
Feb 4, 2012

WHY THIS VIDEO HAVE 955 VIEWS? Libya, Zliten 8/9 August 2011.

Rape of Libya: Mass funeral in Libya #NATO rebels show no remorse for slaughtered children [09.08.2011.] 
THE lifeless body of a small girl was held up for the cameras yesterday as a morgue attendant shouted: "Is this a soldier?" 
Arwa Atir Juwaidi, 2, was one of scores of people killed in what the Libyan government said was a series of NATO airstrikes close to the frontline town of Zlitan, southeast of Tripoli.
The alliance said it had no evidence of civilian casualties in the attacks overnight on Monday against what it described as a military staging area for forces loyal to dictator Muammar Gaddafi. An official said military casualties were "very likely".
In a war in which information and perception play as important a role as tanks and jets, the images of wooden coffins on the shoulders of grieving men will make uncomfortable viewing in London and Paris. "Our God is Allah. Praise the martyrs for Libya," the men shouted, as some fired their guns into the air at a ceremony in front of a prayer hall in the tiny town of Majar, 10km south of Zlitan.  
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