
Oct 9, 2012

Libya, Bani Walid report - WHERE IS THE UN? [ 09.09.2012.]

Bani Walid today: The shelling. Number of deaths and who died is whats not clear.

Abdullah, 12, burnt after a missile exploded at home on Sunday in Bani Walid. Dr not sure he will survive if not transfered
Libya, Bani Walid , Breaking news
Abdullah, 12, burnt after a missile exploded at home on Sunday in Bani Walid. [‏@mathieu_galtier]
Libya, Bani Walid , Breaking news
Abdullah's home after missile [‏@mathieu_galtier]
Libya, Bani Walid , Breaking news
Pic of impact and engine remainings. 
Photo by [‏@mathieu_galtier]

Bani Wallid  council asks international help to prevent a second Tawargha.
Two  children who burnt by missile on Sunday . Doctor not sure they will survive if stay in hospital. No transfer to Tripoli.

In main market of Bani Walid a vegies seller said he has two day stock. People buy mainly onions and potatoes cause fear electric cut.
Basically nobody in streets cause it is a spread city. Need car to move and no petrol.

Shelling by Libyan pro-government forces has killed three people including a child in the Bani Walid, yesterday.

by 108morris108

You can see on Mr. Morris YouTube channel more videos.
A doctor who is working at the hospital describes injuries and deaths at the hospital, and also that there are people reporting symptoms of gas inhalation.

Bani Walid is on top of a mountain and is the home of the Warfalla tribe. It is currently besieged by other people - no food or medicine is allowed in and no one is allowed to leave.

Doctor Reports From Bani Walid Hospital

Resident Speaks From Inside Bani Walid 

Interwiev with Dr. Yusuf Shakir by 108morris108

Bani Walid is under siege - and it is just part of the war on Libya and the war on Arabs and the war on Muslims and the war on Africa - and we talk about all of that.
The Egyptian embassy in Tripoli says it sent two buses yesterday, Sunday, towards Bani Walid in the hope of rescuing Egyptian workers living in the besieged town. However, an embassy official said they returned empty having been turned back half way because the road ahead was deemed insecure.

There was another attempt today when three buses were sent, but the official said that there was no news so far.

:: Libya, Bani Walid report [ 08.09.2012.]

:: ATTENTION! The city of Bani Walid seeks help 
:: Libya, Bani Walid report [update 10.09.2012.]

Thanks to  Tactical Things