
Sep 6, 2011

Libya: Dr. Moussa Ibrahim [05. September 2011]

In a speech aired late on Monday evening (5th September), Libyan government spokesman Moussa Ibrahim re-affirmed the strong position of the Libyan tribes and the Libyan army. 
NATO is the enemy of the people and that we are waiting for the holy hour to win this! And that we will not allow the Imperialists to succeed in Libya as this would mean further spread of colonisation of other countries such as Algeria which are next in line and that Imperialist country such as France and other NATO countries which have been awarded petroleum contracts worth up to 35% will leave the Libyan people bled dry.

A translation of his speech:-
Peace be upon your viewers, I would like to apologise for my prolonged absence but we are fighting a battle for the good of all Arabs, Muslims & the world.
We are fighting in squares, rooms, valleys and villages. Therefore we often do not find the time to communicate with the media, despite our knowledge of the importance of media.
We are not fighting just armed rebels; we are fighting NATO, one of the biggest military forces despite its lack of morality and crippled morale.
We are under a complete siege in terms of communication and media and other perspectives however our consciousness is alive and our hearts are beating. The radiance of resistance and struggle beams from within us; we attain this from our piousness and our religiousness.

We have decided to either win or to be martyred with courage, like our brothers, sons, women and children. We will continue with this struggle until we are victorious.

In regards to the territorial developments in Sabha, Sirte & Bani Walid:-

I would like to say to the great people of Libya; "do not become weak or saddened as forever you are high", do not surrender to the media campaign of speculation and that of lies.
Yes, the conspiracy is big, but we are still strong and god is testament and witness to that. We are still capable of tipping the table against these traitors and cowards and their NATO masters.
There are big stretches of Libya that are still loyal to Libya the mother; the strip from Brega to the New Hisha is fully liberated (which is a very large stretch that is approximately 600 km).
The strategic location of another strip that extends from the sea to the Niger / Chad borders (1600 km in length), is fully liberated passing by: Sokna, Hon & Murzuq. There also another strategic strip of liberated area from Sirte to Bani Walid passing by cities and hamlets.
There also another strategic strip of liberated area from Sirte to Bani Walid passing by cities and hamlets.
There are also areas nearby that are also attributed to the resistance and glory in the West of the country such as: Al-Ejilat & Jenan. I would also like to our repeat to our free brave men in: Wershefana, Al-Asabaa, Al-Gwalish & Mizda and many more with the millions of men that are continuing this fight against the cowards and traitors

As for the areas that are controlled by the NATO backed cowards, the resistance is still continuing in those areas. They have now occupied Tripoli for the last two weeks but they have not been able to retain a foothold on their territorial gains and are bewildered.

The resistance is not only continuing in those areas that are hotspots for struggle and resistance such as: Abu Sleem & El-Hadba but there have also been encounters in: - Siyahiya & Soug El-Jumaa, Tajoura, Bab Ben Gheshir & Dreiby.

Due to the skirmishes the rebels have abandoned their checkpoints and are cowered in schools and other military facilities and are avoiding daylight encounters because they have become legitimate targets for those leading the struggle.

The tribes that are being pressured in Werfella and Bani Walid has re-affirmed their position with all courage: " No we will not surrender ! And we will liberate the whole of Libya not just Tripoli. "In addition to the loyal and honourable tribes of Sirte and the huge numbers of brave warriors in the Fezzan area.
We are saddened that these rebels have taken over Tripoli, we are present yet we are cautious that our army should be seen by NATO; in essence our primary enemy is NATO.

These cowards on the ground are dispersed, weak and are no match for us, our main enemy is NATO and we will protect our army from NATO.

We are waiting for the holy hour, to jump on these armed rebels and liberate the whole of Libya.

I would like to tell all Arabs and all Libyans, that Libya will not fall! -- And that the fall of Libya will mean the fall of Algeria, Syria & Saudi Arabia and the loss of our economic society for a colonialist plot to take over and enslave us .

I would like to tell my Muslim brothers around the world, not to allow the Imperialists to mute your dreams and to enforce their ideals and agendas on you.

I have been following the political landscape and I can see that the entire world has agreed that the war on Libya was a sound investment for France.

France will gain excellently from this and that 35% of Libyan oil has been allocated to France in exchange for helping the rebels.

We have distributed the documentations that prove that France will be allocated 35 % of Libyan oil supplies prior to this, If France is to be allocated this amount then how much has been allocated to Italy, Britain & America this means that we have been sold out !

Imagine destroying our homes, farms, schools and hospitals and they ask us to pay for all this from our oil revenues and more. These are people that have sold their consciousness and morals to the benefit of the West.

Extremist Islam has taken over, instead of our moderate 'lovely' Islam that was prevalent, by the assigning of Abdelhakim Belhaj which was apprehended by the CIA for terrorist activities.
[source: VSMRK YouTube channel ]