
Sep 1, 2011

Saif Al Islam: Victory or Martyrdom! [31. August 2011.]

Saif Al-Islam, son of Libyan leader Muammar Gaddafi, on Wednesday called on the people of Tripoli to mobilize in order to defend Libya, "attack" the rebels who remain in the capital for several days trying to take control of the North nation.

"There's another message for our people in Tripoli and we are asking everyone to move to attack all the rats (...) If you encounter any of these people should attack them," he said Saif through a phone call .

The son of Libyan leader called on people to "attack the enemy (...) and they have suffered many wounds and lost a lot."

Similarly, said laOrganización North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) has a campaign against al-Gaddafi loyalists "to believe that we are afraid, but everything is on our side, everything is fine."

He noted that in all regions the tribes "have received threats and what they could do is defend our country." He said the people that victory is near and they are the ones who have to leave our country. "

"We can say that the divisions of these rebels are being destroyed and separated, we know that there are mercenaries from all countries and they are never going to show loyalty" to the forces of NATO.

The NATO fighters "are people idiots, these people who are enTrípoli belong to Al Qaeda and terrorists and they are the ones controlling the operations," he said.

He reiterated that the Libyan people are being cheated by the West, but "the rats are scared and are running away, they are simply cowards who are running for their lives."

He urged Libyans to take to the streets, not to be afraid because it is a "war against treason and all the suburbs have to defend the country with their weapons, stand and come to the Green Square to celebrate the victory of our country ".

Saif al-Islam reported that visited the residential complex Bab Al Aziziya and met people who claimed animated "continue the resistance until victory."

"Unfortunately, NATO attacked and bombed some houses in the city there are several dead," he said while warning "while there are threats continue fighting," he said.

"There are more than 20 thousand armed people who want to fight," said and insisted on calling people to navigate the streets of the North African nation, which was bombed for over six months for the Atlantic Alliance.

Tripoli said that "there have been battles over many months," but stressed that contrary to what is said in the television networks, the alleged taking of Bab Al Aziziya (Executive's residence in Libya) "means nothing" because when the rebels arrived there armed forces loyal to al-Gaddafi had already been removed.

"Nobody is there (...) these rebels are always trying to cause disorder and should remember that our navy is fine, working perfectly," he said.

He insisted that the Libyans will defend their country from the British and French troops who want to destroy it, and also said that enemies "have to leave the country."

He stressed that leaders loyal to al-Gaddafi who are performing or are claiming wins rebels "are acting under threat" and specified that they are not only kidnapping, but of our extortion or intimidation to their families.

Victory or Martyrdom!