
Feb 2, 2012

Massacre of EL-HAMEDI Family, Libya 2011, NATO humanitarian intervention

How NATO Spok about Target a Saif Al Islam close friend [Khaled El-Hamedi]
"no indication of civilian casualties in connection with these strikes."

How NATO Spok about Target a Saif Al Islam close friend [Khaled El-Hamedi]
"no indication of civilian casualties in connection with these strikes."

And we all remember the media insinuations (Of all western Journalists, and all tweets of that western Riox-Journalists and Rebels-twitters Tweets] that Saif was lying and fabricating lies, and this Family Assassination was one more of the Saif Lies! Nobody believed in the Pregnat women and her 3 children bombed by NATO. "NO CASUALITIES" was the Official Truth! [1]
"We [NATO] are not properly informing [Libyan] public opinion which can't compete with Col Gaddafi's daily media propaganda and Nato needs to think about that." Mr Frattini said

SORMAN MASACRE by OTAN - heart is broken
[1] F-Se! The Tragic Story Of a Young Man: Khaled El-Khweldi El-Hamedi, Just because he Is friend Of Saif Al Islam.