
Dec 14, 2011

Gaddafi Speech on the first anniversary of the Al-Fateh Revolution

Today the people had deport away the flood of foreigners from our land, because they imposed on him, and no one can blame.
That this people has a right to revolt against the intruders and thwart the foreign bases, looking for freedom and real independence.

Today the world as a whole watching how the people of Libya could make freedom and independence, and live free and independent.
By that the people has liberated, and get the complete political freedom.
No retroactive, no Colonialism, no thrones and no foreign military bases any more, just people rules itself.

Brothers, with cohesion among forces of the working people and the al-Fateh Revolution we will continue raising the banner of freedom and socialism and social justice, The banner of real Islam and Arab unity.
this revolution will continue by you and for you , fighting battles and meet the challenges, in order to achieve freedom, socialism and unity!

Translation by Sami N.
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