
Jun 15, 2012

Around the World: "Free The People's Secretary, Burn Bankers' Money" - Campaign for Baghdadi al Mahmoudi

YuoTube channel burn4freedom
Take part and make ur own Video of burning Bankers' Money and send the link to me. I will send it to the campaing or contact "Demi Voluntario" at Facebook. 

Italian opera singer Joe Fallisi, sets fire to money and holds up the Green Flag of the World Jamahiriya, signifying People's Power and Real Human Rights, Freedom and Democracy.


In this second action from Russia, Demian of World Jamahiriya Radio sets fire to banker's money, the local currency Rubel, in protests at the unlawful detention of Dr Baghdadi of Libya in Tunisia in the world-wide "Free the People's Secretary, Burn the Banker's Money". The campaign is seeking freedom for the unlawfully detained Secretary-General of the International People's Conference Organization, who is also the General Secretary of the Libyan People's Congress.

In this action from Australia, ten Australian dollars is burnt to draw attention to the plight of the Secretary-General of the International People's Conference Organization, Doctor Baghdadi Mahmoudi, via the "Free the People's Secretary, Burn the Banker's Wealth" campaign. For more information see: