
Aug 29, 2011

Libya is so wonderful place 28. 08.2011. [Leonor & Morris]

Now is the age of Fascistas and Dictators
 What life was with The Brothe Leader Gaddafi (before this war )

Draft UN report on human rights in Libya Jan 2011. (Before NATO bombings)
The war is about destroying a Heritage as much as it is about resources. Here is a pictorial journey through one of UNESCO's protected cultural sites: Leptis Magna. Leonor narrates us through.
21 Aug 2011 – Rape of Libya: NATO Bombs UNESCO World Heritage Site and rebels smuggling the Libyan national treasure -->

Rebels ransack the Historic Church of St. George in Tripoli


The historic church of St. George located in Libya, in Tripoli, dating back to 1647, has been ransacked. The church is the oldest Orthodox church in North Africa.
The president of the Greek community, Dimitris Anastassiou transferred the news to the Metropolitan of Tripoli Mr. Theophylaktos, who has been in Greece since late June.
I am feeling heartbroken for what is happening in Libya, this beautiful country which was destroyed and whose people are noted for their hospitality,” stated the Metropolitan of Tripoli, who settled in Libya in 1991.
”I was sad to hear the news from Mr. Anastassiou. The thieves stole the shrine of our patron saint which I had brought from Mount Athos. Old Gospels, chalices, cherubim, censers, one of which we had been given by the Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew.
Those who stole the holy objects contacted the president of the community and asked for money in order to return them. Mr. Anastassiou reported the incident to the police, but as things are at the moment, none will deal with this matter,” he said.

"Cave paintings in Acacus Mountains that go back 14,000 years were being destroyed by looters" (they found a way to extract them with chemicals)
Libya’s priceless historical heritage is in danger of being destroyed in the same way Iraq’s cultural riches perished during the United States invasion, warned a Russian expert on West Asia.
What I Learned About Libya: Draft UN report on human rights in Libya Jan 2011. (Before NATO bombings)