
Feb 3, 2012

Report Libya 03. February 2012.

24h/ Green resistance on #Libya streets tonight 3-2-2011 Video

23h/ Crusaders are in Libya -  Libyan Rebels Guarding France War Spoil

Two French warships arrived at Tripoli's port carrying navy crewmen who will "train" the Libyan navy guard oil ports, a Libyan (CNT TNC) defense ministry official said.

Foreign states are worried about the Libyan interim government's capacity to secure its Mediterranean coast, which is used as a gateway into Europe for oil exports.

The military ships arrived  to Tripoli to "train" rebels in the Libya and to help in equipping them in order to maintain the security of Libya shores.

Tripoli's port become a graveyard for Libyan warships, which were bombed by NATO during the 2011 aggression to ousted Libya
Libya holds Africa's largest oil reserves. Before the rebelution, Libya pumped some 1.6 million bpd, but NATO aggression brought flows to a standstill, cutting off exports of around 1.3 million to the international market.
Oil output has now risen to 1.3 million bpd.
In December, French army chief of staff Admiral Edouard Guillaud said that France was ready to offer military training to 'new' Libya and is examining ways to boost its co-operation with the new government.

22h/ 40 thousand people are detained in Libya prisons & more than 1.3 million displaced Libyans living under harsh conditions in Egypt, Tunisia, Jordan, Morocco, Syria, Algeria, Niger and Chad
Tunisia (AFP) - A group of human rights from Tunisia, Morocco and France said on Friday ->
21h/ Tripoli night -Closure of the street because of fire 

21h/ Border between Libya & Tunisia is closed now due to security issues on Libyan side, according to Tunisians -only humanitarian emergency cases will be allowed to pass
20h/ Libya Today AbySalim, people protesting against #NTC,

20h/ TRIPOLI - Amercan soldiers landing in Mitiga base. Don't know the numbers
19h/  Tripoli Battles between Green Resistance and NTC- harkis in ElHadaba and GhotChael. Helicopters are spotted by residents. [Algeria ISP]
19h/ BENGHAZI - Benghazi Gun battles in AlFatah area.
17h/  TRIPOLI  - explosion rocked the city  and thick smoke rising in the sky
15h /  200 Girls that were tortured and Forced into prostitution were freed yesterday from North Misrata brigade offices.
14h/ NTC at its best in Sabrata:
 Drugged bystander killed by an even more drugged driver. NATO's Brave New Libya, that is.
13h/ Benghazi Airport staff protests for 13 hours, after being denied any kind of salary for three months now. [Algeria ISP]
12h/ In Italy, in Rome, rebels (the so-called rebels wounded) clashed with each other causing several casualties. Italian police intervened and arrested 16 rebels.
11h/ Celebrations of Prophet's birth with #US fireworks ... no comment

10h/  Salem Al Hassi as head of Libya’s new external intelligence service, the National Transitional Council (NCT)
Information on the Hassi Salem: quoting (Cyrene in Libya, free)
Cyrene was born April 26, 1962 m
Came from Libya opposed to the GadDafi regime in 1981.
Joined the National Front for the Salvation of Libya in 1982
Was the most prominent leaders of the events of 1984.
Edu is the military leadership of the FIS, and the commander of the 106 national army, the head of the Front America.
Resigned from the front year 1993, and became an independent opposition ... was wanted by the Gaddafi regime and offered great sums of money for those who assassinate him.
Hassi Salem holds a Master of Law Edu at Amnesty International
Edu and one of the Organization for Cooperation in the religions of Islam, an adviser-of-Line
Lecturer in Arabic Studies at the University of North Georgia
Director of the Summer Institute of the Arabic language at the University ofNorth Georgia
Professor of Islamic Studies at the Center for Continuing Studies at EmoryUniversity Atlanta
“Salim Elhassi has just come straight from America on the payroll of the CIA and is now head of LIBYAN INTELLIGENCE! The CIA is running Libya.” [like Lizze Phelan said]
A Libyan diplomat ,62 year-old Omar Brebesh, who served as ambassador to France, died less than 24 hours after his arrest in Tripoli by a militia from the western Libyan town of Zintan.
Photographs of Brebesh's body provided by the family show extensive bruising and other wounds.
Abuses including torture, executions, and rape take place in makeshift prisons run by NATO - led NTC criminals.
HRW Investigate Death of Former Envoy to France - >
Updates of Libya S.O.S. resistance news:  03.  February  2012.