
Jan 22, 2012

Libyan baby girl died in Greek Hospital

Athens, Greece
A little girl from Libya, who was hospitalized at Children's Hospital "St. Sophia" with extensive damage to the lungs because of contamination with the virus A (H1N1),died .
The infant, who was just 7 month old, had come to Greece with severe symptoms. She was initially hospitalized in Libya, where doctors failed to diagnose that she was infected with virus A (H1N1) that resulted in her taking the wrong medication.

In "St. Sofia" Hospital, she was hospitalized intubated in the Intensive Care Unit, but doctors had detected serious damage to her lungs, which made them pessimistic about its progress. So in spite of mechanical respiratory support and medication given to her, 20. Jan. 2012 at 10.30 in the morning Ben Hussein Mohammad Kantigia died due to irreversible lung problem.
