
Jul 31, 2012

News about Saif Al Islam Gaddafi [update]

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News about Saif Al Islam Gaddafi [crossfire of information]

Update 31.07.2012.

Saif Al Islam - The NATO's ICC and the NATO's  Libyan government are locked in a dispute over where Saif should be tried.

Original ICC document  link

"The only way for Libya and the Libyan people to have justice is for the ICC to try this case in a fair, impartial and independent manner," he was quoted as saying in a defence document submitted to the court on Tuesday.

"I would have liked to have been tried in Libya by Libyan judges under Libyan law in front of the Libyan people," Saif was quoted as saying in the document, issued after ICC lawyers visited him last month.
"There will also be no truth if witnesses are faced with possible life sentences for simply testifying in my favour," he said. "I am not afraid to die but if you execute me after such a trial you should just call it murder."

His lawyer Melinda Taylor said after her release she believed it would be "impossible" for Saif to be tried in an independent and impartial manner in Libyan " courts".
His lawyer Melinda Taylor and four ICC staff members were freed earlier this month after being held in Libya four almost four weeks while visiting Saif on behalf of the court.

Unsigned statement/sentiments from Mr, SaifAl Islam Gaddafi 7 June 2012, Zintan 
1. I want to face justice. 

2. I want to do so because I believe that Libya, the victims in Libya, the intemationally 
community and myself- all have a right to the truth, and for the truth to be made 

3. / would have liked to have been tried in Libya by Libyan judges under Libyan law in 
front ofthe Libyan people. But what has been happening in my case cannot be called a trial

4. The truth is only possible in a fair and impartial trial, 

5. There will be no truth if I am kept locked up and silenced in a remote mountain village, with no or very limited possibility to speak to my lawyers in order to convey my defence, 

6. There will also be no truth if witnesses are faced with possible life sentences for simply testifying in my favour, there is no security or protection for them, nor any consequences if these witnesses are threatened and killed, 

7.  There will certainly be no justice in the case, if the prosecution is based on evidence extracted from torture and other inadmissible evidence, or persons who are too scared to say the truth, 

8. I am not afraid to die but if you execute me after such a trial you should just call it murder and be done with it. 

9.  would also prefer to live to see Libya become a democracy based on human rights and respect for the rule of law, but you cannot expect democracy to flourish if all the Libyan people see are show trials run by political expediency, 

10. Over a year ago, representatives of the NTC asked the international community to intervene so that the Libyan people could have justice, I am asking for exactly the same thing - the only way for Libya and the Libyan people to have justice is for the ICC to try this case in a fair, impartial and independent manner, and, in so doing, set standards, which Libya can follow on its future path to democracy and the rule of law, 

11. These were the sentiments, which Mr. Gaddafi wished to convey to the Honourable Pre-Trial Chamber, based on the views he had provided to the OPCD on 3 March 2012, and reconfirmed on 7 June 2012. When Mr. Gaddafi attempted to sign this statement after reading it, the guard, who had informed the ICC delegation through the interpreter that he was illiterate, did not understand English and that his sole purpose of being present was to ensure issues of physical security, confiscated the statement and brought it to Dr. Gehani to read. 

News about Saif Al Islam Gaddafi [crossfire of information]

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