
Nov 26, 2011

Libya – A copy of the false passport used by Abdelhakim Belhadj to leave Libya

The false passport used by Abdelhakim Belhadj

ALGERIA ISP / Zenten According Canal (Pro NTC), this image is a copy of the passport found on the military governor of Tripoli when trying to leave Libya under a false name.
He was arrested at Tripoli International Airport, he wanted to take the flight to Turkey
Abdelhakim Belhadj wanted to take the flight to Turkey
Rebels Zenten found on him a large bag full of money. A phone call from a number of NTC, demanding his Abdeljalil permit relaxation and to let him leave Libya.
On the passport, he was appointed Mahmoud Ali Salem was born in 1968 in Tripoli. Published on 26/05/2011 Passport to Benghazi. Passport number 565227.
Mahmoud Ali Salem?? was born in 1968 in Tripoli.

According ALGERIA ISP, a new phase of war clan in the government or the NTC began last few days.
The defense minister comes from a tribe of Zenten for this reason that the rebels were allowed Zenten Decree Belhadj.
It will ask many questions about the sudden departure to Turkey under a false identity?!
- Do Abdelhakim Belhadj is threatened and he wants to save himself by leaving Libya?

What he wanted to travel to Turkey for an incognito mission for the NTC to block the actions of the future of the opposition party composed of NTC Shalgam, Jibril, … the near Turkey and Saudi Arabia?
Is what it is demoralized and he wants a new life after his defeat by missing the post of defense minister?
Is that his real passport is confiscated for the ban leave Libya?
Has he finished his mission to destroy Libya and the West offer, it is paid and went home?
What he wanted to travel to Turkey for an incognito mission