
Oct 3, 2011

Libya news [backup libyasos] 21. september- 27. september 2011.

Day 190: 27. september 2011. Libya news
Cuba Speech in General Assembly UN On Libya and the power of the Rich Nations (Sept 26, 2011) - >
00h/ Statement by Cuba at the General debate of the 66th Session of the General Assembly of the United Nations (New York, 21-24 and 26-30 September 2011) ->
24h/ teleSUR Venezuela in Libya English! -
24h/ SIRTE, Libya, Sept 27 (Reuters) - LIBYAN BRAVE ARMY make stand - On Tuesday afternoon, several hours into the battle, an NTC NATO bandits left his unit a short way beyond the roundabout and came towards the rear to seek help. He was crying and in a panic. "We need help, we need help," he said to fellow fighters.
One of the fighters he was appealing to tried to comfort him. No one though, went forward to help rescue his wounded comrades bandits: the incoming fire was too heavy. - >
24h/ 1. Bani Walid - today. Libyan forces attacked a convoy belonging to NATO's clients led to the destruction of several vehicles. Killing themselves Altarhuny deputy commander of a battalion of mercenaries mortar shell sons Rafla released collection of mercenaries who are trying to make progress towards Bani Walid. ... Volunteers Bani Walid killed dozens of insurgents, our one source said he saw 17 bodies of bandits, and confirmed only dozens killed and injured clients of NATO during the collision and taken prisoner. And the ambulance went to the hospital 5 times Tarhunah, but the fighting still going on. The struggle goes on throughout the Valley of the dinar.
Rebel spokesman Abdullah NATO Kinsal told AFP, that "NATO and its mercenaries retreated from their positions because of the strong fire started inside Rafla sons and to the position of our soldiers" ... 
2. Sirte: Sites rats reported: killed over 50 people. , Including a leader of the Rat (Muhammad NATO Lhalboss). According to our reporter: Siraj Abdul NATO  Raziq Reuters | Libya direct output NATO insurgents outside the town of Sirte, they say, a tactical withdrawal and the killing of rebel warlord 
3. From our correspondent on the spot: The destruction of the entire rebel convoy went north to Ghadames Libya, and they were killed by soldiers Touareg, completely destroyed the vehicles. The death of more than 270 insurgents and NATO destroyed more than 60 cars and dozens of cars armed ammunition in the valley of acacia and Owainat and Wabara by Tuaregs [Jazira Chuibekova]
24h/ Tripoli: 4. Nessbook reports: Our correspondent says the rocket hit in Tripoli International Airport, welcomed the presence of Western troops and are now passing cars to a thorough search of the area near the airport and arrested the young people of this region, without any reason. There were explosions in the night Alhaal Got around ... .. Tripoli killed in the fighting Jerdan 4 people at least. Released from several people. 
5. In Cairo (Reuters) - The TV channel showed pictures on Tuesday, he said Saif al-Islam ibn Muammar Gaddafi back to September 20, rallying his troops appeared in one of the last bastions of a leader prepared a response force. Saif al-Islam for a long time did not appear in public, on the picture presented on the channel Rai, Saif al-Islam, shouted to his supporters, saying: "This is the land of your ancestors. The enemies will not get it." "Tripoli, my brothers, they entered by force. I now come, and I will send you a weapon"
23h/ Libya: The Largest Private Security Company In The World–GardaWorld, Makes An Entry Into Libya . Seriously though, this is a cool little story about the beginning stages of reconstruction in Libya. Of course security for all of these business ventures is a top priority.  What I liked about this article though, is you can just picture the frustration, the wheeling and dealing, the planning, and the dreams of making huge amounts of cash as soon as the National Transitional Council (NTC) gets it’s act together. ->
22h/ NATO’s secret weapon – racism. The effects of this pernicious propaganda campaign have been seen in Benghazi, Misrata and Tawergha and across the nation and are now being seen on the streets of Tripoli as rebels round up black-skinned Libyans and African guest workers, putting them into football stadiums. ->
21h/ Tunisian appeal court decides to free former Libyan PM Al Baghdadi Ali al-Mahmoudi who was jailed for 6 months last week, lawyer says.-Reuters) - Tunisia has not received any request from Libya's interim rulers to extradite Muammar Gaddafi's former Prime Minister Al-Baghdadi Ali al-Mahmoudi, who was freed by a court of appeal on Tuesday, a source at the Justice Ministry told Reuters. ->
21h/  Khamis Ghadafi who is commanding the elite Libyan 32nd Brigade explained. The Army´s Elite 32nd Brigade with 3.000 troops has adopted a new tactic in fighting the war waged on Libya to protect and preserve it´s independence and the revolutionary developments in the Arab African Country. To avoid strikes by NATO Air Forces the Army is detached in Platoon size units of 20-30 fighters who neutralize supply lines, logistics, as well as operational bases. The strategy has been applied in the areas of Al Brega, Ras Lanuf,  Zawiya and other regions. The 32nd Brigade and it´s units are the backbone around which the other Military Units, Tribal Militia, Volunteers and International Allies coalesce. The result is a permanent harassment of the invaders. Khamis Ghadafi commands the 32nd Brigade.
*** 24,040 NATO Sorties, 8,975 Strike Sorties
21h/ Sirte: The people & armed forces managed to repel the attack on Sirte and we went towards the port after their claim to control the port. Rebels withdrawn from the front after the death of their leader
 20h/  According to new reports NATO Special Ops have taken position in Sirte port in a mission to allow foreign Mercenaries to be dropped off the coast. Since the Western supply routes are disrupted and cut off by the Tarhuna Tribe, NATO decided to attack from the East which failed and now in its last desperate attempt, trying to attack from the sea using foreign Mercenaries. Fighting continues with NATO Special Ops around the port, whether NATO mission will be successful or not is yet to be seen. ->
 BBC map:
12h/ Heavy gunfire and explosions have been heard in the small town of Ragdaline according to new reports, fighting continues and witnesses suggests that oil refineries have been blown up by the Jamahariya Government few hours before NATO experts arrived and plan out the leaching of Libyan Resources
20h/ [Bullshit news] UN cannot get supplies into Sirte - Nato, which insists it is carrying out a UN mandate to protect civilians from attacks by troops and militias still loyal to Gaddafi, has also been reported bombing around the desert town of Bani Walid, under seige by NTC fighters ->
19h/ Gaddafi's speech 26/09/11 - Zero hour will inevitably come ->
19h/ Human Rights Organisations orchestrate murder in Libya
18h/ CANADA - 1 War on Libya Exposed- Mahdi Nazemroaya and Cynthia McKinney , NATO Crime In Libya ->
18h/ CANADA - 2 War on Libya Exposed- Mahdi Nazemroaya and Cynthia McKinney , NATO Crime In Libya - >
18h/ 3 War on Libya Exposed- Mahdi Nazemroaya and Cynthia McKinney , NATO Crime In Libya - >
17h/ RUSSIA - PROTEST 29 сентября в 18.00 у памятника возле метро 1905 года пройдёт митинг в поддержку Джамахирии. Слава героям сопротивления! - >
16h/ Local people of Sirte take up arms to defend the city from onslaught of NATO-led rebels.
15h/ Zliten targeted a NATO destroyer off the coast of Misurata.Now the NATO ship has a intensely smoke coming out of it.
15h/ UK partialy retreat from Libya: Britain said it had agreed with NATO, the withdrawal of its five helicopters "Apache" from the mission
15h/ "We're going to punish even those that supported Moammar with words" - Freedom and Democracy in Libya
15h/ NATO-led rebels accused of arbitrarily killing civilians attempting to flee Sirte and Bani Walid
 [did you know]
-  Wall St protests: Police harsh, media silent? "We're seeing an absolute erosion of our civil rights," said 23-year-old student Patrick Bruner, of the "Occupy Wall St." movement, according to NYDailyNews. ->
Schoolgrls burned in fire - Saudi Arabia's religious police stopped schoolgirls from leaving a blazing building because they were not wearing correct Islamic dress, according to Saudi newspapers. One witness said he saw three policemen "beating young girls to prevent them from leaving the school because they were not wearing the abaya". -> 14h/ OTTAWA: Canada’s involvement in the NATO mission in Libya has been extended another three months.
13h/ 10 Questions for Sarkozy, Cameron and Obama - 2. What is your reaction to NATO's murderous terrorist strikes against civilians? You will be aware of the scope of your carnage in Libya which makes 9/11 look like a picnic for fairy godmothers. How do you feel about holding joint responsibility for the murder of tens of thousands of people (up to 63,000 to date)? You couldn't care less, could you? -->
12h/ ALGERIA (fr)- Imagine that Algeria, sending planes to parachute weapons in Belgium border to the French Roscoe Jenkins Lille revolt against the Parisians. Well ... the sky will fall on Algeria!
So, we must stop despising that these Western countries of Africa and they stop to destabilize Algeria. We are a sovereign state. We got our independence in 1962 by sacrificing a million and half martyrs. -->
11h/ Prior to the war, Libya had no debts. In fact quite the opposite. It was a creditor nation investing in neighboring African countries. The R2P military intervention is intended to spearhead the Libyan Arab Jamahiriya into the straightjacket of an indebted developing country, under the surveillance of the Washington based Bretton Woods institutions.  In a bitter irony, after having stolen Libya's oil wealth and confiscated its overseas financial assets, the "donor community" has pledged to lend the (stolen) money back to finance Libya's post-war "reconstruction".
10h/ (Reuters)  UNITED KINGDOM- The investigation into the 1988 bombing of a U.S.-bound airliner over Lockerbie in Scotland is closed and Tripoli will not release more evidence that could lead to others being charged, Libya's interim leaders said on Monday. Libya's interim justice minister Mohammed al-Alagi turned them down, telling reporters: "The case is closed." ->
09h/ LIBYA, TWARGHA - Until a few months ago, the town of Tawargha was home to about 30,000 people. Now only a few dozen men remain, hiding out in a wetlands area, sniping at anyone who approaches...NATO rebels about Black Libyans "Their area is not here. They are not originally from here, they are from the south and they can go somewhere in the south. They caused me to hate all black people." - >
07h/ LIBYA, BENGHAZI - Former Rebels’ Rivalries Hold Up Governing in Libya - It has been almost two months since the leaders of the Transitional National Council promised to assemble a new cabinet.  Negotiations are deadlocked, council members say, over how to divide power among groups from different regions. Leaders from Benghazi, Misurata, Zintan and other cities all argue that their suffering or their contributions during the revolt entitle them to a greater voice. -->

Day 189: 26. september 2011. Libya news
02h/ Gaddafi's supporters fighting near the border of Tunisia
Fightings between Gaddafi's supporters and NTC forces are taking place in the city of Al Karama, near the border of Tunisia. Militias would also being formed in order to face NTC forces. TeleSUR ->
01h/ Ghana protested against NATO/US military operation in Libya and got arrested by their dictatorial US-loving authorities ->
00h/ SPAIN, MADRID -PROTEST -against NATO intervention in Libya / Plataforma No a la Guerra Imperialista (Madrid - Estado español). - >
00h/ A great surprise yesterday, 25 September, in Tripoli: there was a peaceful march in support of Muammar Gaddafi, and this peaceful demonstration has been bombarded. Indeed, part of the neighborhood of Abu Salim and many other people walked in silence, holding the portrait of the guide in the direction of the airport.[ Allain Jules ] -(France) Libye: cauchemar de Sarkozy et génocide de l’OTAN -->
24h/ FIDEL CASTRO - [SALUTE]Castro calls out Obama for genocide in Libya - “In spite of the shameful monopoly of the mass information media and the fascist methods of the United States and its allies to confuse and deceive world opinion, the resistance of the people grows, and that can be appreciated in the debates being produced in the United Nations,” Castro wrote over the weekend on the website. ->

24h/ Reflexiones de Fidel, Especiales, Fidel Castro Ruz - Chávez, Evo y Obama (Primera Parte) - Hago un alto en las tareas que ocupan la totalidad de mi tiempo en estos días, para dedicar unas palabras a la singular oportunidad que ofrece para la ciencia política el sexagésimo sexto período de la Asamblea General de Naciones Unidas. - >
  *** HUGO CHAVEZ SALUTE!On September 17, 2011 Hugo Chávez Frias, President of The Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela sent the following letter to Ban Ki-Moon, Secretary General of the United Nations ->

To the
Secretary of the OON
Ban Ki Moon
New York
Fax: 0012129634879

Dear Sir,
We, the “Mothers against war Berlin Brandenburg”, expect from you, the General Secretary of the World Organisation of all states, to call upon NATO to stop at least the further genocide of civilian people in Libya by bombings of cities and villages in Libya !!
The people of Libya will go their own way of development, which is guaranteed by the Charta of OON.
More than 5 Million people of Libya went on the streets of Libya with pictures of Gaddafi, the Revolutionary leader of the Folk-Jamahiriya,
( including Bengazi!!) till the nightly bombings of Tripoli by NATO on the 21. August 2011. Thousands of civilian people are dying in Libya by NATO-bombings, not by Gaddafi !!!
What the NATO is doing in Libya is a cynical murdering of people and this is not covered by the Charta of OON !
In contrary these killings of Libyan people by bombs is nothing other than a disrespect of the Geneva Conventions of 1949 and their Additional Protocols, which all are directed on the protection of civilians.
Please stop bombings!!! This is your task as the General Secretary of OON !!! 
Your task is also, to solve problems not by bombs, but by ways of diplomacy, which were proposed by Fidel Castro, the former President of Cuba, the President of Venezuela, Chavez, by the President of South Africa, Zuma and others !

in the name of the “Mothers against war Berlin-Brandenburg”
Brigitte Queck, scientist on the base of international law, Berlin/Potsdam 25.9.2011
24h/ Foreign Minister of Venezuela: "NATO had a plan to intervene in Libya for years" / Canciller de Venezuela: "La OTAN tenía un plan para intervenir en Libia hace años"/ ->
24h/ [Westen economy  will not give up - western economy  need LIBYAN money ] Governmental estimates of US’s spending in the bombing campaign in Libya may have been one seventh of its actual cost, a military expert’s calculation suggests. The worst case figure is US$2.7 billion, or even more. One method says the operation to the end of August took between $2.13 billion and $2.44 billion. The other one gives a potentially higher result – between $1.31 billion and $2.70 billion. The calculation did not include the cost of the continuing Libyan operation in September, or some other costs, like the transportation of hardware from the UK to the military base in Gioia del Colle, Italy. ->
23h/  News from the battle  - -NATO on Monday attributed the acts of aggression against several targets in the northern cities of Libya and witnesses showed plumes of smoke emanating from different points after listening to loud explosions.
Over the weekend, the Alliance attacked Libyan soil with 367 sorties and 132 attacks on Sirte, according to statements by the same organization. [TeleSURtv - Venezuela ] ->
23h/ [update] In a piece posted today after a NTC news conference, the BBC uses the headline: “More than 1,200 bodies found in Tripoli mass grave“. Categorically, absolutely, unequivocally, this is an out-and-out lie; 1,200 bodies have not been found. Not a single body has been found. In fact, no excavation has been performed, and no more than ‘several bone fragments’ have been discovered, according to the NTC. ->
23h/ Libya: Sirte - NATO bombed residential complex, cruel war crimes  ->
22h/ "Seven Days News" conducted an interview with Al-Mutasim Billah Al-Gaddafi, the son of Libyan leader Mouammar Al-Gaddafi.
Al-Mutasim message: "We are currently fighting on two fronts: one of them is protecting our cities that I send my best regards to like Bani Walid, Sabha, Sirt and their sisters, the front is at the south of Libya where we discovered how weak the NATO and his fighters are in and there are huge areas in which they failed to control; the work has started in Ghadames and Ghat to liberate the weak cities and to turn them to strongholds for us." ->
21h/ [about 18h] The Brother Leader Gaddafi  had speech on the radio in the Bani Walid
21h/  Benghazi Sanussi brigade have officialy betrayed the Misrata Brigades, destroying their plans and refusing new supplies to misrata! Once a traitor, always a traitor!
21h/  The freshest news on Allibya TV is that more than 350 NATO rebels got killed in the latest attack on Bani Wallid, but the number of casualties continues to increase. NATO rebels were forced to withdraw more than 40km outside the perimeter of Bani Walid. Total debacle for NATO.
20h/ MAJORITY OF SCARED REBELS DESERTED BANI WALLID FRONT - Not even the Associated Press (AP) can hide any longer that rebels suffered a huge defeat at Bani Walid front! They admitted that they are abandoning it in huge numbers, tired of disorganisation and lack of amunition. Well, obviously they have no enough heart and ideals to fight for, unlike the loyalists who are fighting even with their bare hands.->
19h/ To enter Bani Walid from the northwest, coming from Tripoli, NATO rebels and mercenaries must cross a steep valley, that divides the city. BenWalid residents hold the high ground on the other side, enabling them to rain down with rockets on fighters trying to approach the valley.
18h/ Osama al-Fasi, a field NATO rebels commander in charge of attacks on Bani Walid, said his rebels  were not prepared for such fierce resistance and blamed the NTC's military leadership for not providing the necessary ammunition, weapons and leadership to sustain a real attack on the city."We were shocked at the force of the resistance we faced," al-Fasi told The Associated Press.
18h/ ABDELHAKIM BELHADJ, AKA HASIDI, AKA ABU ABDULLA AL-SADDIQ, AKA…عبد الحكيم بالحاج aka Abu Abdallah ->
14h/ On Sunday, NATO planes dropped bombs on the city. NATO hit Sirt with more than 89 striker from battleships and planes in less than six hours.  Humanitarian organizations working in the area are expressing concerns for the civilians living in Sirte.
13h/ The NATO rebels tortured and killed a pro-Gaddafi civilian male in Tripoli, after the incident the victim's brothers planted the green flag on their house; the rebels told the brothers to remove the flag but the brothers refused to do so which resulted in their killing.
13h/ Tripoli: 35 NATO mercenaries from Egypt, Qatar and European countries were killed on the hands of the Libyan Army.
12h/ UK operations in Libya: the full costs broken down . How much are UK operation in Libya really costing? get the latest full estimates ->
11h/ No other recent case demonstrates it as obviously as that of Abdelhakim Belhadj, aka Hasidi, aka Abu Abdulla al-Saddiq, aka… :”Who is the mask behind the many men”.In Anglo-American Nation Building Projects, decades of underhanded double dealing of CIA, DIA, MI5, MI6, NATO Intelligence Services, et al. often have the effect that persons that have been convenient assets, are being maneuvered into places of power and public attention. When public attention results in investigative journalism, an asset can become a public relations liability. No other recent case demonstrates it as obviously as that of Abdelhakim Belhadj, aka Hasidi, aka Abu Abdulla al-Saddiq, aka… :”Who is the mask behind the many men”.  [ Dr. Christof Lehmann ] - >
 10h/ Speaking to Reuters by telephone from an undisclosed location,Dr. Moussa Ibrahim said no one had been able to show that Gaddafi or his family had assets or accounts.
"The Leader of the Revolution and his family have not enriched themselves with Libya's oil wealth and are among the most simple living citizens. No one has been able to show that Gaddafi or his family had assets or accounts. That is more proof of the honesty and transparency of this family and shows that they are an ordinary Libyan family. All wealth of Libya is traceable to functioning companies and institutions." -->
09h/ Libya  [latest news for 25. september 2011.] ArRai TV Update in English - [108morris108]  ->
 08h/ Libya - Qadhafi Pro a demonstration in Sousse, Tunisia ->
07h/ Libya - The military governor of Tripoli Belhadj is not dead. The military governor of Tripoli, a member of the Qaeda Abdelhakim Belhadj wasn't  killed.
It was a psychological campaign launched by the CNT to make it pressure following its conflict with Mahmoud Jibril of CNT.
As a reminder, Abdelhakim Belhadj ( was jailed at Guantanamo) and Fouzi Bouktef were threatened by the CNT. They told him to calm down or they will reveal the secret of the assassination of General Abdel Fateh Younes. Abidel's the tribe is still awaiting the report of the Committee of Inquiry into the general.
 Abdelhakim Belhadj
06h/ Medics confirm the mass grave site of Abu Saleem Prison in Libya is Fake     “medics with CNN staffers on the scene said the bones did not appear to be human.“ (from the mouth piece of NATO propaganda (source – CNN))
05h/ Al Jazeera exposed as a CIA controlled Media in the Virtual War against Libya ->

Day 188: 25. september 2011. Libya news
00h/ Address by His Excellency Robert MUGABE, President of the Republic of Zimbabwe at the General debate of the 66th Session of the General Assembly of the United Nations (New York, 21-24 and 26-30 September 2011)  SALUTE ! complete speech - >
00h/ RESPECT! President Mugabe from Zimbabwe gives a splendid anti-imperialistic speech at the 66th general assembly meeting in the United Nations in which he condemns the aggressive approach towards Libya, violating the UN-Charter and ignoring the peaceful attempts for negotiations and ceasefires proposed by the African Union.->

23h/ Brave Gunmen loyal to Moammar Gadhafi have crossed the Libyan border from Algeria and attacked NATO revolutionary forces in a town near the frontier, killing six bandits, NATO slaves  said Sunday. [Reuters]
22h/ Ghadames is under the control of libyan army.
At least eight rebels were killed and 50 others injured in Ghadames, on the Algerian border, in an attack Sunday by Libyan army supported by the Tuareg fighters, according to a local official and witnesses.
In Tripoli, dozens of people marched to demand that the council of traitors sends reinforcements to Ghadames.
The NATO led rebels  have withdrawn from Sirte, hundreds of NATO- led rebels desert the front of Ben Walid because they believe that this twon is impregnable and now Ghadames is under the control of libyan army. It is only the begining. A very hard days are waiting the NATO-led rebels and traitors.
21h/ MARTYRS OF ABU GHARARA TRIBE  -Moreover, martyr Jamal Al-Rimali's brother that is martyr Hatim's cousin, Nasir Al-Rimali, was extremely tortured too and on Saturday 25th-Sep- 20011 the armed gangs asked his family to come get him because he was found not guilty of anything. Nasir's veins were cut and was strongly beaten to admit something he didn't even do. -->
18h/Yesterday (Saturday, 24 September 2011) 1 - the arrival of hordes of third regiment of the Arab Mujahideen to the fighting fronts in peace noblest of God
2 - three offices were opened in three Arab countries to deal with the overwhelming requests from the Arab Mujahideen who wish to join the fight
3 - The clashes between the Muslim Brotherhood and the Salafis in the city of Misurata led to the killing of 188 of NATO clients Natufema, which led to blocking of the roads leading to the General Hospital so NATO aircrafts fly low and wander over Misurata to transport the dead and wounded customers of NATO and Misurata's Hospital is littered with.
16h/ Thecenter of  information [building] of  traitors  rebels & NATO has exploded. It is located on Omar Mukhtar Street in the city Zawiya
15h/ Jibril asked the UN Security Council to release all remaining Libyan assets out of an estimated $150bn that were frozen under sanctions against Gaddafi.
UN diplomats say there are technical problems to resolve before the release of all the assets, some of which they fear could fall into the hands of Gaddafi, his relatives or aides.
15h/ After the invasion of the city Misrata by NATO special forces and rebels, look what has become the city. Ruins ... This is democracy applied by France & Co
14h/ According to the website of the Libyan resistance Zengtena, fighters of the Libyan army liberated the Libyan prisoners imprisoned by the rebels in prison Sarman.
14h/ A new promotion of national guards of the rebels was named for the city Benghazi. This battalion is headed by Abu Yahya Libi, a member of the Qaeda. He is wanted in the world, it is a human arm Osama bin Laden. [Zengtena ]
Also according to this resource, 1500 Qaida members from Afghanistan were transported to Libya by the Americans.   
13h/ 13 rebels killed in a military school in Tripoli -an explosion at a military school in Tripoli, the rebels used it to gather all the rebels from other cities. For now, 13 rebels were killed
12h/ Libya - An attack on the Embassy of Italy in Benghazi - According to the website of the Libyan resistance Zengtena, a bomb exploded just installed the Italian Embassy in Benghazi, the stronghold of the traitors of NATO.[last night]
11h/ Libya - British Mercenaries in Benghazi to represent English society. According to the website of the Libyan resistance Allibiya TV, a group of mercenaries BRITISH SAS are present in a hotel Banghazi, the rebel stronghold of NATO. Their mission is to protect the oil platform run by the British.
Most of these officers worked in Iraq and Afganistan and they came to Libya to represent English society and facilitating the business.
10h/ In Sirte, the fighting continues. Despite the intensive bombing of NATO aircraft to facilitate the infiltration of rebels. Resistance is strong does not let anyone move forward. The fighters of the Libyan army and volunteers were able to kill seven rebels and wounding 100 others, including 26 in serious condition.
A military plane carrying the bodies to the hospital in Misrata.
NATO and rebels have applied the strategy in Iraq Faluja, in the city  Sirte.  The city is cut off from the world. They cut the LagZ, electricity, water, transport food, medicine ....
NATO bombed the city for its planes. The rebels of firing blindly swinging obi on houses, schools and hospitals.
09h/ [last night] According Allibiya TV, radio Libyan Bani Walid  broadcast the intervention of Libyan leader's son, Seif El Islam Kadhafi, he congratulated the people of Bani Walid on his exemplary courage has amazed the world.
Seif El Islam has confirmed that we must fight to defend the city and said the Libyan leader has prepared some surprises that will change this situation.
08h/ Libya the people of Benghazi and Libya are still not paid any wages now for Months even as NTC rebels receive billions in cash to pay it.
07h/ Libya,Sirte Libyan Army  build up container-barricades for defensiv position at General Electric Company building 3km west city-center
04h/ [THIS MAN IS CRIMINAL] markito0171 Mark he[ he put coordinate on Twitter]
#Libya Gaddafi- Forces seen in Mabruk oil facility 29°49'28"N 17°17'10"E between Jufra-Oasis & Ras Lanuf

Day 187: 24. september 2011. Libya news
02h/ According Allibiya TV, a new provisional government of Libya has been constituted under the head of government Mr. Ali Mohamed El Ahwel. It will replace the former head of government Mahmoud Baghdadi.
02h/ The English daily The Guarden, confirms the presence of Israeli pilots flying military aircraft of NATO in Libya.
01h/  [explanation of explotion before one our]In the port of Tripoli exploded transport ship, who "delivered" the rebels arms and ammunition from France. "Receive" take in quotation marks. After the explosion in the port seen several cars with French special forces. The port continues to rage on fire. Above the town a huge cloud of black smoke.
The city also heard gunfire.
Observers do not exclude that the explosion in the port - the result of a daring operation by the Libyan army, rebels under the nose.
01h/ The rebels are barbarian terrorists who kill even their own comrades - Report The Assassination Of Libyan Military Leader Abdul Fatah Younis LIBYA ON WAR -
01h/ Mord an General Younes bleibt hinterfragt -
In diesem Zusammenhang twittert es, dass Dr. Yusuf Shakir vom libyschen Fernsehen eine Filmaufnahme des Todes von General Younes vorliegt. Diese soll auf Al-Rai-TV ausgestrahlt werden. Auf den Bildern sollen die Einzelheiten der Folterungen von General Younes zu sehen sein. Die Rede ist von Augen ausreissen, Magenverletzung, Finger abschneiden und lebend verbrennen. Mit Kopfschüssen schlossen die Täter ihr Werk ab, hiess es. Die Leiche ist bisher noch nicht aufgetaucht. Meine Quelle:
00h/ Qatar has sold arms to rebels in Tripoli [22.09.2011.] -
According to the site Zengtena (Algeria), Meitka group at an air base in Tripoli, nine aircraft were unloaded 100 tons of weapons, communication devices, and binoculars.
From top military officers come from Qatar and met with the military governor of Tripoli, a member of al-Qaida Belhadj Abdelhakim [Jazeera Chuibekova]
24h/  General  Khamis, commander of the 32nd Libyan Brigade whom the rebels and Western media reported killed at listed 7 teimes, is said by our sources to be still in action against rebel forces at the head of this 3,000-strong elite unit.
Prevented by NATO air strikes and oversight from large-scale military movements among rebel strongholds, he has split them up into units of 20-30 fighters and scattered them around various battle zones for forays against rebel military and strategic key points. They have begun hit-and-run strikes in the towns of Brega, Ras Lanouf and Zawiya
23h/ Series of powerful explosions, which occurred today in the eastern part of Tripoli, near the base of the Navy, unintentionally undermine the weapons. [now]
23h/ A state of chaos and confusion prevail in Benghazi now
23h/ Qaddafi enlists new 12,000-strong army of Tuareg tribal fighters - Qaddafi and his sons have raised a new army of 12,000 soldiers - all fighters of loyal Tuareg tribes of the Sahara, debkafile’s military sources report.->
22h/ Misurata: the cause of the blasts in Misurata is the clashes between Islamist groups and extremist Salafi groups in Misurata
22h/ Brother Seif al Islam Al Gaddafi,spoke to the people through Bani Walid radio, He declared that Khamis is leading the army in Bani Walid and his father, the leader,is monitoring the fights in a location he didn't mentioned. Soon more surprises for the rats.
22h/ Libya: Ibrahim al-Douri goes to war. The Iraqi Baath Party, under the leadership of Izzat al-Douri, said that they join the fight against the Western invaders, led by Muammar Gaddafi
Iraqi Liberation Front and Ba'ath party claim, we came to the tomb of Omar al-Mukhtar, in this difficult hour for his country to help his people. Here is how to emphasize the commitment of anti-colonial struggle, symbolized in the East is Omar al-Mukhtar. On the other hand, there is the same meaning - "international", ie outside of religions, nationalities. "
This fundamental difference between all the volunteers in Libya from other countries and races - from the gangs of Al Qaeda, whose participation in this war is caused only by two factors: money and power, with the benefit of the West / / /
22h/ Yesterday, Agence France-Presse reported an increase in the use of missiles armed libyennequi "Grad" 15 km from Beni Walid forcing the mercenaries to flee in panic. According to own estimates of the rats, they lost in 1000 only to terrorists and mercenaries Beni Walid.
22h/ Women's Council of Libyan Sabha, Sirte, Bani Walid and other cities said that women now take up arms to expel the invaders.
21h/ This morning at 08.30 nsnbc received a report from a medical doctor inside Sirte Hospital, calling for an immediate halt of the illegal blockade of the city to stop an ongoing humanitarian catastrophe of unprecedented proportion.The Hospital of Sirte has literally “run out of medicine”. Patients are dying because there are no antibiotics nor the simplest of medicines for cardiac or other internal diseases like diabetes. ->
21h/ 'Looting' NATO Rebels heading south of Libya to Jufra & Sokna, 22.09, NATO Crimes In Libya - >
20h/ Urgent: Friends in Libya are informing that the International Red Cross are discriminating against Libyans who do not display open support for the rebels and are not helping people looking for their dead loved ones.[Lizzie Phelan]
Please call them to complain +41 22 730 20 11
20h/ German, Berlin - PROTEST STOP BOMBING LIBYA [24.09.2011.]
19h/ China has refused to release the CNT Libyan assets in Chinese banks
19h/ L’information de notre source selon laquelles tous les commandants des rats mercenaires ont été tués à Benghazi, Syrte et Bani Walid a aussi été confirmée.
 La campagne contre Bani Walid est réduite à des raids aériens et des bombardements, mais l’entrée de mercenaires dans la ville pose problème. La même chose est vraie à Syrte et Sabha, qui sont deux villes d’une grande importance stratégique. - >
20h/ Resistencia en Libia: El imperialismo será enterrado en África -
 La visión de un Estados Unidos de África ha echado profundas raíces en África y en todo el mundo. De hecho, este ataque a Libia y África sólo ha servido para revitalizar e impulsar revolucionario panafricano fuerzas y otros movimientos revolucionarios en todo el mundo. ->
19h/ On the side of Muammar Gaddafi's fighting, including "mercenaries" from Russia. This statement was made during a press conference in New York "in the margins" of the 66th session of UN General Assembly, the head of the Transitional National Council (PNC) of Libya, Mahmoud Jibril.[Jazira Chuibekova] [What kind of mercenaries are NATO killers? aks libyasos]
На стороне режима Муаммара Каддафи сражаются наемники, в том чисел и из России. С таким заявлением выступил на пресс-конференции в Нью-Йорке на 66-й сессии Генеральной ассамблеи ООН глава Переходного национального совета Ливии Махмуд Джибриль.
 19h/ Ghaddafi Forces Control Vast Parts of Libya: Spokesman - 'In other parts of Libya such as Tripoli and Benghazi ordinary Libyans begin to realize West's mischievous plans against their country namely a desire to destroy all of Libya's civil achievements of the past 40 years. NATO backed rebels seek a return to the era of the former colonial puppet King Idris the Second (1951 to 1969) under the guise of the so-called National Transitional Council (NTC) which would try to facilitate  
18h/ Western control over the North African country's oil and other resources.'
17h/ Libya, Benghazi - The head of Libya's National Transitional Council says an interim government will be announced in the coming week. Abdel-Jalil spoke to reporters after returning from New York  [he havn't brain to think -he have to ask New York of course] - >
 15h/ Welcome to Libya's 'democracy'  by Pepe Escobar -
Libya is as much a pawn in a serious ideological, geopolitical, geo-economic and geostrategic chessboard as a pedestrian morality play sold as a TV reality show; idealistic "rebels" win against Public Enemy Number One. Once the public enemy was Saddam Hussein, then it was Osama bin Laden, today is Muammar Gaddafi, tomorrow is President Bashar al-Assad in Syria, one day it will be Iran's President Mahmud Ahmadinejad. The enemy is never the ultra reactionary House of Saud. -->
14h/ Aisha Gaddafi’s on Al-Rrai TV last night- -->
13h/ EU must learn lessons from Libyan crisis: defence ministers. European Union defence ministers urged the 27-member bloc Friday to learn lessons from the Libyan conflict which revealed several glaring weaknesses in European armies. - >
We walked the desert yesterday with a team of Touareg,for security reasons we have no phones and no cameras with us. Touareg elders gave us a statement in which they declare that they will not accept the colonialist crusaders in their lands.
In South Libya the situation is not as decribed by the media, in many villages where the NATO rebels have passed in a driving circus together with some reporters of the west the people have tricked them by waving to them  flags. of slaves...and this in purpose to cut their supply lines,NATO can bomb but cant find who is who for the moment because we are using a guerilla tactic in order to mix with the rebels.
We have to declare that in the areas we visited we talked with people that told us that the momentum with NATO bombing gives them this only choise in order to fight, to allow rebels to pass without any bullet and then cut the line of them.
We walked behind the so called enemy lines and we have to assure you that there is none to stop us. ( for security reasons we will not refear to the exact area we visited together with the noble Touareg tribesmen) .
But we have to admit that the media of NATO rebels do a great work in order to disinform people and to break the morale of us that were for the last month outside the country.
From a call in Tarhouna we learn that there is a big problem for the  NATO rebels there,our Army attacked them 2 days ago and now the rats are cut in that spot.
Also in Sirte the NATO darling's rebels are beeing killed in mass numbers, as for Bani Walid the NATO darling's rebels seem to have taken the decision not to attack it but to wait for the supplies of the people there to finish , to cause a humanitarian crisis and to get inside but the noble tribesmen have swore loyality and will not allow the situation to reach this point.
On the other hand today there is the meeting of the rebels in order to make the new NTC and we expect their internal confict in there.
[ Libya Liberal Youth to publish the facts for Libya tomorrow ->
11h/ Libya Sirte [15/16 / 17/18/19/20 / 23 September 2011. ] War cime of NATO and NTC rebels ->
10h/ Pandora Box AL FATAH newspaper - Africa Will Hold Nato Responsible for Black Lives in Libya - - Cameron Duodu22 September 2011Following reports of racist attacks on black migrants in Libya by anti-Gaddafi forces, Cameron Duodu says it's 'shameful that after touting "African unity" since 1963,... ->

Day 186: 23. september 2011. Libya news
00h/ Some clarification about the situation in Libya.
First of all anyone familiar with the south and the tribes of the south knows how they react and how seriously they count their pride. Fezzan is steadfast and now we have the  rebels  at the place we needed them to come. ( you will understand within the next days what this means)
As for Bani walid you know that the s of rbeles gnag already abandon their possitions.
There is furstration among their ranks, the islamists are giving a big trouble to Mahmoud Jibril traitor  and Mahmoud Jibril is trying in coordination with USA to oust the islamists (like the us has done in Afganistan they will use them and then throw them away).
The big split at the ranks of the gangs of rebels  will be visible after the come back of the meeting of UN.
Now as about Sebha, its common thing NATO to bomb possitions and then the NATO rebels to take a video from empty street or maybe a montage. But Sebha is controlled by Libyan army and the tribes of Sabha ( except if there is someone so naive to believe the Gaddafa tribe has betrayed Brother leader)
Tommorow admin will visit an area inside the border to be able to make a first hand report.See more [ by: Libya Liberal Youth to publish the facts for Libya tomorrow ]
24h/ Aisha (Ayesha) Gaddafi speech on AL arrai TV  - كلمة الدكتورة عائشة القذافي للشعب الليبي بتاريخ  -- >
24h/  Dr. Mussa Ibrahim (Arabic) on Raai TV 23.09.11->
23h/ America Steals 30 Billion From Libya ->
23h/ Chavez called Obama's speech cynical ->
22h/ In addition- video evidence- Libyan 'rebels' are thieves and criminals- stealing deadman's ring
22h/ Muammar Gaddafi Speech To United Nations Sept 23, 2009 [ UN General Assembly ] /United Nations removed the English transcript of his speech from its website and western media removed the transcript from all types of media resources. MetaExistence Organization made an effort to restore the original transcript from his video speech. Gaddafi showed a actual evil face of UN and security council to the world. / ->
21h/ Libya Strategy Changes Yield Results Amidst Disaster -
In his telephone call to Reuters, Dr. Moussa Ibrahim called upon the United Nations, the European Union, the Arab League, and foreign journalists to come to the center of Sirte to witness the crimes committed there. He said: “We hold them directly responsible to expose the crimes against the entire city that are committed with the same vigor they (NATO) had when they claimed they were helping the cities of Misrata and Zawayah “ - >
20h/ Tuareg fighters supprot Gaddafi -Nomads known as the Tuareg are willing to protect his friends and fight with his soldiers for  Libya with  the Brother Leader Gaddafi and Libyan Army against rebels. They did so spontaneously and out of a sense of debt.
19h/ Allain Jules (Fr) - A strange disease is decimating drive by inches, the NATO troops and those of the CNT. Like that, without warning, at the same time. Bitter fact. Air groggy, their leaders are lost. A heart-cons, the pilots will bomb Libya now without conviction. They do not know why they bomb and they bomb. The case of Sheba when the media said that the renegades have taken the top is rather to be a scam.
18h/  Libyan resistance [22/23 sept 2011.]
1 - Libyan army fails to attempt to enter through the Brega pipe River
2 - 6 and families destroyed 12 vehicles and seized on 9 SUV on the outskirts of Bani Walid
3 - violent clashes in the city of Tarhunah between the Libyan Army and NATO rebels
4 - Mujahdoa sister fighting an epiphyseal rats between NATO and Mizdah Gheryan.
5 - Violent clashes between the forces of the armed people and rats in Jamal Abdul Nasser Street in the city Rayhana corner.
6 - 3 of rebels killed at the gate of the volunteers in the city, Ms. Zainab corner
7 - a violent explosion and clashes between the forces of the armed people and rats in the area of Salah al-Din in Tripoli.
8 - heavy fire in the way of June 11.
9 - download of foreign forces and rats Mizdah area and the trend across the valley and through Taninaa Hmikh to Bani Walid.
10 - killing rebels Bahaa El Din Musa Mohamed Musa and Abdul Wahab Mohammed Salim Abdullah Suleiman Ali by force of victory 44.
11 - killing more than 70 citizens in the NATO bombing of a school for displaced people in the Sirte
12 - killing dozens in the city of Huns.
13 - sons of the plateau-Badri out over the loudspeakers at the Gaddafi demonstration in support of the highway.
15 - Libyan army repels an attack of rats in the Valley of dinars.
17h/ Libya - Tonight at 03.00 GMT nsnbc news could confirm reports that civilians were sprayed with machine-gun fire and rockets from Apache helicopters, after the town of Rishvana Zahra was liberated. Yesterday, the bombing of a school in Sabah, that housed 70 displaced familied was bombed by a NATO Fighter Bomber, resulting in massive civilian casualties, most of them unarmed women and children. (Dr.Christof Lehmann) ->
16h/ Dr. Moussa Ibrahim sharply criticized the United Nations for raising the” New Libyan Flag” at the United Nations on Tuesday. Dr. Moussa Ibrahim elicited the fact that a NATO backed gang of criminals can be recognized as a full member of the United Nations, while Palestine has struggled for it´s rights for 60 years.
15h/ Wayne Madsen Report: WMR has learned from a source who was recently in Libya that the Libyan rebel transitional government has agreed to allow the U.S. to establish permanent military bases in Libya, including on the Algerian border. The rebels have also agreed to permit an American to serve as the chief political officer for the planned Libyan transitional advisory body due to be organized by NATO and the United Nations. The body will be modeled on the Coalition Provisional Authority in Iraq.
Libyan Air War Continues: 23,571 NATO Sorties, 8,829 Strike Missions
14h/ NATO To Stay In Libya For A Long Time - This was done without asking any permission from the UN or any other similar organization. It looks like NATO commanders just consider it unnecessary to waste time on asking for the UN’s permission. Why all this “bureaucracy”, if the war, as they claim, is very close to an end? At least, NATO’s official reports say that now, Gaddafi’s supporters are incapable of serious resistance. ->
13h/ Canada, Toronto - The Truth about Libya TORONTO CONFERENCE - PART 1 - The Truth about Libya and NATO's "Humanitarian" Military Road Map on 09/09/2011 at Friends House in Toronto with Cynthia McKinney, Mahdi Nazemroaya and Michel Chossudovsky ->
12h/ Canada, Toronto  - Truth about Libya TORONTO CONFERENCE - PART 4 Mahdi Nazemroaya ->
11h/ USA - A Message From Occupied Wall Street (Day Six) - On September 22nd, 2011, sixteen cities from around the country and the world stood in solidarity with us, protesting the disparity of power and wealth that exists in our society. ->
10h/ "The Red Cross is working in Libya to NATO!"  - A French journalist Jules Allen posted on her blog new material on the situation in Libya:
Our sources of information, always reliable, reported the insidious connection between the Libyans behind the Red Cross and NATO. There is a strong suspicion that this international organization will be dealing only with the traitors of Benghazi. ->
09h/ In an interview with German site TZ Online, Franck Ribery announces the birth of a boy born September 16 and also gives the site the first name of his little boy:Seif al-Islam (The sword of Islam). the same name as a son of Muammar Gaddafi. ->
08h/ Ghana - Police break up coalition demo against Libya  - >
06h/ Libya Resistance News Agency Created in VenezuelaNews and truth about Libyan war on Spanish - >
05h/ Lizzie Phelan - Shortly before the fall of Tripoli, the town of Tawergha had been completely eradicated of all its mainly black population by rebels in nearby Misrata, who had marked their signature on the walls to the town: “the brigade for purging slaves, black skin”. Just a few days before the rebels advanced into Tripoli, a friend who worked in a refugee called me to report that 1,000 people from Tawergha had shown up at the site in the early hours of the morning. - >
04h/ NATO's darling little "rebels" - What is the latest on NATO's darlings, the TNC in Libya, the "interim government" recognised by the majority of the international community's representatives, wholly and totally against the hearts and minds of the 7- billion-strong world community? We present a battle report, facts and figures based on figures released by the Libyan authorities.
03h/ Libya, Tripoli: - Clashes on the coast road just before the radio and the clash near the coast on the radio between rats and resistant rats and one heavy weapons, machine gun, a throw-resistant Klashen Cove I think he quoted a speeding car injured and one is still sporadic fighting and now prevents the traffic from the street
02h/ Dr. Moussa Ibrahim is now talking to Arrai - "Rebels traitor are not in control of Sabha and never were in control of Sabha, the brave resistance in Sabha, The noble tribes and tribes Fezzan in Sabha!
01h/ Libya, Tripoli - Children reject the new anthem of the country and eschew stomping on imagesThe Brother Leader Gaddafi. Libyans refused to schoolchildren in the plateau region in Tripoli the new anthem of the country and insisted on the anthem with shouts of Allahu Akbar .... God and Obs, Libya, Muammar ....[Allibiya TV - Channel Libyan]
Day 185: 22. september 2011. Libya news
Map of Libya
01h/ Over the past 2 weeks, NATO and NATO-REBELS have suffered 16 major losses:
1. The Libyan Defense Forces re-captured Brega.  That's the oil port where they ship out oil.  It's what NATO wanted to capture, and hold, more than anything.  They have NEVER been able to hold Brega, and it is now in the hands of Gaddafi.
2.  The Libyan Defense Forces re-captured Ras Lanouf, an important oil refinery.  My understanding is that, due to this Jamahiriya success, oil exports from Libya have dropped from 200,000 barrels a day to 20,000, if I read correctly.
 3. Their attacks on Bani Walid were rebuffed severely by the Libyan Defence Forces.  The "rebels" lost 1,000 soldiers.  And the defence was so strong that the rats refused their commanders' orders to return to the fight.  When asked if they were fatigued, they told their commanders, "No.  We just do not wish to spill Libyan blood anymore.  So, this is a turn of events that might get stronger.  We'll have to wait and see.
4. Same is the case with their attack on Sirte
5. Ditto for Sebha
6. Gaddafi now has at least 10,000 Tuaregs at his disposal (and maybe more), and some of them have crossed into Libya to help him fight.  I believe they are now part of his security squad.  But the other thing that happened, and that was reported even by the mainstream press, is that Saadi Gaddafi, who the press had attempted to give the impression that he had left the fight by going to Niger, has re-entered the fight.  And he has the support of those 10,000 Tuaregs.  I do not know if he brought all of them, but my understanding is that thousands of them are now IN LIBYA.  The Tuareg council had a meeting of 3 or 4 different representatives of the Tuareg tribes of the Sahara.  And they issued a WARNING to Niger: If you interfere with Gaddafi, we will overthrow your government.  The Tuareg's are KNOWN, by military experts, to be the world's top desert fighters--barring none.
7. Other Saharan tribes and sub-tribes are rallying behind Gaddafi.  These are non-Libyans and fiercely loyal to Gaddafi.
A woman called Gaddafi and her family were gunned down as they tried to flee Libya, fearing that their name would cost them their lives.Afaf Gaddafi, who is not related to the toppled leader, and two of her children Yam, 20 months, and Aden, three weeks old, were shot by rebel soldiers as they drove to the airport. Four of the family were killed, including baby daughters Yam and Aden. ->
24h/ Libyan Heroes  liberated Rishvana Zahra  completely .Apache helicopters in the sky now
24h/ Schools destroyed by NATO attack in Sirt ->
23h/ Libya: CNN - pictures from the "liberated" Sabha? - A closer look  [InomineX]...  - >
23h/ The NTC are declared as a racists, who under NATO’s cover have hunted down and murdered thousands of Black Libyans and African migrant workers [Tripoli , Libya 2011.] ->
22h/  [I feel  RESPECT for BRAVE LIBYAN PEOPLE RESPECT for MY COUNTRY LIBYA RESPECT for the BROTHER LEADER GADDAFI -I am proud! libyasos] The North Atlantic tribes, under the banner of NATO, and their Arab flunkies are lining up for a showdown in Sirte. Muammar Qaddafi and the Al Fateh revolutionary forces remain defiant and have issued statements saying that they will never surrender. Their extraordinary resistance has most certainly earned them a place in the history of modern warfare. Nowhere in modern history have an army of 100,000 and a population of 6.5 million been able to resist such an overwhelming and murderous invasion for so long. - >
21:30h/ Clashes in Tarhunah now
21h/ Liberated Tarhuna captures many NATO mercenaries and vows to continue the fight - Source from within Libya state that many NATO mercenaries have been captured by the Tarhuna Tribe, and the Tribe promised to continue fighting until every inch of the town is liberated, and all remnants of Mercenaries are kicked out.
Previously scenes of celebrations were reported in Tarhuna as thousands sang and cheered at the cover of the night, joyful faces emerged, waving green flag and chanting pro-Jamahariya slogans. ->
21h/ SABHA- more than 45 NATO mercenaries were killed in a battle for Sabha, and hundreds of them are captured.. It's interesting that the western media is silent about this..
 In the southern town of Sabha the Libyan military and warriors have taken control of the town. You have been hearing in Western and Iranian press that the NATO rebels had taken the town of Sabha.
The Libyan military has also taken control of the Gardabia airport and military base which is south of Sirte. The Libyan military set a trap for the NATO rebels in the Sirte area, 45 of the NATO rebels were killed and approximately two hundred were captured.
17h/ Approximately two thousand fully armed Touareg warriors of Libya, Mali and Niger were also coming to help the Libyan people in Sabha
There was a very difficult battle fought in Al Jufrah where there is an airbase. The Libyan military killed ten NATO rebels and approximately 20 of the NATO rebels were wounded.
18h/ In Tripoli the official Green Flag of Libya was raised over Al Fatah University by Libya Liberal Youth group. Within Green Square a battle is occurring against the NATO rebels with Libyan citizens and warriors using guerrilla tactics to sabotage carrying out two deadly bomb attacks upon the NATO rebels.
21h/ The rebels are 100 kilometers to 150 kilometers from all cities of #Sabha and #Bani Walid and #Sirte.Rebels retreated to let NATO bomb
21h/ NATO Extends Libya Campaign Green Flag Flies Over Bengazi - While the worlds eyes were on Palestine´s bet for statehood, NATO Secretary General Anders Fogh Rasmussen and U.N. Secretary General Ban Ki Moon met in a separate session. To the press Rasmussen declared that he had emphasized NATO´s commitment in former Yugoslavia, Afghanistan and Iraq, stating that NATO is a “Modern Security Organization”. Rasmussen also pronounced that NATO has prolonged it´s campaign in Libya with three month. Meanwhile, the Green Flag has been hoisted again over Bengazi, and nsnbc receives reports of an escalation of NATO´s violent air-campaign and ground war.  ->
20h/  Report from  Journalist in Libya: NATO extention in Libya 90 days & Continue Bombing civilians in Sirte [TeleSUR] ->

19h/  News September 22, 2011 - Libya In the southern town of Sabha the Libyan military and warriors have taken control of the town.

18h/ Bani Walid - One rebel played with bazooka, detonated it and blew his own head. [ Reuters ]
18h/ Migrants clash with residents on island - Palermo - Migrants clashed with residents on Wednesday on an Italian island off the coast of Sicily where tens of thousands of North Africans have landed since the start of the year. Lampedusa, roughly midway between Sicily and the African mainland, has been the point of arrival in Europe for hundreds of small, often overcrowded boats carrying  immigrants from Tunisia and Libya.
17h/ South Africa - Zuma calls for end to hostilities in Libya -  President Jacob Zuma has called for the cessation of hostilities and an end to the Nato aerial bombing in Libya during the 66th session of the United Nations General Assembly at the UN headquarters in New York.
16h/ Libyan victory questioned - [Which Libyan? victory]Tripoli – Muammar Gaddafi remains at large. His supporters are well- armed. Fighting rages on three fronts, even as Nato warplanes drop more bombs. This doesn't sound much like victory.  [which victory?]
15h/ Tunisian officials have confirmed that former Libyan Prime Minister Al-Baghdadi
15h/ NATO SLAUGHTERING CHILDREN IN SIRTE - "To the Libyan people: this is your chance." Obama said. [22. September 2011. Sirte, Libya] 
- >
14h/ Breaking News our brave people destroy four Mechanisms for NATO rebels and captured four machanisms full of weapons in the city of Sirte .
13h/ Breaking news: #Sirte- NATO airstrikes killed 151 civilians 
12h/ Bolivia’s Morales Sees Oil, Greed Behind NATO Mission In Libya. -
Evo Morales, Bolivia’s socialist president, says NATO’s intervention in Libya is an act of “imperialism” motivated by the West’s desire to control natural resources. ->
11h/ Pentagon, NATO Plot “Next Steps” In Libya - WASHINGTON: As Operation Unified Protector winds down in Libya, the Defense Department and its NATO partners have had early discussions about future roles in that embattled nation, Defense Secretary Leon E. Panetta said today. “Our operation has been a success,” Rasmussen said. [WOLRD IS A BIG SHAME] ->
10h/ NATO Terrorists in Tripoli destroy & loot homes & businesses for refusing to cooperate, Libya ->
09h/ Mahdi Nazemroaya- 'Abductions and Assassinations in Libya', NATO Crimes In Libya ->

Day 184: 21. september 2011. Libya news
24h/ Libya Update, Heavy Fighting at Sabah - The likewise the airport of Sabah has reportedly been taken under control by NATO lead forces yesterday evening. There have reportedly been heavy clashes throughout the day. The latest reports we receive claim that the airport is now again under control of forces that oppose the occupation of Libya by NATO and NATO mercenaries. nsnbc is also receiving reports that the Libyan Woman Committee in Sabah, Sirte, Bani Walid and other cities have declared that the woman are taking up arms to repel the occupation. The humanitarian situation in the besieged areas is catastrophic. There is a catastrophic lack of medicines, and vital food supplies. In many areas the water supply is cut of due to bombing and shelling, or due to NATO lead forces cutting off, or poisoning water supples, in an attempt to break the sieges. A clear violation of international laws.  ->
23h/ Libye – Un groupe de rebelles piégé par la résistance à Tripoli -21/09/2011 | Algeria ISP ->
23h/ Footage that shows the old CNN (video), since when they have just entered the Sabha and there was no resistance, but only because it was a trap. When they moved in, it suffered heavy losses and were forced to flee, according to reports and sources on the territory of Libya [ozyism]
22h/ A woman and her family were shot by Libyan rebel fighters in a deadly attack because their last name was Gaddafi, it has been reported.! -->
21h/ Libya Mass graves: Libya Rebels Dumping Hundreds of Bodies in Cemetery  - It is unclear if these are slain members of the regime’s military, or simply dissidents. The rebels are also said to be converting a number of buildings into additional prison space, apparently out of concern that the prison-happy Gadhafi regime simply didn’t have enough room for the enormous numbers of people the new pro-NATO regime is detaining. - >
20h/ With the  flag of Slaves flying at the United Nazis headquarters, interim government traitor   Mustafa Abdel Jalil thanked all boss -countries who had helped the "success of the Libyan revolution", which traitor and slave Jalil said cost at least 25 000 Libyan lives   killed by NATO, CIA,  and AlQaeeda  mercenaries and NATOled rebels.
20h/ Cape Town - The South African government had decided to give the National Transitional Council (NTC) in Libya "the benefit of the doubt", Deputy International Relations and Co-operation Minister Marius Fransman said on Wednesday. YOUTH OF TOBRUK THREATENING JIBRIL ->
19h/  12 more U.S. troops sent to Libya
- WASHINGTON (AP) – Defense Secretary Leon Panetta said the Pentagon has sent another dozen troops to Tripoli to help the State Department lay plans for reopening the U.S. Embassy [sure].
 Photos of Support for Muammar al Gaddafi from the people of Serbia -!/groups/spreadthetruthandsupport/
*** NATO agrees to extend its air & sea operations in Libya for 90 days.
NATO extends Libya mission by 90 days - BRUSSELS, Sept 21 (Reuters) - NATO agreed on Wednesday to a three-month extension of its air-and-sea campaign in Libya as the country's new rulers try to dislodge well-armed Libyan Army and Libyan people holding out in  towns. ->
18h/ [we will see] Gaddafi stronghold Sabha seized by NTC forces -
The National Transitional Council’s (NTC) forces have seized the one of the last strongholds of Libyan Army, Sabha. On Tuesday, Ahmed Bani, the NTC’s military spokesman, said the town had been partially captured, including the airport. The remaining "two Gaddafi bastions" – Sirte and Bani Walid - are still continuing their resistance.
17h/ Zambia/Libya: Nchanga Stadium Game for Libya ->
16h/ Tiny Burkina Faso confronts Gadhafi's enormous legacy - >
15h/ The NATO rebels are bickering more and more among themselves and NATO is trying to come to grips with a number of its own special forces being captured in Bani Walid. Most of them are French, two are said to be English, one Asian and one Qatari.
15h/ You Are Not My Boss - NATO Rebels Flee in Chaos, 2 of 2 The UN Resolution 1973 specifically indicated "no boots on the ground" in Libya -- not that the US, France, and Britain would adhere to that.  ->
14h/ Reports from the ground depict scenes of chaos outside the town of Bani Walid, witnesses claim that NATO  and Mercenaries are once again fighting each other, many fighters have been shot, and one fighter's head have been blown off by an RPG.
13h/ Destroying a Country’s Standard of Living: What Libya Had Achieved, What has been Destroyed - The ruinous “rebirth” of Libya’s Standard of Living? That is the forbidden truth. ->
12h/ Libya: Loyalist Fighters Continue Resistance In Capital TRIPOLI: Clashes took place between the fighters of the Libyan National Transitional Council (NTC) and members of the security troops of the fallen leader Muammar Gaddafi around nightfall on Tuesday in central Tripoli.  ->
11h/ Black Libyans and African migrants have been targeted by Libyan rebel fighters who even have a special unit for the purpose. The 'Brigade for Purging Slaves, black skin’ have torched the homes of residents of Tawergha, whilst black African migrants are rounded up in Tripoli and thrown into prison, suspected of being mercenaries in the employ of Gaddafi.
10h/ Sarkozy Shorty Urges Libya-Style UN Process Against Syria. “I wish [lol] the Security Council would assume all responsibilities for the protection, using appropriate methods, for the Syrian people against the repression of the condemned regime (in Damascus),” Sarkozy Shorty told ->
08h/ Testing Ground: France Used Libya War To Push Warplane Sales To United Arab Emirates And India Against Iran And China ->
07h/ Video Study: Demonstrators Shot by Unseen Gunmen ->
05h/ Susan Lindauer, ex-Cia agent, who became famous after exposing NATO and rebels atrocities in Libya, is threatend by unknown persons. She gave an interview on the radio called "Down the Rabbit Hole", where she expressed her fears over her life, and said that she will not commit suicide (she said it as a precaution if someone who wants her dead, makes it look like one)
 ATTENTION!!- Al MUKAWAMA - RESISTENCIA - Agencia de Noticias de la Resistencia Libia - Mérida, September 20th 2011 ( – The Libyan Resistance News Agency (ANRL) was inaugurated yesterday in Caracas at a forum in the Gallegos Foundation Centre for Latin American Studies (CELARG). It aims to break the “information blockade imposed by the international mass media” regarding what’s going on in North Africa and the Middle East.
Libya news [backup libyasos] 13. september- 20. september 2011. -->
Libya news [backup libyasos] 07. september- 12. september 2011. -->
Libya news [backup libyasos] 02. september- 06. september 2011.
Libya news [backup libyasos] 28. august- 1. september 2011. ->
Libya news [backup libyasos] 19. august- 27. august 2011. ->
Libya news [backup libyasos] 18. august- 21. august 2011. ->
Libya news [backup libyasos] 10. august- 17. august2011. ->
Libya news [backup libyasos] 29. july - 09. august 2011.
Libya news [backup libyasos] 11. july - 28. july 2011. ->
Libya news [backup libyasos] 06. july - 11. july 2011. ->
Libya news [backup libyasos] 03. july - 05. july 2011. ->
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Libya news [backup libyasos] 25 jun - 30 jun 2011. ->
Libya news [backup libyasos] 04 jun - 24 jun 2011.->