
May 19, 2012

"Things they Don't Do Even In Israel": Another Tale from Free Libya

The following is from the account of a man from Sirte who was released from a Misrata jail following a large bribe.  He's missing his right leg and left arm now, from battle prior to capture. It's not so much what torture he was subjected to as what he witnessed and heard from others that's shocking even to those of us aware of some of what's (at least allegedly) going on in "Free Libya."

 The information comes via a green resistance interview via PAL-talk, which I had to look up. This is the same way the famous Nisrene, "Gaddafi's girl executioner," reportedly got her story out after allegedly escaping. She requested anonymity, but shared but too many details matching a well-known story. I'm not sure of her current status and haven't heard an update. This time again the former prisoner anonymous, and the chat was audio only.

"Things they Don't Do Even In Israel": Another Tale from Free Libya