
Jan 27, 2012

Libyan Liberation Frontline News [26.01.2012.]

(1) The Libyan green army has been operational in the Eastern front, gaining 11% territory in the past one week, 1217 rebels have been eliminated in the Eastern front around Derna to Benghazi, mainly from the radical international jihadists movement.

(2) In the Western front, green army pushed rebels further into the sea, capturing two major import and exporty ports.

(3) In major military operations around Misrata at the coast of Libya, green army found bodies of 17 Somali immigrants at the coast of Misrata, cause of death remain to be established, an investigation was not immediately carried since it was a heavy fighting zone.

(4) Tear gas canisters have been found by Libyan green intelligence agents on board National Carrier Libyan Arab Airways in Egypt, and on a similar flight from Egypt to Tripoli was found more than 1 million prohibited intoxicating drugs, 27 suspects were arrested linking to the drug smuggling ring into the country, Libya has become a major drug traffic point since rebels took many parts of the country. Young children with money today can openly buy mind altering substances in the open market. It's a major problem facing the resistance of how to counter and stop the illicit drug trade into the country.

(5) In another gruesome scene discovered by the green army, a missing girl from Benghazi's body was found burned and stuffed in a stolen vehicle, sorry for the horror scene, the body was suspected as that of Salam, the family has been notified about the finding. The little girls body was found in the neighborhood of Almajuri in Benghazi thursday morning in military operations against rebel hide outs, units of the green resistance force and the intelligence is not entirely sure the body found is that of reported kidnapped two days ago of Retaj Abdel-Salaam Hassan or of another child, green intelligence force has assigned a victims identity number and criminal code to define the identity.

(6) In a knock out blow to insurgents of Misurata, Libyan Liberation Front army LLF attacked a prison at the main port of Misrata and released all the 532 prisoners in the facility, the medical group Medicins Sans Frontiers was asked to stop co-operating and aiding the rebels, the French organization requested to halt it's work in rampant rebel detention centres in the city of Misrata, many prisoners are being totured, ill treated, denied medical treatment and help, its baseless for this organization to work with rebels.

(7) Libyan Resistance intelligence has reported, a child aged less than 6 years of age has been found wandering on the street corners of Tripoli late night without an established address, location. The name of the child is called Ryan, does not have any information such as where he lives or location of his people. If you have information on his family please contact 0913733561 Mohammed Abu Obeid.

(8) In Sebha, a Libyan citizen from the Electrical Engineering division Jamal was robbed on gun point, the incident was presented very early in the morning, his truck was forcibly taken, witnesses said he was taken off the vehicle at gun point, forced on the ground and rebels fired into the air to intimidate, after they got into the vehicle, they opened fire indiscriminately to disperse bystanders. It's a Toyota Black Truck 2011 supplied by the green army to citizens for utility restoration and services.

(9) Green Army has received Intelligence report that Al-Hassi has been elected leader of Libyan intelligence, today through Libya Special Report on tuesday, the governing NATO council approved yesterday a Libyan intelligence, which functions to monitor movements of anti imperialists resistance forces, acts as counter revolution against internal and external risks. This is an organ based domestic and international agency, the board mandated Mr. Salim Al-Hassi as Chairman, also commissioned Colonel Mustafah Noah, a former supreme security committee member as vice chairman of this kangaroo device. Salem Al-Hassi is among the elements of National Salvation Front, he was formerly assigned to security duties in the front in a period of intense activity abroad in the 1980's to 1990's. He came from the ranks of old intelligence, these people need be caught, captured and apprehended to the green army.

(10) Tunisian appeal court said to extradite Abdul Salam Bostaih to Libya! He risks torture, vengeance by the rebels, assasination, extradition in such judicial and political turbulence to Libya makes us question the identity of Tunisian courts, they have done the unthinkable to destruction of Libya, charges of corruption, grabbing public funds against Bostaih are political motivated, Abdul Salam Bostaih was into business, he made his fortune within lawful means, this request has been rejected.
Stay green, Live and let live.