
Jul 23, 2012

Syria: Archives Terrorists From Tunisia And Libya Who Snuck Into Syria From Turkey

TURKEY, (SANA) – A group of around 150 militants from Arab, Islamic and African countries are being stationed as of Saturday at Bab al-Hawa border crossing point between Syria and Turkey which was closed off by Syria since June 2011, in full sight of the Turkish authorities.
Archives Terrorists From Tunisia And Libya Who Snuck Into Syria From Turkey
Archives Terrorists From Tunisia And Libya Who Snuck Into Syria From Turkey
According to a photographer from Agence France Presse (AFP), around 150 militants from Algeria, Saudi Arabia, UAE, Egypt, France, Chechnya, Tunisia and some African countries are stationed on the crossing point.

He reported that a number of the militants said that they belong to Taliban, while others said they're members of Al Qaeda's branches in Maghreb countries, adding that the militants are armed with AK-47 rifles, RPG launchers, and handmade mines.

It should be noted that the Syrian Arab Army killed terrorists of various Arab nationalities during their clearing of al-Midan and al-Qaboun neighborhood.

In June, New York Times reported that CIA agents stationed in Turkey are supersizing the delivery of weapons to the Syrian opposition, while many terrorists admitted in televised confessions to smuggling weapons from Turkey to the armed terrorist groups in Syria.

H. Sabbagh

Source SANA -
Syrian TV Shows Bodies of Terrorists of Arab Nationalities Killed by the Syrian Army in al-Qaboun Neighborhood
C.I.A. Said to Aid in Steering Arms to Syrian Opposition
The NYT article says “A small number of CIA officers are operating secretly in southern Turkey, helping allies decide which Syrian opposition fighters across the border will receive arms to fight the Syrian government, according to American officials and Arab intelligence officers.”

Read also:

Syria:Thierry Meyssan speaks about the Battle of Damascus, Syria [19.07. 2012]
Syria: Archives Terrorists From Tunisia And Libya Who Snuck Into Syria From Turkey
Syria: Libyan terrorists from Belhadj brigade in Syria
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