
Nov 27, 2011

Racism of the new Libyan government unveiled : premise of a civil war?

Libya | SECURITY ALERT | “New Government” |
No Amazigh (Berber), nor Tebou, nor Touareg, nor African-origin personnality (all together forming 2/3 of the population of Libya) nominated minister in the newly formed government in Libya under the patronage of the now much contested Abdel Hakim Al-Kib (cabinet composed of 24 ministers) ... raising serious concern about the true representativity and legitimacy of this new government, and what is viewed by a growing portion of the Libyan people as
(1) a blatant evidence of institutionalized racism and legitimation of ethnic discrimination against non-Arab population of Libya,
(2) an attempt of hijacking the 17 February Revolution perpetrated by a small clique of ex Gaddafi loyalists, old and approaching retirement politicians, and alleged ex-regime opponents coming out of the blue after sometimes as much as 30 years in exile and hence completely disconnected from the reality on the ground in addition to holding foreign nationalities and presenting dubious personal records from an intelligence/national security standpoint,
(3) a dangerous and irresponsible move from Abdel Hakim Al-Kib and Mustapha Abdeljelil that will foster conditions for aggravated security/military troubles in the regions of :
South of Libya (Sebha, Ubari, Murzuk, Kufra, etc.),
Ghadames & Ghat (border gates with Algeria),
Nefusa western mountains (border with Tunisia) &
Zuwara (main gateway to Tunisia on the West coast, a city that recently officially declared that it was breaking relations with the racist government) and long term instability in the country.