grammar mistakes I will make, but I really want to share this video with the rest of the world! Mladen Marić- new Dr.House