
Sep 6, 2012

Libya news [backup libyasos] 01. august - 07. august 2012.

Libya S.O.S. resistance news 07. August 2012.
= Libya S.O.S. – Daily News on [you can to read good articles ]
Muammar Qaddafi: The Village 
Flee, flee the city, and get away from the smoke. Get away from the chocking carbon monoxide, from the poisonous carbon monoxide. Go far away from the sticky humidity, and away from the poison gases and inactivity. Flee from the lethargy and waste, the poison and boredom and yawning. Flee from the nightmare city.

= TRIPOLI - The attack on The US embassy Armed assailants targeted a diplomatic vehicle carrying two American embassy officials yesterday morning.
The personnel managed to evade the attack and arrive safely at their destination, with neither being harmed during the incident.
We have put out a message to American citizens here warning them of the uncertainty of the environment and reminding them that the embassy advises against all but essential travel to Libya”, he added.
Diplomatic vehicles and buildings have been targeted several times in recent months in both Tripoli and Benghazi.
On 5 June the US mission in Benghazi was attacked by Islamist militants supported by NATO in war, six days before a diplomatic convoy carrying the British ambassador was assaulted in the same city. The Tunisian consulatesin Tripoli and Benghazi were also attacked later the same month. [Libya Herald]
=Interim Government has deported 111 Nigerians for "immigration reasons". The deportees included 47 men, 52 women, 4 boys & 8 girls.
 Muhammad Sidi, Director-General, National Emergency Management Agency (NEMA), has urged the 111 Nigerians deported from crisis-ridden Libya to avail themselves of the abundant opportunities in Nigeria.
He urged them to take into account the trauma and hardship they had gone through in the foreign land.
Sidi pointed out that whatever efforts or achievements they made in a foreign land, they were still considered as second class citizens.
Sidi explained that a total of 172 had shown their intention to return home, adding that 61 declined when they were asked to board the flight in Libya.
LIBYAN NATO/NTC's ELECTION - Libya and Islamism: the deeper story
The interpretation of Libya's elections of July 2012 as a victory for secularism is misleading. A more nuanced reading of the vote must accommodate the reality and potential of Islamism, says Alison Pargeter.
MISRATA  - The attack on The ICRC Red Cross building in Libya attacked with rockets and grenades
 That's the Misuratah's gangs' way of saying thank you to the Red Cross for having smuggled weapons for the rats. #Libya [Diana_82_]
It was the fifth time in less than three months that violence was directed against the independent aid agency in Libya, the ICRC said in a statement, which stressed its neutrality.
"Given the circumstances, we are forced to announce, with considerable regret, that we will be suspending all our activities in Misrata and Benghazi and that our delegates in those cities will be temporarily relocated," said Ishfaq Muhamed Khan, the head of the ICRC's delegation in Libya.
= SMUGGLING WEAPON  - Egypt’s Finance Minister Momtaz al- Saieed agreed with his NTC's counterpart to tighten security measures at border crossings to combat smuggling, according to a statement received from the minister’s office by e-mail today.

Libya S.O.S. resistance news 06. August 2012.
=BENGHAZI - A protest against the security forces 
The protestors said that security had grown particularly lax during Ramadan and called on security organisations to uphold their responsibilities during the month of fasting. Members of the crowd carried signs and banners baring slogans such as “Yes to Security and Safety”, “No to Armed Malitia” and “No to Chaos”.
This protest came after a series of violent incidents,kidnapping and killings in Benghazi.
After cleaning their yard they will be police in North Africa [ you can read about Libyan paradise in latest news down] 
Libya's interim premier Abdel Rahim al-Kib will visit Morocco on Tuesday for a two-day visit due to focus on the crisis in Mali, the Maghreb and economic cooperation, an official in Rabat told AFP.
"The situation in the Maghreb, in Mali, in the Sahel, as well as in the Moroccan (Western) Sahara" will be discussed during the visit, in which the Libyan prime minister will meet his Moroccan counterpart Abdelilah Benkirane, the foreign ministry official said.

= The attacks in MISRATA 
 Sunday morning’s - The attacks on the compound of International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) in Misrata. 
 NTC spokesman Saleh Dehroub stressed that the ICRC was working in Libya at the request of the NTC authorities. It had supported the NTC and armed gangs  throughout last year’s war and continued to do so in its aftermath, he said.
The ICRC has suspended operations in Misrata and Benghazi and temporarily relocate its staff as a resutl of the attack.
The perpetrators of yesterday’s attack are as yet unknown, but it is believed that they used rocket-propelled grenades (RPG), causing extensive damage to the ICRC building, although none of the seven dwarfs present were harmed. This is the fifth time in less than three months that the ICRC has come under attack and an improvised explosive device (IED) was detonated outside the same building in May.
NTC Officials  of  in Misrata yesterday appeared unaware of the situation in the town. When contacted, they denied that any such attack had taken place.
Free Libya is Green Libya [yesterday evening]
Free Libya 
It is reported that a pilot from Buraq Air, was murderd in Tripoli 5th August, Sunday, after having been kidnapped by an unknown gang.

Hamza Saleh Almismari was initially kidnapped from a car carrying a Buraq air crew.

The gang is said to have threatened the driver and other occupants not to report the incident to the police.

The victim was then tortured by his kidnappers but later released. However, it is claimed the kidnappers followed him to his sister’s house in Tripoli and then killed him in front of the family.

The motive for the crime is unknown.

=  Massacre of Family The NTC's criminals aka rebels Feb17   attacked Souk Jomoa  Abu Amid the family of the tribe of Warchfana. They killed the father who is 70 years old, his son and his wife of 65 years. They injured his stepdaughter. Which led to clashes between youth and the rebel Warchfana Souk Jomoa.
On 15 years old photo are  mother and father of family killed by armed gangs.

ZAWIA REVENGE of bandits In Zawiya, the rebels took their revenge for all Libyans who were loyal to Kadhafi. A house of a faithful burned by militias.
Criminals, vandals burnt stores of Gaddafi’s loyalists
The Muslim Brotherhood has been officially approved as "a civil institution" in Libya by the NTC  Ministry of Culture and Civil Society.
BENGHAZI GARBAGE Welcome to the NTC'S the Benghazi
Benghazi 2012
BORDER The southern Libyan-Tunisian border crossing at Dahiba wasclosed on  Sunday, following angry clashes between Libyans and Tunisians over the weekend.

The dispute started on Friday between when a Libyan and a Tunisian, bith unnamed, were involved in an argument. By Saturday it had degenerated into a general conflict between Libyans and Tunisians.  A Libyan vehicle on the Tunisian side of the border in Dahiba was attacked as were three Tunisian vehicles on the Libyan side.
The Libyans said today they had closed the border “to prevent the situation escalating”. 
The main border crossing at Ras Jedir only reopened on Thursday after being closed for 11 days because of attacks on Tunisian vehicles in Libya Libyan ones in Tunisia. It promptly shut after an hour and was only fully reopened the next day.

CRIME Murdered: Carole Waugh, Shukri Ghanem, Both Close to Sayf Al Islam Qadhafi?
=  GREAT LIBYANS Real Libyans speak of their feelings towards Muammar al-Gaddafi and NATO \ AFRICOM

LIBYAN mercenaries in SYRIA -  Syria Hundreds of Libyan Mercenaries take up arms to overthrow President Assad
In less than three months, Libyan rebels have gone from being hailed as liberators to being condemned as occupiers, reports RT's Oksana Boyko. People in the capital, Tripoli, rally almost every week, calling on the armed militia to leave.

For some of Libya's young men, hooked on adrenaline and unwilling to part with their rifles, Syria seems like the next logical destination.

"We're all ready to join the Syrian revolution and, with the help of Allah, we'll make sure that what happened in Libya repeats itself," one young rebel told RT.

Libya S.O.S. resistance news 05. August 2012.
SIRTE PROTEST - In the Sirte oil company,  employees and the liquefaction of gas today to protest against the deteriorating security situation in the residential area in which they live with their families. Claimed that in the last months are exposed to frequent attacks on their homes and property from the gangs.
Fire in West Tripoli today cause unknown

= MIZDAH - The situation in Mizdah remains tense after armed clashes left seven people dead on Saturday night.
MIZDAH -ATTACK ON A MILLITARY BASE: Families have have leaving Mizdah after an attack on a military base in the town which left seven people dead. Residents say they fear further fighting.

The fighting was between members of the Mashasha tribe, who suffered six casualties, and the Qantar, of whom one was killed and one wounded.
The attack took place  at an armoured patrol unit centre.
They were confronted by members of the  Mizdah "Liberation" Gang which is part of Al-Qaqaa Battalion, itself now try to be authority  in local area .

Mizdah has been the scene of a number of deadly clashes recently between between the Mashasha tribe and Zintan. In fighting in June between the two,  more than 100 people had been killed dozen injured.
An agreement between Libya and UNESCO was signed on  August, launching a programme on the protection of Libyas cultural heritage sites. The program aims to develop the technical and institutional capacities of the Libyan Department of Antiquities, whose role it is to promote and protect Libyas cultural heritage sites.

Libya boasts of five UNESCO protected World Heritage sites: Cyrene, Leptis Magna, Sabratha, the old town of Ghadames, and the rock-art sites of Tadrart Acacus.

Unfortunately, some were attacked by NATO during the war and subsequently  most recently in May, the old town of Ghadames was the target of rocket attacks due to fighting between neighbouring gangs. This was particularly shocking as the old town of Ghadames is one of the oldest Saharan cities still standing and is referred to as the pearl of the desert.

Similarly devastating was the robbery of the Benghazi Treasure, a collection of nearly 7, 700 itemsmainly bronze, silver and gold coins, as well as jewelry. The artifacts were stolen during the revolution from the vault of the National Commercial Bank in Benghazi and have yet to be found.
NATO Bombs UNESCO World Heritage Site and rebels smuggling the Libyan national treasure


Libya S.O.S. resistance news 03. August 2012.
= Libya S.O.S. – Daily News on [you can to read good articles ]
= Jouranlist in Zintan - you can see town after war. [video]
Libya's justice system and the crisis with ICC 
=A gun fight battle between two families at The Dahara ghetto - few injuries
= An increase in assault, robbery, looting of public property, squatters while El Keip Cabinet members are gearing for embassy positions .
Tourist visas issuance has been suspended by the Ministry of Tourism, for reasons that are unclear [assault, robbery, looting, kidnapping?]. It is being said that the situation is unlikely to change until after the end of Ramadan.
Up until just a few days ago, many foreigners were able to enter Libya on tourist visas. However these have been suspended for the moment, so all travellers must come in on business visas at this point.
Benghazi  - The attack on the hospital.
 Disaster in the "new" Libya is reality. The attack on the hospital. Perpetrators unknown.
Broken doors, glass, electronics devices and photos  [Feb17 rebels]
Poor reality, hopelessness and lawlessness
Benghazi  - Disaster in the "new" Libya is reality
"The revolution"  devours its own children
Green Resistance Germany near the Libyan embassy in Germany. Green activists in Germany managed to place a lot of stickers and pro-Gaddafi propaganda around the Libyan embassy in Germany.
Green Resistance Germany
Green Resistance Germany
= The United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) has criticised conditions in camps in Libya for internally displaced persons (IDPs). In its July report, just released, it says they are inadequate.

“ln some sites living conditions are wanting. In Al-Halies Camp in Benghazi, for example, water is not sufficient.” It also highlights abductions from camps, which it says have been described as “persistent”.

UNHCR has been working with the Libyan Humanitarian Relief Agency (LibAid) to improve living conditions, as well as combatting crimes against IDPs.
The commission ran various missions throughout the country last month, including visits to Mizdah, Gharian and Jufra to assess the post-conflict situation and population displacement, as well as the distribution of relief packages inZintan, Misrata, Gharian and Sabratha.
LONDON 2012  -  Mystery surrounds the participation of Libyan weightlifter Ali Elkekli in the London Olympics.
The 22-year-old not present at the 85-kilogramme weightlifting competition on Friday in which he was set to compete.
Elkeklis name has also been removed from the list of competitors on the official London 2012 website.
It has been alleged that he has been banned having failed a drugs test.
=  The main Libyan-Tunisian border crossing at Ras Jedir briefly reopened this morning after a being partially closed for 11 days.
=#Libya Rats to pay only half of Greek healthcare debts, `while figures are checked` 
Greek health care workers are about to rue having given life support to rats while human beings in entire cities besieged by rats were left to die.
The rat government in Libya has agreed to pay only half of a 150 million bill for the medical care of Libyan rats treated in Greek hospitals. The remainder will only be paid after the figures have been checked, they claim, but if the track record of rats is anything to go by, having not been paid themselves by their fat cat NATO masters, checking the figures will take until Judgement Day.

Libya S.O.S. resistance news 02. August 2012.
=NATO bombings, al-Qaeda and the Arab Spring
NATO's War in Libya: Protecting to Kill, Killing to Protect...
In war, truth is the first casualty. Words of wisdom, gifted to us by Aeschylus.
Truer than ever now, two thousand years later, as NATO bombs Libya in the name of `protecting’ its civilians.
IHRC REPORT Qaddafi’s Explosive Situation: #Qaddafi’s Abandoned Weapons and the Qaddafi’s  Threat to Qaddafi Libya’s Civilians documents the risks posed to Qaddafi’s civilians from the extensive stockpiling and spread of the former dictator’s Qaddafi’s munitions following the Qaddafi’s 2011 armed conflict. Based on in- Qaddafi’s country investigations, the report calls on Qaddafi’s Libya to immediately secure or destroy unstable Qaddafi’s stockpiles of Qaddafi’s weapons, and with international support, set out to clear Qaddafi’s munitions, educate the Qaddafi’s population about Qaddafi’s risks, and assist Qaddafi’s victims.

[ NATO's War and the Phony “NATORebel NATOUprising” in Libya could not be that NATO is not organized by NATO and the rebels NATO weapons delivered to them, supported by NATO bombs. NATO's agenda is planned and later NATO operations in NATO's  Libya after NATO's war.]

= Is any body there @HRW @IHRC ?? We want report about this! 
Agent Orange Continues to Poison Vietnam 
From 1961 to 1971, the U.S. military sprayed Vietnam with Agent Orange, which contained large quantities of Dioxin, in order to defoliate the trees for military objectives. Dioxin is one of the most dangerous chemicals known to man. It has been recognized by the World Health Organization as a carcinogen (causes cancer) and by the American Academy of Medicine as a teratogen (causes birth defects).

Between 2.5 and 4.8 million people were exposed to Agent Orange. 1.4 billion hectares of land and forest - approximately 12 percent of the land area of Vietnam - were sprayed.
Atomic Bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki Documentary 
As a result of the blast, heat and ensuing fires, the city of Hiroshima was leveled and some 90,000 people in it perished that day. 
The world’s second test of a nuclear weapon demonstrated conclusively the awesome power of nuclear weapons for killing and maiming. 
Schools were destroyed and their students and teachers slaughtered. Hospitals with their patients and medical staffs were obliterated. The bombing of Hiroshima was an act of massive destruction of a civilian population, the destruction of an entire city with a single bomb. 
Harry Truman [Bush, Obama, etc ] president of the United States, upon being notified, said, in egregiously poor judgment, “This is the greatest thing in history.”

= Libyas New Neo-Liberal Democracy
by Seth Rutledge
The recent Libyan elections have been praised by the western media. Apparently Libya has finally set off on the path towards prosperity. But how free and open were the elections, and what can we expect for the future of this proud and wealthy nation?
[ Thanks to Seth Rutledge]
= Tripoli (Agenzia Fides)-
Bombs, kidnappings and assaults in prisons: security in Benghazi, the capital of Cyrenaica (eastern Libya) still seems precarious after about 9 months since the end of the civil war .
On the morning of August 1, an explosive device damaged the local headquarters of the military intelligence. 
The attack (which caused no casualties but serious material damage, also extended to adjacent buildings), has not yet been claimed, but according to a senior security official, since July 20, when Ramadan began, there have been several attacks against security force buildings.
On the night of July 31, unknown assailants attacked the prison where Salem al-Obeidi was detained, releasing him. He is accused of killing Abdel-Fattah Younis, traitor  who had become one of the leaders of the NMTC's criminals. Younis was killed in July 2011 by NTC's criminals.. 
Finally, seven representatives of the Iranian Red Crescent were kidnappedin the night between 30 and 31 July while returning to the hotel. The delegation members were intercepted by an armed group that got them into several cars and transferred them to an unknown location.
Libya, ollowing the deteriorating security situation
Libya, Sirte Oil Company has decided to stop the activity of the oil platform Brega.
Two trucks carrying crude oil have been arrested in the region Kaida. They were heading for Egypt.
At 6 am, an explosion rocked the region of Ain Zara Tripoli causing damage to several houses and cars.
[ALGERIA ISP / Elmokawama According to Akhbar ]
SEPARATISM Benghazi-based supporters of federalism have formed a political party in support of their ideas. According to the Federal Alliance of Benghazi, the aim of the Libyan Unionist Party is a federal system in Libya based on the countrys three historic regions  Tripolitania, Cyrenaica and Fezzan.
= Amnesia Inetrnational  - Libyan militia must release seven abducted Red Crescent workers
Armed militias are out of control - Hassiba Hadj Sahraoui
It is deeply worrying that the seven Iranians invited to Libya to discuss co-operation in the humanitarian field have been lawlessly abducted and held.
= @Amnesty would be wonderful if we could remove HumanRights Abuses from Libya as is easy to remove the Report of it from ur website. [irony]
NATO awarding new medals for counter-piracy, Libya missions-  The alliance also will award the NATO Medal for NATO Operations and Activities in Libya for service in support of Operation Unified Protector, the 2011 mission that sought to protect civilians through the enforcement of a no-fly zone and arms embargo.
=ah CNN news  [ Libyan refugees, prisoners, homeless ... have to be proud ]Cinnabon is first U.S. franchise in Libya #BigBussines lollol now finally Libyans will have a place to drink coffee and eat pastry and ice cream after 42 years finally! (this was ironic)
= BENGHAZI [ yesterday] A bomb blast shook the department of military intelligence in the eastern city of Benghazi early Wednesday, causing material damage to the building, Libyan security sources said.
"The department of military intelligence was bombed," a senior security officer told AFP, adding that the level of damage to the two-storey building suggested it was hit by an improvised explosive device.
 =  SYRIA: Who gives to Obama licenece for killing? 
 As with Egypt and Libya Obama authorizes secret U.S. support for Al Qaeda/Syrian rebels
Barack Obama has signed a secret order authorizing U.S. support for rebels seeking to depose Syrian President Bashar al-Assad and his government, U.S. sources familiar with the matter said.

Libya S.O.S. resistance news 01. August 2012.
= Libya Jew returns to UK post-Benghazi jailing
Businessman Raphael Luzon held, interrogated by ‘preventive security’ for four days, doesn’t advise any Jew to go to Libya.
Luzon said his ordeal began in Benghazi on July 22 when “suddenly a friend sent me a text warning me to be careful that security forces are looking for me,” he recalled. “I immediately called the Italian consul who came to my hotel, but when I went to the lobby to meet him he was surrounded by 12 to 15 armed men.
They didn’t let the consul speak, they put me in the car and took me outside Benghazi.”
Reported turnout for Derna's local elections is just 38%
It's also important to note that if the "authorities" reported a turnout of 38%it's probably around 30% in truth [LibyanReality]
 -  Tobous claim 17 people killed in violence in Kufra in last two days, denied by other sources.
 -  It seems to me the fight was between Warshafena and the "Battalion of Janzour Knights"
BENGHAZI [ATERNOON]  - Fourth huge explosion in #Benghazi today, and reports that Turkey's Embassy offices in Benghazi being targeted!! #Libya #Security [Eljarh]
 looks like a continuation to the deteriorating security situation in the city, 4 explosions today. Intelligence HQ targeted
Picture of the explosion believed by RBG that rocked the Military Intelligence HQ in #Benghazi [zaidbenjamin]

Benghazi - NATO's darlings  freed Islamist militant Salem al-Obeidi
AN explosion  have been caused by a bomb has ripped through the military intelligence building in Libya's eastern city of Benghazi.
The blast at dawn on Wednesday caused damage to the structure.
The blast took place hours after gunmen stormed a jail in Benghazi and freed Islamist militant Salem al-Obeidi, the suspected killer of former rebel chief Abdel-Fattah Younis, according to a second security official.
Younis was brutaly killed in July 2011.
The blast and the raid on the city's jail underline Libya's tenuous security situation after NATO/ NTC/AlQaeda war in Libya.
Syria: to rebuilding an image of enemy in the minds, so that NATO can do the next war 
What should the readers think of the most widely read newspaper in Austria, if they distort so grossly the reality ?
If this garbage paper was not already discredited before, then certainly now.
Disgusting such a blatant deception of the reader with Photoshop.[1]
Using it to make a part of the world that has enough problems as it is look even more apocalyptic? That's just disgraceful.