
Dec 7, 2011

Libyan Liberation Front Frontline News:

(1) In an attempt to introduce political discord at the Chad Libyan border, after French paratroopers and commandos faced a devastating defeat with 153 French mercenary forces killed in one week, the French decided to recruit and send in native TChadians resulting 419 native Chadian deaths, 712 seriously wounded and 1571 captives in the South of Libya.
(2) Libyan Rebel radicals threatened to invade Tunisia, and shot at Tunisian border guards, prompting Tunisian guards to respond with live bullets at RAS JDIR.

(3) Green Resistance fighters in Ajdabiyah and Tobruk destroyed 11 pickups carrying Benghazi brigades towards Tobruk, eliminating all personnel in the vehicles and capturing ammunition.

(4) NATO attempts to export military hegemony and attacking South of Libya still continue, French jets want to conquer South of Libya by air, the terrain and logistics making it impossible for France to accompany this mission.

(5) One special operations fighter from the green cells in Tripoli has been captured, after he came under multiple rocket and anti aircraft power, green resistance has been in a very shocked state due to the loss of this brave fighter, but green brigades are making every effort in preparation to rescue and get him out of the rebels hands.

(6) Numerous surgical are continuing nation wide to weaken the rebels, choke their supply bases and make them pay for their crimes.

(7) Colonel Victor Alertimi commander of the green resistance fighters Western Mountain front, author Abdul Hatty Al-Hamali and seven officers have been rescued yesterday in Surman from the basement of the city jail.

(8) Rebels continue their practice of torturing, abusing prisoners and killing them without clear authority and sense of fairness in all rebel controlled areas of Libya.

(9) NATO rebels threw a young girl from 10th floor of a hotel room in the Tunisian capital, after she was raped by multiple rebels and then thrown out of the window.

 (10) Members of the illegal Libya contact group have proposed to divide the nation into multiple sections after they failed to control the entire country and make it their colony.