
Sep 26, 2011

ABDELHAKIM BELHADJ, AKA HASIDI, AKA ABU ABDULLA AL-SADDIQ, AKA…عبد الحكيم بالحاج ‎ aka Abu Abdallah Assadaq

 [update 29. september 2011.]
Al Qaeda LIFG leader Abdul Belhaj writes column for Guardian!
Global elite defile memories of "War on Terror" dead, humor terrorist Belhaj who fought and killed Western troops.
by Tony Cartalucci

However, Mr. Belhaj has had time, apparently, allegedly, to draft a lengthy editorial titled, "The revolution belongs to all Libyans, secular or not," gladly published by the London Guardian, where he is allowed to go on at length, whitewashing what is essential a life-long career in terrorism and expound the merits of the wholesale mass murder he and his cohorts, under NATO cover, are committing against the Libyan people. Belhaj, for those that don't know, is a founding member of the Libyan Islamic Fighting Group (LIFG), an official Al Qaeda affiliate, and listed by both the US State Department [2] and the United Kingdom Home Office [3] as a foreign terrorist organization and proscribed terrorist organization respectively. LIFG was the subject of a lengthy report issued by West Point's Combating Terrorism Center [4] regarding foreign fighters turning up in Iraq killing US and British soldiers, LIFG and more specifically, the Benghazi-Darnah region of Libya lending more fighters to Iraq per-capita than any other nation, including Saudi Arabia. - >
In Anglo-American Nation Building Projects, decades of underhanded double dealing of CIA, DIA, MI5, MI6, NATO Intelligence Services, et al. often have the effect that persons that have been convenient assets, are being maneuvered into places of power and public attention. When public attention results in investigative journalism, an asset can become a public relations liability. No other recent case demonstrates it as obviously as that of Abdelhakim Belhadj, aka Hasidi, aka Abu Abdulla al-Saddiq, aka… :
"Who is the mask behind the many men”.                                   
by Dr. Christof Lehmanno
[ original  complete article you have to read
Abdelhakim Belhadj The Mask Behind The Many Men

" The NTC has dismissed any suggestions that Abdel Hakim Belhaj is a former [?] al-Qaeda sympathiser " [ BBC  Disneyland news september 2011.] ->

Abdelhakim Belhadj was born in 1966 in Souq al Jum´aa area, Tripoli´s Old City. It was impossible to find information about his birth name, and with the many changes of Alia, who knows if he remembers it himself. Nothing is publicly known about his childhood and youth, but he earned a degree in civil engineering at Tripoli´s Al Fateh University. He came under the scope of Libyan Police when he joined a radicalized Islamic group that was reportedly arrested and dismantled by Libyan Police. 
Belhadj was not charged and released. Belhadj was one of the many young, idealistic men who were inspired by the image of the religious freedom fighter, which the U.S.A. carefully nurtured since 1979, to the degree that it had created the recruitment potential for an insurgency into Afghanistan and the subversion of the USSR-backed Afghan Government in the Democratic Republic of Afghanistan.
In 1992, after his first brushes with Libyan Police Authorities, the year that the Mujahedeen had taken control over Kabul, he left Libya via Egypt and traveled to Afghanistan, where he joined the Taliban, and Mujahedeen which was then heavily financed and supported by the CIA, the Pakistani Inter Service Intelligence ISI, and Saudi Arabia
Pakistan, in a permanent state of low intensity conflict with India over Kashmir, in which the USA is playing an underhanded role, was seeking influence in Afghanistan for acquiring a strategic “hinterland” for the case of a war with India.
At that time, Abdelhakim Belhadj was known as Abu Abdulla al-Sadiq.

In the case of Abdelhakim Belhadj we have to deal with a potential state leader, and under any circumstance a person with extremely strong influence, who must have an intense love hate relationship to many of the constructions, systems and persons that are tied into the mental fabric of the experiences that dominated the last two decades of his life. 
The recent PR effort by Al Jazeera et al., an exercise in applied social constructionism,  is indicating that he is an image problem for the NTC, US, EU, and NATO – and he is aware of that too. More love/hate.
Even though the PR will bolster his ego, it also makes him aware of the fact that he is a problem. Dialectical Problem. Dialectical Problems are hard to bear for unstable personalities. The most likely result of those dialectics and dilemma is that he will become more double dealing, will restrain himself in public, and vent his anger and frustrated aggression the more when it is not seen, wittnessed, or by covert activities.

Just try to be emphatic about how insecure he must be feeling – how much he needs to have control after being tortured, after knowing that the hand that has betrayed and abused him, and used him is the hand that is feeding him now, now where he is at the pinnacle of possibilities. 
Poor Libyans, poor political and military rivals, poor Libyans who are under suspicion of opposing him. 
He “must” have an intense need to control in order to feel somewhat safe!!
That makes him very hard to work with – it´s a ring that is reenforcing it´s own dynamics.

It´s absolutely not unthinkable that he will be targetted – not right now, but after the NTC is more consolidated and the country more stable, if that ever happens as long as 95 % of it´s population oppose the occupation and everything that comes with it. 
French, British, US, NATO,Israel,..any of the services that back any of his colleagues or rivals could be the culprit. Alternatively, if he makes it, and he either goes to the very top, or the top of a sub system like the military, it is not unlikely that he will continue to be used as operative for covert militant activities – false flags or similar.
If so, he would be the one to doublecross the ones who make use of his services if he can get away with getting revenge. Imagine a false flag going awry because some DIA, CIA, MI5, MI6 spooks think he could be useful.  
That´s Him – That´s The Mask Behind The Many Men – Abdelhakim Belhadj.

Escobar: Al-Qaeda asset is military commander of Tripoli ->