
Oct 27, 2011

Matthew VanDyke, "Journalist, Missing In Libya", Bringing the pleasures of the American way of life

Western poets of Darkness aka journalists will continue to write tales of the wind in  hair of brutal armed gangs- but ...We are going back to reality where children are dying [libyasos] 
 06/ 4/11 10:48 AM ET   AP

" BALTIMORE -- As the uprisings of the "Arab Spring" began to unfold, writer Matthew VanDyke was at home in Baltimore, editing a book and film about his trips across the Middle East by motorcycle. An email from a friend in Libya convinced VanDyke dispatches from that country's war would make a perfect epilogue.[ Prince]
Now VanDyke has been missing nearly three months. His mother, Sharon, said the 31-year-old decided he had to be there when the friend asked VanDyke to tell others of the country's struggle if he was killed during the conflict. [Mother]
He's one of 17 journalists – mostly Libyans – detained by dictator Moammar Gadhafi's government or believed to be in custody in Libya. At least five others have been killed as rebel forces try to topple Gadhafi's decades-old regime, said Mohamed Abdel Dayem with the New York-based Committee to Protect Journalists. [ The wicked witch]
The last time Sharon VanDyke heard her son's voice, it was March 12 as he set off for a daytrip to Brega from Benghazi. He sent GPS coordinates the next day.[ I usualy sent GPS coordinate to my mother ]
His girlfriend, Lauren Fischer, 28, said she wasn't immediately alarmed because VanDyke hadn't sent an SOS signal as he promised he would if he met serious trouble. [Princess]
"I wasn't panicked," Fischer said. "He knows how to handle himself."

[A heart-stirring story] 
VanDyke dialed her son's number 30 to 40 times a day for the next week, getting the same Arabic recording. Then at 4 a.m. March 22, she got a call from a man with an Arabic accent who hung up. Later that day, she got through to her son's cell, but a stranger who answered said in English he was in Tripoli and she had the wrong number. [ of course in Tripoli ! Tripoli si town of The wicked witch]  and Sharon asked for her son and his friend from Benghazi, Nouri Fonas.
"He said, `I hope you find your son,' then the line went dead," she said.[ good girl from Benghazi -NO DOUBT ]
Phone companies confirmed that both calls involved her son's cell.[God of spy ] Fonas told her someone spotted her son in a prison in Sirte. That gave her hope, but the secondhand information gives officials little to go on.
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VanDyke is one of at least six Americans being held in Libya, and State Department officials are working to secure their release, said agency spokesman Mark Toner.[The Fairy Godmother]
"You know, they've done nothing. They should be released. And they're simply caught up in this conflict," the Fairy Godmother  said.
U.S. Rep. C.A. Dutch Ruppersberger, a Maryland Democrat and ranking member of the House Intelligence Committee [three pig] , held a news conference May 23 to call attention to VanDyke's disappearance.
Two days later , Deputy Libyan Foreign Minister Khaled Kaim [evil dwarf] said he had no information about VanDyke.
Libyan officials generally have not identified Libyan journalists in custody, and have only after days or weeks identified foreigners, Dayem said.

Libya's war is just one part of what has become known as the "Arab Spring." Longtime Tunisian dictator Zine El Abidine Ben Ali was ousted in January, and Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak resigned the next month amid a popular uprising. Uprisings also have occurred in Syria and Bahrain. [explanation of stage managers]
VanDyke was raised in the same two-story, formstone townhouse across from a South Baltimore park that four earlier generations of his family have called home. After studying political science at the University of Maryland, Baltimore County, he earned a master's degree in security studies with a concentration in the Middle East in 2004 from Georgetown University in Washington.
[ middle of heart breaking story]
UMBC professor Thomas Schaller called VanDyke one of his smartest students and said he's sure that, wherever VanDyke is, he's frustrated that he's not getting anything done.
"He has thirst for life and to do things that people told him he can't do or shouldn't do," Schaller said. "I just know he's going to come out on the other end with quite a yarn."
VanDyke met Fischer in 2006 in a hostel in Spain. He was waiting for his motorcycle to arrive so he could ride across north Africa and the Middle East, but he ended up staying in Spain eight months teaching English and fixing the bike, she said. He headed to Iraq in late 2006 with another motorcycle.
"He wanted to write a book and see the world he had studied about," Fischer said. "He wanted to do something more independent."
VanDyke approached The Baltimore Examiner newspaper, which is no longer publishing, in hopes of getting credentials to be embedded with the U.S. military. Editor Frank Keegan saw an opportunity to better inform readers about an important part of the world and get stories about local soldiers overseas. The paper published two of his stories. [Detailed description of Prince]
"He's a level-headed guy with a lot of talent," he said. "He was not just some adventure-seeking kid who didn't know what he was getting into."
VanDyke traveled through Morocco, Mauritania, Tunisia, Syria, Jordan, Egypt, Turkey, Kurdistan, Iraq, Iran, Afghanistan and Libya with periodic visits home. He lived frugally, got sponsorship through his blog and made some money by brokering a tire sealant deal in Kurdistan, his mother said.
[The heart of Western taxpayers is broken - they start to hate ugly - dirty- brutal The wicked witch ]
While in Baghdad in 2009, VanDyke met photographer Daniel C. Britt, and they decided to make an East-meets-West travelogue film. Last year, they set off on a seven-month motorcycle trip through Iraq, Iran and Afghanistan, chronicling the people and places they found along the way.
Seeing VanDyke's resolve while they were detained for days north of Baghdad, accused of being al-Qaida and beaten[ yeah taxpayers now hate and Qaeeda -king - and they  like his death], showed Britt that he had the ability to deal with problems.
"I have faith in his ability to remain calm, and that's helping me remain positive," Britt said. "Other than that, it's a pretty dark scenario."
For now, Sharon VanDyke, a retired elementary school principal [ important for what? and who?ah.. yes for housewifes ], keeps a bag packed in case she hears any word about her son. She is considering a trip to Libya after bringing photos of her son to the Libyan embassy in Turkey last month.
Just as she gathered her son's clips during his previous travels[ a little pathetics], she has been pulling together news stories about Libya and other materials into binders that are taking over the dining room table.
"When he comes home, he's going to read all of these while Lauren and I go on vacation," she said.
Associated Press writers Matthew Lee in Washington and Diaa Hadid in Tripoli, Libya, contributed to this report."
03. October 2011. US national Matthew VanDyke points towards an incoming rocket fired by Muammar Gaddafi's forces in eastern Sirte on October - AFP

"Nobody needs to die. Even Gaddafi lunatics need to enjoy McDonalds[?] and all the other good things that are going to come once Libya is free[ free of Oil?]," said VanDyke.
"The future of Libya is very, very bright,"  said the American,Matthew VanDyke, "Journalist, Missing In Libya" who will be  in America soon,  sporting combat fatigues, his hair blowing in the desert breeze beneath a long, brown headdress.( poem you can read here)

Western poets of Darkness aka journalist will continue to tell tales of the wind in  hair of brutal armed gangs- but

We are going back to reality where children are dying
The Baltimore, Maryland, native - Matthew VanDyke, Journalist, Missing In Libya-  said he joined "the uprising against Gaddafi to free Libya of the privations of the mercurial strongman's 42-year rule and open it up to the pleasures of the American way of life."
What said his girlfriend, Lauren Fischer, 28, we don't know.
 Matthew VanDyke, Journalist, Missing In Libya 
with NATO Rebels in Sirte killing Libyan Civilians
Matthew VanDyke, Journalist, Missing In Libya again
What's happen in Sirte ? 

... you can watch and you can to show  to Mother of Prince - Sharon VanDyke, a retired elementary school principal!

(v) Libya Sirte [15/16/17/18/19/20/22/23...30 September 2011. ] War cime of NATO and NTC rebels - 
(v) NATO SLAUGHTERING CHILDREN IN SIRTE - "To the Libyan people: this is your chance." Obama said. [22. September 2011. Sirte, Libya]  -

The CNT issued a business card to American mercenary Matthew Vandyke November

Matthew VanDyke, falsely presented by media as a documentary filmmaker imprisoned for six months in Libya. Since the invasion of Tripoli, he was released and fought with the rebels. It is a mercenary in Libya who came to kill Libyans.

Since the conflict began, Aljazeera could not stop to inform us that Gaddafi hired African mercenaries and Ukraniens. The reality is in this picture. These traitors CNT recruited mercenaries all over the world to kill Libyans.
Matthew VanDyke is a mercenary in Libya who came to kill Libyans*
Photo - Source Zengtena
This guy is nothing but a mercenary.
Only in Libya, mercenaries even have professional cards like Matthew Vandyke.
On the card issued by the CNT some infos are easily identified, such as the function of the mercenary "cell supplies," the passport number is "720188630", blood type O +
Photo - Source Zengtena

Update 16.11.2011.
Matthew VanDyke -a mercenary in Libya who came to kill Libyans. He is free and in USA.
 Update 18.06.2012.
Like I said "Western poets of Darkness aka journalist will continue to tell tales of the wind in  hair of brutal armed gangs" now Matthew VanDyke has www pages

Welcome to  reality!
All4 Peace & LibyaSOS

Update 25. July 2012.

In September, 2012 two killer aka famous freedom fighters from the Libyan revolution, American Matthew VanDyke and Libyan Masood Bwisir, will travel together to Syria and join the rebels on the front line against the dictator Bashar al-Assad. 

The mission? Make a groundbreaking and unique documentary film about the Syrian revolution and the Arab Spring that will be released on the internet for free to a potential audience of millions (similar to the method used to distribute the film Kony 2012).

Update 30. August 2012.

VanDyke, 'Arab Spring freedom fighter,' planning trip to Syria 
... now raising money to travel to Syria and film a documentary about the uprising there.
I stand with the rebels,” VanDyke, 33, told the Canadian network CTV in an interview this week. “I’m going to make a film in support of the Syrian rebels with the idea of improving their international image and increasing the flow money and weapons to them.”,0,7698900.story