
Mar 28, 2012

Report Libya: Clashes in Sabha, real time updates [27.03.2012.]

Source Libya S.O.S. FB page

05h/ NATO-led NTC criminals destroy the port of #Derna

04h/ Continuation of the clashes in #Sabha , and a lot of hit-and-run operations #Libya
3:50h/ Keeb gave a contract worth 60 million dinars to a very controversial egyptian man for cleaning up a garbage in #Tripoli ..

ارجو الانتباه والنـــــــــشر ::/

لقد قام الجرذ الكيب بتوقيع عقد بقيمة 60 مليون دينار (ستين مليون دينار) لتنظيف مدينة طرابلس من القمامة لشخص يدعى (عبدالحكيم المصري) وقد تم توقيع العقد في مزرعة عبدالحكيم المصري باالقربولى وللعلم تحصل هدا الجرد عدة عقود من الكيب والجرذ عبد الحكيم المصري كان يبزنس مع (على ادبيبا) وكان شريكه فى بعض المشاريع وجماعة هذا الجرد عصابة عبدالرحمن قاجة وهو مهرب عمله وغيرهم وغيرهم من الجردان وعبدالحكيم المصري صاحب محل أطفالنا فى شارع الجرابة بن عاشورله شقيق اسمه محمد المصرى ويعمل فى البنك العربى الخارجى والذى سرق ملايين الدولارات وهرب واخرج لنفسه شهادة وفاة من دولة اجنبية وهذا الجرذ دعم الجرذان عندما دخلوا طرابلس بالمال.

3:35/ #Sabha -  March 27, 2012 

03h/ #Sabha - movement direction of the rats

03h/ Heavy clashes in Samnu now (50km from #Sabha ), Tobou fighting for the airport
02:30h/ Photo of pregnant woman who died from indiscriminate shelling of one district by vandals today. We ask God to accept the martyrs

02:20/ News Libyan resistance 24/24 (Libyan intelligence):
Sabha: majority of families migrated to road agricultural Gardah near the station and the men remained. news about the planes by the NTC/NATO bombing them after the Liberals raised the green flag.
02h/  Shortage of nurses in Sabha hospital

01h/ #Libya -Minister of Defence fled to Qatar! 
A member of NTC from Misrata said on TV couple of moments ago that Minister of Defense went to Qatar since the outbreak of conflict in the Sabha, in reply to a question on what is happening in the Sabha today!
01h/ NTC is falling apart like a house of cards. western-imposed "revolution" is a FAILURE
Tobias N. "Real Revolution is never a failure. NATO imperialists insurgency is."
12:30/ #Tripoli airport / Arrival of the 20 wounded people from #Sabha tonight

According to Reuters: Sabha fighter Oweidat al-Hifnawi said government forces had arrived in Sabha and were "in the middle of the clashes".
"We know that they are here to try to solve the problem and not fight," he said. "There are unconfirmed reports that they have retreated out of the city."
12h/  Sabha: Link with photos which were taken before the fight broke out , in front of military council

 This is what Reuters says: Militia clashes in southern #Libya kill nearly 50
12h/ "Local sources confirmed to us that Tuareg in the region of Ubari captured more than 90 Zentan fighters,and siezed all their military equipment!"

12h/ Tripoli -Green Square has been blocked to prevent access to it and Omar Mukhtar Street and patrols on Friday market (Souk Al Jouma) are intensifying
11:50/ #Tripoli -Resistance attacked a checkpoint in Gargaresh
11:45/ 98 Zentan inventory have been arrested in a battle with their weapons - Ubari

11:35/ Internal minister Joweili resigned over the situation in Sabha..

11:30/ NATO bombed Zentan military convoy thinking its Tobou coming out from the desert on the way to Sabha. And the rats which started from Benghazi to get into Sabha, stationed themselves in Jufra, not having enough courage to enter the battle yet?

23h/ Video form hospital in SABHA

23h/ Sabha-violent and indiscriminate aerial bombardments on several areas in the city now.
22h/ Photo-Convoy of armed gangs aka ex-rebels heading to Sabha

21h/ Sabha-violent and indiscriminate aerial bombardments on several areas in the city now.
21h/ The first plane from Sabha with injured people arrived to Tripoli airport shortly before carrying 20 seriously injured and 17 moderately injured.
The first plane from Sabha with injured people arrived to Tripoli airport shortly before carrying 20 seriously injured and 17 moderately injured.
21h/ Photo-Tobou victim from the bombing of Sabha just now. Planes are bombing districts where Tobou are located. There is no hospital for wounded and dead Tobou members.
Photo-Tobou victim from the bombing of Sabha just now. Planes are bombing districts where Tobou are located. There is no hospital for wounded and dead Tobou members.

20h/ There are some reports that clashes between Tobou and Suleiman tribes are happening in Murzuq as well, and that Tobou surrounded them.

(In the same time?!) according to BBC-Escalating military clashes on the border areas between Sudan and South Sudan
BBC-Escalating military clashes on the border areas between Sudan and South Sudan

19h/ Rebels in front of the NATO military council 27-3-2012
Rebels in front of the NATO military council 27-3-2012 Libya news

19h/ TRIPOLI  — When war started hundreds of prisoner escaped from prisons. They are now free criminals and all of them are armed.
 Hundred  of AlQaeda and another  terroristic organisations  joined the rebel frontlines. Several climbed the ranks to become commanders. Many were killed in battle. Others simply fled with weapon, their whereabouts unknown.
 With the proliferation of small arms on Libya’s streets today, the presence of escaped prisoners is a destabilizing force.
 Although these criminals pose one of the biggest threats in the city, old records were destroyed when the Misrata courthouse was bombed by NATO , so they cannot simply re-arrest former inmates, no matter how serious the offense.
They are now free criminals and all of them are armed.

18h/ SABHA - We receive many conflicting reports about Sabha, we will publish all the versions, and hopefully find out the truth in the end.. one more version: "Hi, regarding Sebha. We spoke to people we know and the Tobou  tribe that has taken the airport has many green hearts. 
They were going to hold some people, but when they found out they were from the Gaddaffa and Magrahe tribes they were released. We hear 70 people have been injured. Not everyone in Sebha is fighting them. Please be careful about what is being posted. It is really difficult to know what information to trust so I understand."
17h/ SABHA today 

16h/ TRIPOLI  -no comment..

15h/ SABHA hospital still receives the wounded

14h/ SABHA -  The names of the dead in Sabha 
1 - Abubakar Yusuf Ahmed
2 - Ahmed Ali Boucetta
3 - Ali Abdullah Gamt
5 - Osama Bashir Qayedi
6 - Mohammed Hamad Al-Taib
7 - Abdul Rahman Allam Allam
8 - Ali Black
9 - Gigi Hussein
10 - GhaithAkila
11 - Sanusi Aorkah

Yesterday/#Libya REPORT #SABHA #Sebha - in short -
The Tobu and Tuareg have taken the airport of Sabha. Destroyed planes, so NTC can't escape.
The Tuareg, the Tobu and the Gaddadfa have taken it back together. [@ahmabd55 ]
Sabha Sacking NTC's local council,the Tobou-tribe destroys Militia leader Ali Saleh El Hamat and captures Bahr Eldine
Militia leader Messaoud Mohamed Elhawl got shot through the heart. They try to reanimate him right now.
OuledElAlem-Battallion (pro-NTC) encircled by Tobou-fighters. Zawiya-Militias on their way to prevent the inevitable. [@SaintJust88]
The Tabu and Tuareg have taken the airport of Sabha. Destroyed planes, so NTC can't escape.
#NTC preparing to send tanks to Sabha! Wonder where the world news is.. They are going to massacre like they did in Sirte. #Libya wake up [@ahmabd55 ]