
Dec 28, 2011

Story of spectacular mass escape from Benghazi prison

by Libya S.O.S.
Story of spectacular mass escape of green detainees from Benghazi, Hawari prison, yesterday, during an armed siege by green fighters.
An official source from the city of Benghazi, eastern Libya, said that ALL the prisoners escaped from the Hawari prison. The same source noted that "an unidentified armed group broke into the prison with weapons and military vehicles fitted with medium weapons machine gun type 14.5 ".
The source of "the Arabs today," who asked for anonymity, said that "the prisoners, were all pro-Gaddafi, and they were detained during the fights.
He said that "security guards could not guard them, due to the huge number of people who attacked them, and quickness of the operation". The source speculated that "the speed and proffesionality of such operation means that the operation was well studied and prepared. ",and pointed out that "no one of the two sides was killed or even injured. "
He said that they had not "yet been able to arrest any person, nor prisoners nor intruders."
  feb17 h
In Benghazi, there is now a state of emergency after an outbreak of the story.
He Mentioned that he heard the sound of heavy shooting in the air during the raid and some of the "Algelatina" grenades, ambulances and firefighters were also rushed to the place of imprisonment.
It is noteworthy that in the same time, center of Benghazi was filled with demonstrators demanding correction of the path of the revolution, despite the cold weather and rain.
NATO puppets are now trying to cover up the scandal, or downsize it.
Today they invented and fabricated hundreds of different stories including the ones that there was no prisoners in that jail at all (LOL ), another of their story says that there were only ten detainees imprisoned in an area equivalent to square hectare!!!

They seem to have lost their senses after the incident... :)