
Mar 11, 2012

Statement by Secretary Clinton: Libya's National Day

Office of the Secretary of State

On behalf of President Obama and the people of the United States, I congratulate the people of Libya as you mark your National Day on September 1.

Our governments have not always agreed on every issue, but our people share the dream of a safer world, a better life, and a brighter future for our children. 
The United States is committed to working with Libya to achieve these common goals. Although we have only recently reestablished relations between our countries, I hope these new bonds will endure well into the future. We look forward to strengthening the partnership between our governments even as we work through difficult issues, and we seek always to strengthen the friendship between our peoples. 

On this occasion, we honor your history and culture, and I offer the people of Libya our warmest wishes for a happy holiday and a peaceful and prosperous year to come. [1] 
This statement full of warm wishes and intentions was issued in 2010, before Hillary destroyed Libya with depleted-uranium bombs.
 20 October 2011.