
Nov 9, 2011


From the Comment on Guradian by SBS 100: Opposition groups know that if you quickly set up organisations claiming to be human rights groups, western media will lap this shit up.

14/06/11 - the BBC make a report accusing Gaddafi's forces of rape and cite evidence from Libyan 'human rights groups'. This article is then copied to thousands of websites, as usual.
The evidence comes from two ladies. One lady calling herself Hana Elgadi. This is her Facebook page . You can't make out who this woman is from the pic but it's pretty certain what her political motives are.

The other lady mentioned in the article, Nader Elhamessi, claims to work for a human rights groups called 'World for Libya'.
Sound suspicious?
Well....this 'human rights group' was just created and their website domain name registered only about a week before the article (by an estate agency in London that deals with central London property - Chesterton Humberts. The lady who registered it has recently had her name removed from whois. I think it was Jessica something..from memory). The website wasn't even completed at that time If you go to their website you can see, again, their political persuasion, although they claim they're not political. They also claim to have raised 300,000 pounds in their first fund raiser. Wonder how that money was spent?

If you google Nader Elhamessi, she doesn't seem to exist anywhere but this article and all the copies over the net.

This is one of her stories:

World for Libya is trying to reach a group of teenage girls still inside Libya whose school was attacked by forces loyal to Col Gaddafi.

"The armed men separated the girls and raped those they deemed more attractive," says Nader Elhamessi. "One of the girls cut her wrists and killed herself rather than face the shame. The rapes were only reported to us by the girls who were left alone."

One family who contacted Ms Elgadi needed medication for HIV.
"The mother, the father and the son were all raped by Col Gaddafi's forces. The mother came to us when they discovered they had contracted HIV/Aids as a result."

Just a day before the BBC quote the same lady, Nader Elhamessi, claiming to work for World Medical Camp for Libya. Article here

The Guardian give this 'aid agency' a nice plug here with how to make donations.

There is more info but I've just slapped this together quickly. Sorry, it's a bit slapdash.

This is how you sell bullshit, my friends. And these people call themselves journalists.

read also:
Rape in Libya raised a NATO war to the level of a Holy Crusade to defend women - >