
Sep 22, 2011

The NTC are declared as a racists, who under NATO’s cover have hunted down and murdered thousands of Black Libyans and African migrant workers [Tripoli , Libya 2011.]

‘In the end we will remember not the words of our enemies, but the silence of our friends’ – Dr. Martin Luther King

This war, under the banner of the U.N., has once and for all exposed this organization’s fraudulent and criminal nature. On the one hand they have declared 2011 as the “International Year of People of African Descent.” It is more aptly designated as the “International Year for the Destruction of Africa.”
 Tripoli, Libya, September 2011.

These African governments must be aware that Libya’s ex-Minister of Justice Mustafa Jalil, leader of the Transitional Council, and other Libyan officials who have defected to the rebels were among those who condoned brutal attacks on Africans in a series of incidents a few years ago, when Nigerians and Ghanaians were being attacked in the streets of Tripoli. This was an attempt to embarrass Qaddafi and tarnish his Pan-African credentials, thereby undermining Libya’s Pan-African project.

 Thousands of Blacks, whether Libyans or sub-Saharan Africans, have been arrested, accused of fighting for Qaddafi as mercenaries, and lynched by rebels. This Nigerian man was arrested Sept. 17. – Photo: Francois Mori, AP
Jalil is known by revolutionary and progressive organizations throughout Africa as a racist. His so-called Transitional National Council, in accordance with their Arab supremacist mindset, rejects Libya’s African identity. It is bewildering and unfathomable to me that African leaders could have gone to the “Imperialist Carve-up Conference” in Paris and sat in a room with White and Arab supremacists while they plotted the looting of Libya now and, inevitably, the re-colonization of Africa – one nation-state at a time. But what else can we expect from these neo-colonial flunkies?
Libya 2011.

In a recent article, African commentator Reason Wafawarova observed with disgust:
 “The current African Union is a bunch of cowardly bucolic boofheads totally mesmerised by Western donor funding. They look pretty scared as they seem all determined to avoid angering the Westerners. What an unthinking lot of hopeless traitors!

It is just as good that they are no longer called the Organization of African Unity – that fiery club founded by strong characters like Kwame Nkrumah, Haile Selassie, Muammar Qaddafi, Milton Obote, Kenneth Kaunda, Julius Nyerere, Jomo Kenyatta and Gamal Abdel Nasser, later to be graced by such revolutionaries as Thomas Sankara, Samora Machel, President Mugabe, Eduardo dos Santos, Sam Nujoma, Nelson Mandela and other heroes.

Who among the bunch of new leaders we have today could un-tie the shoes of Nasser, Nkrumah or Julius Nyerere? The OAU would never have stood aside and looked while little bullies like Sarkozy and Cameron have a field day bombing the cities of a fellow African state.”
Al Fateh will never die: Don’t mourn – organize

Many in Libya, stunned after the fall of Tripoli and the sheer criminality and barbarism of this invasion, are only now regrouping and switching to guerilla war mode. There is no choice. 
Even if Qaddafi were to leave Libya or be killed, this battle would continue because it is about much more than one man, Muammar Qaddafi and the Libyan nation. 

The ideas of Muammar Qaddafi and the Al Fateh revolution are not restricted to the geographical space known as Libya. The ideology of the Third Universal Theory, as outlined in “The Green Book,” and the vision of a United States of Africa has taken deep root in Africa and throughout the world. In fact, this attack on Libya and Africa has only served to re-energize and galvanize revolutionary Pan-African forces and other revolutionary movements worldwide.
The vision of a United States of Africa has taken deep root in Africa and throughout the world. In fact, this attack on Libya and Africa has only served to re-energize and galvanize revolutionary Pan-African forces and other revolutionary movements worldwide.

The imperialists reckoned that this invasion, which was planned months ahead and launched in February this year...

Please read full article :
Resistance in Libya: Imperialism will be buried in Africa, by Gerald A. Perreira - >