
Jul 25, 2011

(V) Libyan rebels (killers) in Benghazi hanging man #Feb17

This monsters aka rebels hanging man in Benghazi.

For anyone who has eyes to see and a head to think it is clear that NATO is not after protecting people. The leaders of the warring NATO allies even say it openly, what they are really after, „Gaddafi must go“ , or „regime change“ and thereby they deliberately stifle any opportunity for a peaceful resolution of the conflict.

Only slowly the public in the warring NATO countries understands that they are systematically lied upon Libya and that the NATO is not bombing Libya to protect people, but actually NATO is just running a long pre-planned predatory war of aggression against Libya. More and more it appears that, while charges against the Libyan government taken as reasons for war are wrong, that the NATO-sponsored „rebels“ perpetrate the very crimes that the Libyan government is falsely accused of.

It has been falsely claimed, that the Libyan government let their warplanes bomb peaceful demonstrators, but actually rebels use warplanes and helicopter gunships against everyone whom they think they were supporters of the government.

It has been falsely claimed, that the Libyan government shoots deliberately and randomly to inhabited areas, but actually it is the „rebels“ who use heavy weapons to shoot deliberately into populated areas and even use heavy weapons within populated areas to just shoot around.

It has been falsely claimed, that the Libyan government uses child soldiers, but in fact it is the rebels, who use children as soldiers.

It has been falsely claimed, that the Libyan government uses foreign mercenaries, but in fact it is the rebels who use foreign mercenaries.

It has been falsely claimed, that the Libyan government disregards human rights, but actually racist „rebels“ massacre scores people with black skin in the barbarous ways.

It has been falsely claimed, that the Libyan government murdered shackled people, but actually it was rebels, who committed those brutal killings and war crimes.

It has been falsely claimed, that the Libyan government threatened a massacre in Benghazi if it would regain power there, but actually rebel death squads now work down long execution lists there.