
Jul 12, 2011

Libya news [backup libyasos] 06. july - 11. july 2011.

Day 114: 11. july 2011.
NATO’s Libyan War: 14,672 Sorties, 5,539 Strike Missions
22h/ On the morning of the 10th July 2011, a convoy of journalists set off from the Rixos hotel in Tripoli to the Gharyan area that lies in the Western Mountains.
The journalists got a chance to witness the normality in life in that area which is close to the rebel front line in the Western Mountains, in a solid show of defiance of support for Colonel Muammer Al-Gadaffi and to dis-spell any rumors that area is likely to fall into the hands of the rebels any time soon.
20h/ South African trade unions have come out strongly against NATO's role in the Libyan crisis. They voiced support for Libyan leader Muammar Gaddafi and his people, and condemned NATO's military intervention in Africa. ->
18h/ Italian aircraft carrier Garibaldi Thousand Withdraws Military of Libya to Save 114 Million Dollars.
16h/ IMPORTANT!Some more pictures about what’s happening in Libya. As the western mass media are unwilling to tell the truth about NATO’s predatory war of aggression against Libya, former US congresswoman Cynthia McKinney traveled to Libya and brought home some pictures.
14h/ History will judge NATO harshly for  its crimes. Hopefully the citizens of every NATO member states will work to end its mission so as to protect the civilian population of Libya.Franklin Lamb is doing research in Libya and can be reached c/o  read more
14h/  by Timothy Analysing the speech of Muammar al-Qathafi last Friday to the packed crowd in Tripoli, we can see how the Libyan Brother Leader thinks.
* Global Research associate Mahdi Nazemroaya joins us from Tripoli where he is on a fact-finding mission to find out what is really happening in Libya and what the real effects of the NATO-led rebellion really is for people on the ground.
14h/ Yet, more than three months into the Nato offensive, Gaddafi remains as resolutely in power in Tripoli today as he was when the first bombs were dropped in March. In recent days, we have seen the extent of the support he continues to enjoy when thousands of his own supporters turned out in Tripoli to hear an address by the Libyan leader.
14h/ But in a rare organised trip to Libya's Nefusa mountain range, about 50 miles south of Tripoli, it is clear that the government and its militia are preparing to defend Gharyan. (read more) 
13h/ With Canada's combat mission in Afghanistan all but over, involvement in Libya shows no signs of petering out as the country's second Libya-bound warship left Victoria.
13h/ RIYADH: Regional developments including the political unrest in Syria, which shares an 850-km border with Turkey, topped the agenda of talks Sunday in Jeddah between Foreign Minister Prince Saud Al-Faisal and his Turkish counterpart Ahmet Davutoglu.
13h/ The Royal Air Force is to get 2,000lb "bunker busting" bombs to boost its mission in Libya. The Ministry of Killing said the Enhanced Paveway III bombs were capable of penetrating the roofs of reinforced buildings.
12h/ AMERICA'S MAYORS want every-one to know that wars in distant lands have taken a severe toll on their cities, and they welcome efforts to bring the troops home, where they would prefer to see Americans' tax dollars spent.
11h/ ADDIS ABABA France vowed  it would work with the African Union to find "political solutions" to the Libya crisis, but insisted that the ouster of Libyan leader Moamer Kadhafi was a "key point". 
11h/ France recognized the failure of military operations in Libya. French Defence Minister Gerard Longuet told local television on Sunday that it was time for both sides to sit round a table to reach a political compromise.
* Head of the Government of Libya Baghdadi Mahmoudi announced the air strikes of NATO's civilian infrastructure in the cities of Libya, which killed civilians. 

08h/ IMPORTANT! Scenes from Qawalish, Libya.  Bryan Denton and I were in the town within minutes after it fell, we returned the day after and we returned again today. During this time the town was solely under rebel control. And during this time it has been looted extensively, including by armed men we observed in rebel attire and in vehicles bearing rebel stickers or flags. During this same time, many houses have been burned. We have been unable to locate a single civilian in the town.  SPANISH LANGUAGE
Day 113: 10. july 2011.
20h/ Manuel Ernesto De Brabandere -"NATO Press briefing for Sunday:
1. We kill more innocent child´s, women’s and men’s, We do not care from which side they belong, fur NATO there are no people who deserve to live.
2. The lies with our worldwide media are going fine. Millions are watching football or any other circus meanwhile we through one lie here and another there to make believe when are the goods, killing, torturing, destroying a peaceful country and a very successfully system that bring behalf to the vast majority of the people which is contrary to our ideology.
3. Keep bombing with depleted uranium, schools, hospitals, markets, universities, and all Libyan infrastructure I perfect condition.
4. We keep working hard to bend soft governments under our control to day after day keep they mouth shut or even better to withdraw tiny help to Socialist Libya.
5. The immense fortune of Libyan people deposited in banks in Europe or the USA are being taking good care going God knows where. For sure not to help the people of Libya to whom we rob that money.
For the rest this is our fifth month bombing innocent people and we are very proud of it, we will stop until Kaddafi and its entire people are killed not before a good torture.
See you until next aggression to another country that is doing fine with their people. The GENOCIDE AND PILLAGE CONTINUES."
With all my respect to the dignity and sovereignty of the people of Great Socialist People's Libyan Arab Jamahiriya. VIVA FREE LYBIA, JUSTICE HAS TO ARRIVE SOONER OR LATER. 
20h/ Iskender Niyazaliev - Вчера Сербия! Сегодня Ливия! Завтра... Зачем завтра, когда был уже ВЧЕРА КЫРГЫЗСТАН! Год назад, во время ошских событий, против кыргызского народа были применены те же самые методы оболванивания мировой общественности и тотальной лжи, как и сегодня в Ливии! Год назад кыргызов обвинили в геноциде узбекского населения. Эта информация активно разносилась западной прессой и усиленно муссировалась выставляя кыргызов как зверей последних - ролики на ютубе и местных видео-сервисах о зверствах кыргызов появлялись просто с бешенной скоростью. Но прошло время и все стало ясно (даже иностранные СМИ были вынужденны признать) что никакого геноцида НЕ БЫЛО! Ситуация та же что и в Ливии. Слава Богу не бомбили, но был один нюанс - правительство попросило помощи у ОДКБ дабы затушить конфликт. В то время, сей беспредел почему-то посчитали исключительно внутренним делом КР и не вмешались. Почему сегодня не считают внутренним делом происходящее в Ливии?
Короче.. Такое ДЕЙСТВИТЕЛЬНО может произойти в любой момент в любой стране. И это не пафос. 
17h/ Interviews from Libya: What is Happening on the Ground.
17h/ One of the motives for the war against Libya is to stop the development of the black continent, to enable the setting up of an AfriCom military base in Cyrenaica and to begin the colonial exploitation of Africa for the benefit of the United States. In order to understand this hidden agenda, Voltaire Network interviewed Mohamed Siala, Co-operation Minister and Manager of Libya’s sovereign wealth fund.
16h/  STOP BOMBING LIBYA! These are the first images of the July 9 demonstration at the White House to demand "Stop Bombing Libya!" A coordinated demonstration took place in San Francisco, Calif. Please check back for additional photos and reporting. ->
16h/ Dozens of anti-war activists have held a demonstration in front of the White House to condemn the US role in the Libya war.
15h/ Wikileaks-released State Department cables from November 2007 and afterwards show the real reason for the mounting U.S. hostility to the Libyan government prior to the current civil war.
14h/ Serbian- Eye Witness in Libya ->

12h/ Se potessi porre pubblicamente al nostro amato presidente una domanda, sarebbe questa: “Signor Presidente, nel breve periodo del suo incarico ha mosso guerra contro sei paesi – Iraq, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Somalia, Yemen e Libia. Ciò mi fa porre delle domande. Con tutto il rispetto: Cosa c’è di sbagliato in voi“?
* Agerian- eye witness report- طرابلس (ليبيا): مبعوث ''الخبر'' رمضان بلعمري ->  
12h/ Caribbean Community Heads Of State Condemn NATO’s War On Libya. Skerrit denounces NATO actions expresses support for Libyan leader Gaddafi. Basseterre: Prime Minister Roosevelt Skerrit of Dominica has strongly denounced NATO military action in Libya and voiced unequivocal support for Libyan leader Muammar Gaddafi in the ongoing military campaign. ->
*  Central Asia  -Ashgabat— According to the spirit of the international law, NATO is now engaged in war of aggression against Libya. Whatever flimsy excuses it had for attacking Libya under UN Security Council resolution 1970, have disappeared after the passage of resolution 1973 and arming of Libya rebels by France. ICC has been caught with its pants down, targeting only Africans and no one else. - >
11h/ ‘ICC reserved for enemies of the West.  AU remained like a toothless dog in Africa, as it failed to implement the African Charter because the head of states are not ready to point fingers on each others.AU has a potential role to end all economic, political and social crises in Africa, yet the leaders wait for UN, EU, ICC and Nato to dictate terms. - >
11h/ PARIS (Reuters) - French military operations in Libya have cost 160 million euros, Budget Minister Valerie Pecresse said on Saturday, just days before a key parliamentary debate on extending operations.
10h/ Libyan state television reported last night that French  Dictator Nicolas Sarkozy said that he wants operations against Libya be completed by 14 July.
Calling him "emperor", Libyan television said that the French intelligence and the military in every way try to meet the wishes of the President.
Day 112: 09. july 2011.
24h/ Breaking News: rebels mercenaries in the west mountain asking for Negotiate to hand over their weapons and stay alive 
23h/ If they sold one barrel for at least 70 dollars, then their profit would have been 160.000.000 dollars.
Leaders of the rebels in Benghazi claim they have received only 100.000.000 dollars from the oil sales, so now, many people ask themselves-
how did the rest 60.000.000 dollars turn into smoke? -> 

* The Brother Leader Gaddafi's SPEECH [08.07.2011.]Big Rally in Sabha - > 
Leonor in Libya
Acabo de recibir un mensaje en el que Juan me dice que la TV Antena 3 ha dicho que Ghadafi reclama Sevilla y Granada y no se que de reconquista.
¡Premio a Antena tres por su capacidad de inventiva!!. ¿O es que no tienen traductor de árabe?.-->
20H/ NATO says its warplanes have hit a missile launching position south of the embattled port city of Misrata.The alliance said the strike was carried out Saturday near the town of Tawurgha. 
18h/ Germany’s tank deal with Saudi Arabia has caused outrage, drawing criticism from across the political spectrum. But while the government maintains its silence, critics say it marks a sea change in arms export policy.,,15216519,00.html
17h/ CHINA DAILY - The African Union should take a leading role in the continent’s affairs and in finding a peaceful solution to the Libya crisis
 * 112-Day War: 14,281 NATO Sorties, 5,388 Combat Missions Over Libya
*STOP BOMBING LIBYA! Protest Saturday 7/9
As the U.S. we enter into the 112th day of the imperialist intervention in Libya, the U.S. government is now spending upwards of $9.5 MILLION per DAY in the funding of military operations in that oil-rich, geo-politically strategic country.
$9.5 Million dollars could:
~Pay the annual salary of 112 teachers every hour
~Pay the average cost of 3,800 Pell Grants every day
~Pay the annual health care costs of 5,320 families per week
~Pay for monthly food assistance of 6.5 million single mothers per month

This daily spending--of money we have been told doesn't exist for social programs--is on top of the spending in two full fledged wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, plus escalating war tactics in Pakistan and Yemen among others.

Join the ANSWER Coalition and other organizations today, July 9th at 12 noon at Powell and Market to demand an end to the U.S./NATO bombing of the sovereign country of Libya!
18h/ BENGHAZI, Libya — Around 2,000 Chadian migrants trapped in war-torn Libya are being flown back to their homeland, the International Organisation for Migration said on Saturday. Around 45,800 people are thought to have fled south to Chad.
17h/ The French prosecutor's office rejected the claim his daughter the leader of Libya Muammar Gaddafi Aa'ishah against NATO. Aisha Gaddafi has filed suit on June 10. The daughter of Libyan leader has accused French soldiers of NATO for killing their relatives during the air raid on Tripoli on the night of April 30 to May 1. Also, the blame for war crimes lies with the President and Supreme Commander of France, Nicolas Sarkozy and Defense Minister Gerard Longuet,-
16h/ L’information vient du site israélien DebkaFile, un site réputé pour ses liens avec le MOSSAD et la manière dont ses annonces se sont réalisées par le passé. En particulier il avait prévu l’attaque du world trade center dès l’année 2000. -
15h/ Acting Foreign Affairs Minister George Saitoti says Kenya is an Independent state capable of deciding on what is best. "As an independent and sovereign state, that decision belongs to Kenya alone" said Saitoti. Kenya - The government says it will maintain its links with Libya despite international pressure.
14h/ Rome: Four boats with about 1,000 migrants fleeing the conflict in Libya arrived on the Italian island of Lampedusa overnight, leading the Italian premier to cancel his visit, the ANSA news agency reported on Saturday. Since the beginning of the year, more than 11,000 Africans fleeing conflicts in north Africa have landed in southern Italy, in increasing numbers since NATO air raids on Libya began in mid-March and the weather improved.
13h/ The House considered more than four dozen amendments over four days. Lawmakers seeking a speedy withdrawal from Afghanistan and upset with Obama's decision to intervene in Libya's conflict repeatedly introduced measures trying to force a change in U.S. war policies. They were largely unsuccessful.
13h/ The United States and France have set a deadline of September 2nd to topple Libyan leader Colonel Muammar Gaddafi, with NATO powers ready to inflict a crushing blow if Gaddafi refuses to step down peacefully, according to Israeli intelligence sources based in Washington.
12h/ NATO has denied a top Libyan official’s claims that they are intentionally using their airstrikes to assist rebel advances. Meanwhile, international lawyer Franklin Lamb claims that if NATO loses in Libya, it will face enormous financial consequences.->
11h/ We interrupt the global fascination with the non-stop psycho drama of the DSK (Dominique Strauss-Kahn) case - Was he "a perv?" Was she "a hooker"? Was there a conspiracy? - to inform how a post-modern "kinetic military action" is won; in the public relations arena, where else - >
11h/ Libyan leader’s threat to attack Europe could provide NATO with the perfect pretext to launch a full ground invasion - >
10h/ Nato forces have attacked Libya's oil facilities for the first time in this conflict in an attempt to starve Muammar Gaddafi's army of fuel, as rebels, following fierce clashes, moved to within 50 miles of the capital Tripoli. ->

Day 111: 08. july 2011.
23h/ Breaking News:3 armed person from Benghazi ran to Ajdabia they handed over their weapons to Libya army .
22h/ It will  be interesting to see how will Aso- CIA- Press describe this UPRISING!

16h/  Libya UPRISING! SHARE!!!! Important, LIVE STREAM marsh in Sabha ( Sebha) ->

13h/  LIES LIES AND MORE LIES! Why Al Jazeear can not be LIE JAZEERA?!? NATO has denied the Libyan government's charge that it intentionally carried out air raids to aid rebel advances, saying it is sticking to UN mandate to protect civilian lives.
Wing Commander Mike Bracken, an alliance spokesman in Naples, Italy, said on Friday that NATO is "not involved in the ground battles". - >
NATO carrying ammunition and weapon in MISRATA [libyasos]


French and English soldiers arrived in Libya in the next two weeks, and then later by U.S. troops.
12h/ Libyan prosecutors plan to charge rebel leaders with national security crimes, seeking to convict as traitors those leading the armed uprising against Moammar Gadhafi that has plunged the country into civil war. Judge Khalifa Isa Khalifa told reporters in the Libyan capital of Tripoli that he plans to present the case before a special court presided over by a three-judge panel next week. He said the evidence includes testimony from several witnesses.
The allegations "amount to treason of the homeland of Libya," government spokesman Moussa Ibrahim said.
12h/ Silvio Berlusconi, Italy’s prime minister, has voiced serious doubts about the success of the Nato mission over Libya , saying he had been against the operation from the outset. “I was against this measure,” Mr Berlusconi said at a book presentation in Rome. “I had my hands tied by the vote of the parliament of my country. But I was against – and I am against – this intervention which will end in a way that no one knows.”
11h/ Gulf News reported that Libya's Transitional National Council not in a position to extract or refine oil. But the Benghazi based rebel council will look for major refiners once it is ready to tap into the country's oil market. - >
10h/ According to the UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA) more than 650,000 people have left the country since the start of the conflict earlier this year, with the majority non-Libyan. More than a quarter million non-Libyans are also temporarily in countries not of their origin. The UN High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) estimates that about 243,000 Libyans are internally displaced because of the fighting.
10h/ Oil Refinery in Brega is burning more than 24 hours after NATO bombed it, hoping to Libyan army would remain out of fuel. The airstrikes on the complex at Brega, one of the countries' biggest petrochemical complexes and port for export, was designed, says Nato, to prevent Libyan army troops from mounting attacks.
10h/ Whether it is current situation in Libya or the Strauss-Kahn case (but also Yugoslavia, Iraq, Afghanistan as the past taught us) the corporate media of the west shows a distinct distaste for the truth, for getting it right, their only goal is to serve the world powerbrokers, thinking nothing of spreading disinformation and lies. When will they start taking responsibilities for the media crimes? ->
09h/ Nato alliance fears as Italy cuts back on Libya role:
Italy will pull back its role in the Libya campaign, the country's defence minister said, bringing an aircraft carrier and hundreds of sailors home, in new evidence that a Nato alliance is starting to fray after nearly 100 days of bombing. Italy will withdraw aircraft carrier, and three aircrafts,used by NATO for attacks on Libya.Reduction of the crew of about 1,000 people.
08h/ The House voted down a measure on Thursday that would have prevented the United States military from using force in Libya, but it also blocked military support to the Libyan rebels as
08h/ Congress continued to wrestle with how to respond to the Obama administration’s decision to participate in the NATO-led air war. ->
07h/ UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon discussed the current situation in the volatile North African country over phone with Libyan Prime Minister Al Baghdadi Ali Al-Mahmoudi.
"They discussed the urgent need to find a way out of the current fighting and alleviate the dire humanitarian situation," said Ban's spokesman, adding that the two also talked about how to work out a transition that could bring peace to all Libyans.
07h/ NATO spokeswoman Oana Lungescu said Thursday that "quite a few" NATO countries had pledged more support for the military alliance's mission in Libya.
"In this morning's North Atlantic Council, quite a few allies made additional contributions to the mission, so in terms of staff and resources, we remain fully confident that all allies are continuing to contribute to this mission in the ways that they can," Lungescu told a press briefing at the NATO headquarters.
07h/ the Arab League (AL) announced in Cairo that its Secretary-General Nabil el-Arabi would head a delegation to the Turkish city of Istanbul next week for the fourth meeting of what is called the Libya Contact Group.
During the conference, the AL chief would expound the bloc's vision and suggestions for solving the crisis, said AL Deputy Secretary-General Ahemd Bin Heli.
The AL, Heli added, was keeping contact with both the Libyan government and the rebel National Transitional Council (NTC) in a bid to find out a proper solution.
07h/ Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov praised the efforts of the African Union (AU) in seeking an end to the Libya crisis, and pledged to stand behind the African organization's peace-making initiatives.
07h/ The AU, which is critic of NATO's military mission in Libya, has for months been trying to formulate a peace roadmap acceptable to both of Libya's conflicting sides, insisting that military intervention only complicates the situation
05h/ The US House of Representatives on Thursday rejected cutting off funds for NATO-led operations in Libya but voted to forbid the Pentagon from arming, training, or advising the strife-torn nation's rebels. ->
* Here is a strategic analysis about the tank-deal:
Why does Saudi-Arabia now need 200 modern tanks?*
There are better weapons to supress peoples demonstrations, which they already have. - You only need a heavy tank to go into war. Thats what they are planning! - The key-phrase is: Israel & USA support this deal, Merkel asked them, and they nodded ...
* On the tank-selling-thing from germany to saudi-arabia:
Yesterday there was a discussion about that issue in german parliament. (Opposite-partys are really upset.) To my notion, Gysi, one great leader from the left-party, has described the situation very clear:
'supporting such restrictive monarchy with weapons is a no-go'
The Libyan army captured smuggled weapons from Qatar to the armed gangs 4/7/2011 - >
Day 110: 07. july 2011.
The 7th of July is the day of World Wide solidarity with struggle of the Libyan people against aggression of USA and NATO  - >
 20h/ AFTER YOU BROTHER OBAMA! A subsequent report will also detail NATO terrorism and crimes against the civilian population that have included the  2/17 /11 to  6/27/11 bombing of 294 civilian targets, killing and wounding a total of 6,232  according to the Libyan Red Crescent Society statistics. These civilian targets include the Libyan Down's Syndrome Society, a school that provided speech therapy, handicrafts and sports sessions for disabled children, as well as Tripoli’s Nassar University, homes, schools, medical facilities and food storage warehouses,  Bombing these sites are all outlawed by the Geneva Conventions and constitute NATO war crimes. An additional massive documentation project by international organizations is expected to be completed by July 30, 2011.-->
18h/ Open Letter to the Australian Greens: Please change course on Libya!->
17h/ Medicines or equipment for treating patients with chronic diseases like diabetes, who need dialysis, or cancers, are in short supply or lack spare parts, according to the ICRC.
Libya's system for procuring life-saving medicines and vaccines has broken down and supplies are dwindling on both sides, the World Health Organization, a U.N. agency, warned.
"We are now getting to shortages, but soon we will really get to the point where there will be no more medicines and vaccines," WHO spokesman Tarik Jasarevic told reporters.
16h/ Libyan Family Take Legal Action Against Nato . Mohamed Ali Gurari  lost his daughter Karima, son-in-law Abdullah, and seven-month-old Jumanah and two-year-old Khaled, his grandchildren, in the bombing.
15h/ According to Western intelligence sources, Iran decided to support the Libyan government in its confrontation with NATO and the repression of demonstrators. Transfer arms and advice.
14h/ Showing peaceful determination and courage in the face of Western warmongering, the Libyans had decided to turn the rally into a celebration. In a joyful atmosphere, amid singing and blowing of horns, they chanted: "With our souls, with our blood, we will defend our country!"; "Tripoli will be their grave!", and in particular "NATO is barbarism; Gaddafi, you are civilisation!" - >
* Bishop in Libya proves unlikely source of international controversy.The Catholic figure has criticized the NATO campaign, calling it immoral and ineffective. 'Kadafi is a Bedouin: You can't change his mind by bombing him,' the bishop says. "He is a proud man. Talk to the Bedouin. There is a kind of sublimity to the Bedouin, the man of the desert," he said, slipping from English into his native Italian. ->,0,287540.story
13h/ Moscow -- There can be "no fast solution" to the NATO campaign in Libya, the Russian foreign minister said Thursday, arguing that civilians are dying on both sides of the conflict because of foreign intervention.
12h/ More money to KILLing LIBYA PEOPLE.A Libyan opposition representative has asked Turkey to grant access to frozen Libyan assets in A&T Bank to the rebel-led Transitional National Council, or TNC. They need  more money to killing more Libyan people.
11h/ More weapon to killing more LIBYAN PEOPLE. At a Brussels news conference, NATO Secretary General Anders Fogh Rasmussen characterized the alliance's July 13 meeting with members of Libya's National Transitional Council as an opportunity to exchange views and hear about the rebels' road map for a democratic transition. Twelve of NATO's 28 members officially recognize the Libyan opposition group.
10h/ Pretoria — South Africa has reiterated its position with regards to the conflict in Libya, saying an immediate ceasefire should be the first order of business to allow for deliberations.
10h/ All the media, after Reuters, repeated that the rebels have seized a strategically important city Cavalish When they open the way to Ghari. But first, Cavalish is nothing more than a village. Second, a small group of rebels (30 people), fleeing Cabilyat Al Zayah have attacked a check-point near the Cavalish, and then tried to enter the village. Residents do not have left. They have tried once more and again had to flee. The Libyan TV has sent its reporters there.
* Rebels killed and 40 wounded in clashes between the Libyan army against Misratha and Zliten. Nevertheless, the global average is still lying, saying as if the rebels control Misratha.
08h/ Libyan prosecutors prosecute rebel leaders for crimes against national security and the organization of a military uprising against Gaddafi that caused the civil war. Mussa Ibrahim has said that those guilty of treason can threaten the death penalty.
05h/ Iran prepares proposals to solve the problem Libya.
Libya news [backup libyasos] 03. july - 05. july 2011. ->
Libya news [backup libyasos] 01. july - 2. july 2011. ->
Libya news [backup libyasos] 25 jun - 30 jun 2011. ->
Libya news [backup libyasos] 04 jun - 24 jun 2011.->